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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 160 KB, 800x450, flying-bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10778187 No.10778187 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, explain how this guy was one day walking around and then said fuck it and started flying.

Protip: u cant. in any way.

>> No.10778347

and chickens still can't fly to save their asses... those poor bastards...just imagine how those little mutts must feel being almost there in their capability to fly.

(and for the asspergers: jumping long distances while flapping your sad excuse for "wings" is not flying!)

>> No.10778422

Didn't happen, but a flying animal could evolve from small insects that get easily blown around by the wind.

>> No.10778430
File: 247 KB, 1133x1600, 15643429629825625245275 b438 attolini phone posting .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was startled.
It jumped in reaction, engaging it's wings, momentarily.
There's good evidence of the spread of memes (formal definition) among bird populations, so the spread of the utility of wings is a given.

You're fucking welcome.

>> No.10778913 [DELETED] 

incel-inside brainchip nanobogs tech,
stupidity gives you wings

>> No.10778915

incel-inside nanobog brainchip tech, stupidity gives you wings

>> No.10778923

Every time a human is born with an extra chromosome, they have Down's syndrome. Every time evolution of a new species with a new number of chromosomes happens, someone has a kid with an extra chromosome and instead of having Down's it comes out way better.

>> No.10779025

>birds came from insects
real hot take

>> No.10779031


>> No.10780600

Nice try

>> No.10780602

Nice try

>> No.10780650

Saw food in a tree. 100000 years later it was flying.

>> No.10780948

then all creatures would fly.

>> No.10780986

what about bats whatyouthinkofthat huh

>> No.10781088

Guess I wasn't clear enough
>Didn't happen

>> No.10781617

faulty reasoning... it would be true if all food would be available "on tree"

>> No.10781627

I'm proud of you OP, this is pretty good bait thread, you didn't even include a joke, just a ridiculous proposition as your actual feelings on the matter! Good Show old boy!

>> No.10781634
File: 30 KB, 800x526, 20110520083305Shuvuuia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baby steps

small agile dinosaur that can climb trees more likely to survive and reproduce
members of the species that can leap from tree to tree more likely to survive and reproduce
feathers that help it glide allow it to leap further improving the probability of it surviving and reproducing

>> No.10781637

It did, though. Birds evolved from therapods.

>> No.10781638

Gliding to flight using pre-existing feathers. It’s not rocket science

>> No.10781641
File: 791 KB, 911x671, WasDarwinWrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10781634 here
I am stopping there because you could look it up the missing link fossils yourself and think about the most likely baby steps if you're not a brainlet, you're probably trolling anyway.

If you don't like reality you could always commit suicide if you'd like. I'm not even trying to oppress you and force you to live in this reality, I am not like that, I'm a good person and I am openly advocating suicide.

>> No.10781642

>I am stopping there because you could look up the missing link fossils and think about the most likely baby steps yourself*

>> No.10781662

>Nat Geo prints click bait


>> No.10781667

Rupert murdoch

>> No.10781708

How do you shorten "Rupert"? Rupe? Wtf is going on here?

>> No.10781709
