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File: 92 KB, 679x516, Triangle of Arguing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1079537 No.1079537 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys think that there's no god? I mean, there's more proof that he exists than that he doesn't exist. And it's just plain easier to live when you think that there's a god which can help you.
Picture unrelated.

>> No.1079550

>I mean, there's more proof that he exists than that he doesn't exist.

That's a pretty bold statement, without giving any supporting evidence. And "It's just plain easier" doesn't make it true. Rather a bothered Socrates than a happy fool.

>> No.1079557

There is no proof that a god exists. The origin of everything can be everything via natural processes. Once a god becomes necessary, I have no problem entering him into the equation.

>> No.1079564

>Feeding trolls from /b/

>> No.1079567

It doesn't really matter if it's true. If you have no proof that the god doesn't exist (and you don't have any) AND it's simpler to believe that god doesn't exist it's preferable to believe that he does exist.

>> No.1079580

About the proofs:
Proofs that god exist:
-The Byble.
Proofs that god doesn't exist:
-none except for some bullshit like "other possibilities seem to be more likely"

>> No.1079586


you're an ass hat

>> No.1079591
File: 21 KB, 259x471, passionthebh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But by that logic you can believe anything if you're convinced it will make you feel better.

>> No.1079595


Watch the whole thing. Let me know what you think you're finished.

>> No.1079609

I know about that wager. That's also one of the reasons why it's better to believe in the god.

>> No.1079614

I like your picture, OP. Either you're an troll or you're young.

>> No.1079616

Okay, which god?

>> No.1079620


How can you respond after watching the whole clip one minute later if the clip is six minutes long?

>> No.1079623
File: 85 KB, 750x600, MAC OS X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of them from the position of the wager.
Picture not related.

>> No.1079627

Because I have read about that wager earlier and I know the point of it.

>> No.1079644

>picture not related

Actually, it is.

If you decide to use Mac OS and it does make you gay, you become gay, an infinite loss.

If you decide not to use Mac OS and it would make you gay, you do not become gay, an infinite gain.

Yet, if you decided to use Mac OS and it didn't make you gay, there is no gain or loss at all.

Don't use Mac OS.

>> No.1079647




>> No.1079658


Yeah, but the video isn't supporting the wager, it's providing a counterargument to it.

>> No.1079675

That's a really bad position to take. If we were talking about a few gods to chose from, then you'd have a point. Unfortunately, there's more than you can imagine.

Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are the obvious ones, right? But you also have to account for all the roman and greek gods, the egyptian gods, all the african gods, the ancient chinese gods, whatever beliefs any atheistic religions might have. None of these have any verifiable proof that they are the right one, so they all have the exact same chance of being true. Picking just one is tough, so this wager isn't looking so good anymore.

Also, since religions are constantly being made up and new gods constantly being imagined....not only must the wager account for all the gods that have existed, or currently exist, but the infinite amount of gods we'll imagine in the future.

Religion isn't even the only explanation for our existence. Maybe we're all just a dream of a sleeping alien. Maybe we're a science experiment in a petri dish of some other being in another dimension. Maybe this is all virtual reality. Maybe you're a brain in a vat. None of these have any proof that they're true, but they have just as much a chance of being real as any god you might chose, so they must be accounted for.

Now please explain to me how believing in one of these situations is easier than believing there's no god?

>> No.1079679

There's a finite ammount of gods, therefore choosing any of them is better than choosing none.
Proove me wrong.

>> No.1079689

Read my third paragraph

>> No.1079699

It is sily to think that future gods can be true. Only gods immagined before humans started recording everything can be real.

>> No.1079700

Listen, everybody. Christianfag here. There is no proof that God exists beyond the experience that I go through every time I pray. And that could very well just be my mind's way to reconcile for the lack of God's existence. But there is even less proof that a God does not exist (none). There is no point arguing about it.
protip: be agnostic

>> No.1079708

Plus the universe will live for finite ammount of time and within finite ammount of time finite ammount of living beings can immagine finite ammount of gods.

>> No.1079719

That's your opinion now. If I make up a religion right now, there's no reason to suspect it won't be considered seriously in a few hundred years.

>> No.1079723

It's just plain easier to not care.

I don't know if there is a god, I don't care.

>> No.1079735

y'all heretics postin in a trinity thread

>> No.1079747

>christianfag here

Stopped reading there.

>> No.1079751
File: 245 KB, 602x552, 1273421827891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1079848


OP status

[ ] not told
[ ] told

>> No.1079852


So if there is a god he must have revealed himself before we were able to read and write, and whatever understanding they had of him then with their limited grasp of the workings of the universe must be the correct one?

Also, wouldn't that mean Hinduism is the most likely religion to be the correct one, since it's the oldest surviving one? It's way older than any of the Abrahamic religions.

>> No.1079991

>no proof he doesn't exist
Well obviously, that's a devil's proof.
>there's more proof that he exists
No, there is just as much, none.

>> No.1080044
File: 57 KB, 400x400, Napkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail napkin!

>> No.1080108

read up on pascal's wager and what's wrong with it

>> No.1080118


It's already been posted in the thread. He didn't watch the whole thing.

>> No.1080129
