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10790069 No.10790069 [Reply] [Original]

>have mediocre high school grades
>decide to spend first two years in CC to get GPA to transfer to good school
>have 3.45 GPA when ready to transfer
>Texas A&M demands 3.5 GPA
>Next best at Texas Tech requires a fucking 2.5 minimum
I could have gone there out of highschool. basically going to CC was a total waste. How important is program exclusivity to my success? how do I cope?

>> No.10790160

Apply anyways? Take a break and get some interrnship experience to pad your application?

>> No.10790166
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Do one more semester at the community college and get straight A+s to raise your GPA to what you need to get into Texas A&M.
You will end up wasting some time and credits but at least you won't have regrets later on in life.

>> No.10790900

Is 3.5 for a specific major? Because on this page it says 2.5 is the minimum for Texas A&M. http://admissions.tamu.edu/transfer/apply

>> No.10790911

>3.5 minimum for A&M
lel no. Those kids are idiots, maybe for nuclear engineering, their program is amazing.
do >>10790166, by far best advice youll get.

>> No.10791021

It's for EE.
Ironically TT requires a 3.0 for a transfer, as if a college GPA is less valuable than one from highschool.
I don't think I really have that option, unfortunately. I guess I could have gone for mech engineering at A&M but that doesn't sound as good to me.

>> No.10791052

I’d say sticking with your intended major is probably a better idea than not. Assuming you’re planning on going to grad school, I’d advise prepping well in advance to better your selection variety and odds.

>> No.10791093

>Assuming you’re planning on going to grad school, I’d advise prepping well in advance to better your selection variety and odds.
what do you suggest for this? I would be willing but I'm not sure I am intelligent enough for grad school, especially in something like EE.

>> No.10791109

Just stop being an autistic fuck, talk to admissions, and ask if they can let you in with 3.45. Offer to prove that you know the stuff. Talk to the professors in your department, get letters of recommendation from your cc professors, etc

>> No.10791147

Well prepping for the GRE is a good first step. That will give you an indication of how well you’ll fare.

>> No.10791251

Apply anyway. If your science grades are good you can probably still get in by only considering those vs any useless humanities weighing you down.

Fat chance tho. Went to A&M. If your cc is like A&M you'll sometimes be using those tarded ass humanity courses as study halls for your real classes

>> No.10791273


I went through a similar situation

>Shitty HS grades
>Went to CC but got a 3.8
>Still chose TTU cause of scholarships were more generous and I was poor
>Work my ass off and graduate with a ~4.0 GPA at TTU and multiple internships in Engineering
>6 figs entry level job
>Have TAMU and UT colleagues and perform just as good if not better

Where you go to school matters to a degree but most of it will depend on how you perform

>> No.10791288

this is the only solution op hear this guy

>> No.10791308

>>graduate with a ~4.0 GPA at TTU and multiple internships in Engineering
How did you do that? I'm barely passing in my physics and calculus courses no matter how much I've studied.

>> No.10791331

well then your method of studying is shite

>> No.10791352


It’s honestly just putting the time and effort, if you’re already doing that then you may have to change studying methods cause it’s not being effective. I’m not very bright, but if I study something long enough I can measure up to just about anyone. Find your way anon, you got this.