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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 403 KB, 1280x950, 1280px-Electrical_and_Mechanical_Services_Department_Headquarters_Photovoltaics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10778597 No.10778597 [Reply] [Original]

We are at the point where somebody can actually buy PV panels, put them on the roof, and actually MAKE MONEY from the setup. And it's affordable enough that any middle class household is capable of doing this.
And yet NPCs keep shitting on it because of feelings they got from literal propaganda.

>> No.10778659
File: 214 KB, 927x1000, 1560595258862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

installing and maintaining such a thing is an expensive hobby that can be turned profitable, rather like rose gardening

>> No.10778660

There is no maintenance involved.

>> No.10778667

i n t e r m i t t e n c y

>> No.10778669

maybe cleaning it during dry seasons when dust piles up

>> No.10778673

>Cestas, France
>solar farm
>2.5 km^2
>estimated 350 GWh per year
>barely produces shit during cold winters

>Flamanville, France
>nuclear plant
>0.75 km^2 (including the EPR which isn't producing anything yet)
>measured 17.83 TWh per year
>operational 24/7

Solar is overrated junk.

>> No.10778679

just put wind turbines between the solar panels retard
literally more than double the output due to synergy, 24/7

>> No.10778691

The latter has to source from a shithole in Africa lol. Not hating on nuclear at all just shitting on France

>> No.10778692

solar is not the answer, nor is just the wind but the synergy of both

>> No.10778695


Only if you have $50k. I know because I've thought about it, but nobody talks about the end-of-life cost which is probably at least $10k for clean disposal. I suspect this will be quite the scandal 5-10 years from now as the first gen of panels starts going under.

>> No.10778699

I was just shitposting
SRP farms when?

>> No.10778700

>make money
not really without fake government subsidies. and it turns out the price drop in solar panels because of chinese manufacturing does not magically avoid the pitfalls of cheaply manufacturing things in china after all. suddenly everyone's found out their chinkshit panels only last for 4 years lmao

>> No.10778702

ask Elon

>> No.10778703

What? Like literally everything else they require maintenance, homeowners avoid maintenance like the plague. Then you have to consider disposal.

>> No.10778785

not really, rain takes care of that, maybe if you get a dust storm, but I honestly never see any of my neighbours clean them, nor do I
haven't touched them for years, nor do I see any of my neighbours ever do anything to them
subsidies are only a minor part of the overall equation, you get a couple of years free with them, but it would work either way

>> No.10778789

mate, it's way cheaper than that, first of all you don't need to be 100% reliant on them, but like 25k is what I spent ages ago for more power than my household uses

>> No.10778793

so I should put a nuclear reactor on my rooftop?
do you understand the concept of different technologies having different applications?

>> No.10778795

they are almost 100% recyclable

>> No.10778821

Riddle me this, then: cloudy and no wind

Checkmate, solarcucks

>> No.10778825

I've literally never seen that happen

>> No.10778831

The problem is finding someone to recycle it. Especially in America, recycling things is too goddamned expensive, so no one even offers the service. Even if they do, it's going straight to Ghana for some kids to burn.

>> No.10778836

>I've never seen it
>It must never happen

>> No.10778983

>and actually MAKE MONEY
For making money you need to tie your set up to the grid, which has to be inspected and checked off by your local energy monopoly.
We have great hydroelectric energy where I live in Washington State. It just depends on what options are available

>> No.10778985

who are you quoting?

>> No.10778986

Biggest problem for recycling is there isn't demand yet as panels last 30 years and solar installations were almost non existent then. We do need to require that recycling panels at the end of their life be required though.

>> No.10778991

>It's not a direct quote you huge sped

>Not him

>> No.10778992

I just run my house off of my EV's 75 kWh battery.

>> No.10779002

see >>10778985

>> No.10779005

>no u

>> No.10779016

But solar isn't going to make my comic book heroes real. Fuck off you fear mongering hippie, nuclear power on every street corner!!! im like so very scientifically minded right nao

>> No.10779019

see >>10779002

>> No.10779127
File: 995 KB, 2000x1331, Aufmacher_Solarenergieanalyse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true, if it's properly installed no maintenance is needed , it's just there and earns money

>> No.10779139

Have you considered that NPSs are actually people who have bought and installed PV panels, and who are trying to keep everybody else from doing the same because the more panels there are feeding the grid, the less the electricity sold to the grid is worth, and if the bottom drops out on the price of electricity, those PV panels will never pay for themselves and everyone who didn't by PV panels ends up looking smart and coming out ahead financially?

>> No.10779149
File: 282 KB, 1661x1143, 102517MonroeSolarFarm5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after ten years solar panels are still at 98% capacity, if it goes on like this these things may last forever

>> No.10779189

>solar panels
Pshht. Nice try, but those are sheep. I learned that in a book.

>> No.10780463

Get some lithium-titanate batteries. They last for over 50 years.