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10796785 No.10796785[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are dentists just people too dumb to go to medical school?

>> No.10796826

Yeah, vets too

>> No.10796829

More like not sociopathic enough.

>> No.10796992

Not necessarily. Dentists can be people that wanted to be a doctor without having to deal with the misery/burnout that regular doctors have to deal with. Most dentists work 35-45 hours a week. How many doctors get that much work life balance? There's a reason why ~2/3rds of doctors say they wouldn't recommend becoming a doctor to their kids.

>> No.10797043

Depends on what type for either.

>> No.10797561

No they're actually smarter people who realized they can get much more money and enjoyable lifetime for working less.

>> No.10797564

Fuck you, I know plenty of veterans smart enough for med school.

>> No.10797724

Vets train 7 years to be able to legally execute animals. you'd think the sociopaths would become vets

>> No.10797727

meant for >>10796829

>> No.10798001


>> No.10798003

you know you can delete posts, right?

>> No.10798012

does it matter?

>> No.10798017

Yes, it takes up less space and is more coherent. If you make a spelling error, do you write the correctly spelled word next to it or do you erase and rewrite? You'll go out of your way to correct it, why not just perfect it?

>> No.10798022

What makes you think dentists can't speak

>> No.10798068

The gravy train for new dentists has passed. But for mature denialist a this is true.

>> No.10798074

> dentists in the US don't ho to medical school
Big lmao from me

>> No.10798077

Too greedy, not too dumb.

>> No.10798091

No, dentists are people making sensible career decisions.

>> No.10798097

The distinction between psychopathy and sociopathy is a meme. Scientifically, the correct would be anti-social personality disorder. As they are both wrong, one can use them interchangeably.

>> No.10798106
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>> No.10798109

>without having to deal with the misery/burnout that regular doctors have to deal with.
Honestly having to be inside the fucked up mouths of strangers for the rest of your life sounds like a fate worse than death.

>> No.10798112

Usual differentiation is the psychopath thinks it's the right thing to do to dominate, manipulate and exploit, if they consider the rightness of their actions at all. A sociopath knows they are doing wrong, they just don't give a fuck. They are like pianos with different keys having broken strings. They give different 'blank' responses to different stimuli.

The psycho's mind is fucked, the sociopath has no ethical mechanism at work. Both are stuck at the infantile level of seeing all things as either obstacles or tools, the sociopath knows that's a shitty way to be but can't actually care. The psycho doesn't even really get how shitty that is.