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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 181 KB, 895x904, lunar-lander-feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10801842 No.10801842[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guess what, i literally got banned because i made a thread questioning the moon landing, because i felt all the existing footage is ridiculous, the machinery used laughable for space travel and the whole events surrounding the issue are fishy to say the least (woops, we lost all the blueprints, woops, all the tapes lost).

But since i was banned, now i see the truth and i TOTALLY BELIEVE we went to the moon. wowzers, we really went there, and i feel proud of it. the moon, holy shit.

And i dont want to get banned again, so what other topics are forbidden of being questioned or examined in this board?

>> No.10801847

>But since i was banned, now i see the truth and i TOTALLY BELIEVE we went to the moon. wowzers, we really went there, and i feel proud of it. the moon, holy shit.
Good 4 you, OP

>> No.10801857

Have you considered that the ban was not meant to convince you, but because we here at /sci/ are sick of seeing the same stupid thread remade endlessly every day? They also ban IQ threads, race realism threads, and religion vs science threads because people keep making them and the threads are always shit.

>> No.10801860

OP...go to Houston and speak to one of the thousands of retired engineers that worked at NASA at the time. They will tell you the truth. Most of them live in the Clear Lake area.

>> No.10801871

You probably got banned because you used the same points refuted a thousand times that cranks use.

> i felt all the existing footage is ridiculous
Even though the footage matches what's expected in space.

>the machinery used laughable for space travel
The science and engineering behind every machine used in Apollo has been well detailed in schematics and studies and yet no one who have actually looked throught that has come to the same conclusion as you.

>and the whole events surrounding the issue are fishy to say the least (woops, we lost all the blueprints, woops, all the tapes lost)
Accidents happen.

The moon landings DID happen. If they didn't then the Soviets would've revealed it a long time ago. Deal with it.

Here's some more reading that you can do on this topic.

>> No.10801874

>The moon landings DID happen. If they didn't then the Soviets would've revealed it a long time ago. Deal with it.
Not a valid argument

>> No.10801878

Congratulations you fell for neo Marxist propaganda
the moon landing was one of the greatest accomplishments in human history, done by a great capitalist nation. Marxist scum in the US couldn't have that so they started the moon landing conspiracies to discredit it. They were a bunch of liberal arts professors who know nothing of physics or engineering which is why the myths are so nonsensical if you're educated but completely believable if you have a gender studies degree. So fuck off you filthy commie.

>> No.10801879

Yes it is. The Soviets had the ability to track objects around the moon. They had experience in spaceflight and would've figured it out if America was faking it. And revealing the hoax would've been a huge propaganda boost for the Soviets and would hurt American legitimacy against communism.

>> No.10801881
File: 78 KB, 1109x463, gy87p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before you get too far along in your shitposting career, you should think about making an archive folder of all your bans. The best format is a cropped screenshot of your browser window at the moment you get the ban message, and you'll want to mouseover the post link so it puts the offending post also on the screen for others to judge. If you're using windows just hit the PrtSc button on your keyboard, then open mspaint and hit the paste from clipboard button. If you're using linux then you'll obviously be swinging your linux dick and also including a terminal with the scrot command displayed.

>> No.10801886

the US was full of soviet spies at the time. if it was fake they would've jumped at it like candy

>> No.10801888

>I know the Russian intentions and the full relations between Russia and USA
I doubt it. It seems you’re using a bit of faith to make your argument. The burden of proof is on YOU hahaha

>> No.10801892

>soviet russia and the US were fwiends!!!
burn in hell zoomer

>> No.10801898

Make it on /x/, it's on topic there.

>> No.10801901


>> No.10801902

I didn’t say that lol Haha you’re embarrassing yourself at this point just stop you have faith admit it

>> No.10801903

>uhh how do YOU know the Soviets would have done anything in their power to weaken USA hegemony?

>> No.10801904

>It seems you’re using a bit of faith to make your argument.
No. I'm using the entire history of the Cold War.

>The burden of proof is on YOU hahaha
And I met that burden. However you failed to explain how my argument is false, instead you just claim that my argument isn't valid for no reason and then follow it with a false allegation. You have failed. If you're OP, then no wonder you got banned. Your "arguments" are low effort and contribute nothing.

>> No.10801905

go dilate you marxist scum

>> No.10801914
File: 71 KB, 644x800, 1CC77ED7-2BEC-4E43-A08C-58BEC5810C34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t have faith in God but I have faith in what the government and history books tell me! The Russians would definitely publicly expose the fake moon landing, no other scenario is possible! They weren’t bribed, there aren’t aliens, they weren’t secret allies, they weren’t intimidated, the moon landing is REAL!!! Just BELIEVE it it’s SCCCCCIEEENCEEEEE

>> No.10801919

I got no clue about the moon landing, see video below

I've seen multiple examples of this from video supposedly on the ISS. I have no reason to believe the ISS is fake but can someone please explain this to me? It just doesn't make sense.

>> No.10801920

>le strawman

>> No.10801922

>make garbage off topic thread
>gets deleted
>makes another thread to cry about it
Meta threads belong on /qa/
If you can't figure out what makes something math and science related you probably shouldn't be making threads here in the first place.

>> No.10801923

this is your brain on a gender studies degree

>> No.10801938

I don't believe that the moon landings were faked, but I think I can make better arguments for it than you can. How can you suck so much?

>> No.10801950
File: 603 KB, 1700x1360, space1540697939200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded cunt

>> No.10801952

good thread

>> No.10801960

these are all actors.

>> No.10801964

cool art installation.

>> No.10801967

die in a fire commie scum

>> No.10801968

you were banned for spamming

>> No.10801977

their faces are identical to real astronauts on the ISS. You saying Russia faked these videos, used CGI to superimpose faces of real astronauts, then made them intentionally fake looking to sew distrust in NASA and the ISS? Occam would like to have a word with you.

>> No.10801978

>cool art installation
And your evidence is?...

>> No.10801985

Wait, the guy in the USMC shirt snags the edge of the pants of the guy spinning. That means it's fake ... why?

>> No.10801986
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, spacex1556990876562.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10802007

he grabbed an invisible wire and pulled the other dude towards him. There's lots of videos like this where invisible wires are evident. Usually it happens during "live" Q and A sessions. You can't erase or edit what happens on a live broadcast.

>> No.10802021

Well, you say that, but that's not what I see. He grabbed at him and got the edge of his pants.

If there is a were there, then the spinning guy's left arm and the microphone cable have the ability to pass through a wire.

Yeah, if you look at the half second where he snags the guys pants, you can say "Oh fuck, there could be a wire there." If you look at the whole video, and everything that happens, you see that is nonsense.

>> No.10802028
File: 251 KB, 2048x1365, spacexD941HfdWsAAOgrn.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain your spatial reasoning explaining apparent effortless and unimpinged levitation in an arrangement of "invisible wires". show where the wires are, suggest what they attach to, how many there are, and what material they are made of

provide a drawing of a harness that is low profile enough not to appear on any videos but also padded enough that the wearer isn't injured or in great pain wearing it and being dragged around by it

>> No.10802029

One of my favorite vids from ISS, since conspiritards are posting some.

The way the water behaves is cool as fuck, and watching the guy's wristwatch is very satisfying.


>> No.10802047

>Soijack poster