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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10795236 No.10795236 [Reply] [Original]

How do I "think" faster?

I feel as though I'm have great comprehension, but in terms out mental output by speed, I'm definitely subpar. People always finish their tests before me. It's sad.

What can I do to mitigate or reverse this disappointing trend?

>> No.10795238


>> No.10795240

>How do I "think" faster?

>> No.10795249

In my heart I knew this to be true, yet still I hoped /sci/ might have had a trick up their sleeve for me.

It's just so disheartening seeing folks appear to exert less effort than me and still preform better.

I did adderall as a kid. I think that made it worse now that I'm off it desu.

>> No.10795252


remember to always use the resources available to you if you have a question like this before you make another useless thread

>> No.10795263
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Thank you anon.
You are simultaneously helpful and cold.

Frankly, light discussion with intelligent internet strangers helps keep me sane, and that's part of why I made the thread. Lol

But I understand your point of view, and will apply your advice in the future. Enjoy the rest of your morning.

>> No.10795373

Read, learn the meaning of words

>> No.10797544

But what about abstract thinking as in math?

>> No.10797563

Vocabulary tests, and concept matching or associating tests are intrinsically linked and very g loaded (even more than Raven matrices). This is actually good advice.

>> No.10797572

I had no idea, thank you anon!

>> No.10797580
File: 87 KB, 510x908, TIMESAND___CentcomFusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What can I do to mitigate or reverse this disappointing trend?
Kill everyone who thinks it's disappointing.

These fags with their, "He can't even answer a question," bullshit are so gay they don't even realize that their gay faggot egotization is not a question at all, and it's just some gay shit they made up for their gay orgy club. If some old man gets a weird vibe in the lemon party, then it's important that he can overcome it come real quick because, if not, then the weird vibe could spread and all the old men will lose their boners. Other than that, who cares if a vibe is a weird? Vibes come and go, and these faggots with their, "He can't even dispell a weird vibe in 0.2 seconds," are just gay and their fascination with semen and erectile dysfunction makes them blind to the fact that are unable to judge whether or not I can do something when I have no motivation to even try to do that thing. Me not doing something and me being unable to do something are two different things.

I could arrange five watermelons on top of thirty-six purple crayons while singing happy birthday, but I have no desire to do so. To the faggots who think crayons and watermelons and happy birthday are real important, they prefer to say that I can't because it is too much for them to entertain the notion that I simply have no interest in happy birthday watermelon crayons. They cannot possibly wrap their gay demented minds around the very real truth that happy birthday watermelon crayons have jack shit to do with anything meaningful in the universe, pic related.

Every weird vibe I ever got in my life went away on its own, no help needed from me.

>> No.10797767

Based schitzo poster.

I will try my best to internalize your somewhat incoherent advice, thank you.

>> No.10799329

Smol bump