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1079037 No.1079037 [Reply] [Original]

If I want to take a spaceship of newage pioneers to the next naturally inhabitable planet, what kind of courses should I take?

Please give helpful answers and don't pretend like this isn't a possible choice for my future.

>> No.1079042

what planet did you have in mind? Probably go with Aerospace engineering.

>> No.1079071

I'm not sure yet. As far as I know the nearest thing to inhabitable is some p.o.s. planet about 500 light years away.

Destination is presently unimportant.

>> No.1079076

I'm not worried about making it to the planet so long as I can provide my family of humans a good start.

>> No.1079083


>> No.1079086


>> No.1079093


If you want to BUILD the spaceship but not ride on it, Aerospace engineering.

If you want to ride in it, join the army as a pilot. Eventually you could move your way up to a rocket shuttle pilot for Nasa (assuming youre an amerifag btw)

>> No.1079094

You or them?

If them, courses are out of the question. Students are too reliant on the enormous infrastructure we all sit on to function, they won't last a month. You want the high school dropout who got a honorary physics PhD anyway, the reformed criminal who started a successful restaurant chain after getting out of jail, the dumpster diving basement dweller who writes viruses for a hobby and the guy who didn't even get in college, but build a small agri juggernaut from his grandpas tiny farm.

You want people who can improvise. If possible, giving them a short crash course in the history and philosophy aspects of their chosen expertise could help avoid mistakes Earth made.

>> No.1079111


Military pilots have no advantage over anyone else in the selection of astronauts.

>> No.1079114

If it's you, history, politics, rhetoric, some philosophy, basic military science, HR and education stuff.

>> No.1079127

To be honest my intentions are very naive and self-centered. I plan to spend my funds in an attempt to leave this shit hole. Disguised as a genuine hero of space travel and human advancement they may just let me leave.

Cryogenics sounds amazing though, I don't have to leave the planet just the time period I was born in.

>> No.1079131

Well realistically you would have to venture to the planet on a huge ship and everyone on the ship would have to try to reproduce. This cycle would continue until you reach the planet like 3-4 generations later, requiring tons of resources. This is also assuming you're travelling at the speed of light too.

>> No.1079147

Well, if you're going alone, it's pretty much a hike in the woods and eventually you starve to death alone and unloved on some bullshit dustball of a planet.

If you bring anyone at all you better be very good at social interaction and manipulating people. Seeing as how you're on 4chan, you couldn't manipulate a teenage girl out of a paper bag, literally, so you are worse than hopeless.

>> No.1079184

Trolling aside...

This would be ideal. I'm not sure what knowledge I would need to support a cycle of 50 or more people through space. I'm certain a majority of space on the ship would be designated to replenishing resources, and the life of individuals will have to be down played and staggered appropriately to prevent using the resources inappropriately.

>> No.1079233
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>Your face when you realized Earth is a space ship and the government down plays our lives and uses war to prevent overuse of resources.

>> No.1079277
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Trolling aside. Ensuring proper breeding pattern to minimize retards is a piece of cake. You could figure it out with very basic knowledge of genetics, perhaps hs level. Not even that if someone did it for you and handed you a guidebook. If you have equipment to actually do blood tests or whatever on board, your guidebook would have some extra 50 pages and you need to learn how to take blood, but still no problem.

Controlling all those people in that crazy a situation, and retaining your authority would be a significant challenge, hence my comment regarding social skills. Like it or not, this band of colonists would probably devolve into something resembling a nightmarish frat house.

>> No.1079316

By the way, I was talking about skills you need after setting out, because frankly for something this big the government should definitely open applications for everyone, possibly even come up with a specialized multiyear training course which is required for application.