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10797111 No.10797111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Real Anal.
Tits Groups
Ass. Algebras
Hairy balls theorem
Anything else?

>> No.10797117
File: 72 KB, 384x594, 6A72BCFA-9980-4867-AB41-775D37F58E5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips Theorem

>> No.10797120

I don't get it.
Are they all useful to geometers?
How about this one: Symplectic homology.

>> No.10797122

Complex Anal and open and closed balls

>> No.10797129

Cock-Sucker machine

>> No.10797156

Might as well add functional anal then

>> No.10797168

Fuzzy set and Wiener space

>> No.10797175

Don’t forget the Koch snowflake

>> No.10797180
File: 124 KB, 640x1051, 07B03508-838A-4061-B1A1-2AC8034A5265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based wiener

>> No.10797186

Buridan’s Ass Paradox

>> No.10797210
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They say the Cosmic Censorship Conjecture (CCC) is about black holes but actually it is about the government.

>> No.10797211

Does this have to do with your anal implants?

>> No.10797222
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does your post have to do with your affiliations with those whose rape activities got the implants in there to begin with?

>> No.10797224

Fuch's Deep and Hard Anal.

>> No.10797225

Tooker I don't think those are implants (unless you can show proof of it inside of you). If you are feeling "rape pains" you may actually have soe kind of infection and NEED to go to the doctor.

Don't die on us buddy.

>> No.10797233
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>> No.10797237

Tooker, I am not joking. Can you go to the doctor and get that checked? Why do you not go? If I actually felt rape pains in my ass I would be incredibly alarmed and scared and would go to a doctor immediately. Why do you just ignore it?

>> No.10797259
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It says fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Why do you just ignore it?

>> No.10797262

I fear God Tooker. But I also fear you may actually die. Dude just go to a doctor and get that checked.

>> No.10797267


>> No.10797276
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Aside from me, there is no God.
Do you believe it?

>> No.10797283

Yeah I believe it. I also believe you should go to a doctor.

>> No.10797284
File: 83 KB, 800x450, TIMESAND___244aafgvlq24fle61ffewswwgqtu3yinnjetthhhgh15415qqz7j3ft37cj37cjc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to me then, the Lord your God: I don't believe you when you say you are afraid of me.

>> No.10797287

Well, I unironically am.

>> No.10797289
File: 22 KB, 413x310, TIMESAND___0r67gergqh93vkoikbkqrthht4548wgwt42tqthqrthdc6rm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I don't think you're going to be the judge of your own actions on the day of the Lord. My judgement is that you don't fear me at all.

>> No.10797293

Ok man. Does this mean you are going to go to a doctor?

>> No.10797298
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It means I will send you to hell. I will make hell on Earth, a literal place out in the boonies somewhere, just to send your kind into it.

>> No.10797307

Okay man, I'm calling it. You are going to die. You are going to die and it won't be because of Helene, or the 18 cowboys, or the 28 US Marines. You are going to die for being a fucking retard and ignoring the anal pains in your rectum that you actually described as the feeling of being raped by a 12 inch cock. You have some kind of severe infection (as I doubt your schizophrenia could produce you real pain, but a mix of your schizophrenia + infection pains could easily make you believe in anal implants and cowboys) and you are just ignoring it like a moron.

Fuck man I hate to say this but you are dead. I think that on this same date on 2020 you won't be here. Rest in peace man. I actually don't want you to die but you are too far gone. At least let it be known that I tried to save you. I actually tried helping you. This is more than any piece of shit in this board can say. They all just tortured you. BUT I TRIED HELPING.

>> No.10797315
File: 95 KB, 640x732, TRINITY___Serpent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mock me. Even if you don't, my perception is that you mock me. My perception is the only thing that matters.

>> No.10797322

I actually tried talking to you respectfully and with dignity but you only kept rambling about me going to hell. As I said, I tried.

>> No.10797330
File: 29 KB, 657x327, TIMESAND___zbq456fg4fefllloo99folpdkoohggqreh72k67egb22hqqthqrt2ty90heuthwf1theth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're not afraid of me after all.

>> No.10797338

I am actually afraid of you. For many reasons but let's state the main one: you are a fucking lunatic. You keep talking about wanting to kill us and I don't know why. Whatever pain /sci/ has inflicted on you is peanuts compared to all the other bullshit other people have done to you. Why you decide to spend your days here rambling about hell instead of picking up a gun and going Columbine on your real enemies is anyone's guess.

>> No.10797351
File: 46 KB, 836x422, TIMESAND___19jwcvwr66fwwdukwwehirulloo99folpdkoohggqreh72k67egfy90heuthwf1theth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does something about what I've written lead you believe that I want to give you the mercy of a shooting death? Do you not see that my intention is to to inflict horrible malice on you before I let you die?

>> No.10797355

Fuck you, you fucking piece of shit.

>> No.10797367
File: 49 KB, 839x393, TIMESAND___zbq456f2sg4fefllloo99folpdkoohgkgjkl3h72k67egb22hqqthqsrt2ty90heuthwf1theth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your real enemies
you all here on this website, those who ridicule me, you are real my enemies. As much if not more than the ones who send you to do it, you that actually do it are my real enemies. I will be exalted, and all of you who spoke against me will suffer.

>> No.10797370

You couldn't inflict pain on a toddler

>> No.10797371

Dude he's actually fucked in the head, don't take it so personally.

>> No.10797374
File: 39 KB, 855x399, TIMESAND___zbbbkgjteho48h72kq45gwflbbkgjteho48h7bbkgjteho48h72kki737w67egb2oeth7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I believe you mean what you say. Earlier, I didn't.

Pic related, you who actually speak the words against me, your crimes are among the greatest crimes. If not for you, who would Satan send to speak such words? Certainly he himself is too smart to ever say such things.

>> No.10797382

But could I send someone to do it without giving it a second thought?

>> No.10797383

Tooker you are a fucking retard. Here's something you need to get through your thick schizophrenic homosexual ASS FINGERER skull: THERE IS NO ONE, AND I MEAN FUCKING NO ONE, NOT EVEN YOUR FUCKING MOTHER YOU DISGRACEFUL PIECE OF SHIT, WHO CARES ABOUT YOU OUTSIDE OF THIS BOARD.

Do you know what you have? You have this board and THAT'S IT. No one likes you. No one loves you. NOT EVEN YOUR MOTHER TOOKER. That's the reality. You are a fucking sad piece of fucking shit and this board pays you attention only because it's fun seeing a retard like you get what he deserves. As I said, you are probably going to die from an ass infection, probably due to you fingering yourself so much as you mentioned in a previous thread. You'll die like a ROACH.

>> No.10797388
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>> No.10797399

Jesus Christ m8. How about you and I go down to the hospital and we can laugh at the kids with cancer.
You're just feeding his delusions of persecution. You know you don't have to reply to him, right?
You're throwing tantrums about how nobody will love him. He's ill, what's your excuse?

>> No.10797408

>He's ill, what's your excuse?
I guess that out of all of you, I'm the one graceful enough to try to break Tooker and try to make him realize the shit situation he has put himself in. If you want a man to go to a hospital maybe you need to shoot his leg.

>> No.10797416

You really don't know anything about schizophrenia, do you?
Yeah, it sucks that we can't do anything except view him on our computer screens, but yelling at him isn't going to be the "tough love" bullshit your ignorant ass thinks it is.
Like I said, all you're doing in feeding his delusions of persecution and exacerbating his issues.
You're like the grown man you see at Walmart yelling at his severely autistic son.

>> No.10797421

>He's ill,
Even this will get your whole family into it.
If you were afraid, you wouldn't write anything that could be misconstrued. On top of that, I'm not misconstruing what you wrote when it offends me.

>> No.10797425

Do you want to know what I know? That Tooker was not always like this. We call him a schizo but what is he really? He was doing well in grad school no less until he got kicked out for sexually harassing two girls. My bet is that he is just an egomaniac who cannot see his own faults (really obvious from his posts) and just rationalizes everything until he is free of guilt. That is why Tooker he became insane the moment he got kicked out of grad school. He had to made a whole government conspiracy (read his biography, supposedly the government wanted to stop him from getting a girlfriend) to explain why those two girls reported him for rape. And yeah, at least I can say that he is a victim of the SJW hellhole we live in right now but God damn man you need to FIGHT sometimes.

Maybe I'm just angry because I see some of myself on Tooker and it fucks with me that he's so fucked.

>> No.10797470

>he got kicked out for sexually harassing two girls
That never happened. The crime I was accused of was "being scary." The GT student code has something about "making feel unsafe" as if I am the one in charge of what some woman's menstruation tells her to feel. One woman went home with me and I tried to fuck her. She said no and I brought her back to school. I went home with the other woman, she said no and I left. With the other women I met in college, there was no confusion about why were heading back to the private residence together it was obviously to fuck. However, after I went to that Occupy Protest and handed out literature with my GT email address, although it had been six and 18 months since the alleged scariness took place, their two complaints appeared simultaneously right after I went to the protest. They did not accuse me of insisting after they told me no, and they did not accuse me of harassing them. They accused me of being scary. They both said that they were afraid to be on campus with me. I think one also said I pinched her ass, which was true. I did pinch her ass on our date, and it was perfectly appropriate. She did not ask me to stop, and I did not insist when she pulled away from me. The inappropriate thing was for her to go on a date with me and then go home with me, and then say that she was scared because I tried to fuck her. Also, note that there was no problem until I went to the protest.

>> No.10797478

Yes, Tooker, I know and I am defending you. That's why I mentioned you are a victim of this SJW hellhole we are all living under right now. Unironically like living in Nazi Germany. Now that I have your attention, maybe you need to consider that it happening during Occupy was just a coincidence.

Remember, this is how things work. Do you know about Kavanaugh? He got accused like 30 years after it "happened". Same with Trump, he runs for president and suddenly everyone and their mother got raped by Trump 50 years ago. It's all bullshit. But you need to wake up and join us in the fight.

But regardless. I will take this opportunity to say that I'm sorry for saying bad things about you and being a bad person in general to you. I just think you have genuine talent as a physicist and it fucking sucks that you are now inside your shell and never allow yourself to just come back.

>> No.10797486

>maybe you need to consider that it happening during Occupy was just a coincidence.
Where do you, you miserable infidel who should burn forever without dying, get the notion that I have discounted the possibility of it being merely a coincidence?

>I'm sorry
I don't care if you're sorry. Being a sorry sack of shit isn't a license to do whatever you want and escape my justice.

>> No.10797490

>Where do you, you miserable infidel who should burn forever without dying, get the notion that I have discounted the possibility of it being merely a coincidence?

Then why do you always mention it like if it had relevance? Tooker, you are just a victim of feminism. Plain and simple.

>I don't care if you're sorry. Being a sorry sack of shit isn't a license to do whatever you want and escape my justice.

Well, I guess I deserve this much.

>> No.10797493

>Then why do you always mention it like if it had relevance?
Because it does have relevance.

>> No.10797495

>I guess I deserve this much.
You deserve so much more. I know you're not going to kill yourself, and you won;t kill your family, and that you will fall into my hands as a devout unbeliever.

>> No.10797496

But it is just a coincidence. Trust me, the government is not out to get you. This is true. Take that weight off your shoulders, there is no one going for you.

>> No.10797498

>Trust me

>> No.10797499

Yeah, I guess this time I was actually mean to you. I just wish you would not default to saying you want to kill me even when I was trying to help you. You know? Mutual respect man. I know I don't deserve it now but at least I did before.

>> No.10797504

Fair enough but dude just think about it. Why would the government want to get you? You are just a private citizen and no offense but you have no power (just like me). Not to mention that right now the president is Trump who would probably be on your side.

>> No.10797509
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When God told Abraham to kill his son, Abraham obeyed God. I am commanding you to kill your family and then yourself. Will you follow Abraham's example, or will you brazenly rebel against my command for all the world to see?

>> No.10797512

>kill your family
Your family except for me, for am I not the person in your family that you hate the most?

>> No.10797514

Okay Took. I'm not going to insult you.

>> No.10797523

How dare you place demands on me, that created you?

>> No.10797524
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Calling me that is an insult. Every breath you draw is an insult. Every living moment of every person in your family, all of them except for me, is an insult.

Will you be like Abraham? Or will you be like Satan?

>> No.10797541
File: 73 KB, 786x590, TIMESAND___uewhyth867i367ibbkjwwx5cvw6rthwyjkgjteh7i6ye7494h74cyx5ew8h7b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is I that created you, you ignorant fool. Pic related, even now after all your hours of dedicated trolling, and after all those resources you invested in shitting on me when you could have put them to help me, you're still too stupid to see how it works.

There is no hope for you.

>> No.10798224
File: 30 KB, 690x388, دسار في القاع.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10799380

How tall are you Took?

>> No.10799629
File: 2.49 MB, 675x900, TRINITY___Where_Beef.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I more than 6'1" enough that it rounds to 6'2" but I am not quite 6'2". If I have shoes on, however, then I am more than 6'2".

>> No.10799651


>> No.10799660

Dr. Chaddington, how many bunnies have you slammed in that room? Must be in the hundreds.

>> No.10799670
File: 250 KB, 300x450, TIMESAND___Cover_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy my book

>> No.10799676

I don't want to buy your book, I want to buy your fucking workout plan.

>> No.10799700
File: 72 KB, 400x300, TIMESAND_SEXE-GERMAN-CUMMIN-4-ME-BOOTY-oWo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

public bathroom pen0r sucks for eight hours a day goddamnit gotta suck big to get big CMON
-t. Your god

>> No.10799708

>buy your fucking workout plan.
When you're buying my book, you should buy Rip's book too. Don't forget to eat a lot. If you aren't getting bigger you're not eating enough.

>> No.10799711

Do you think I'd fall for a Liquid Tooker? AFTER ALL THESE YEARS? I can smell the fakes from a mile away.

>> No.10799712
File: 17 KB, 194x260, TIMESAND___0r67gegyte4141z3x143q7687548wgwuyb7tjlt42tqthqrt487miuhfrdsm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rip's book

>> No.10799716

No I'm not buying your book, I don't know how to read.

Just kidding, I already told you I'll buy your book if I get the job I want. Pray for me Took, I already applied. I'm scared because it's a kinda SJW company so because I'm male they are probably laughing at me.

>> No.10799717

Anyone can be tooker if they try hard enough at certain things.
Not learning math, don't try at that if you want to be tooker.

>> No.10799729

kek good thread

>> No.10799730

Damn so you are for real training. No homo but you look good in >>10799629 Tooker I mean GOD DAMN. You are probably the most attractive man on /sci/ no homo.

>> No.10799737
File: 20 KB, 480x480, TRINITY___GedaliaGershon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my strike out record with the ladies is still above 99%, somehow. (It's because my enemies are farming a culture that teaches their daughters to hate men like me.) Pic related got me ZERO swipes on Tinder.

>> No.10799745

Well Tooker that's because women are retarded. A man like you deserves some good pussy. I think you should leave Tinder entirely and find other ways to socialize with girls but if you must then I'd suggest switching profiles to something that shows those GUNS you have strapped to your arms GOD DAMN.

I also suggest you try working on your hair more. In >>10799737 you look sexy and masculine, you look ROUGH, but that's not what women want anymore. Women want fake rough. Women want you to make that alpha male face, but also while having perfectly styled hair so I suggest you look into some simple ways to style it a bit more.

>> No.10799746

Don't forget good old Group Action

>> No.10799755
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I never will. Nor will I forgive it.

>> No.10799761
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>> No.10799763
File: 13 KB, 235x214, TIMESAND___2434aafgvlq24fle61ffewswwgqtu3yijnnjetthhhgh15415qqz7j3ft37cj37cjc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10799870

love this one

>> No.10801385

Its Cox-Zucker

>> No.10801542

Lip Shits function

>> No.10801693

Mathematicians confirmed for overgrown children stuck in the anal phase of development.