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File: 41 KB, 800x472, race-iq-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10780812 No.10780812 [Reply] [Original]

Why do population at higher latitude have higher IQ?

>> No.10780830

Why do population at higher latitude have lighter skin?

>> No.10780833

most caucasians live there, asian being the best next in line.

>> No.10780839

far from africa

>> No.10780845

Geomagnetic field.

>> No.10780859

less air pressure means the brain can expand instead of the skull having to be reinforced

>> No.10780861

Education, thats why in asia its dark cus stricter education

>> No.10781012

That map doesnt show the continents on the other side of the planet.

>> No.10781018

less infectious diseases

>> No.10781031

>and all of a sudden, IQ 70 retards starting educating each other, suddenly amounting to an IQ of 100
>there is cucks with so little self respect on this board, they actually believe all this bullshit

>> No.10781060

Staying warm and finding food in colder, sparser climates takes smarts, not brawn.

>> No.10781426

Yeah that's how education works. China has many areas that are not developed and have shitty living and education conditions.

>> No.10781437

Not the other guy, but education/exposure to experience is a key factor along with genetics disposition in determining IQ.

The world wasn't always a literate one. The Asian countries particularly only managed high literacy rates in the last few decades while the western countries enjoyed it for about a 100 year or so. The so called "flynn effect" is just the world catching up in literacy rate. Africa/India will experience major literacy growth in the next few decades.

>> No.10781442

No, it’s just Africa fucking up the averages.

>> No.10781443

>who are the Inuits
>who are the Sami
>who are all the other indigenous tribes that have lived in the highest latitudes for millennia
>also Russians must therefore be smarter than French and Italians and Greeks and Spanish, lol

>> No.10781444

It's just a stupid unsubstantiated just-so story.
Living in hot deserts or sub-Saharan bush also takes smarts. All hostile environments pose unique challenges.

Also you can construct a just-so story to say the exact opposite:
>most comfy land will be most contested
>most contested land is won by the smartest tribe
>tribe flourishes in most comfy land and builds advanced civilization
>advanced civilization selects for intelligence because intelligence is now more useful for advanced skills
>tribe becomes even smarter

See, just-so stories are not science.

>> No.10781445

same pattern in indiginous native american tribes

>> No.10781449

Hold on, is this actually good science? Can you correlate IQ across nations?
I know Lynn is controversial, but I'm asking in particular about this one aspect of correlating IQ across nations.
Looks to me like it was be problematic to do this without somehow getting a biased reading due to cultural/environmental differences.

>> No.10781450

Because preparing for the winter takes brains.

>> No.10781462
File: 123 KB, 1024x481, 1024px-Spreading_homo_sapiens_la.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Staying warm and finding food in colder, sparser climates takes smarts

exactly, from evolutionary stand point "caucasoids" are smarter because they had to survive very difficult climate/conditions, meanwhile inhabitans of tropical climate/conditions had it comparatively more easy so they didn't have the evolutionary preassure for higher intelligence to help them survive.

this also goes in line with the out of africa theory, the people that left africa went through evolutionary preassure to develope higher intelligence in order to survive difficult climate/conditions.

this is also why racemixing could by considered a bad thing from evolutionary stand point, you are basically regresing all that time that it took nature to adapt the people that got out of africa to higher intelligence.

>> No.10781465

This. Any explanation can matter if you think with your feels.

>> No.10781472

>the people that left africa went through evolutionary preassure to develope higher intelligence in order to survive difficult climate/conditions.

Fake horseshit. People got out of Africa because the Northern latitudes were less hostile to life and more habitable.

>> No.10781479

ignoring the initial premise
what environmental or social factors would one expect to select for higher levels cognitive function?

>> No.10781481

Living in a more advanced economy is one obvious and very important factor.

>> No.10781484

4chan needs a thumbs up system just for this

>> No.10781486

Clark-Unz selection


>> No.10781493
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>> No.10781495

it has one, they're called (You)s

>> No.10781497

The northern latitudes did force selection for the self-control it took to not eat in December the food they needed for February, for roughly 40,000 winters in a row. You cannot deny my girth.

>> No.10781498

there's an argument about overheating larger brains

>> No.10781499

>this is also why racemixing could by considered a bad thing from evolutionary stand point,
What if it's with a smart black? It sounds like it has nothing to do with race, as people don't just decide a race they want to breed with, and select randomly among that population. Maybe you actually care about preserving something else....

>> No.10781500

When did that happen? In the last 500 years?

>> No.10781504

Can't fool us, OP.

>> No.10781523

>richer countries have better education and more time to study

>> No.10781524

No I cannot deny that you're just a racist trying to claim your just-so story as science to push your agenda.

>> No.10781525

They are more evolved, obviously

>> No.10781527

It would happen continuously throughout human history.

>> No.10781547


>> No.10781549

Contrary to popular belief, harsh environments select for brawn and comfy environments select for brains. Why? Because in harsh environments you are constantly in survival mode. No time to rest and think about anything.
>must secure food
>must secure water
>must secure shelter
>must secure food
>must secure water
>must secure shelter
All the time.

In comfy environments you have more leisure time, and this allows humans to think, be creative and come up with ways to make their life even easier than it already is. For example, they can spend the time digging a canal to divert the river so that next day they don't have to carry the water in a pail, they can just let it flow to them.
And then next time they have some leisurely time, they can weave a basket to collect and carry food more effectively.

If you ever played any AOE style strategy game you understand that time is the most important resource you can have, and if you have time, you can advance your civilization and become more efficient and have even more time, but if you cannot spare any time, you are stuck in a loop of inefficient scrambling for survival.

>> No.10781551

Winter is not any less harsh than living in a desert or sub-Saharan bush.

>> No.10781552

Don't forget about calorie availability. A big complex brain uses a ton of calories. Sacrificing some higher brain function in times of scarcity can make for a more streamlined and efficient brain, better for surviving harsh climates.

>> No.10781555

If anything desert environments encourage long-term planning because you have to know where water may still be in droughts. Elephants trek for miles to find watering holes just because their matriarch remembers going there before.

>> No.10781562

intelligence would develop under conditions of complexity where simple repetition of memorised actions wouldn't be as likely to give you more children
tool making with unreliable materials might be one scenario

>> No.10781566

>the average in China is greater than 105
That's way crazier because there's so many people there.

>> No.10781568

Evolutionary neuroscience student here

This is entirely my own theory, but I believe that humans still haven't evolved enough to physically and mentally deal with temporal/polar climates. The necessities for our well-being in these climates (whether it was hominins 1 million years ago, humans around the paleolithic revolution 40k years ago or humans now) are much higher than in climate zones we are physically and mentally adapted to.

So, there is a predisposition for humans to survive that manage to offset these difficulties and over time, this gives rise to a more mental/culture based kind of human than a human who doesn't need additional tools/lifestyles/mental phenomena to deal with an environment he is already well-adapted to.

Evolution will tend to select for high IQ in these climate zones, simply because the benefits it brings are required to function adequately as an individual, as a community and as a species.

But, that's my theory and I haven't seen anything like this voiced in any scientific texts because obviously ideas like these don't make it past the peer reviews.

>> No.10781572

there are reliability issues with chinese numbers
fun fact they released a major study into dysgenic decline in IQ in china

>> No.10781575

Yeah it was surely entirely down to one single thing and not a whole myriad of factors we will probably need another century to understand.

You have it figured out.

>> No.10781576

I've seen a similar idea proposed a few times.

>> No.10781582
File: 206 KB, 720x528, a002640_slate[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you can find highly intelligent black people but the thing is that statistically they are not that common.
theres a very interesting case with haiti and domenican republiic, haitians were one of the very first countries to revlot and gain independence from the french , in that revolution they basically killed every european living there, meanwhile domenicans had their own revolutions but never got to that point they just keep goin and "mixing things up"... back to current times they still share the same island but the difference betwen the countries is remarcable even though domenicans are very mixed they are much better than haiti.

>this is only becuse the US intervention.

well if we go just by that theory alone the US has intervine in a lot of places none of then are as bad as haiti and some of them are even good places like japan or germany

>> No.10781583 [DELETED] 

This mean My IQ is 90 and guess Which yes worst place in The world

>> No.10781586

DR should just sneakily move the border a metre every year

>> No.10781587

>Evolutionary neuroscience student here
Doubt it
Rest of your post makes no sense and is very low IQ so I think you're just trying to samefag to give credibility to your shitty just-so story.

>> No.10781589


>> No.10781590

Direct your criticism to OP and his ilk cause they are the ones pretending that, not me.

>> No.10781594

Why is africa just so uniquely bad?

>> No.10781600

>but the thing is that statistically they are not that common.
So? Like I said, you don't decide the race you desire to breed with, and then select randomly among them. So again, what's wrong with race-moxing?

>> No.10781601

with livestock you can lose unique gene adaptations to an environment that can take generations of harsh selection to restablish across the population even though they were present in the f1 hybrid

>> No.10781639

The type of agriculture in each of those environments had a profound impact on brain evolution. The higher yup you go in latitude, the more mental work is needed to stay alive. These most intense work is the rice patty.

>> No.10781648

explain the mongols

>> No.10781652
File: 231 KB, 490x750, BDFTS_Ringabel_Bonus_Costume_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, of course. That's the reason I avoid blacks, obviously.

>> No.10781658

What about the mongols?

>> No.10781663

Haiti got shunned by most countries after they got their independence. Doesn't justify all their plight but it's a part.

>> No.10781694

I love those kind of posts. Unlike most narrow minded retards, especially in a so called "/sci" board, i'll say it is a possibility.

>> No.10781701

No need to be an evolutionary neuroscientist to come about this explanation.
It's pretty obvious and seem the most plausible.

>> No.10781703

cold winter hypothesis

>> No.10781754

nah, I've been looking at this situation becuase they share the same Fing island!!! but their situations are very different and domenicans don't want nothing to do with haiti, the inmigration of haitians has caused issues for them.

this is quite a case study, I'm not saying that D.republic is a paradise but comparatively the difference is quite surprising betweem the domenican mixed mulatos and the blacks from haiti. if you look at D.R. videos or tv you can still see some "pale people" here and there...

>> No.10781756

haitians went through a policy of killing off anyone not dark enough

>> No.10781760
File: 627 KB, 2400x2400, alert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VERY unlikely China's IQ average would maintain that position if IQ tests were administered as widely amongst the population as in Western countries.

>> No.10781764

Not true. South indians are generally smarter than north indians.

>> No.10781770

If it's really hot, just find shade.

If it's really cold...
Not easy at all.
Basically you need ingenuity, technology, etc.

It's easy to die in the cold.

If you're dumb, and it's cold for extended periods, there's a higher likelihood that you won't live long enough to reproduce.

As for China, the North is cold, and:

>> No.10781789

how old is the data this map was based on?

>> No.10781834
File: 202 KB, 900x1960, 1490932259426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People at higher latitudes have more Ashkenazi genes in their population which are the genes allowing for high IQ.


How high the IQ of a civilization is is dependent on how much Jewish genes they have. East Asians for example have the highest amount of Jewish genes outside of Jewish people and thus they have the 2nd highest IQ behind Jews.

Caucasians are after that and have the 3rd highest IQs behind Jews and East Asians.


Basically there are hypothesis out there that Jewish people were the original humans that evolved consciousness and the "thinking genes" and that they slowly spread it out but not everywhere equally. Asia and caucasians got most of the genes and Ashkenazi Jewish people have the highest concentration of them.

This also explains why 54% of global PhDs belong to Jewish people and 40% of all scientific Nobel prices were awarded to Jews despite them being only 0.006% of the global population. It's because they have the purest form of the original "intelligence genes"

>> No.10781855
File: 594 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat4436834527897819372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna get super woke? It was American racism all along.

US occupation of Dominican Republic:
>The military government established by the U.S., led by Vice Admiral Harry Shepard Knapp, was widely repudiated by the Dominicans, with many factions within the country leading guerrilla campaigns against U.S. forces.[88] The occupation regime kept most Dominican laws and institutions and largely pacified the general population. The occupying government also revived the Dominican economy, reduced the nation's debt, built a road network that at last interconnected all regions of the country, and created a professional National Guard to replace the warring partisan units.

US occupation of Haiti:
>Within days, the Marines had taken control of the capital city and its banks and customs house, which controlled all the finances of the island nation. The Marines declared martial law and severely censored the press. Within weeks, a new pro-U.S. Haitian president, Philippe Sudré Dartiguenave, was installed and a new constitution written that was favorable to the interests of the United States.

>> No.10781870

Caucasian and East Asian migrant human populations suffered severe bottlenecks from the perils of neolithic living in cold climes. Due to the founder effect you only have the most intelligent (and forward thinking) strains making the cut, and inbreeding exacerbates this effect. Without that pressure, even populations that were formerly hardened and sharp can start diluting IQ, such as in Central America.

>> No.10781881

This also explains why Jews have the highest IQ. There have been 44 genocide events against Jews throughout history. Every time only the most intelligent survived which then started inbreeding again. Causing all modern scientists to be Jewish.

In effect humanity kinda applied eugenics to Jews to make them the smartest people on the planet.

>> No.10781890

Only the ashkenazi. sephardic are like 90
plus the jews are pretty psychopathic

>> No.10781916

>plus the jews are pretty psychopathic
Many have low arousal emotions (emotions don't automatically trigger bodily response). Most East Asians are like that as well.

>> No.10781934

Those are also the cause of the genocides, since whites hate those with low arousal emotions.

>> No.10781983
File: 52 KB, 700x428, IQ Nations.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As humans left Africa, their bodies, brains and behavior changed. To deal with the colder winters and scarcer food supply of Europe and Northeast Asia, the Oriental and White races moved away from an r-strategy toward the K-strategy. This meant more parenting and social organization, which required a larger brain size and a higher IQ.

>> No.10782007

It's the emergence of the novel DRD4 alleles.

R2 = extremely social, highly cooperative, good at processing complex information, willing to specialize.

R7 = antisocial, expects everyone to step out of his way while he does what he chooses to do, little restrictions on cheating and fighting. Sees society as a battle field and everyone his enemy.

>> No.10782009

Eastern Europe has an average IQ of 85. People that make these maps have never lived in Europe to see the subhumans called slavs. These people are literally more retarded than the muslim migrants we let in.

Stop believing in retarded propaganda.

>> No.10782057

i would guess it's about nutrition. in africa for example your body needs more nutrition, because it's hot and you sweat more. but their diet relies on mudcakes and mosquito burger. also lag of vegetables. they have not enough nutrition to develop their brain. in europe for example the climate allows you to grow almost every vegetable you want in your garden.
and you have huge parts of the country without schools. and yeah, genetics play a minor role too.

eat your vegetables and stay hydrated.

>> No.10782076

>Slavs are are literally more retarded than the muslim migrants we let in.

Stop believing in retarded propaganda.

>> No.10782088

this one?

>> No.10782090

It's true. I can confirm too. Slavs are really fucking stupid. The lower class have a really toxic culture, in fact, way worst than the Muslims, because the alcoholism compounds their stupidity.

>> No.10782099

did the >another iq thread guy give up

>> No.10782109

By definition, every country has an average IQ of 100

>> No.10782110

I wish you actually experienced firsthand how it is to live next to slavs and muslims. Sure muslims should be deported as well. But it's still a massive step up from retarded slavs.

>> No.10782113

Not really, but that one is also kind of relevant, I think.

>> No.10782114


This is relative to the global normal, not national

>> No.10782116

i was only just reading the the r2/7 thing so I was surprised to see it mentioned again

>> No.10782118
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.10782120

Genghis khan genes

>> No.10782124


more sun=more melanin to protect from uv

>> No.10782129

Slav here, it's pretty much true. I can't exactly despise all of my countrymen but they're generally not very bright.

>> No.10782130


they don't have higher IQ its just education accessibility and natural selection due to choosing more educated partner

>> No.10782138

see also the Wang et al. 2004 and Thompson et al. 2018 cited in the article.

>> No.10782144

so generational selection for intellect?

>> No.10782150
File: 71 KB, 623x752, alfred-nobel-padre-de-la-dinamita-benefactor-de-las-grandes-contribuciones-a-la-humanidad[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that you mention jews, this is a very interesting case because like this guy said >>10781890 basically the only ones that are considered remarcable are actually mixed with european stock , is SUPER rare that you will see a black jew with a nobel or any other high achivement (of course you could find one...but is kinda rare!!!) the commonality in this case is the jewish heritage but the difference is in the different mix.

>> No.10782153


yep i suppose also Africa is a large continent wich makes it hard to organise cultural areas like cities
if Europe was that huge we would be white niggers as well

>> No.10782156


Throw in some Germanic genes, force them to work exclusively cerebral industries like finance, add in a mass persecution or migration every few decades and you have a recipe for a galaxy brain inbred race

>> No.10782157

I don't have access to view that article beyond the summary would you mind sharing the file?

>> No.10782160

ashkenazi are basically the members of the khazar tribe near the caspian sea that converted to judaism the gene studies back it up. they drifted into usury and some disturbing child sacrifice practices

>> No.10782172

or at least share the references for those papers

>> No.10782173

It's well known that the Ashkenazi did not mix with Europeans. They only kept to themselves. My DNA test says I'm 100% Ashkenazi. 0% German, 0% Polish, 0% anything else European.

>> No.10782175

Eskimos are in the high 80s to 90s range. Hmmmmmm

>> No.10782176

Changing seasons, with at least one being too harsh to grow crops. Cold winter theory is a meme since you don't have this kind of a change in a pure cold winter state.

>> No.10782181


>> No.10782193

my thanks

>> No.10782196 [DELETED] 



>> No.10782217

sorry I fucked up by quoting the other guy I mean to say that most of the high achiving jews are mixed with euro stock or even in the US you can see that many high achiving jews come from families mixed with regular american stock (euro decent) .

>> No.10782231

Almost all Ashkenazi are high achieving and most of them are not mixed.

>> No.10782305
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>Basically there are hypothesis out there that Jewish people were the original humans that evolved consciousness and the "thinking genes"

I don't even ...
That's like a middle-ages level of "science".

Anything about hebrew being the first language you want to share with us?

>> No.10782329

it looks like ironic copypasta

>> No.10782350

all ashkenazim are around half european, its just occluded because of repeated inbreeding but the founding families that arrived in Italy took european wives and did so repeatedly before engaging in intense endogamy. it was significant enough to cause the admixture we see now and so they are all essentially mutts.

>> No.10782360

ashkenazim are related to the black sea not italy as far as I'm aware

>> No.10782383

I have 0% Italian ancestry though. And 100% Ashkenazi.

>> No.10783936

There were a lot of mullatoes post revolution and there were still whites after it. America fucking invaded it because mullatoes with German ancestry in Haiti were somehow enough of a threat to American interests in WW1

>> No.10783945

>yes you can find highly intelligent black people but the thing is that statistically they are not that common.

They are pretty easy to find though

>> No.10784181
File: 347 KB, 750x523, 1505643087373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw canada is 5 pt better than america

>> No.10784267

not higher latitude, but certain.climate environment.with lots of water, cool tempreture and low solar radiation. Eskimo or middle Adia turks are stupid as niggas too

>> No.10784362

What an epic goalpost shift

>> No.10784651

Its not just that its a hostile environment, its that its very hostile for one time in the year and not so hostile for the other time. This disparity when compared to equatorial regions (that maintain and equilibrium of hostility), means that the former environment neccessitates forward planning and pattern recognition in greater ernest than the latter.

>> No.10784667

not the argument

>> No.10784672

I was just drawing a comparison to a field where breed differences and environmental adaptations aren't ethically controoversial
taurine cattle literally derive from a herd of about 60 animals 9,000 years ago with some limited later admixture

>> No.10784677

is that why more northern populations under almost continuous snow cover are less intelligent?

>> No.10784719

>Its not just that its a hostile environment, its that its very hostile for one time in the year and not so hostile for the other time.
>What is seasonal drought?
>What is seasonal flooding?

>> No.10784744

>Education, thats why in asia its dark cus stricter education
I know this is racist so I'm going to prefix this by saying I know I'm could be/probably am wrong here, but I thought the average Chinese citizen was a farmer living in rural area or a sweat shop worker working near a city?? I always pictured them having a very selective education system.

Also, WTF does IQ have to do with education? Isn't IQ suppose to be independent of general knowledge and education?

>> No.10784750

chinese test results have a history of being based on the best schools in beijing or shanghai...

>> No.10784767

pretty sure every country does that to some degree.
Excluding outlier IQs from the average and such. Every year exclude more and more outliers. Bumping your average up with a few high IQ ringers.

Maybe the Flynn effect is really an expression of everybody learning how the system works and learning how they can game it?

>> No.10784770

>Also, WTF does IQ have to do with education? Isn't IQ suppose to be independent of general knowledge and education?


Intelligence test scores and educational duration are positively correlated. This correlation could be interpreted in two ways: Students with greater propensity for intelligence go on to complete more education, or a longer education increases intelligence. We meta-analyzed three categories of quasiexperimental studies of educational effects on intelligence: those estimating education-intelligence associations after controlling for earlier intelligence, those using compulsory schooling policy changes as instrumental variables, and those using regression-discontinuity designs on school-entry age cutoffs. Across 142 effect sizes from 42 data sets involving over 600,000 participants, we found consistent evidence for beneficial effects of education on cognitive abilities of approximately 1 to 5 IQ points for an additional year of education. Moderator analyses indicated that the effects persisted across the life span and were present on all broad categories of cognitive ability studied. Education appears to be the most consistent, robust, and durable method yet to be identified for raising intelligence.

>> No.10784827

flynn effect is about familiarity and training with things similar to what IQ tests test
that's why people are interested in the purer more physical tests because they aren't affected by the training effect and reflect G better.

>> No.10784932

cold winter theory

>> No.10784936

partly discredited

>> No.10784940

>Eastern Europe has an average IQ of 85
Complete bullshit, eastern Europe is somewhere in 95-100 range.

>> No.10784954

Surviving cold winters, but not just cozy modern winters, but ice age fucking winters.

Last Glacial Period occurred from115,000 – 11,700 years ago.

>> No.10784986

"Winter" is actually a really obvious and relatively common explanation of some difference in IQ, in the places that accept such a thing.

A good example is Japan. They have the three snowiest cities in the world (though not coldest, obviously), limited building space, but relatively consistent weather.

Somewhat related, a study that got controversy showed that geographic barriers had the highest correlations to peace, even beyond groups that developed from the same people historically, versus culture, food, technology, even religion.

Predictability, security, and common social goals are likely the biggest factors in whether or not a civilization and intelligent people developed somewhere. Without predictable weather you can't sustain food or food development, without security you can't develop cities and specialized workers, and without common social needs a government would inherently trend towards oppression and power struggles, especially exasperated by shifting resources and unreliable populations.

>> No.10784998

While eastern Asian people tend to live in rather subtropical climates today, they evolved in much colder climate, think Siberia during an ice age. Their fair skin and epicanthic folds are evidence of this past. Their high average intelligence may also be considered evidence of this, if you accept the cold winters theory.

>> No.10785021

>if you accept the cold winters theory.
Therein lies the problem. The cold winters theory is only valid if you accept the cold winters theory.

>> No.10785023

Interesting you should bring up Japan, there are a number of studies.
are Ainu smarter than yamato?

>> No.10785024

>Inuits, Eskimos, First Nations, Sami confirmed highest IQ group

>> No.10785033

it's the transition point that matters.
I'd postulate that areas of rapid transition benefit those best able to exploit the change sooner and raise the most children.
too far north and it remains cold for too long

>> No.10785035

it is either valid or not, acceptance has nothing to do with it, brainlet

>> No.10785044

So, temperate, mild temperatures are optimal for human growth and development.

>> No.10785049

Arctic lifestyle is actually rather repetitive (mostly fishing and hunting some game all year round), has basically no seasons, and not conductive to building complex civilization beyond subsistence.

One could argue that the most intellectually engaging environment is one with harsh winters, but also presence of a significantly warmer season enabling agriculture. So northern latitiudes, but not arctic ones.

>> No.10785061

What we're really talking about with climate affecting IQ is really how IQ affects comparative fertility across generations as with any trait
so we're looking at questions of what will skew fertility rates the most?

>> No.10785070

Sounds like a bunch of bullshit.
How about this as a theory: geographies with are suitable to sustain large dense populations give rise to civilization which in turn pushes those people to select more for intelligence.
Also this changes throughout history. As technology progressed the northern latitudes became ever more livable so it's not a constant.

>> No.10785073


There's a lot of factors that come into it. The most obvious would be A) predictable pressures and B) security to specialize. Part of the reason cold itself could be a significant factor is it's more difficult to do things period in the cold. It sort of acts like an artificial reducer of crime and impedes people traveling. If an area had to relatively stable regions, we could expect the one that had more winter weather to be able to produce better people and cities, because they could concentrate, try to innovate to reduce the problems caused by cold weather, and reduce crimes by making it harder to get around.

Might make some sense as technology changes things. Crime has been growing in Japan, aided by reduced travel penalties and reduced need for social cohesion to survive. Conversely a number of African countries are booming like crazy, because technology permits a wide government, supported by agricultural improvements (irrigation, more productive crops) and presently lower population density (Ethiopia has a lot of home-owned farms for example).

>> No.10785077

polar rather than arctic
though our only real comparison here would be the tip of south america and the bottom of new zealand.

though I'd figure you would need to be able to sustain a sizable interbreeding poplatation which only really leaves us looking at south america
I'd agree it's about complexity and long term planning
historically though cities are death pits full of diseases until comparitively recently for example paris was only sustained by immrigration from the countryside.

>> No.10785079

Warmer latitudes are far more livable than colder ones. They usually have less stable weather though. People forget stuff like FOOD had to be developed of millennia. If you eat all your food because you can't grow enough, or can't grow it reliably enough to improve it, or even can't keep it safe when one of your unstable neighbors decides to take it from you, you can't improve.

>> No.10785080
File: 11 KB, 666x666, e5de6b4d80c8d7ef0bd223a070887f32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another racial IQ thread

>> No.10785085

there is more incentive to cooperate and push the most capable to the top if there's an external non negotiable threat that can be surpassed by planning.

Nah this one's more legit than most of them we're actually looking at the the environment and latitude trend rather than just race

>> No.10785090

>Nah this one's more legit than most of them we're actually looking at the the environment and latitude trend rather than just race
Got it, so now are including folk wisdom about "adaptation" to environment and evolutionary psyche bullshit and other such nonesense. Quality /sci/ence.

>> No.10785122

Why the fuck are threads talking about IQ always made by people who are actually retarded and have no idea how science works?

Next thing you know these dumb niggers are going to post brain-mass studies from the 60's and screetch "FACTS DON'T CARE ABOUT UR OPINIONS"

op is a fag.

>> No.10785125

True, a threat should promote improvement, but we'd have to look at the circumstances: 1) it's likely by people with the same resources as you (warmer weather should increase travel and dissemination of what's available), 2) the people have a head-start, since they know of their situation before you do (though maybe not for long), and 3) if the disruptions are within a generation, then everyone gets affected proportionally, and it would be difficult to sustain skills, resources, and accomplishments over generations

Basically repeated attacks at the bottom would force a larger proportion of the population to be stuck in a subsistence state. The only way out would be a government that could ration things among those who had and had not, but historically, we see a lot more power grabbing than social benevolence. It might be more interesting to try and determine why this cycle isn't broken in warmer climates.

>> No.10785143

if /sci/ didn't have at least two IQ threads up would it really be /sci/?

>> No.10785147

brain mass is important if we're talking about brain structure variation.

>> No.10785164

>Nah this one's more legit than most of them we're actually looking at the the environment and latitude trend rather than just race
see >>10784770
The entire thread boils down to the more developed nations with better education systems have better IQ scores because education increases brain function and IQ.

IQ is a terrible metric for literally for anything and everything other than being a bone to throw at white supremacists. Too bad white supremacists are too low IQ to understand that.

>> No.10785201

adoption studies call out your bullshit

>> No.10785206

>adoption studies call out your bullshit
>I read a study that racists use all the time because it supports their world view but never read any of the subsequent studies detailing the many and varied failures to control in that study.

>> No.10785243

Explain to me why africa keeps defaulting to violent shithole?

>> No.10785257

>Explain to me why africa keeps defaulting to violent shithole?

see >>10784770

>> No.10785264

It doesn’t.

>> No.10785351

Greenland btfo

>> No.10785372

There's genetic variation in levels of educatability.
learning is good for you but some are better at leatning thn others.

>> No.10785377

>There's genetic variation in levels of educatability.
[citation needed]

>> No.10785379

*better at learning than others are, as such we we expect there the be variations in educatability between populations.

>> No.10785382

Once againn
[citation needed]

>> No.10785399

do I really need to provide a citation for why learning new things is good for you?

>> No.10785409

>do I really need to provide a citation for why learning new things is good for you?
No, you need to provide a citation that there are variations in educability between populations.

>> No.10785413

Asia has a superior society for breading high IQ. Pleasant place to objectively live? Take a look at the suicide stats.

>> No.10785420

>Next thing you know these dumb niggers are going to post brain-mass studies from the 60's

Those studies are still valid, there is some correlation and it only increased since we started using MRI to measure brain volume.

>> No.10785424

Those who are smarter are slightly less likely to commit suicide?

>> No.10785427

>IQ is a terrible metric for literally for anything and everything
It is among the most accurate and reproducible metrics in social sciences.

>> No.10785436

high suicide rates are a thing of last half a century only, evolution does not work that fast

surviving more than hundred thousand ice age Siberian winters is more likely explanation for east Asian high average intelligence

>> No.10785437

>in social sciences
therein lies the problem.

>> No.10785441

oh the ball bearing studies?
I remember how someone broke down the flawed research conducted by the guy who attempted to refute the original skull volume research and found that the guy had both poor experimental techniques and had manipulated the figures
so the original skull volume research was vindicated
while the attempt the refute the skull volume research was shown to be wrong
kind of funny really
a bit like that jewish social science researcher wjo went to some remote island to study the society but just made shit up to fit her ideas

>> No.10785443

>Siberian winters is more likely explanation
>source: my asshole

>> No.10785450

"Asian countries account for approximately 60% of the world’s suicides."

My fault, im suggesting that the society is very tough and that accounts for the higher IQ in those countries. The suicide rate is a side effect of how tough it is to live there not the cause of the high IQ as some sort of filter.

>> No.10785452

intelligence research really shouldn't be considered social sciences because it hactually has real science behind it
especially when we look at the indirect tests like visual acuity and reaction speed

>> No.10785464

>especially when we look at the indirect tests
So the further something is from what you want to measure the more accurate it is.
SASUGA social science.

>> No.10785470

You see, therein lies the problem.

Either social sciences are not rigorous enough to derive any reliable knowledge, and then both "racist" and "environmental" hypotheses are equally unsupported.

Or they are not, and then you will run into IQ, and population level differences in average IQ, being among the most reliable, persistent and reproducible metrics in entire social sciences, which cries for an explanation other than just all being due to modern environment.

>> No.10785471

>Genome-wide association study identifies 74 loci associated with educational attainment

>> No.10785474

>pretty sure every country does that to some degree.


>> No.10785486

>source: my asshole

Social sciences in a nutshell.

>> No.10785496

Birds have highly efficient brains and tightly packed neurons developed for weight reduction for flight. Corvids and african greys, are hella smart. Most of the time brain mass *TO BODY RATIO* is a good indicator of intelligence, but not always.

>> No.10785508

So how large is the effect and does it group by what we call races? If this study just says sometimes autism happens and other times a kid is pretty smart I don't really think it applies to the current conversation.

>> No.10785520

what race are you and why are you so sensitive to arguments that there is cognitive variation between racial groups?

>> No.10785527

>what race are you
So interesting that that is your immediate go to when in a discussion like this.
>and why are you so sensitive to arguments that there is cognitive variation between racial groups?
You saying you don't want to know the truth?

>> No.10785562

you seem over sensitive to the questions being asked, thought I'd engage you that way, I'm western european.

>> No.10785586

>you seem over sensitive to the questions being asked
You seem oversensitive to what race I am.

>> No.10785642

I'm curious because you seem sensitive to the matter
I'd assume you were either asian or europeanany population cluster large enough has outliers and variations.

>> No.10785787

>I'm curious because you seem sensitive to the matter
I'm curious because you seem sensitive to the matter.

>> No.10785801

>but relatively consistent weather.
t. guy that hasn't been to Japan

>> No.10786223

The equator is lower pressure

>> No.10786251

Just stop posting. This is just another dumb /pol/ thread along with the climate denial ones.

>> No.10786306

lol genetics play a minor role

>> No.10786876

>mosquito burger. also lag of vegetables.

Mosquito burger is healthy as fuck and vegetables are extremely common in African cuisine.

>> No.10787006
File: 520 KB, 1280x1812, 86579687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if being confined to a small space that's been filled to capacity is what causes higher IQs. In the past before the technological revolution the capacity of any given land-space would have been much smaller than it is today.

I would imagine a group of low IQ niggers from Africa could survive just fine if they were alone on the island of Japan but what if they were stuck there while the island was filled to capacity?

Living there with the Island at full capacity would increase the competition to the point where only the high IQ people would be able to survive and pass on their genes.

>> No.10787009

there's a book "farmers for forty centureis" about long term agriculture in china, much mention of management of human manure to conserve nutrients.

>> No.10787010

*Farmers of forty centuries (2002)

>> No.10787020

hmmm i like how there's a clearer correlation between economic wealth/political stability than geographical latitudes and race.....
IQ is also correlated with diet, so if your parents were frail and suffering from malnutrition, maldevelopped, then chances are you'll be fucking stupid too
Format of IQ tests measures certain things as well
Look at Flynn effect, it's not like we suddenly became intelligent enough to post on /sci/ in the last 50 years alone

>> No.10787026

Yeah, how does one explain Ireland?

>> No.10787040
File: 58 KB, 720x405, 647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They suffered massive brain drain during the famines. All of the high IQ Irish moved to America while the low IQ Irish stayed behind starving.

>> No.10787052

Fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.10787086

>economic wealth/political stability

Those are downstream of intelligence.

>> No.10787094

In the future since mixing is almost inavoidable isn't there going to be massive stratification by personality and achievement? Genetix Sexual Attraction will probably play more of an unconscious role.too.

>> No.10787112
File: 120 KB, 2664x1468, New-Map-Francophone_World.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well of of the reasons that keeps some african countries from developing is being forced to use the french language as an "international" and "scientific" language. I've been there,to them France is the US. Imagine being isolated from the whole world because of language. it's a shame really so much potential is wasted because the French can't get over the fact that they aren't relevant anymore.

>> No.10787154

Learning English isn't hard for people who speak other roman languages, plus nips would be fucked if that was the case

>> No.10787169

>IQ is based on the language you speak
that's quite the theory anon

>> No.10787186

>plus nips would be fucked if that was the case

In fields where Most material is written and done in English it hurts. If there's no translated documentation on how to use a game/render engine etc they are fucked. That depends if the company decides to not do one. For unreal engine 4 I believe they made Japanese documentation much earlier so it helped a lot.

>> No.10787188

Until those french african countries radically change their language policies in education and start integrating and starting a child's education in their mother tongue they eill always have the disadvantage.

>> No.10787822

well it is in an indirect way, being isolated from the knowledge of the world makes a huge difference, just compare the IQ of homeschooled kids to none homeschooled kids. There is also the case of a girl who was raised by her father isolated from all other humans who became mentally handicapped. isolation makes a huge difference. They already have the disadvantage of coming late to the current level of civilization, and the language obstacle isn't helping.
learning English isn't hard but imagine wasting half your life learning a foreign language that has no real practical value, and thinking it's what the whole world uses to keep up to date with current scientific knowledge, plus what makes learning English so easy isn't only the simple grammar and no gender words, but also consuming the USA's media which is not the case for these countries. They only consume the almost none existent French culture. And the older humans become the harder it becomes to learn a new language. And even though there is no citation for this I think the moment you learn French it becomes harder to learn English and vice versa, just look at the level of proficiency of English for french speakers.

>> No.10787862 [DELETED] 

Imagine you speak one language at home, other langauge with other people not from your village and another one in shool. It takes its toll and slows you down a bit.

>> No.10787870

I think they'd be better of switching to Mandarin at this point, which is what some countries already started to do.

>> No.10787879

Imagine you speak one language at home, other langauge with other people not from your village and another one in school, then yet another one when you want to strat college. While there are provable cognitive benefits of speaking multiple langauges, it does slow you down a bit.

>> No.10787924

No one is switching to mandarin, the English language will stay the language of science for a very long time. It's just very efficient.

>> No.10787940

less exposure to sunlight, so need all the UVB to get that D

>> No.10787943

It's because life is (was) harder there and requires more planning etc. Most animals are smarter the further up north you go.

>> No.10787949

>Yeah that's how education works.
This is where you bring up some awesome citations. After all, IQ is very much meant to be independent of education and it is possible to be intelligent without being educated.

>> No.10787953

winter means people have to cooperate and work together to survive

no winter means dumb people can just sleep outside and they'll be fine all year round

>> No.10787979

seems reasonable

>> No.10787990

>There are no challenges to a dry season and rainy season
>No one builds houses in the Southern Hemisphere


>> No.10788070

No, you are wrong, many countries do - Kenya, Uganda, possibly others. It also helps that msot African langauges are tonal, so there is no particular obstacle for learning Mandarin.

>> No.10788279

The development of shit like sewage, medicine, engineering, literacy.

People in more developed countries, such as many countries in the northern hemisphere have easy access to these things.

For example.

Many studies show that early reading abilities are linked to smarter individuals, better earnings, etc..

Many studies also show that when pregnant women get adequate amounts of certain micronutrients that their babies will have less birth and developmental defects.

>> No.10788414

Why do you conflate tropical climate and southern hemisphere?

>> No.10788443

comfy environments were always taken over by barbarians who were then created their own comfy environment right after

>> No.10788455

If it has to do with latitude then why are SEAs more intelligent than west Africans

>> No.10788457

The old theory was that civilisations arose where cooperation provided large benefits, such as irrigation engineering near the major rivers such as The Nile. Early civilisations were organised in hierarchies with rulers, religious leaders, military and farmers. That way major works could be undertaken though to success. This was happened along similar latitudes on many continents. Too far south and weather was too hot and you could easily get food anyways. Too far north and technology could not overcome adverse climate.

Then, for reasons I never saw explained, this was considered Nazi philosophy and was deemed wrong and bad. I still don't understand.

It does, yes.

>> No.10788473

almost nobody lives in the desert, and subsaharan bush is most definitely much more livable than northern latitudes, in fact it is where homo sapiens first evolved, for fucks sake

>> No.10788508

Living up north isn't hard anon.

>> No.10788510

>Too far south and weather was too hot and you could easily get food anyways.

Countless counter examples anon. Also food gathering was not easy since farming was still prolific in the south

>> No.10788522

Smart people know you can put on more clothing if you are cold yet you can't go less than naked if you are hot. So, all the smart people moved to cooler climates.

>> No.10788553

Educatability makes no sense because it's so vague.

>> No.10788556

What is shade and clothing?

>> No.10788557

>Countless counter examples anon.
Fine. Examples?

>> No.10788611

snow can be instadeath and the lack of food for 4 -6 months is a big deal

>> No.10788614

maybe they mean stuff like wet vs dry season

>> No.10788621

Many food that ine can gather lacks the nutrition that the domesticated version offers.

Also farming beat h&g's because the former pushed out or assimilated the latter.

>> No.10788626

>the lack of food for 4 -6 months is a big deal

Are you dumb? The people had ways to store food. Like burying under ground, salting, smoking etc. We shouldn't have to educate you.

>> No.10788644

IQ test's aren't a flawless measure of intelligence. People with worse education will give a lower IQ score. People in poorer countries have worse education, and so score worse on IQ tests. Africa is poor because of shitty climate and landscape, and getting raped by Europe. Nobody actually takes IQ tests seriously anymore, they've been pretty much proven to be invalid.

>> No.10788670


>africa is poor because of shitty climate, land, and colonialism that somehow managed to overcome that and then they immediately backslid the minute they gained their independence.

>> No.10788674

Africa is better now then during the colonial years lol. Kenya has way more educated people and way better literacy rates in 2019 vs 1960.

>> No.10788722

those have to be innovated

>> No.10788723

you are talking out of your arse and you know it

>> No.10788726

technology has improved, the underlying genetic potential less so.

>> No.10788727


If only every other African state could be Kenya...a country which is renown for their dominance in foot races due to a specific group that lived in the mountains...

>> No.10788729

should bolivia be producing geniuses though? They're pretty high above sea level.

>> No.10788732

what about that mexican tribe?

>> No.10788743


The group that formed in sierra madre that has multiple mountain ranges?

That one?

>> No.10788753
File: 461 KB, 272x480, 1559322539480[1].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right question is: why blacks are so dumb?

>> No.10788771

>Also food gathering was not easy since farming was still prolific in the south
More information on this, please.

>> No.10788774

yeah the running tribe tarahumara or something
keep getting killed by drug cartels though

>> No.10788781

Those have all been done since the very earliest humans.

>> No.10788786


Not so. IQ isn't deterministic per se (as in you can't say "this guy will do better with his 120 IQ than this guy with his 105 IQ"), but it is useful on a population-wide level. General intelligence correlates strongly with all sorts of positive metrics and as any given society is driven by its top 5-10% (believe it or not most people anywhere are pretty much just useless laborers and followers), a difference between 100 and 85 IQ average can mean MASSIVE differences in the accomplishments of its tail enders (there would be like 5x more people with an IQ of 125 in the society with the 100 avg, all other things equal).

>> No.10788793

Cold weather means more staying in doors.
More staying in doors means more study or at minimum, forced observation, which means whiter skin too.

>> No.10788801

>forced observation
that's an interesting looking theory

curious fact base skin colour for women is paler than men even when you correct for tan effects

>> No.10788934

Thanks fren reading it right now

>> No.10788986

Like reaction time?

>> No.10789085

yeah there's a bunch of them pioneered around 1900 by I think it was Spearman
plomin mentions a bit here

>> No.10789146

>you can't learn outdoors

>> No.10789149

>the underlying genetic potential less so.

Again extremely vague. You might as well say they don't have magic.

>> No.10789154

cuz whitey came up with it and all it measures, is the ability to solve an IQ test.

>> No.10789155

Burying food is like day 1 stuff.

>> No.10789161

has their genetic profile changed significantly in the past 100 years?

>> No.10789398

Again what do you mean by genetic profile? Everywhere in the world experiences change.

>> No.10789457

Bunch of homo's.

>> No.10789507

Doesn't your story apply more to areas of the world where good land is rare?

>> No.10789591

>Doesn't your story apply more to areas of the world where good land is rare?
The story doesn't apply to anything because it is a fiction.

>> No.10789647

because the dummies died in the winter so never passed on their genes

>> No.10789660

too much things going on outside to learn properly. too many distractions

>> No.10789881

surely adaptation to complex environments and the ability to isolate key points to concentrate on are mentally taxing.

>> No.10789891

Almost the entire continent of Africa South of the Sahara is fertile as fuck, food plants are like fucking weeds and animal life is incredibly abundant. Pre industry living in Africa is fucking easy mode compared to Europe or Russia.

>> No.10789900

how smart were the ancient north eurasians?
how smart are steppe nomads cultures?

>> No.10789988

I thought astronomy was the oldest science and it is hardly suited for indoor observations. This is how people learned of seasons so they could know in advance when to prepare the seeds. Mesopotamia, Egypt and China had a lot of early astronomers.

>> No.10790332

how dificult is complex planning?
the cold winters theory definitely could provide a driver for it.

>> No.10790338

Reminder, it's harder for diseases to spread in the cold.

>> No.10790344

Not when people form highly compact packets very very close to animals. Pre-medicine, civilization was a hellhole of disease. Hunter-gatherer civilizations are so sparse that most diseases aren't actually going to spread.

>> No.10790364

Northern hemisphere has more Jewish genes and thus higher intelligence.

>> No.10790383

correlation is not causation.

>> No.10790695

Wrong again . Diseases often took a heavy toll on hunter gatherers because a death meant your ability to get food takes big hit if anyone dies. disease only went rampant in cities that practiced weak hygiene Europe and the Black plague (gypsies were uscathed because they have OCD practices on cleanliness).

>> No.10790699

>the cold winters theory definitely could provide a driver for it.

Because it assumes winter is hard and that people work off blank slates. The ancestors of people in cold areas have lived there forever. Burying meat is practice done in every cold area by it's natives yet idiots here don't know that.

>> No.10790701

>too much things going on outside to learn properly. too many distractions

Complete just-soism. Back then most training and teaching of skills were outdoors.

>> No.10790762

Seasonal climates kill retards before they can breed where as in Africa a retard can outbreed a smart guy which is why blacks are doomed.

>> No.10790768

While I agree blacks are less intelligent, I think your explanation is over-simplistic.

>> No.10790775

No it explains everything, smart black guys do exist but because of their climate they can never outbreed the feral retards you see this in Black America all the time, as a result this condemns the african negro genome to be mostly feral retards no matter what you do.

>> No.10790783

> this condemns the african negro genome to be mostly feral retards no matter what you do.


>> No.10790786

Winter killed most of the tards in our race that why our intelligence was able to increase overtime because smarter people were breeding faster than the impulsive idiots. Its the other way around in Africa the smart guys live but they cant ever out compete the feral idiots in fucking so blacks remain feral idiots for eternity.

>> No.10790981

so comparative fertility is key?

>> No.10791020

Its not the coldness itself, rather it is the variation of seasons. Look at Eskimos as an example of populations who almost perpetually live in the cold. Their IQ is in the 80s to 90s range, much lower than Europeans and Han Chinese. The reason why the latter 2 groups have a higher average IQ is because while the cold may lead to selection for larger brains, it will not in of itself lead to selection for more efficient neural architecture, for that you need considerable variation and long term planning as seen in societies which have to deal with agriculture and at least one season where it will not be possible..

>> No.10791036

OK compare eskimos to other native tribe IQ for the americas?

>> No.10791060

I see you're going for a similar hypothesis to the Geek Rule:


...people didn't always exist. Life had to evolve there. Your own example of burying meat is REALLY counter-intuitive, and in places with more food or warm winters wouldn't need or be able to take advantage of it. You have to have had a pretty creative and patient society to figure out burying food/preserving it is good for the future, when you could eat it now instead.

>> No.10791072

sedentary lifestyle = fat with low muscle mass

>> No.10791078
File: 25 KB, 1227x597, Brain_Size_Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK too much about other native American tribes, but plenty of them seem to have large craniums.

>> No.10791082

> You have to have had a pretty creative and patient society to figure out burying food/preserving it is good for the future, when you could eat it now instead.

No one is immediately dumped into a cold environment. They would realize over time that things are getting harder and harder for them and that keeping food stored for later on is more or less compulsory for survival.

>> No.10791087

what the hell is that dot in east africa?

>> No.10791095

Not everybody, nor would everybody be able to figure out consistent solutions, which is the point. Take something dumb like seafaring. For nations that wanted to travel for months at a time, a lot of people died of scurvy before they figured out you need to bring citrus. A society which was dumber, or didn't have the opportunity to look into why would've been at a big disadvantage. Geographically speaking, some places probably don't have good sources of vitamin C, so even if they found certain foods needed to be eaten, they might not have been effectively able to transport them for long periods. (in places that lack cows, there's often people that eat dirt, because it has enough calcium for them to grow healthier children).

>> No.10791160

When migrated into Europe they had to adapt to the change of weather meaning they developed better regions of the brain for the fact they had to then plan ahead to survive winter through an amazing process called Darwinism that still applies today.

>> No.10791183

It seems like you live at the equator. Good post thou.

>> No.10791188

These areas also seem to match with areas where h. Sapiens met with h. Neanderthalis. Coincidence?

>> No.10791294

Pretty much this. I mean, if I were born on a tropical paradise island with surfing and enough year-round food supplies with no predators, I'd probably never look up at the beautiful night sky in anything more than admiration of life's beauty.

>> No.10791575

what about lighting fires and cooking food? much more important in the colder north to even stay warm?

>> No.10791584


Forget that, the most important component is having enough food to go for 4-5 months of sparseness. That takes a lot of foresight and planning, and resourcefulness when the chips are down.

>> No.10791590

Looks like South Sudan.

>> No.10791593
File: 185 KB, 1024x647, CD8D15DC-60AD-42CB-BADF-A2C21BD0A947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not

>> No.10792217

that happens down south too. You think they don't plan.

>> No.10792220

>Not everybody, nor would everybody be able to figure out consistent solutions, which is the point.

Humans have lived in cold places for millennia.

>> No.10792946

And what happened there? Looks disturbing.

>> No.10792952

I'd guess something to do with salt harvesting in the baking sun which has been a trade around there for a long time. I might be wrong though.

>> No.10792973

It does not happen without winters.

>inb4 monsoon season or such shit

Not the same at all.

>> No.10792976

How could salt trade shrink cranial volume??

>> No.10792979

>It does not happen without winters.

Yes it does.

>Not the same at all.

No less planning is required.

>> No.10792980

think about cooling potential and surface area

>> No.10793010

>No less planning is required.
Much less planning is required than surviving a fucking winter.

>> No.10793021

hypothermia isn't a thing in africa, unless you go up a mountain

>> No.10793045

>aren't ethically controoversial

do you even know what ethic means?

getting gulagged by liberal 'progressives' != unethical

>> No.10793189

This makes no sense to me, please explain.

>> No.10794057

tell me the correlation between air pressure and latitudes

>> No.10794844

Droughts, famines, soil rotations, storing food. Surviving winter isn't hard because people have done it for eons and European winters generally aren't bad. Most Scandi's live near the coast.