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File: 59 KB, 630x322, autism-Illustration630b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10786738 No.10786738 [Reply] [Original]

Is autism the next stage of human evolution?

>> No.10786744

No. It's brain damage and occasionally interesting adaptation to that damage. Otherwise, maladaptation.

>> No.10786751
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1556387695282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a number of variables you failed to account for in your assertion which in turn invalidates your claim of neurological superiority.

Here is a list for you to assess without jumping to ignorant generalizations.

Another way to put this, there are a number of variables responsible for the mass influx of entitlement and abandonment of exploration,determination, and conviction. One of such being the abundance of distractions and culture which glorifies chasing dopamine triggers. Your comment is one of which that contributes to said variables in a communal sense by reinforcing the idea that the masses are lazy, and in turn conditions those who try to be like the masses into following suit with said generalization. It also reinforces the idea that unless someone is "Autistic" they cannot contribute to society in a meaningful way thereby further stifling the seeds of originality and creativity for those who would seek to add something to the melting pot that is this world.

>> No.10786754

Probably not because it tends to come with being unable to read or interpret emotions/intentions of others on a society where our brain development gave us an advantage at being able to communicate and interact with other people.

>> No.10786804

Hmm, interesting. I've actually been working on brain enhancing software that works by inducing autism.

>> No.10786816

Is it this post?

>> No.10786822

Early clamping of the umbilical cord potentiates worse autism.

>> No.10786836

Nah, autism has always been a thing since prehistory. Its mainly the autismos that are progressing human kind, so in a way, you can say they're the lucky(and unlucky for those not high-functioning)

>> No.10786879

It would actually be the opposite of what you have proposed in the picture. The Autistic brain is very ridged and unwelcoming to change. Once a pattern is set, the Autistic brain will do anything in its power to keep that pattern going. They like predictability, this is why an Autistic child may rotate a numbered cube for hours on end, they always know whats on the other side and it is always predictable.The same goes as they grow up. Many people with Autism will watch the same video over and over to memorize what happens next.

In short they like to know when A happens B and C will happen next. In the more severe cases (80+ on the spectrum), if that does not happen they will have a mental breakdown.

>> No.10786916

Yes. It's evolition to protect us from whatever causes synaptic pruning and the resulting cognitive defects. The more "high IQ genes" you have, the more likely oyu are to become autistic. It's simply being too smart (or perhaps rational) among moreons.

Another likely difference are low arousal emoitons, which may however have the same cause.

No, it is the opposite.

Using the autism speaks logo completely invalidates your opinion if you ever had any.

The primary cause for thi is that your emotions are different from others. In china the same range of emotions is completely acceptable and there is the vocabulary for them in Chinese: https://mandarincorner.org/survival-chinese-30-words-to-express-feelings-and-emotions/

This is completely false, it's the neurotypical people who get stuck on opinions and cannot get rid of them; this lack of the confirmation bias is actually a major cause of the social problems, as many social skills are built around abusing this bias.

>> No.10786921

>No, it is the opposite.

>> No.10786924

I explained it in the line above that one.

>> No.10786931

I know, I read the whole post. Loss of theory of mind etc is not advancement.

Look, here's my problem. Autism is not natural. They are doing things to these kids. This is being done TO people, and it's not a good thing. What started it was radar. This is when it became more common.

>> No.10786934

>Loss of theory of mind etc is not advancement.
It isn't loss. Autistic theory of mind is superior to the normie one, it is only a problem because normies consider any difference from them a defect.

>What started it was radar. This is when it became more common.

I see where it's going. No. Autism might have caused radar, but the opposite is obviously not true.

>> No.10786935

autism is the great filter, it's the last stage in evolution

>> No.10786936

>t. low functioning autist

>> No.10786938

>It isn't loss. Autistic theory of mind is superior to the normie one, it is only a problem because normies consider any difference from them a defect.

>but the opposite is obviously not true.
Why? What do you think causes this "lack of synaptic pruning" and altered axonal guidance and dendritic spine formation?

I was exposed mostly to the fields from a waterbed heater prenatally. No brain cancer or leukemia, fortunately. :^)

>> No.10786941

5G and nanotechnology is the great filter.

>> No.10786944

Will post copypasta below

>Why? What do you think causes this "lack of synaptic pruning" and altered axonal guidance and dendritic spine formation?

The resistance to whatever causes it. Nearly everyone experiences it, which resulted in "scientists" deciding that fewer synapses is a good thing. But it is not.

>> No.10786947

>But it is not.
You can give an animal compounds which increase synaptogenesis, and block their pruning. It makes the animal perform worse.

The idea that we were deliberately crippled, genetically. The idea that some element of our environment dumbs us down and some animals are smarter because they're more resistant. And so on, are old sci-fi ideas. I would be more open to this idea if autism didn't clearly come at a cost.

>> No.10786951

>Will post copypasta below
Yes. More specifically, they differ in how they process situations where multiple ToM’s interact. Let’s take the following three examples:

1. On the bus:

Jim, a young student, is riding a bus. When an old lady gets on the bus, Jim promptly gives up his seat for her. What does it tell us?

Neurotypical people reply it shows Jim’s good character. People with HFA typically cannot conclude anything.

2. Skinned knee

Jenny falls, and skins her knee. Neurotypical Johny responds by showing how he cares she’s hurt. HFA Jim responds by giving her a Band-Aid.

3. Accidental poison

Grace and her friend Mary are taking a tour of a chemical plant. When Grace goes over to the coffee machine to pour some coffee, Mary asks for some sugar in hers. There is white powder in a container by the coffee. The white powder is a very toxic substance left behind by a scientist, and therefore deadly when ingested in any form. The container is labeled “sugar,” so Grace believes that the white powder by the coffee is sugar left out by the kitchen staff. Grace puts the substance in Mary’s coffee. Mary drinks the coffee and dies.

Is Grace to blame?

HFA people typically answer she sort of is.

Neurotypical people answer “no” since she didn’t know it was actually poison.


>> No.10786953

This is somewhat unexpected, since HFA people do not differ in how they solve the false belief task, which shows they do have Theory of Mind. The way it is usually explained is that HFA people do have some sort of mind blindness, but can compensate for their lack of ToM in the simpler cases.

However, the difference could be much better explained by neurotypical people being Theory-of-Mind blind. That is, while both HFA and neurotypical people possess Theory of Mind, neurotypical people are for some reason unaware that so do all the other people.

In the first example, the bus is full of people. Even if Jim was rotten to the core, he would probably not want to show it when so many people are watching him. Some of them may even know him, so it can be expected that Jim would do what is considered proper regardless of his real character.

ToM aware HFA people therefore conclude that nothing can be learned from this encounter, while ToM blind neurotypical people have no other explanation for Jim’s good behavior and incorrectly conclude it must be because of his good character.

In the second example, HFA Jim is aware of Jenny’s Theory of Mind and expects her to be aware of his, and he expects it to be obvious that the reason why he got her a Band-Aid is that he is aware of, and cares she’s in pain, and expects her to know. However, since neurotypical Jenny is blind to Jim’s ToM, it must be overtly shown; otherwise she wouldn’t know.

So a lot of extra things need to be communicated overtly among neurotypical people to compensate for their ToM blindness, that wouldn’t need to be communicated in a HFA society.


>> No.10786955

In the third example, it is given that grace didn’t know it wasn’t sugar, but her intentions would be impossible to know in real life. She could have actually noticed it wasn’t sugar, but used it anyway, because she secretly hates Mary: and thanks to her ToM, she knows she wouldn’t be blamed. Even if she actually wanted to murder Mary, she would likely wait for an opportunity to make it appear like an accident. Or she could even ask somebody who also hates Mary to misplace the substance or label it as “sugar” herself.

HFA people compensate for this inherent uncertainty of other people’s intentions by placing some degree of blame to situations that appear as accidents. A HFA Grace would in turn feel ashamed for poisoning Mary and blame whoever misplaced the container for putting shame on her, while a neurotypical Grace would likely feel no guilt at all.

It also seems that a lot of neurotypical “social grease” abuses this ToM blindess, which explains why the ToM aware HFA people fail to understand why and how it works. It is therefore not because HFA people have ToM deficits, but the opposite — they fail to understand situations that exploit the ToM blindness of others.

The more you understand neurotypical people, the less empathy you have with them.

The social games are daunting. They don’t really have friends, they only have (usually temporal) allies they help them to fight others. They want somebody who is good at figuring out the weaknesses of others, can spread rumors against them, or find something that could be used against them.


>> No.10786956

The more you understand neurotypical people, the less empathy you have with them.

The social games are daunting. They don’t really have friends, they only have (usually temporal) allies they help them to fight others. They want somebody who is good at figuring out the weaknesses of others, can spread rumors against them, or find something that could be used against them.

The hints? When you understand the reason people insist on hinting each other is that it allows them to play scripts in front of each other, it turns into ridiculousness. Like, they offer you something, but they hint you you’re supposed to refuse it. Why, you wonder, they do it? Well, there is somebody present or nearby, and they want to look like a good, caring person in front of them, but they obviously also don’t want to lose the cookie for it, so they hope you’re going to “cooperate” and play your part by refusing the cookie. Which makes you an asshole who abused the situation by actually taking the cookie.

I mean, how could you love, or have any sort of empathy other than perhaps feeling pity for something so cartoonish?


>> No.10786961

Perhaps the high point (or low? I don’t know) of their ridiculousness is their honest face game. There is a face they make when they mean what they say. It seems obvious that as a child, their mother scolded them for lying badly, even when they didn’t lie, their mother insisted that she can “see it in their eyes” or something like that. Confused, they tried to figure out what makes their mother believe they are lying when they are in fact not lying, and noticed that others make a specific facial expression when they are telling the truth, so they learned to immitate it, until they got good enough that their mother was willing to believe they are being honest. And since that point in time they are scared to death that others will figure out that they had to learn it and do the face voluntarily (they do, it only exists in western culture) and nobody will ever again believe what they say, so they do everything they can to convince others they actually cannot help it, such as casually lying without making the face in order to convince others they can really see on them if they are telling the truth or not, and keeping the face for times when they actually need to convince somebody of falsehood. And they are too scared and too stupid to realize they all act that and everybody can make the face all the same whether they are telling the truth or not.
What cost? The only cost is harder dealing with normies, but that is because of our superiority, not the other way round.

>> No.10786992

and that was only brought forth by autism thus proving my point

>> No.10787007
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I have been misusing my time, but I will read this later. My guess is you were born in the 90's and are not "severely" autistic. You need to start really looking at what autism is now. It's a long term degenerative disorder and a life of torture. These kids will likely never find peace. What the older generation has allowed to be done to them is a crime beyond words. These kids will have justice when we take this place by the reins.

>> No.10787012

And further, we will all have justice. Even all those people who wouldn't listen.

>> No.10787058
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Cultural memory vs. Observational fetishists vs. Systemic validity via inferential logic

>Someone sees someone else being different
>Eventually someone else will justify/validate/codify said observation for normalization purposes
>Law of the Excluded Giving A Fuck


>> No.10787398

I read through this whole spheal.

Let's talk the third question about Mary and Grace. Assume that the correct answer was "Grace may have done it intentionally". "Gotcha!" questions are just stupid. In the real world we would all consider that Grace might have done it intentionally, no shit, because in that case Grace is a real character with biological functions and a real mind that very well may have wanted to kill Mary. But in the question, Grace is fictional. Grace is a flat character. The fact that autistic people would not take the question in context shows that they are just socially unaware.

When we create hypothetical scenario, there has to be a suspension of disbelief in order to create a mental world. We always know someone wrote the question and is trying to get an answer out of it. Based on what I read, I assume this question was written by a psychologist for a study in order to gauge something. So I answed simplemindedly based on the information given to me, since Grace is fictional. I don't want to look stupid giving so many details when the writer had nothing like that in mind. If the question had stated "answer as if you are a detective", I would have begun to consider the possibility of intentional murder since the intent of the question seems to be about detecting liars or something.

You see, autistic people lack this awareness. They don't take things in social context, they for the most part see everything objectively. Autism isn't necessarily defined by acting in that special manner everyone sees, it's simply being unable to understand social context. They cannot read that the question given is trying to gauge morality and not hypotheticals. In this case, the question giver likely intentionally made a question about morality to see if autists would begin spouting something unrelated like hypotheticals.

So no, neurotypicals are not heartless. Yes, superficiality has downsides. No, lying is not pure evil.

>> No.10787425


>> No.10787437


dubs of probable truth. people end up in accidents or with brain damage from seizures and get these weird - sometimes advantageous adaptations.

>> No.10787444
File: 7 KB, 361x408, dumbangry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>its not natural

>> No.10787454


im autistic and for number 1 i just assumed its because society expects us to make concessions for weak/feeble people. not that id ever give up my seat for anyone kek.

>> No.10787462

>It would actually be the opposite of what you have proposed in the picture.
It's not a proposal you retard. That picture's an actual finding with autistic brains. They have less synaptic pruning. Their repetitive behavior and preference for predictable routines is likely a response to being overwhelmed by the amplified signals of unpruned synapses.

>> No.10787467

Brain damage is not autism though. Regardless of the advantages or disadvantages. You don't develop autism due to brain damage.

>> No.10787472


does this mean autist struggle to develop new pathways in their brain? what if an autist got addicted to something then gave it up cold turkey. would he still remain addicted for the rest of his life?

>> No.10787481

If it's prenatal and in critical post natal developmental periods, you do.

>> No.10787484


what is brain damage? alterations to the structure from an outside force. what is autism? alterations to the structure (deviates from the norm) due to some unknown cause. we still dont know what causes autism but we know already that autism is physical difference in brain structure. infants with autism have more brain volume for example.

>> No.10787515

That's literally not the definition of brain damage. I'm not going to argue with you based on a false premise.
We don't know what causes autism. How are you going to claim you can pinpoint where and when autism develops?

>> No.10787526


You seem like you're just trying to skirt around the fact that viruses have been linked to autism.

>Prenatal viral infection has been called the principal non-genetic cause of autism. Prenatal exposure to rubella or cytomegalovirus activates the mother's immune response and may greatly increase the risk for autism in mice. Congenital rubella syndrome is the most convincing environmental cause of autism.

Next you're going to tell me that giving children a hundred vaccines in a short space of time has no effect on them.

>> No.10787538

First off chill out with the strawman arguments. No where did I say
Vaccines have no effect. So how about you either discuss this like an adult or suck my dick. Second from your very own source.

>Manycauses of autismhave been proposed, but understanding of thetheory of causationofautismand the otherautism spectrumdisorders (ASD) is incomplete.[1]Research indicates that genetic factors predominate. Theheritability of autism, however, is complex, and it is typically unclear which genes are involved.

It's PROPOSED viruses are linked to autism. There is no actual proof viruses cause autism. In that same wiki page it says that maternal obesity is also linked to autism. So is maternal diabetes, so is maternal malnutrition. The simple fact of the matter is that we do not know what causes autism, because correlation is not causation and any attempt of your retarded ass to strawman otherwise is disingenuous and fucking stupid.

>> No.10787557

>We don't know what causes autism. How are you going to claim you can pinpoint where and when autism develops?
Autism is caused by prenatal exposure to unnatural non-ionizing radiation, our barbaric birthing procedures, and vaccines. Whether the child makes it depends on their exact exposure parameters and ability to manage toxic load.

>> No.10787565


>> No.10787577

Non-trivial. Look into mitochondrial collapse, evaluate the rest individually (early clamping, pitocin, vitamin K, breaking the water manually use of forceps and vacuum bbullshit), refer to Timothy Syndrome and the 5G thread for more on the microwaves.

Let me guess, wah wah, bullshit excuse, no I won't read. Well fuck ya then, tbqh.

>> No.10787578


Yes they have less pruning yes but there have also been findings of their synapses being more locally clustered with less long reaching bridging axons. Which would suggest perhaps an inability to bridge ideas that are generally less connected.

Trying to directly correlate these with behavior may be a step too far but in general if you've ever worked with autistic children that anon is right. They get stuck in thinking patterns and behaviors and trying to fight them into seeing other views makes them uncomfortable and violent in some cases.

>> No.10787584
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>> No.10787592

>and violent in some cases.
Well I'll just have to restrain them then, put that kid in his place!! He needs to learn!

>> No.10787595

Generally you do restrain them in a heavy slightly tight jacket because it comforts them. Even as adults many autistic individuals keep and use one on themselves.

>> No.10787599

I'll beat him instead. Dumb kid what's wrong with you!

>> No.10787601

No, considering the fact that autistic adults are often unable to survive on their own

>> No.10787635

>post a source
>No, look into mitochondrial collapse
Ok, I did. It says it generally leads to hypoxic brain injury. I don't really believe that to be true, citing this article
While hypoxic brain injury did lead to an increase of ASD in males, it didn't show too much of a correlation in females. That seems strange that females would be more resistant to hypoxia induced autism.
I also looked into pitocin as well. While I did find some articles that supported a link to autism, I also found articles that found no link to autism.


So here I am, looking into your bullshit and you can't actually provide me a link. While I can provide 2, that state the exact opposite of what you're saying. So here we are back to my point in that we don't know what causes autism, we can only correlate certain factors. I don't know why I have to keep telling you downey idiots that correlation is not causation.

>> No.10787702

You're not synthesizing, you're looking at them in isolation. Pitocin you're not going to readily find data on because it;s not chemical injury, it's mechanical. It's altered hemodynamics int he mother and infant, along with using the infant's head as a battering ram.

>That seems strange that females would be more resistant to hypoxia induced autism.
It's not strange at all, it's expected. Females have the protection of higher levels of estrogens, which are strong antioxidants that also directly downregulate neuronal apoptosis. Males do not have this, also lack developed blood brain barriers for longer, and are in general much more sensitive to stressors in early life.

It's the microwaves, at its core.

>> No.10787783

>not natural
Top kek m8

>> No.10787795

No Anon YOU are a KEK.

>> No.10787801

Autism gives you the best powers of perception.
Chinese people have the most autism and they work the hardest

>> No.10787917

Yes, in today's world generalists are useless. The autistic laser focus on topics frees them from distractions of the modern world.

>> No.10787946

No you are wrong. That is not social awareness, that's being unjust because you like the person or not. Which you admit by saying that autistic people see things objectively as if it was a bad thing.

Yes, you are heartless. The problem is, how do judge someone character if not by their actions? Let's say you have two people. One builds their good character by publicly doing things that are good, and their otherwise ambiguous actiosn are always excused and their good character is reinforced despite not really deserving it. The other one gets falsely accused and their perceived character turns into downward spiral, as all their ambiguous (or even under all reasonable circumstances neutral or good) actions are interpreted as intentionally malicious. Essentially you use their "character" to judge people's actions which are then used to create said cahracter, so even the tiniest event may have life ruining effects over time.

Yes, you are hearless, violent and unjust.

>> No.10787947

Autism is fucking awful.

>> No.10787961


Loss of advantages doesn't necessarily mean it's not a next evolutionary step.

>> No.10787965


>> No.10787969

Yes, that is a common answer. i woudl give up the seat though.
It's mroe likely the lack of hedonic treadmil, rather than anytihng else. Not getting "overwhelmed", autistic people have a lot of extra processing power if anything.
It's more not randomly losing the pathways. Autistic people almost never get addicted to anything.
Brain damage is brain damage. Having a bigger brain or more synapses is not brain damage.
Yes, they are more locally clustered and there is better compartmentalization of processing (i.e. hearing doesn't influence what you hear etc. the way it does in neurotypical people) as the result.

Neurotypical people cannot argue. Using emotions won't work, you need to explain your views, which is something that 99% neurotypical people cannot do.

This is a very cruel joke.

>> No.10788065
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Clamped, vaccinated, irradiated.

>> No.10788167


>The more "high IQ genes" you have, the more likely oyu are to become autistic. It's simply being too smart (or perhaps rational) among moreons.

What a sentence.

>> No.10788186

Just wondering, have you ever been in the field with these kids? Maybe adults?

>> No.10788331

Most autists are literal retards
The high-functioning ones are rarely able to cooperate. Survivor bias makes you think they are all overachievers, when in fact just a tiny little fraction of them amount to something.
There are far more highly intelligent non-autistic people around than well adjusted autists.

>> No.10788336

Which is why Bill Gates and other UN agenda 21 supports push vaccines and wireless. They want to sterilize and cripple these kids so they can be enslaved.

>> No.10788341

Nonsense. It's almost always the others who sabotage the cooperation with autistic people. There are now even studies proving it.

>> No.10788453
File: 449 KB, 1905x1839, 46C261E9-B065-4603-86B6-6768EF89C8CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autism is not natural. They are doing things to these kids. This is being done TO people, and it's not a good thing. What started it was radar.

>> No.10788492

>ad hominem: the post
In what any implications of OP's post result is irrelevant. Your entire comment is nothing but what you think the implications could mean. It's irrelevant if not explicitly made relevant, which you've failed at spectacularly. kys

>> No.10788620

>autism in mice

>> No.10788633
File: 11 KB, 200x252, 1542157744337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism is my gift to people who want to stop being the bitch of anyone older than them, parents/teachers/leaders and any bullshit scientist/mathematician/spiritual leader.

>Gift from God, to all who worshipped or kekked at the frog!


>> No.10788637

Suck my dick, faggot! I have four master degrees. One in logic, one in astro physics, one in molecular biology and one in fucking your mother in her dirty shitty ass!

>> No.10788640
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I am the master of the arc minute, your argument is INVALID!

>> No.10789283


>> No.10789297

Until we have the tehcnilogy, where single people can have kids with an artificial womb and a donor egg, there's not going to be much of an evolution to autism.

>> No.10789677

autism is a primitive brain. not a more advanced one. It's why autists can't handle large stimulation like what you find in big modern cities.

>> No.10789722

yes, the superior man will stink, eat the same food and play with legos everyday.

>> No.10789794

Nonsense. It's basically the brain too domesticated for its own good. (at the current time)

I developed a technique for overcoming the sensory sensitivity, it comes from attention working differently in autists than in neurotypical people, autistic people generally seem to agree it works.

If you odn't give them anything better to do then probably yes, but that is a totally extreme case. If you are treated like a retard your whole life you become one.

>> No.10789799

autists need to cope with sensory overstimulation while normies thrive in it

>> No.10789802

false. autism is actually a reptile part of the brain which causes the autist aversion to cities

>> No.10789813

Reptile = primitive brain

>> No.10789844

<Does this mean autists struggle to develop new pathways in their brain?
Yes, Autistic children and adults can have trouble adopting new ideas. With help from someone who is knowledgeable about Autism treatment,
young-ish children can learn to be more "normal" and be less ridged.

>Would they remain addicted to it their entire lives?
Yes and no. I can't say I've met very many elderly people with high functioning Autism, but I can tell you about one I DID meet.

He was about 70-80 years old and was obsessed with trains. Someone who hasn't met a lot of Autistic people in their life would probably think he was normal. He knew everything about trains, what model of train was invented by who, how the engines worked, and all the train stations he had visited since he was a kid.

So, yes. For this particular case But I'm sure there are some people with Autism that move on to different things throughout their lives.

>> No.10789850

People with Autism can feel under stimulated as well. It depends on the person.

>> No.10789852


>> No.10789860

>normies thrive in it

No they don't. But if people don't want to be bothered with things that normies often experience as sensory overstimulation (such as listening to extreme metal) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNPKGyYzPCo it's seen as perfectly reasonable not to want to be bothered with it. When it's something that bothers autistic people, it's seen as aboslutely unreasonable not to want it.

Second problem, and which is how the problem can be solved in atistic people, is that autsitic brains prioritize information in a kind of opposite way than neurotypical people do, and the more you try to ignore it or focus on something else, the more unbearable it becomes. But when autistic people are instructed and allowed to focus on the distractions instead, they stop being a problem.

>> No.10789861
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It's like nobody understands that Autism 'was' the next step in evolution.

> Autismo智能活性炭

>> No.10789866
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Meaning that it is an empty variable for GOD OF TIME to define.

Autism: An unmeasurable reaction between glial cells that increase neuronal activity in this order :: I.Q. -> S.Q. -> E.Q.

Intelligence Quotient
Signal Quotient
Expression Quotient

>+1 to all the autism in the WORLD!

I accept, embrace, and become the responsible champion required.

>> No.10789895

>Nonsense. It's almost always the others who sabotage the cooperation with autistic people. There are now even studies proving it.
Got a link? I've had this happen a lot.

>> No.10789931


>> No.10790246

you wish.

>> No.10790258

>we need acceptance
>white person


>> No.10790273
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>There are far more highly intelligent non-autistic people around than well adjusted autists.

isn't that quite obvious you moron? autist are like what, 2% of the population?

>> No.10790274


if that's the case then it might explain why i was able to cold turkey cigarettes without any struggle whatsoever. on the other hand, i was severely addicted to WoW as a teenager.

>> No.10790278


proof that neurotypicals are scum of the earth and us autist should never help them when they are in trouble. autist should sabotage normies wherever possible.

>> No.10790307

Yeah, but I'm saying that because it's not just a matter of non-autists outnumbering autists. Smart people who can cooperate are a far more valuable asset than narrow-thinking, barely functional robots who every now and then are a capable of creating something of value.
Autism is mostly a handicap, not an edge. It's great that a few can turn that into their strength, but they are not representative of the whole autistic population.
The next step of human evoution is not an autist, but someone who has
>a high IQ
>social skills enough to do teamwork

>> No.10790315

>not the smart kind
>dont understand image without context

does it mean that autists have alternative thought patterns that we can "connect" points A B and C but also have subroutine thoughts that connect D E and F and correlate them to B and C?

Do we think better than normies do? But as an autist i know my logic is flawed because im perceiving through the eyes of an autistic brain. Just because we can think more diversely doesnt make us better at rationalizing.

>> No.10790325

الحرب على الأنماط العصبية الثنائية!

>> No.10790326

LOL FUCK NO. Look at all the autists that flock to these threads trying to assert some atmosphere of superiority. Autistic people can be extremely gifted, but their emotional development is so stunted it's beyond cringe. Humanity's progress is dependent on our ability to co-exist peacefully with one another. This requires emotional development. Autistic people just flat out reject emotional development in favor of organizing and getting shit done. Very useful and valuable things. But not nearly as useful and valuable as the bonds people share with one another. No emotional development=no bonds.

I'm pretty sure i'm on the spectrum somewhere. I've hated humanity since the age of 12 and have wished for it's end to take place during my lifetime so i could witness it and enjoy it. I was lucky enough to have a father that loved me regardless of how i was. That was enough to stop me from deteriorating into complete mental illness over not being able to figure out a way to save humanity from itself.

I'm 29 and my emotional development is still taking place. It's a fucking embarrassment. But i feel like i've grown to recognize that everyone is stunted emotionally in 1 way or another. Working on this shit is cringe. Talking about this shit is cringe. But emotions themselves are the next step in evolution. Emotional energy. I don't fucking know man it's fucking cringe but there is magic in emotion.

>> No.10790401

Enraged normalfag projects his emotions discreetly, trying to act professional so that the lessers will believe his post because he was severely owned by an autist at one point in his life so he feels the need to categorize the non-disabling factors generally as damage to satisfy his ego and superiority complex.

>> No.10790449

Or perhaps he sees the advantages of not dying of a preventable disease and ubiquitous availability of the world’s most significant repository of knowledge?

But I guess the slave thing also makes sense.

>> No.10790491


>> No.10790644

Drive is needed in the normie world of unbearable normie twats who will do everything to make you fail instead of cooperating. same with the so called "social skills". Nobody has time for both social skills and working. Normies use up all their brain power on their ability to outwit each other. Which is completely pointless as it's a zero sum game. Why should I be your friend if your favorite pastime is trying to prove you can bullshit me?

Same as above. The normie's idea of "emotional development" is being an unbearable twat and enjoying the twattiness of others instead of getting upset by it.

>> No.10790648


>> No.10790702

You see, you cannot just ask X you need them somewhere because you want them to introduce to Y who could help them with Z. No, you need to manipulate both twats to go to the same place and hope that they "accidentally" meet each other and twat X manipulates twat Y into deciding to do Z for him. Absolutely ridiculous waste of time jsut so that the twats feel free.

>> No.10790725

Even flirting mainly involves twisting her words so that it seems she's talking about fucking when she doesn't. (they say things that can be twisted that way on purpose if they are willing) Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.10790773

Normies dont mind metal as long as its popular. You know metal used to be popular in the 80s and every normie listened to it.

>> No.10791166


>> No.10791191

Autism doesnt exist. Its a term made up by jewish doctors to pacify goyim who are losers in real life, making sure they stay losers by making excuses for their pathetic behaviour that others *have* accept (because not accepting autism will surely will be considered some intolerant -ism, and no one wants to lose their job, their social media blocked and even their bank account closed over some pathetic losers)

>> No.10791193
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>> No.10791246


>> No.10791274


>> No.10792164

>Is autism the next stage of human evolution?

hyperintelligence WAS, but since jews started using mecrury in the water wells, intelligent goyim have been effected by a sort of "Death Aura ascribable to no single nation I swear to your God."

>> No.10792166


>> No.10792174
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CIA = Mossad = Little Bitch

>> No.10792382
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>> No.10792657
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Back to /pol/

>> No.10792658


>>a high IQ

Which HFAs have and most normies dont.

But yeah not offending people is more important in the modern age (sarcasm). This would've been important when we lived in very small communities of 1-5 families but not anymore. HFAs are the future.

>> No.10792688

Yeah autism is the next step, even physically, autists are better suited, they withstand colder and hotter natural temperatures, have better senses
And I suspect they have a better metabolism than normies for building muscle, storing or losing fat

>> No.10792757
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>> No.10792763
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>> No.10792781

What can I do too increase the chances of my children being autistic? I'll vaccinate them for sure, but any other ideas? Like anything prenatal?

>> No.10793291


>> No.10793333

wait until you are older to have them. My dad waited till he was 40 to have me

>> No.10793343

Please for the love of god wake up

>> No.10793401

Nah sorry Anon, you're just acoustic and dying a virgin will not make you the next stage of human evolution.

>> No.10793437

Vaccinate and antibiotics.

>> No.10793442

Vaccinate and antibiotics. But remember you can kill the kid with antibiotics after vaccinate

>> No.10793544

Have your children when you are older seems to do the trick.

>> No.10793565

correlation != causation

>> No.10793723

Given that older fathers may not have autism and still have autistic children, what alternative hypotheses do you have?

>> No.10793888

Autistic men tend to become fathers later in life.

>> No.10793955

I thought autistic men never got married.
Two of my colleagues have autistic children but are not autists themselves. A few of my other colleagues appear autistic and never married.

>> No.10793957

There are tons of high-functioning autists who were well socialized from a young age and never get diagnosed.

>> No.10793969
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>> No.10793971

neanderthal DNA ;)

>> No.10793987

It seems that autism coudl be the lack of neanderthal DNA, if anything. To domesticated for our won good.

>> No.10794603


>> No.10794630

Nope, high-IQ primary psychopathy

>> No.10794652
File: 135 KB, 1200x900, Chris-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the next stage of human evolution.

>> No.10794664

nah low iq clannish parasitism will conquer everything

>> No.10794691


>> No.10794703

Low iq clannish parasites are the toys psychopaths collect and pretend-fight each other with

>> No.10795096

In that case Africa should be full of autists and Europe hardly have any. Reality is the opposite.

>> No.10795102

Not possible when there’s billions of them and they have nukes

>> No.10795106

Cryptokikes are cowardliest of cowards. They should be executed.

>> No.10795198

It isn't the opposite. In fact the "neurotypcial" genotype may only be common in Europe.

>> No.10795205

Basically, the majority of Europeans have neanderthal brains and those who don't are called "autistic", but the phenotype is otherwise perfectly normal. Look at Eminem, for example.

>> No.10795283
File: 315 KB, 3840x2160, 1561109856993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c-c-c-combo breaker

>> No.10795329

You all come to a board related to science but have no idea how anything you talk about even works. Autism is a side effect of our modern technologies and while it has it's benefits, it's neither the superior nor next step in thinking. To reap the true benefits of intelligence is to understand what the significant issues are and without a mindset that can perceive the social implications and understand them, you're only progressing the standards of one particular field rather than understanding the outcomes effects.

>> No.10795364

Listen to Martin Shrekli's talk with Destiny about this. Most people with autism have an IQ of 70. While there certainly are high-functioning autism spectrum individuals they a very small minority of the overall population.

>> No.10795382


>> No.10795398

what you say is nonsense because you make no meaningful claims. I speak entirely about those who are truly gifted and autistic where they function particularly well in one topic and obsess over that topic. Any advancements they make is not because they would like to benefit the state of humanity but simply to appeal to their obsession. Being on the spectrum has next to no benefits unless you're "gifted" but those gifted are not all that concerned with exterior variables

>> No.10795418

What you fail to realize about autism is the fact that autism isn't just one static neurological condition, it's a rather complex diagnosis where there are plentiful of traits that all nuance to various degrees. True, tendency of overstimulation is a trait found very commonly in people diagnosed with autism, but it by no means is a distinct feature found in all autists. Same goes for basically every other trait associated with autism.

>> No.10795452

is that picture trying to imply that autism sufferers are jewish?

>> No.10795461
File: 65 KB, 286x308, 1482828102689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this autistic

>> No.10795467

>samefag is samefag

>> No.10795472 [DELETED] 

I'm not trying to make claims, I'm just contradicting what you wrote, which cannot be properly refuted becaues it's philozophical/shcizotypal nonsense, in addition to you having no idea what autism actually is. Autistic people have trouble dealing with normies, because of the diferenece of how they form beliefs. It seems that normies have some kind of defect in determining what data are meaningful and what are irrelevant, so they tend to form beliefs of unjustified certainty based on inadequate data.

>> No.10795489

I'm not trying to make claims, I'm just contradicting what you wrote, which cannot be properly refuted becaues it's philocophical/schizotypal nonsense, in addition to you having no idea what autism actually is. Autistic people have trouble dealing with normies, because of the diferenece of how they form beliefs. It seems that normies have some kind of defect in determining what data are meaningful and what is irrelevant, so they tend to form beliefs of unjustified certainty based on inadequate data.

>> No.10795537

>It seems that normies have some kind of defect in determining what data are meaningful and what is irrelevant, so they tend to form beliefs of unjustified certainty based on inadequate data
Lol literal NPCs.

>> No.10795971

Look up the correlation between autism and neanderthal brain structure, in case it hasn't already been mentioned.

>> No.10796020

what is this new fad? As I replied before, it there is any, it must be the opposite and neurotypical people are more neanderthal.

>> No.10796058

Do you even know what "drive" means? Everyone needs it.
And social skills are mandatory, and they don't mean outwitting other people all the time. If you weren't so self-righteous, you would realize that. I mean, we went to the fucking moon through cooperation. You can't do that kind of shit locked in a room doing obsessive math/programming.

Hyperfocus =! Discipline and drive
I'm not autistic and I have OCD. In my teens I devised an algorithm for calendrical calculations in my head. I am now able to effortlessly say the day of the week of any given date between 1800 and 2100 in miliseconds (I theoretically could do it for any date, but I have a life and goals to achieve). I amounted to that through hyperfocus, but not discipline. I still procrastinate the fuck out of any task I'm given and do average in college (my major isn't even hard btw).
Discipline is doing something everyday regardless of whether you feel obsessed with that thing or not. Only very few HFAs can rely solely on their hyperfocus. At some point they need to do the work and won't feel like it, but they'll have to. That's why everyone needs discipline, to maintain a stable output.

>> No.10796090 [DELETED] 

Wrong. You need "drive" because you need to push yourself into social groups, take the bullshitting and random insults with a smile, show others you can bullshit and randomly insult them too them too (so that you are not "boring"), cooperate or coerce others to cooperate with you and everything that makes socializing with normies total pain in the ass.

Meanwhile, with autists you don't need drive, because everybody will cooperate willingly if the'll see the cooperation makes sense.

>> No.10796099

Wrong. You need "drive" because you need to push yourself into social groups, take the bullshitting and random insults with a smile, show others you can bullshit and randomly insult them too (so that you are not "boring"), convince or coerce others to cooperate with you and quickly determine who is whose enemy so that you don't accidentaly "betray" someone. Everything that is a total pain in the ass because normies are uncooperative by default.

Meanwhile, with autists you don't need drive, because everybody will cooperate willingly if the'll see the cooperation makes sense.

>> No.10796276

>it's philocophical/schizotypal nonsense
How can you argue that the things I say are "schizotypal" when you say almost the exact same thing only directed towards "normies"? Why does it take you using a generalized insult towards both myself and normal minded people in order to suffice your point? Of course normal minded people are prone to following beliefs rather than just logic and data, but you seem to continuously be missing my point that having social awareness and the ability to determine what is significant to the majority is what makes a difference in what will effectively be considered useful to the majority. I see you making the same arguments towards dozens of people with your rude "nonesense" comments which only leads me to think you're either rude or extremely autistic because no one's going to agree with you if you're initial response is to insult them. Continue feeling superior to "normies" because of a dysfunctional mind though.

>> No.10796288 [DELETED] 

It's nonsense because you're wrong. I don't have the slightest problem determining what would be the most significant (anti-aging research), it's the normies who babble some nonsense about "fulfilled life".

>> No.10796300


>> No.10796308

Not science or math

>> No.10796328

I don't have the slightest problem determining what would be the most significant (anti-aging research), it's the normies who babble some nonsense about "fulfilled life".

>> No.10796931

How about schizophrenia then? Both conditions share a lot of similarities.

>> No.10796937

they don’t

>> No.10797021


>> No.10797280

>Be autistic
>Will never pass my genes on because I'm an autistic shithead

If I'm the next step in Evolution, Mother Nature is a fucking retard or suicidal.

>> No.10797296

I'm addicted to pornography though.

>> No.10797328

Many autistic people have hypersexuality and paraphilias/sexual deviance:

>Like nonaffected adults, individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) show the entire range of sexual behaviors. However, due to the core symptoms of the disorder spectrum, including deficits in social skills, sensory hypo- and hypersensitivities, and repetitive behaviors, some ASD individuals might develop quantitatively above-average or nonnormative sexual behaviors and interests.


>> No.10797357

Well, I have thought about fucking since I was a wee lad and I'm pretty degenerate in fetishes.

>> No.10797358
File: 11 KB, 195x293, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody here has read this book

>> No.10797366

What a bunch of badcock.

>> No.10797596

Schizophrenia is basically the opposite of autism.

>> No.10797737
File: 53 KB, 1040x337, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The opposite of autism is dyslexia

>> No.10797740

No. Autists are retarded. Even within domains they are supposed to be good within they are incapable of the variable modes of thought required for actual innovation. When it comes down to it, they're simply incompetent.

>> No.10797753

No, for the simple reason that we don't get to have sex and breed. We're cursed to an existence of eternal damnation. Being autistic is having fucked up in your life and now existing in Hell. Autism is the ultimate cruelty of God.

>> No.10797769


>> No.10797903

I cannot really agree.
Bottom up, true, that is the epitome of autism.

Detail oriented, well, it's true that autsits are better at perceiving detail, but it's not at the cost of coherence - in fact many autistis are capabale of near instant visual search, a feat of extreme holism, and about one half is capable of hearing more than one voice at a time. So it's more like more badnwth being available somewhere, rather than bias towards detail. The real problem comes that normies don't explain themselves in enough detail or are not specific enough concerning to what they're talking about, which makes it impossible to fit it into context, because the context available to autists is too wide. The weak coherence theory has been widely disputed.

>> No.10797980

I hate autists

>> No.10798002

In autistic people, the cerebellum is connected equally to both hemispheres, and both into the frontal areas and the sensory areas.

Nerurotypical cerebellum is apparently too weak to drive the whole brain and the body, so it eventually severess the connections to the right hemisphere and the centrally areas, and instead the cerebellum only controls the right side of the body and the left hemisphere, while the right hemisphere does nothing useful and instead produces their voices, intuition and autopilot. When this switch occurs after puberty, the person has no way of adapting to this state thet they see as clearly abnormal and the result is psychosis.

>> No.10798015

No U

>> No.10798228


>> No.10798235

maybe they ate all the autists

>> No.10798300

You are either trolling or you really have no clue about how social groups work.
You are so jaded that you're literally blind to the obviousness of the need for cooperation to advance mankind.

>> No.10798313

Are you serious? I said that cooperation woudl be much easier if everybody was autistic and you tell me I'm oblivious to the need of cooperation? Cooperation is extremely difficult becuase normies mostly cooperate agianst other normies and are generally unwilling to cooperate for mutual benefit, except as a reward for cooperating against somebody else.

>> No.10798324

>cooperation easier if everyone was autistic
>autism being literally the lack of communication skills and empathy
Yeah, I'm sure it would be easier to interact if everyone were unable to quickly detect if their reactions would be appropriate and put themselves in other people's shoes.
Plus, grunting is a clearly a way more effective way of communicating than speaking in full sentences.

>> No.10798339 [DELETED] 

Yes, it would be easier if you didn't have to deal with the psycho reactions of normies and their constant need to compete over every bullshit issue.

>> No.10798350

Yes, it would be easier if you didn't have to deal with the psycho reactions of normies and their constant need to compete over every trivial issue.

>> No.10798360

wew, nice projection. I wonder how you deducted all of that

>> No.10798365

Could be developed into a means of communication between autistic people.

>> No.10798403


>> No.10798410


>> No.10798459

Spoken as someone who has not analyzed other people's reactions beyond a superficial level.
It's the autists who throw tantrums for the most inane reasons possible.

>a bad thing
Competitiveness is a trait unrelated to autism. A lot of normies feel threatened by it too.
It may not be your cup of tea, but competitiveness is a drive for many people. As long as people don't take it to an extreme and start fucking eachother up, it's as valid as "searching for knowledge" or equivalents.

Maybe they could systematize each grunt, concatenate multiple grunts in sequence or create nuanced grunts to convey broader and deeper meaning in a simple manner.

>> No.10798468


>> No.10798470

>Spoken as someone who has not analyzed other people's reactions beyond a superficial level.
No. It's just incredibly hard to predict people's reactions if they differ from your own; putting yourself into somebody's shoes doesn't help - I would not get insulted/threatened/whatever in your situation, which makes it impossible to figure out why you do (and you refuse to tell me).

It is the normies abysmal language capabilities that are the problem, not the other way round.

>> No.10798497


>> No.10798509

It's usually not that hard, and I say that as a socially crippled non-autist. It's true that there are things that offend other people that do not offend me, but as a non-autist I can pick it easily and quickly calculate whether something is appropriate or not.
If you can weaponize your autism, that's great and you most definitely will outperform normies, but we can't have a society in which no one is able to read eachother's emotions and have self-control because they are too busy processing the tidal wave of stimuli that they feel all the time.

>> No.10798525

What are your opinions on people diagnosed with autism who aren't actually autists? I am such a person. I think I've stopped making eye contact with people in direct conversations after highschool due to a shift to living on the internet and it spiraled down from there.

>> No.10798536

Can you link me to more info on this?

>> No.10798573

>It's true that there are things that offend other people that do not offend me, but as a non-autist I can pick it easily and quickly calculate whether something is appropriate or not.

How do you calculate that, if those behaviors don't matter to you? And why are you socially crippled if you can do that?

I think these could be relevant: https://www.sciencealert.com/people-with-autism-have-more-symmetrical-brains-new-scans-reveal


>> No.10798612

Anyway, I'm pretty sure it isn't what I do or say, it's more that people misinterpret something random as something offensive or inappropriate. I.e. it's what people "read between lines", rather than something I actually do.

>> No.10798631

So, A Deepness In The Sky?

>> No.10798634

but autists dont reproduce, do they?

>> No.10798637

>How do you calculate that?
They don't have to matter to me. I simply store this information in my memory and contextualize it in a given situation so I can interact well with people.

>How are you socially crippled then?
I said that it USUALLY isn't that hard, but it can get at times. Even the most social, extroverted people can eventually struggle with that. The same way a high IQ mathematician might struggle to solve a tough problem, a smooth talking chad also might struggle to read someone. Regardless of if they are autists or normies, people are hard, man! It's just that normies can navigate through day-to-day shallow interactions without causing trouble while autists can't.

It gets nasty for me at the deeper levels of interaction. As I'm naturally introverted and have isolated myself in my teens, there are nuances that I don't pick to this day, specially regarding girls.
Everywhere I go people call me weird, and I know superficially that it is because I can act weirdly at times and because of my specific, boring interests. But I can't really tell you every single time I'm being weird. I just try to keep it under control so it doesn't harm my relationships. I'm okay with it because if I can keep it at a certain level I'm just the quirky guy but not an unpleasant person to be around. Plus, I can actually leverage this to be my trademark and get people's attention when I have to.

>> No.10798645

Autism is a developmental disorder.

>> No.10798677

>They don't have to matter to me. I simply store this information in my memory and contextualize it in a given situation so I can interact well with people.

No idea what it means and how it's supposed to help me. I don't think that normies even understand contex as such, but they interpret messages depending on who says them, i.e. the same thing can be understood completely differently depending on who says it, but context as such doesn't really matter. I think that people even try to gather information about people beofore they first meet them in order to interpret what they are saying.

According to that description, you are definitely autistic as well.

>> No.10798678
File: 2.03 MB, 2560x1440, jijx5Jc_waifu2x_art_noise3_scale_tta_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all NT are the same
>only aspies can see social situations logically
>btw aspies are the only ones who understand everyone else

>> No.10798708

>No idea what it means and how it's supposed to help me
When you do arithmetics in your head, don't you break the full operations into multiple operations that you already know beforehand? (like you can say that 27×3 is the same as 3×3×9 = 9×9 = 81) It's the same thing. The same way you select specific operations according to the calculation you want to do, you can remember of a given word or phrase and see if it offends the other person in relation to how they present themselves.

>I don't think that normies even understand contex as such, but they interpret messages depending on who says them, i.e. the same thing can be understood completely differently depending on who says it, but context as such doesn't really matter. I think that people even try to gather information about people beofore they first meet them in order to interpret what they are saying.
This is literally contextualizing. You adjust meaning according to your setting and the people you're interacting with.

>According to that description, you are definitely autistic as well.
My experienced psychiatrist doesn't say so. And I have actually had an autistic friend once. Although we were very alike, at many situations I could see him miss really obvious stuff and get in trouble for that. I tried an explain the logic behind what people meant to him, but he simply wouldn't get. It was like trying to explain colors to a blind man.

>> No.10798745

>When you do arithmetics in your head, don't you break the full operations into multiple operations that you already know beforehand? (like you can say that 27×3 is the same as 3×3×9 = 9×9 = 81) It's the same thing.

I don't see how it's in any way relevant to that.

> The same way you select specific operations according to the calculation you want to do, you can remember of a given word or phrase and see if it offends the other person in relation to how they present themselves.

I don't see how I would do that without limiting myself to a specific set fo phrases, but it wouldn't work anyway because as I said, the same phrase may have completely different meaning depending on who says it to whom.

>This is literally contextualizing.

No it isn't. Context is in what situation something is said. The identity of the participants cannot matter, the same phrase must have the same meaning reagrdless of who says it to whom. The appropriatness of the resulting messqage may differ, but the meaning can not. Communication would be impossible otherwise.

> I tried an explain the logic behind what people meant to him, but he simply wouldn't get. It was like trying to explain colors to a blind man.

That is the problem. Sometimes a certain phrase may have completely random meaning. Even when I'm told, I have no idea how I'm supposed to know it. Any time people tried to explained to me, they always explained only the obvious parts and completely skipped the hard parts.

>> No.10798749

>My experienced psychiatrist doesn't say so.


>> No.10798762
File: 253 KB, 850x495, Atypical-features-at-high-levels-of-realism-can-cause-the-uncanny-valley-as-shown-here[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or for example, this picture is supposed to be terrifying. How am I supposed to know that, there doesn't seem to be anything threatening in it.

>> No.10798771 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 1200x458, Dr5fn1fVsAAjt3Y[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, the right one seems to be nearly unbearable to watch, while the left one seems to be much better. To me they look almost the same, only the colors or lighting are somewhat different.

>> No.10798779
File: 50 KB, 1200x458, Dr5fn1fVsAAjt3Y[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10798745 (You)
>>10798762 (You)
Here, the left one is supposed to be fine, while the right one is supposed to be nearly unbearable to watch. I don't get why. To me they look almost the same, only the colors or lighting are somewhat different.

>> No.10798784
File: 71 KB, 630x322, 1562472611682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The goyim Knows!!!

>> No.10798851

Just OCD and dysthymia.
It's not a specific condition for the social ineptitude. Just me not interacting much with people and living inside my head.

>> No.10798870

Yeah, I don't get the uncanny valley with Alita, I'm not bitchmade.

>> No.10798878

Imagine being this much of a nigger

>> No.10798885

You talking about the uncanny valley? Second pic is not unbeareable, but slightly weirder than the first (imho Alita is weird. Her eyes are way too big for her head). That's because first pic looks more like a 3D anime while second pic looks more like a weird human being. The difference is very subtle and both pictures are perfectly watchable, it's not your autism protecting you.

>> No.10798894

Man, you are REALLY fucking autistic. Have you tried being normal?

>> No.10798896

Autism is like coffee. A good amount will make you better able to function academically, but too much and you start seeing shit.

>> No.10798902

I looked it up and they actually made the eyes even bigger. The eyes in the second image really are bigger.

>> No.10799107

>I don't see how it's in any way relevant to that.
It was just an example of how you can apply an operation you already know to solve another one. In social settings it's the same thing: you pick pieces of your general knowledge to interpret what's going on.

>I don't see how I would do that without limiting myself to a specific set fo phrases, but it wouldn't work anyway because as I said, the same phrase may have completely different meaning depending on who says it to whom.
You do limit yourself to specific set of phrases, but it grows with time as your memory accrues more and more information about people in general.

>No it isn't. Context is in what situation something is said. The identity of the participants cannot matter, the same phrase must have the same meaning reagrdless of who says it to whom. The appropriatness of the resulting messqage may differ, but the meaning can not. Communication would be impossible otherwise.
The words themselves and the grammar never change in their root. But their interpretation is variable (not unlimitedly variable, of course, but enough that we can abstract and ascribe multiple meanings to the same words in different settings).

>> No.10799110

>That is the problem. Sometimes a certain phrase may have completely random meaning. Even when I'm told, I have no idea how I'm supposed to know it. Any time people tried to explained to me, they always explained only the obvious parts and completely skipped the hard parts.
That's because the hard parts are hidden in intuition. And you build intuition through observating and reflecting about what you observe.
Normies have it easier because they don't have to do as much observation and reflection as you have. Yes, you'll have to work twice as hard, but even if it seems impossible, you can develop that skill.
Also, I advice you to trust your gut. It helped me greatly at empathizing with other people. You think you don't have one but you do. I'm sure you've been in situations in which you've said something to someone and you noticed for a split second and very subtly their demeanor change. It gave you a very, very weak feeling of something being off, but it was so weak that you dismissed it as nothing. It was your brain giving you a clue.
Next time you see yourself in such situation, listen to your gut and try to interpret why that feeling is there.

>> No.10799170

This is completely pointless, I'm wasting my time.

>> No.10799229

Why is that? You can't relate at all to what I'm saying?

>> No.10799323

>Communication would be impossible otherwise.
Well it's obviously not, since Normies can do it just fine.

Just think of context as another part of grammar that modifies words. For example, "sick" can mean "being ill or diseased", or "being gross or disgusting", or "being awesome and cool"

The sentence "you're sick!" could have any of those three meanings, and only the hidden grammar of context will tell you which.

>> No.10799540

tones too, if verbal

>> No.10799665

I attribute it to the qualifications for autism becoming incredibly vague rather than "vaccines caused my boy to become socially awkward and jerk off to hentai" But yes, technology is destroying traditional methods of neural development though that's not a bad thing. We're simply adapting.

>> No.10800034

What are the most basic traits of a autism person?

>> No.10800096

I've compared it to seeing things in clouds. Imagine that people ommunicate by pointing to clouds, and the meaning critically depends on what the clouds resemble. Only that youo see only clouds that never resemble anything. People assume you are jsut completely retarded, how hard can it be to get that you need to look what the cloud /resembles/, not at the cloud itself? How stupid you may be to not get that. Well, you eventually get that people see something else in the clouds than you do, but that doesn't help, you may occasionally figure out what a cloud resembles to people, but that's a complete waste of time, since clouds are constantly changing.

And then an anon comes "look, it's easy, you need to pay attention to when the cloud resembles something, for example, when it resembles an antelope..."

Just KYS.

Synonyms are not the problem, the ranodm meanings people invent on the spot are a problem.

>> No.10800101 [DELETED] 

I mean homophones, not synonyms.

>> No.10800102

>listen to [pharmaceutical businessman] and [video game streamer]'s talk about [neuroscience]

>> No.10800107

I mean homonyms, not synonyms.

>> No.10800112

he didn't even make an "assertion" he asked a question

>> No.10800634

>Synonyms are not the problem, the ranodm meanings people invent on the spot are a problem.
Guess what, that's litterally what homonyms are. If your friermd is calling you something bad, but they're laughing, smiling, and not bring aggressive towards you, you can probably guess what they actually mean.

Or, if it's genuinely new slang, just ask!

Example. A girl sees you walking around with a nice pair of sunglasses. She calls you "Bougie as fuck"
Without googling, what do you tghink that means?

>> No.10801066 [DELETED] 

How am I supposed to know if she things they're nice, or if she even refers to the glasses and not something else? I am not telepathic.

But that is not what I meant. I meant using existing words with different meanings. Like
"what was the food like?"
"It was colorful". (meaning awful)

>> No.10801068

How am I supposed to know if she thinks they're nice, or even that she's talking about the glasses and not something else? I am not telepathic.

But that is not what I meant. I meant using existing words with different meanings. Like
"what was the food like?"
"It was colorful". (meaning awful)

>> No.10801111

>If your friermd is calling you something bad, but they're laughing, smiling, and not bring aggressive towards you, you can probably guess what they actually mean.

No idea what the purpose of that is supposed to be. I used to think it's mocking (laughing at me), but I guess it's sometimes meant well. It still feels awful though and I have no idea why you're doing it.

>> No.10801155

That's his point you colossal retard.
Autism makes you unable to properly communicate with others in the way humans have for as long as we've had any sort of language. It is a weakness.
>I am not telepathic
You do not have to be telepathic to understand another person's subtler meaning when they speak to you. Every non-autist on the planet can, to some degree.
This is what the entire thread has been trying to explain to the resident autists, but you're all too autistic to even understand the concept of autism.

>> No.10801177

That doesn't seem to be his point, that is your interpretation. Yes, of course you cannot understand each other either you are just too retarded to notice everybody uderstood the situation differently. You are just so retarded that you don't understad what information people need to get what you mean.

No that is not the problem. Tone of voice is also not the problem. It is so important in chinese that words that differ in tone don't even count as homonyms, and I've had none of such problems. (beyond what would be expected in my third language)

>> No.10801186

Only if autists could reproduce.
So no

>> No.10802269

I am telepathic.

>> No.10802343
File: 308 KB, 492x419, (PNG Image, 492 × 419 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans cant get smarter without becoming retarded calculators
theres no need for compromise.

>> No.10802352

>neanderthal made humans(((not african))) smart... uuhhhh theres no proof for it but maybe some correlation so it must be true

>> No.10802358

>implying autism has any correlation with intelligence

>> No.10802363

Extreme male brain haver going his own way

>> No.10802565

The most retarded fucking idea I've ever seen gain prominence.

>> No.10802568

If you'd ever seen an autistic female you'd know it's true.

>> No.10802573

My mum is kind of autistic I've slowly realized. I wouldn't say this is true, I'd say it's braindead retardation preventing addressing the real causes of autism.

The only way it's relevant is if massive oxidative stress is depleting their estrogens or otherwise deactivating receptor sites.

>> No.10802774

Yes, you can't. Despite all the talk about sheep, if you don't blindly copy others people will think you are retarded. If you don't like the stupid thigns other children like you are autistic. If you don't have the same retarded opinions as everybody else, people will think you are either retarded or their enemy. If you don't make the same logical errors as others you are autistic or mentally ill. Your idea would make sense if smarter people knew more, but the reality is that stupid and smart people know the same amount of things, only that smart people are wrong less often.

>> No.10802777 [DELETED] 

Another argument for autistic people being holistic while neurotypicals detail obsessed is image recognition. If you saw normies a drawing and delete parts of the image, the perceived similarity will highly depend on which part of image you delete. If you have let's say a beaver, and you delete much of the image except the teeth and the tail, it will still be seen as very similar, but delete those two details and it will no loger be recognized as the same.

>> No.10802780

Autistic people are less sexually dimorphic than neurotpypical people.

>> No.10802783
File: 5 KB, 314x160, autistic beaver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another argument for autistic people being holistic while neurotypicals detail obsessed is image recognition. If you show normies a drawing and delete parts of the image, the perceived similarity will highly depend on which part of image you delete. If you have let's say a beaver, and you delete much of the image except the teeth and the tail, it will still be seen as very similar, but delete those two details and it will no loger be recognized as the same.

>> No.10802856

>Be autistic
>An enviormental object changes
>Gets excited because of boredom and stagnation in the enviorment
>Then nostalgia fucks me over

>> No.10802861

Autistics spend more time evaluating a familiar object every time.

>> No.10802874

>Hurr durr i can't depend on myself so i'll get my nearest group to help me
See here you pathetic human being with the fucking logic of an ant. We also have to do things our self to complete an objective, but the fucking brainlet doesn't think every individual think different, and does the objective differently together with social communication for dem dopamines thus making the objective stagnate. If one person has one objective, they can complete itself without any meats of flesh misinterpreteting it.Kys you fucking hiveminded pos

>> No.10802890

>No idea what the purpose of that is supposed to be. I used to think it's mocking (laughing at me), but I guess it's sometimes meant well. It still feels awful though and I have no idea why you're doing it.
Because it's a joke, tardo. If you're close friend calls you a motherfucker or a piece of shit, he's complimenting you ironically.

>> No.10802900

>How am I supposed to know if she thinks they're nice, or even that she's talking about the glasses and not something else? I am not telepathic.
Context clues, son. If the one thong that changed from yesterday to today is your glasses, then she's probably referring to them. "Nice" is irrelevant to her perception of them, what matters is that they ARE nice, I.E., you paid good money for them.

For all your waxing about autist superiority, you're not really making much of an effort.

No, he's gotten my point exactly, and he understands exactly what I mean, because he's not autistic and is as to recognize the wider social context of my words.

>> No.10802943

> If you're close friend calls you a motherfucker or a piece of shit, he's complimenting you ironically.
What is the reason for doing that, fucking retard? (is that a good compliment you fucking piece of shit?)
You call it context, but I call it making stuff up.

>> No.10803045

As I said above - the hardest part of dealing with normies is not getting accused of pretending something because normies saw a hidden meaning in something random. Normies are essentialy menally ill, but they rely on each other to not do things that would trigger delusions in others. (and relying on those delusions in communications often)

>> No.10803096

Most autists can't take care of themselves on a basic level and they're all depressed. The smarter they get the more depressed they are the dumber they are the less able they are to hold together a functioning society.

That's a bingo. Autists are prone to addiction... they tend to not use drugs, barely use drugs, or use a lot. It also leads to reliving bad memories over and over again and your entire life is bad memories. It as already mentioned causes anxiety. Woah such a fucking amazing evolutionary adaption because it happens to make you smarter and more creative than normals. The stress from this shit impairs productivity more than the neutral connections enhance it.

He's right tho. Autists are bad at figuring out people quickly and judging by superficial appearances... but they do see people on a deeper level. Both because they're capable of doing so and because they have to in order to compensate for the lack of social skills. It's just how it is. Autists are better.

>narrow-thinking, barely functional robots

Kek better neck yourself then. Autists are way WAY more likely to think outside the box. They get in trouble in work and interpersonal relationships because of it all the time. Autists are inventors and artists for a reason. Do autists or normals come off as more conventional and conformist to you?

Anyways the most important reason why autism isn't the next stage of human evolution is because autists don't reproduce and a good number of them come out completely fucked and unable to take care of theirselves.

>> No.10803131

True. You're also right about the whole -ism thing. That's why I've never disclosed my disability at work so I can't make that excuse.

It's really woken me up to how normals are mostly no-talent lazy bullies who undermine others out of well founded jealousy so they can keep their jobs and status. It makes me understand why those protections exist. You know after that Jew Kanner discovered Autism, Hans Aspergers came up with Aspergers syndrome. He cooperated with the Nazis and sent autistic kids to a clinic known for euthanizing kids.

I'm glad /pol/ nazis lose their jobs and have their bank accounts closed when they throw a fit about the autist at work. /pol/ are low IQ retards who should suffer. Jews never murdered autists. Nazis did.

>> No.10803146

Wrong. It was invented by a literal Nazi to weed out white children with isufficiently aryan thinking.

>> No.10803148

Need further elaborate. Curiosity piqued.

>> No.10803563

Kekus ad infinitum

>> No.10803800

>What is the reason for doing that, fucking retard? (is that a good compliment you fucking piece of shit?)
Because he's your friend and you just did something cool?
And no, that's not a good compliment, since we're not friends among other things. Remember what I said about context?

>You call it context, but I call it making stuff up.
If it were just making stuff up, it wouldnt be so consistent amongst non-autist.

>As I said above - the hardest part of dealing with normies is not getting accused of pretending something because normies saw a hidden meaning in something random. Normies are essentialy menally ill, but they rely on each other to not do things that would trigger delusions in others. (and relying on those delusions in communications often)
Wrong, it's not that they're finding hidden meaning in something random, it's just that you're bad at hiding your true intentions or feelings.

The fact that you're so deadset on your (irrational) hypothesis that neuritypicals are ill, when in reality they're just capable of understanding broader social context in the course of communication, really goes against your assertion that artists are superior and rational.

You're not rational, you're just lacking a key piece of human behavior, and rather than realizing this so that you can take steps to overcome your disability, you pretend that this is actually a good thing and that it's THEM who are broken, not you. It's genuinely pure cope, and it actually makes me pity you.

>> No.10803821
File: 451 KB, 810x810, Chrisautismmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>viruses have been linked to autism.
Even Chris has seen this. I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers he used were accurate in his case.
Where it's the dissociative Autism in his case, rather than more savant Autism.
It's a sub routine that either disregards information relations and catalogs. Or over does it.

>> No.10803872

"Schizos are superior"
>OP reveals himself to be schizophrenic and attracts other schizos
"Autists are superior"
>OP reveals himself to be an autist and attracts other autists

damn it do be like that

>> No.10803923

Yeah, it's a lose attempt to define the bias between per-ordained/accepted data and the normal/unconventional method/s said to result of it.

I will not accept dismissal.
Dismissal is the Mind-Killer.
Dismissal the little-death that brings total ignorance.
I will face dismissal.
I will permit it to accost me and to attempt adherence.
When it falls off my breast, I'll turn wrath to its origins.
Where dismissal has failed, there will be knowledge in its path.

>> No.10803925

>Because he's your friend and you just did something cool?

That is not a reason for insult. Maybe a compliment perhaps, but insults don't make sense.

>If it were just making stuff up, it wouldnt be so consistent amongst non-autist.

It isn't as consistent as you think and it's very often wrong even where it is.

>Wrong, it's not that they're finding hidden meaning in something random, it's just that you're bad at hiding your true intentions or feelings.

You see, this is the outright psycho behavior I was talking about. No you didn't find anything, you are just wrong and if you weren't in overwhelming majority you'd be called mentally ill.

>> No.10803932

Autism is the natural brain. High tech civilization has created an environment in which mentally disabled individuals (non-autistic brained people) thrive, because the hostile high tech environment is damaging to the natural autistic brain. This has resulted in natural selection choosing mentally disabled individuals over autistic (normal) individuals.

>> No.10804026

Asperger appears because of selective breeding, where emotionally stunted males and women that wasted their life crunching numbers make a baby

>> No.10804355

Is it just my own bias, but is there a genetic trait for a particular sunset type of Autisti/Asperger.?

The weedy black hair type that lacks empathy.
I know it's a broad diagnosis. So theirs easily a trait there if selective.
But I'd suggest the classification of this group is wrong. Much like how ADD/ADHD also umbrellas apathetic/neurotic parents.

>> No.10804513

That's the entire western world at this point. No wonder it's ballooning.

>> No.10806306

Autism makes it nearly impossible to function properly in human society, which also implies you'll have a very hard time reproducing (if at all) as an autist. Some autists and aspies don't even have the urge to find a sexual partner. This lifestyle is inherently regressive in terms of evolution, as a species' steps into something better are always shaped by how they can find better and more effective ways to reproduce and adapt to their environment (also a huge weakness for autistic people, since they're pretty much addicted to routines and specific patterns).
Maybe the ideal human evolution has an autistic ability for calculations and analysis, while also keeping a normal, healthy yearning for human company and empathy. Until then, no way in hell they're the next step.

>> No.10806554

It's only impossible in western society. Nobody else outside Europe hates us and we can live completely normally. There is even a famous French Autist polyglot, who says something like he's only autistic in Europe.

>> No.10806886

They clamp.
They vaccinate.
They circumcise.

>> No.10806992

Pro tip for vax maxxing. Focus additives and their non normal induction to the blood system
There's one that's basically aquarega to neurons. But if ingested or absorbed without skipping to the circularly system it'd be safe,
I'll let you find out yourself what one and by what mechanism. Actually give some sort of dog in this fight.
Ad infinitum bullet points opinion must make one hope for a stoke.

>> No.10807109

Probably not, no
It's really just a compromise of something for something else, usually with a bit of ineffectiveness mixed in.
It would probably be better if for example some parts of the cerebellum got re-used for cognitive ability (the cerebellum has a fuckton of connections)

>> No.10807458

My younger sister is actually diagnosed autistic. There's no way she could do art or study STEM let alone live on her own or even something as simple as grocery shopping. She could buy her favorite snack maybe and give money to a lady on her own. But say a task such as buy dinner for a week with no preconceived list (or even with a list), she would not be able to handle. A lot of sci look to autism to explain their "downfalls" but they've never seen a legitimate autist to even compare to.

>> No.10807573
File: 178 KB, 1308x645, FBC146ED-4CB4-4106-ACC7-000A7DD66726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are God’s Chosen

>> No.10807593
File: 281 KB, 1044x750, B1AD33B0-47CF-450B-BFF7-E813525DCC0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10807599


You should know better that autism is a spectrum disorder. Your sister would've been diagnosed with Kanner's syndrome or autistic disorder prior to the DSM5.

>> No.10807652

The autistic brain has been clamped and circumcised AND vaccinated.

How long?

>> No.10807664

is it worth trying to get autismbux, how hard are they to get

>> No.10807688

>A lot of sci look to autism to explain their "downfalls" but they've never seen a legitimate autist to even compare to.
Most formally diagnosed autists on /sci/ have asperger syndrome. This disorder is still in use in ICD-11, but was removed from DSM-V in 2013 in favor of ASD. These individuals have milder versions classical autistic traits coupled with an absence of intellectual disability.

>> No.10807707


Still, I think you are right. While those who claim to have autism here on /sci/ probably do have more autistic traits than the mean, I speculate that most would in fact not meet the diagnostic critera.

>> No.10807725
File: 8 KB, 103x153, 212-280x300~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, autism will ebb over the next few hundred years as technological society atrophies. ADHD will become a fit trait once again during the upcoming reverse-pleistocene.

>> No.10807776

A few papers that are relevant




Main takeaways, yes autism is definitely linked to higher intelligence, especially in some ways, but there is also a clear imbalance. I would say the biggest losses for autists are abstraction, diffuse attention, and obviously lots related to communication. Also, its very important that what makes humans great isn't individual intelligence but group intelligence, the power of humans is an emergent property much like the power of ants. This is partly why neanderthals went extinct. Autists are not effective communicators, thus, they are best thought of as an asset to humanity if properly applied, but certainly not the next step in evolution

>> No.10807779

this is actually true

>> No.10807793



People with autism have worse intuition (iowa gambling task performance is very much dependent on one's ability to intuitively pick up and make use of patterns as the subconscious is incredibly good at this) and much higher risk-aversion which is an absolute necessity for huge success in the world and is one of the other incredibly important traits for human success both as individuals and as a collective whole

>> No.10807803

Based and redpilled

>> No.10807871

I don't know if emergent properties are real. Can a machine ever be more than the sum of its parts? I would say no. That's what organizational structures and compartmentalization is for, controlling the flow of state changes, and increasing the probability of maximal output.

Yeah, I don't know. Just because you have a bunch of parts together that happen to bring out abilities in each other via their interactions, doesn't mean that there's anything emergent either spatially or temporally.

No, I'd have to reject emergence as a concept. You know it invokes thoughts of gliders in Conway's game of life and so on, but I just don't see it. If you had some thoughts I'd like to hear them though.

>> No.10807903

Simplest example of what I'm talking about is ants and an anthill. No single ant can conceive of the enormous complexity and functionality that is the anthill, and yet, it exists. Same thing with humans. Popular example is the essay I, Pencil, which exemplifies that even the deceivingly simplest of human creations actually requires so complex and advanced of a body of knowledge that no individual human knows how to make it.

Maybe this isn't exactly "emergence" as you may think of it, but the point is that human achievement is due to individual specialization, distribution, and exchange of goods and ideas. The TED talk "When Ideas have Sex" is a nice overview if you're interested.

>> No.10807915

But the ultimate behavior of the ant colony does not exceed the sum of the logic contained in its individual parts. Something cannot have logic outside of the total logic of its parts.

If you look at ants, they're suboptimal (ie they'll trace blades of grass and revisit the same blade multiple times), and their mode of communication is somewhat slow though overall fairly tight and resistant to failure. But ultimately, all these interactions cannot create something greater.

Pretty much, what I'm getting at is the universe can't do logic beyond the underlying logic it's driven by. It cannot give rise to a machine that can transcend itself. It can't afford its existence. This is necessarily present at all other scales.

>> No.10807930

Yeah, I think you misunderstand what emergence talks about. You are completely right by that there cannot exist a machine that transcends itself or logic beyond the underlying logic. The idea is that there is another, very important component, or logic, which is the interaction of the physical objects themselves. Emergence isn't magic, its merely the synthesis of huge complexity through lots of not so complex parts and their interactions

>> No.10808237

>But say a task such as buy dinner for a week with no preconceived list (or even with a list), she would not be able to handle
Why not?


No. The difference is the amount of abuse. If you have at least one autistic parent, you get the milder form. Neurotypical parents won't let you learn langauge.

ADHD is the oposite of autism.

Nonsense. Autists excell at abstract thinking. What you call abstract thinking is actually called magical thinking, autist don't have it. Autsits have verbal intelligence incomparable to normies, it's the normies fault that communication fails and it's the normies who think like neadnerthals and do not cooperate. (they only cooperate against somebody else like neanderthals did, not to help each other like people)

It doesn't work with the Chinese either, only white people think like that. It's the same kind of thinking that causes prejudice, "lucky" pieces of clothing and other delusions. In real life the results are almost always false, because you end up sticking to random occurences.

>> No.10808259

Animals excel at tasks like that, it's nothing to be proud about.

> Same thing with humans. Popular example is the essay I, Pencil, which exemplifies that even the deceivingly simplest of human creations actually requires so complex and advanced of a body of knowledge that no individual human knows how to make it.

Retarded drivel written by an autist who couldn'tt fathom people would cooperate without money and think it was a massive insight to realize different people have different knowledge and skills.

>> No.10808300

From the abstract it seems that autistic people scored better than the controls.

>> No.10808304

Actually read the study. The study is chinese and showed that normies didn't stick to the results and the "disabled" did. Western results show the opposite, neurotypical people stick to the choice depite negative consequences: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/rRRCEoCXDSiv4dQvM/monty-hall-in-the-wild

>> No.10808361

I think this is the basis of how some of the mysteriosu social skills work, such as the insulting your friends mentioned aboce. Since in neurotypical westerners negative feedback not only doesn't diminish, but may even strenghten th original belief, it naturally follows from it that if you insult your friend (a negative feedback about your friendship) you end up strenghtening your friendship. (I have never seen chinese doing anything like that)

>> No.10808490

Anon, you are completely delusional and have no idea of how the world works. Your autistic brain has failed you in analyzing anything beyond your immediate surroundings.

>> No.10808507

>itt: scientific illiteracy & /x/-tier conspiracy
HFA/AS has been shown to have a higher degree of heritability than other factors.
Also it should be noted that high intelligence is also an abnormality, and those with it have been shown to often have abnormal neurology.

>> No.10808529

To all here self-proclaimed autists.
Up to doing some 30 pages of reading?
google "studies on hysteria" site:archive.org
In that book, read the case history of "Anna O" (aforementioned~30 pages), written by Breuer (not Freud).
Posts your thoughts on what you read here, as replies.
If anything, at the very least, it's quite a nail-biting read.

>> No.10808530

This: http://www.projectlearnet.org/tutorials/concrete_vs_abstract_thinking.html

Is magical, not abstract thinking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magical_thinking#Anthropology

>> No.10808546

Also don't let the thread die in the meantime, if you can help it.

>> No.10808556
File: 9 KB, 274x300, Heart-7-Point-Refactory-Recovery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anon want to reset your refractory period?
Pic related.

Just don't remember penny crystals immediately after.

>> No.10808568

I'm not even the same guy. Kek
Just from reading your last post and seeing you say such shallow and untrue things I can easily recognize how jaded and out of touch with reality you are.

>> No.10808587

What about that is untrue?

>> No.10808591

IMO an autistic woman suffering severe meningitis, or something similar.

>> No.10808604

She (Bertha Pappenheim) later became a public figure, was for more than 30 years, with pretty much nobody who didn't know her back then, having as much as a clue anything like this ever happened.

>> No.10808618


My answears:

1.On the bus

Jim is a nice person

>2. Skinned knee

Give band aid and medicinal alchool ASAP

>3. Accidental poison

Yes and no

Technically , she is to blame as she was the one that ended Marys life. So yes

But No because she did not mean to harm and thought it was sugar.

The one to blame is the retarded scientist that labeled a lethal substance sugar and did not put any sort of danger warning.

>> No.10808632

You have to read more about emergence and complex systems anon. You have it wrong, it's not some magical thing that transcends logic, it's a name for phenomena that only happens in the interaction of parts of a system, and whose logic is not possible to grasp by only looking at how the individual parts function by themselves. Only in their interaction.

>> No.10808633

Chris-chan is peak human evolution

>> No.10808636

1) Not good, well mannered.
2) Good word iskind of an ineffective tool to combat infection - and there CAN be consequences? I mean, hello, wake up, you special snoflake, also, immasowwyvewymuch, but that alcohol will likely sting too?
3) Scientist effectively set Grace up. Grace is not responsible, but he is, for mishandling lethal substances, that is, criminal negligence at the very least (and there will be questions about that "sugar" label as well).
Mary is a retard for ignoring suspicious tastes or odors (or does that lethal substance in "sugar" container taste exactly like sugar as well?).

>> No.10808642

Yea , lets see the normies try locate and nuke a bloody ISIS base using weaponised normism on instagram

>> No.10808643

>The social games are daunting. They don’t really have friends, they only have (usually temporal) allies they help them to fight others. They want somebody who is good at figuring out the weaknesses of others, can spread rumors against them, or find something that could be used against them.
>projection, the post.

>> No.10808644

Also why the fuck can't Jenny tend to her fucking knee by herself, if I may inquire. Or did she hurt her, gasp, FEELINGS, or something, as well?

>> No.10808646

In other words why should I assume Johnny has obligation to babysit Jenny to begin with?

>> No.10808647

>Mary is a retard for ignoring suspicious tastes or odors (or does that lethal substance in "sugar" container taste exactly like sugar as well?).

Maybe its odorless and if you taste it... its too late

>> No.10808654

Imagine being this much of a faggot

>> No.10808655

Get on his level normalfag

>> No.10808657

>ADHD is the oposite of autism.
It's not. You either took this assumption out of your ass or took some author's hypothesis for a fact. There's no scientific consensus on that. Just because you can derive it through logic it doesn't mean it's true.

>Autists excell at abstract thinking
No, they don't. Most autists are literal retards.

>Autsits have verbal intelligence incomparable to normies
No, they haven't. See previous response.

>it's the normies fault that communication fails and it's the normies who think like neadnerthals and do not cooperate.
Communication generally doesn't fail. If it did, we weren't able to create whole societies and systems.

>(they only cooperate against somebody else like neanderthals did, not to help each other like people)
It is an effective strategy to create a common enemy to unite people regardless of whether your population is normie or autistic. There's literally no evidence that HFAs are less irrational and/or less subject to manipulation than normies. It's a behavior long shared by all human populations.

>> No.10808658

So... Normies are now nacisists?
Wait a second


Nuke those motherfuckers with WeaP On I zEd A uT IsM

>> No.10808671

Ever thought most HFAs just don't get diagnozed?

>> No.10808673

Not surprising, the brain function was restored once the infection cleared.
>It's not. You either took this assumption out of your ass or took some author's hypothesis for a fact. There's no scientific consensus on that. Just because you can derive it through logic it doesn't mean it's true.

It certainly seems to be. i.e. processing and focus too narrow even for normies.
>No, they don't. Most autists are literal retards.
Yes, they do. They seem retards to you because *your* abstract thinking sucks and you're deducing nonsense. How do you think they could be so succesful in fields that require highly developed abstract thought (i.e. STEM)? What you call "abstract thinking" is the liberal art nonsense that has become a literal meme.

>Communication generally doesn't fail. If it did, we weren't able to create whole societies and systems.

It's like monkeys. Monkeys are not bothered other monkeys don't talk to them, they even don't know what talking is and learn to do witrh what they have. (and can generally cooperata jsut as well as normies without language) Autists expect highly developed language, and have no way of dealing with its absence, not only normies don't talk well enough, they also won't get what you mean when you talk the way you naturally talk.

>It is an effective strategy to create a common enemy to unite people regardless of whether your population is normie or autistic.

It is necessary for normies. Autists can cooperate without an enemy to unite against. Hence how most societies can fuction with one ruling party with no opposing force to unite against.

>There's literally no evidence that HFAs are less irrational and/or less subject to manipulation than normies.

They can only be convinced by logical arguments, of course that is harder to fake than the normie way.

>> No.10808677

You cannot smell sugar?

>> No.10808679

>regarding Anna O
>mental note
>lack of relevant experience (nervous breakdown, psychosomatics), hence lack of recognition
The insistence on postulating infection despite there being no basis to support that assumption, is interesting though.
Thank you for your attention and time.

>> No.10808680

How does that relate to anything that I've said?

Also, even though most HFAs are never diagnosed, I can bet you that they live with crippling social ineptitude and never amount to anything, because that's what defines autism. Please don't just label socially awkward high IQ normies as autists so you can feel better about yourself.

>> No.10808681


>> No.10808685

The basis is that she had obvious symptoms of brain function disturbance (it seems that left hemisphere was especially affected) as well as the tiredness and stiffness of neck and the fact that the symptoms vanished with no trace, which I assume would not happen if it was a stroke or physical brain damage. What do you think it was?

>> No.10808687

Who said a normie can ALWAYS distinguish another normie from an autist (that includes mislabeling normies as autusts as well)?
Who said YOU can? You seem to think quite high of your acumen. I wonder, on what basis, if so.

>> No.10808693

Not really

I dont smell the sugar when im making a coffee and just putting sugar

But the hypothetical poison could have the smell of sugar

>> No.10808712

My own theory is that it was the sort of thing that in some cases gets labeled as paranoid psychosis (can't speak for all cases) - encumbered, yes, with psychosomatic symptoms.
The logic behind it, I think, is something like this. When she was born, father wanted a boy, since there were already, if I am not mistaken, two girls already. The boy got born three years after. "Anna" thus became a sort of "extra" child. Be it her father's wish, her brother would be born instead of her, and she wouldn't be born at all. Snake, I think, meant death, physical desintegration. And the bite is, I think, that she realized she could, just as well, not exist at all, at least, if it just so happened for the father to get his way.
She was probably generally quite a habitually obedient girl too.

But that's just my take, what do I know, I am not a medium, I had my own narrative of that sort to resolve, I did it and by and large solved my problem. Managed to get by without talking partner too.
Anyway, doesn't give me any right to speak for others regardless.

>> No.10808715

The bite of the setup described, not of the snake.

>> No.10808739

How about the vision disturbances, the "absences", the loss of ability to speak certain langauges (or to speak them correctly), the lack of ability to notice or recognize people, her apparent inability to write with her right hand, the physical symptoms??

>> No.10808744

Amplification of physcosomatic symptoms, harmful to her well-being (thus potentially leading to her ceasing to exist).

>> No.10808756


>> No.10809194

>Autists expect highly developed language, and have no way of dealing with its absence, not only normies don't talk well enough, they also won't get what you mean when you talk the way you naturally talk.

You do realize that if you can't talk to normies you're a poor communicator right? Normies, namely tard wranglers are more apt at communicating with autists than autists are with normies. If you want to be considered "better communicators" then you should be able to communicate more effectively with more people, not less

>> No.10809416

The main difference is that normies use euphemisms automatically without any consideration, almost as if they're just repeating a phrase because they were conditioned to use it in a particular context. The original meaning doesn't seem to matter to normies. Americans are particularly vulgar in this regard. Meanwhile "autists" can't help but interpret euphemisms literally, so their use at least causes us to pause for thought if not causes offense. Euphemistic communication is related to reasoning by analogy and is inherently inferior to literal communication.

>> No.10809441

>No. The difference is the amount of abuse. If you have at least one autistic parent, you get the milder form. Neurotypical parents won't let you learn langauge.
Interesting hypothesis, but you need to back that shit up. It's estimated (through twin-studies) that about 60%-90% of autism is purely genetic, thus leaving at least some room for this dynamic to play out.

>> No.10809450 [DELETED] 

He was just stating facts.

>> No.10809527

The problem is, as I said that:

1, Normie's langauge is less precise than expected and there seems to be a lot of things they simply cannot express verbally at all. It's much easier to deal with it if you are on the same level. See the comparison with monkeys.

2. Normie's comprehension speed is lower than expected. They cannot process language as you speak it normally, lose parts of what you said and misinterpret the rest.

3. The language you speak is verly likely best suited for normie's needs, not yours.

4. A lot of the time it seems there are just a few words that are really meant to be understood, and the rest is garbage that is supposed to make the sentences look grammatical, but must be ignored to get the meaning as it was intended.

5. As I said this difference disappears in writing, which suggests that it is the preferred way of communication even for normies, but they have no capacity to engage in it in real time.

You need to adapt to all that, but normies don't have to adapt to anything, since they naturally talk that way.

>> No.10809940

sensible chuckle

>> No.10810082


>> No.10810471

>I can bet you that they live with crippling social ineptitude and never amount to anything
Stop attempting to make absolute testamentary without logic you spastic.
It's by default a psyke issue. And we all know that there's no self evident result there.

>most HFAs are never diagnosed
>with an IQ of 70 or greater
>There are other comorbidities, the presence of one or more disorders in addition to the primary disorder
>general mood disorder.
I can't see why they're not diagnosed. At retard bliss 'IQ', the self soothing that comes with self awareness when actually not retarded kick in.
Being at a point self soothing activates. Are they any longer autistic? As any disorder is the harm to function in the system.
The mood disorder may just be correlate to the insanity the self soothing autistic witness's but because of self awareness they correctly are dismayed or present manic.

Rational break down is not a problem.
The cause is. Undesirable action in a social system is a disorder, if it's a detrimental one by logic.

So these HFA you're trying to kneecap. Aren't actually Autistic. They're hypernormalative.
The autistic that are left. Are actually retarded.Their HF aspect is evidenced by irrationality.

>> No.10810605

Neurotypical is the psyche of the parasite, autistic is the psyche of the predator, autists are not liked primarily due to it being obvious they would become deadly without any second thoughts if the dire necessity arises, it's all there is to it.