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10776972 No.10776972 [Reply] [Original]

Climate change cult BTFO.

>> No.10776978

And to think that it only took five pages.

>> No.10777498

>no journal name
>university of turku

>> No.10777508

So basically they are free to publish the truth

>> No.10777629

it seems pretty legit though. their argument is basically “muh clouds” which is pretty lame, sure, but i doubt climate models take into account the (highly turbulent and chaotic) science of clouds

either way their argument is nitpicky and no reasonable person would demand a full model of clouds to go into every climate change study, since clouds are hard as fuck to model. this is why local news weather reports can’t even predict snowstorms reliably more than a couple of days in advance.

overall though, nitpicking is counter-productive and leads to things like “don’t trust weather reports! for all we know it could be 75 degrees fahrenheit tomorrow in antarctica!”

>> No.10777636

yes, it was always data tampering that's why they intentionally botched the readout from the tropics and ignore urban heat bias

>> No.10777640

that's not at all what this article says. see: >>10777629

>> No.10777854


Is this shit actually real?

I dont want to believe it, but I mean thats just dumb. Obviously you model the cloud stats not the clouds themselves.

Ive thought climate change models might be bad because of a flat earth assumption made but idk

>> No.10778717

>university of turku
I'll have you know that that's one of the most prestigious institutions in all of North-Eastern Europe.

>> No.10778723

>muh clouds
Jesus christ I thought you were semi memeing then read it and this is actually their point. I fucking cant with these people.

>> No.10779587

They're bringing up a decent point. The impact of clouds is usually mostly ignored.

>> No.10779607

isn't this just a rip off of that garbage Lindzen et al 2001 paper?

>> No.10779647

Sort of. Clouds both increase and decrease temperature. The evidence of climate change is so robust though that we don't need climate models to prove it so attacking climate change with clouds is something I would expect from high school students.

The one where he suggested an atmospheric 'Iris" which would allow heat to escape thus cooling the planet?

That one was well researched and got it's facts straight so it passed academic rigor and was put into a scientific journal but unfortunately used cloud cover data from Indonesia and was debunked once the modeling couldn't be used globally. I haven't read this one yet but it looks like I may not have to.

>> No.10779670

>The evidence of climate change is so robust
ah ah nice try

>> No.10779675

what is albedo
sure is full of 12yo little boys here

>> No.10779688

This is pathetic. But why is OP so obsessed with climate change denial? He's on here 24/7 trying to push climate change denial. Why?

>> No.10779694

It's not meant for you. The propaganda is meant for stupid people and it will work just fine on them cause it's not like they can understand the science either way.

>> No.10779780

The fact that complexity science is barely a few decades old is proof enough what a crock of shit muh climate change is. We can't even predict 'easy' complexity like traffic patterns or the stock market let alone the entire world's climate.
If anyone stopped and thought for a few seconds they could easily realize its fake.

>> No.10779802

It's the windmill he's chosen to tilt at. Tilting at it makes him feel like the hero, the protagonist, the downtrodden and ignored genius who cracked the code and will be recognized for this brilliance any day now! And respected and loved.

So tell me what his life looks like.

>> No.10779806

>I may not be a scientist, but I do trust my intuition a whole lot.

>> No.10779869
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>> No.10779884

based finns destroying the jewish hoax once and for all

>> No.10779893

How can it be that the current models don't account for low cloud cover for variation in global temperature? I could have sworn they already did, although in the paper they substitute humidity for low cloud cover in determining natural temperature anomaly for their models, which I'm skeptical of. The fact that such a small paper concludes that there is no anthropogenic climate change, period, makes me want to discard it, but the primacy of low cloud cover in determining global temperature seems to be solid and if so it may be a fatal error in the current models if it's not taken into account. Anyone else come to conclusions on the paper?

>> No.10779905

>Abstract is High-school tier language.
>Only one other upload and it's the same topic.
Are we sure an actual scientist wrote these?

>> No.10779928

based Finns destroying climate hysterics

>> No.10779940

Maybe because there really is a climate cult that advocates a mixture of Ludism and apocalypse.

There's legit reasons to advocate climate science that don't involve the end of the world. LA lives under a cloud of poison that makes it to the morning weather report. People living in low areas where pollution collects have widespread health issues. But, instead the prophets are a 16 year old Autist and a grifter failed Presidential candidate.

>> No.10779958

There is no scientific support for climate change “ending the world”. You are arguing against no one.

>> No.10779972

Wow, it seems like you may have gotten lost!

Pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, or climate change denial all belong in /x/ or /pol/

Let me help!


>> No.10780014

I came into this thread expecting another "paper" by Tooker

>> No.10780025

You can always tell that a non-maths paper is shit if it claims to 'prove' something.

>> No.10780043

Pretty much the same quality as his climate change "paper."

>> No.10780061

>There is no scientific support for climate change “ending the world”. You are arguing against no one.
So why are there all these protests claiming otherwise? If they are spreading lies why aren't climate scientists doing more to correct them?

>> No.10780067

Obviously because it's all a conspiracy. People can't spread nonsense if scientists disagree, it just doesn't happen.

>> No.10780069

So we spent all this money to debunk the IPCC and none of those retards figured this out. Then an IPCC scientist debunks them for free. Fuck me. What does one need to do to get good scientists?

>> No.10780080

one of the authors on this turku paper was on the expert peer review panel for the IPCC report, and he wrote this article because they answered his question and he needed to reeee more about it when he wasn't satisfied with the IPCC authors answer. apparently the rest of the expert peer review board was fine though. this happens a lot in peer-review, one reviewer is more skeptical than the others and he reeees out, and the stuff passes peer review anyway, and then that reviewer writes some reeee-level paper to keep his argument going

>> No.10780097

Yeah yeah I don’t care about what that means. Prepare to see this article even on the night sky.

>> No.10780104

>Another garbage fringe denier paper
I'm quaking in my boots.

>> No.10780108


Nice to see climate cultists willing to throw anyone under the bus.

>> No.10780114

The problem is I don't see them publicly disagreeing with them. They're doing nothing to calm the hysteria.

>> No.10780116

you're not as smart as you think you are

>> No.10780128

If everything on arxiv was correct we'd have 9999 proofs of the P != NP problem and 100000 proofs of the Riemann Conjecture and about a billion valid Unified Theories of Everything.

>> No.10780133

This paper is poorly written

>> No.10780142

>comparing the hardest problems in niche fields that no reviewer could possibly comprehend to a paper that just computes a couple of fractions that even a disabled toddler could read.

Great point. Upboated.

>> No.10780156

Wow another quality /sci/ thread

>> No.10780200
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>what is albedo

>> No.10780247

*climate change belong in >>>/x/

>> No.10780253

people who post this belong in >>>/hm/

>> No.10780266

>The problem is I don't see them publicly disagreeing with them.
Well that settles it then, if you don't see it it must not exist.


By the way, when are the "skeptics" going to correct all of the crank deniers spouting absolute nonsense?

>> No.10780271

Are you trying to imply there is nothing fringe on arxiv?

Nice LARP retard.

>> No.10780274

>he thinks the problem is in the (nonexistent) math in the paper
Wow you really are incapable of following a logical argument.

>> No.10780313

This has nothing to do with the science, it's about the politics.

>By the way, when are the "skeptics" going to correct all of the crank deniers spouting absolute nonsense?
"Skeptics" are considered "deniers". The mainstream media focuses on the alarmists. Why did the media focus on Greta Thunberg so much? Her speech to the UN broadcast for the world to see. School kids have been encouraged to skip school and protest, they're paraded around the media like they're martyrs.

Do you not see an agenda here? No such attention is given to "skeptics", this is not about the science, it never was.

>> No.10780323

> Wow you really are incapable of following a logical argument.
Wow you really do not know the first thing about publishing.

This abstract is completely fake. First, the IPCC report is not citied. No professional journal would allow an uncited source in the very first line.

Second, the abstract reads like an accusatory troll piece. My professor would have flogged me if I ever used a word like "very small". How small? Compared to what? Statistically? By what measurement?

Sorry, Charlie. Take your memes elsewhere.

>> No.10780335

>The mainstream media focuses on the alarmists.
you mean, the consensus of 98+% of actual scientists? with that <2% accounted for by "scientists" employed by oil interests? let me guess, academia and the media are in a giant conspiracy, right? probably tesla was right and the ether is real and nuclear doesn't real, okay
>Why did the media focus on Greta Thunberg so much?
because she's a little girl. little girls are cute and get media attention. oh, and she's white. little white girls make the news all the time, especially if they get kidnapped or killed. making a speech at the UN is super cute. clickbait must-watch TV and great photo ops.
>Her speech to the UN broadcast for the world to see. School kids have been encouraged to skip school and protest, they're paraded around the media like they're martyrs. Do you not see an agenda here?
whose agenda, pray tell? the evil solar energy lobby, with all their bazillions of dollars keeping the coal and oil industry down? or maybe the agenda of the reptilians who control israel? details, please.
>No such attention is given to "skeptics", this is not about the science, it never was.
the skeptics are mostly youtube retards and bought-out political shills like mike pompeo. they don't deserve media attention, because what they say has no authority or credibility. you could pick out maybe a few "contrarians" like Bob Laughlin, but even nobel laureates in physics can be crazy too, like Brian Josephson. just because you have a handful of naysayers doesn't mean that telekinesis is real. same goes for climate denial

>> No.10780353

Replying to the wrong person?

>> No.10780363

Hmmm who should I care about more, the people who are getting the right answer for the wrong reasons or the people getting the wrong answer for the wrong reasons?

>> No.10780753

don't forget great minds like Willie "the Kochsleeve" Soon, Monkton, Tony Heller, and that divining rod guy

>> No.10780771

Hey they are excuses for more Potholer54 videos

>> No.10780774

A valid point.

>> No.10780782

>"scientists" employed by oil interests?
You know what's funny? A lot big oil companies like Exxon and Shell publicly admit that climate change is real and humans contribute to it, even those guys are on board.

>> No.10780785

Here's a (you) for the Don Quixote reference

>> No.10780883

But outside of extremely stable coastal regions, weather reports are for all intents and purposes useless. They don't tell you anything you can't readily observe on your own, i.e. whether it's winter or summer. If reality is so complex and the models so limited that meteorologists can't reliably predict tomorrow's high temperature within a margin of five degrees, why should we believe climatologists who claim to be able to predict global temperature changes on the order of a few degrees over a century? It's one thing to accept climate change as a scientific possibility, it's another entirely to restructure all of human society at unknown cost and consequence because of it.

>> No.10780888

>academia and the media are in a giant conspiracy,
That seems quite likely actually. Not an organized conspiracy, but they have clearly become beholden to a political ideology that borders on religious fanaticism.

>> No.10780907

>6 citations
>4 of them are self citations

>> No.10780910
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The climate has been clamped.

>> No.10780941

>A lot big oil companies like Exxon and Shell publicly admit that climate change is real and humans contribute to it, even those guys are on board.
They publicly admit it's real, while paying deniers to say it's not. Taking corporations at their word is unwise.

>> No.10780945

>No such attention is given to "skeptics"
Doesn't Fox News parade them on air all the time?

>> No.10780947

It's called controlled opposition, you utter tool.

Didn't anyone ever tell you this stuff? The whole red vs blue is a phony thing to maintain equilibrium. There is no fight. The agenda is preordained. They're all under the same control structure.


>> No.10781117

This is pretty much the crappiest paper I've ever read. It starts off by simply putting low cloud cover anomlies against delta T and completely ignoring any feedback between warming and clouds themselves. Most (probably all) models usind in various IPCC exercises have cloud physics in them obviously. We also know and model the effects from various anthropogenic aerosol sources on cloud cover (airplane traffic-induced cirrus etc.), black carbon, ..

What a load of shite.

>> No.10781340

reddit spacing. trying to censor and contain an idea he doesn't like. uses an exclamation point like a fag. Plebbit is that-a-way! Let me help!!!!!

>> No.10781349

>the consensus of 98+% of actual scientists?
there is ZERO consensus on the degree of sensitivity to c02 emissions in the climate. The thesis of this paper is that the lack of consensus is due to improper modelling. This paper does not claim that climate change does not exist. Simply that it is being modelled in such a way that alarmists cannot be disproved.

>> No.10781359

does it work like this

>> No.10781378

>that divining rod guy
the what now?

>> No.10781409

>why should we believe climatologists who claim to be able to predict global temperature changes on the order of a few degrees over a century?
Because it's harder to model the short term of the Earth climate system than the long term. Not that models are required to interpret evidence. The evidence for mean temperature warming is clear.

>> No.10781612

>there is ZERO consensus on the degree of sensitivity to c02 emissions in the climate.
There is consensus on the range it lies in. The paper cites fringe and low quality papers as evidence, without any minimum standards. The same faulty argument would lead one to the conclusion that there is no consensus that evolution is real since there are many low quality papers denying it.

>The thesis of this paper is that the lack of consensus is due to improper modelling.
This is technically correct but not in the way you think. The "lack of consensus" they found is due to improper or nonexistent modelling on the part of fringe low quality papers. And this paper is one of them.

>> No.10781636

If there's no experimental evidence, explain THIS:

>> No.10781814

>anyone else read the paper objectively?
No need, for deniers the title is proof enough, for the other side heresy is simply dismissed.
Climate change has become deeply political, and when that happens science becomes zero-sum-game “science”.

>> No.10781825

>I'm like so smart guys :}}}

>> No.10781833

>thinks “we have 12 years or we’re ruined” is the right answer
Science is not a zero sum game.

>> No.10781878

>for the other side heresy is simply dismissed.
Not quite. The proper way, is to wait to see what the scientific reaction will be. A publication by itself has no standing. It only gains standing after it is scrutinized by experts in the field.

>> No.10781904

Toilet paper.

>> No.10782374

Like your degree in sociology?

>> No.10782533

How come all deniers bring to the table is total bullshit that's no better than some random blog or nonense that's provably connected to big oil money?

>> No.10782553

Because the scientific INDUSTRY is BOUGHT AND PAID FOR by poor third world people who are INVESTED in not having their countries rendered INHOSPITABLE.
The scientific INDUSTRY cannot be TRUSTED to protect the POOR DEFENSELESS billionaires. They are too INVESTED in doing (((good))) (<-- note the Jew quotes, please) and (((helping))) normal people. Somebody has to fight for the interests of the POOR DEFENSELESS COAL and OIL TYCOONS.
You people have NO EMPATHY. You are so SELFISH. You only think about yourselves, and common people like you and your future, and your children's future, BUT YOU NEVER EVER think about the PORTFOLIO investments of these POOR DEFENSELESS BILLIONAIRES.

>> No.10782560

>>thinks “we have 12 years or we’re ruined” is the right answer
That's the argument, not the answer.

>Science is not a zero sum game.
Never said it was.

>> No.10782611

>don't listen to the real scientists, pay attention to these corporate shills instead
fucking kek anon. how can you be THIS much of a useful idiot?

>You people have NO EMPATHY. You are so SELFISH
You're literally as divorced from reality as the insane leftist who will scream at you for suggesting that men and women are different.

Most of these diner arguments, petitions and "dissenting scientists" can be traced back to organisations like the Cato Institute and the Hearland Institute, "think tanks" that are literally corporate shill propaganda outlets (the Heartland Institute was even deep into denying the link between smoking and cancer. Lying about science for big companies is literally their business model).

>> No.10782639

No it isn't.
It's difficult to model the impact of clouds, but it's something that a lot of people work on. In fact, it's pretty much the biggest challenge in climate modelling.

>> No.10782641

He's being sarcastic, you autistic baffoon.

>> No.10782654

Serves me right for just skimming the comment and assuming it's the same old denier drivel I've seen posted a thousand times.

>> No.10782944

>Pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, or climate change denial all belong in /x/ or /pol/
You belong anywhere else but a science discussion forum my dogmatic friend

>> No.10782965

Heres your (you) for appealing to fallacies

>> No.10783074

holy fucking shit this is a dumb post

if we can't trust a physicist to calculate the minute fluctuations of a stick you drop a foot over the ground how can we trust him to tell you it will fall a foot?

are you retarded?

>> No.10783116

muh European heat wave...


>> No.10783168

That's funny, I just looked up the actual weather for Rothenburg and it turns out that website is lying.

>> No.10783180

Reynolds number in the greenhouse models is approximately zero. Reynolds number for the earth's atmosphere is really high. By Buckingham's Pi theorem we know that if one of the Pi terms are different in the model vs the real thing, our model is not representative. Re is a pi term in this system we want to analyze.



>> No.10783599

I know you're trolling but this kind of cancer is just painful to look at, please kill yourself at the next available opportunity.

>> No.10783615
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>> No.10783643

>Reynolds number in the greenhouse models is approximately zero.


Also, the long term global trend is primarily determined by Earth's energy budget, not by turbulent flow.

>> No.10783671
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>The final piece of evidence is ‘the smoking gun’, the proof that CO2 is causing the increases in temperature. CO2 traps energy at very specific wavelengths, while other greenhouse gases trap different wavelengths. In physics, these wavelengths can be measured using a technique called spectroscopy. Here’s an example:
>Spectrum of the greenhouse radiation measured at the surface. Greenhouse effect from water vapor is filtered out, showing the contributions of other greenhouse gases (Evans 2006).

>The graph shows different wavelengths of energy, measured at the Earth’s surface. Among the spikes you can see energy being radiated back to Earth by ozone (O3), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N20). But the spike for CO2 on the left dwarfs all the other greenhouse gases, and tells us something very important: most of the energy being trapped in the atmosphere corresponds exactly to the wavelength of energy captured by CO2.

>> No.10783741
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>mmm yes bill nye would never lie and I love the taste of leather

>> No.10783747
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Asuka was not clamped. Shinji is jealous.

>> No.10783826

And in this case, of course, that means scrutinized by experts in a field that would be 10% of the size and receive 100x less funding if this issue didn't exist. Hmmm....

>> No.10783837

Not to mention, since this issue is a couple decades old at this point, the younger end of those in the field already consists mostly of people who probably only even got into it because of this in the first place. Imagine any other field of science being so irrelevant and useless aside from one issue. If chemistry was so useless outside of one single thing you bet I would do my best to keep that on life support as long as I could.

>> No.10783893

>my source is valid because it's shitty
We've reached levels of retardness never seen before

>> No.10784099
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By greenhouse model I meant the mythbusters video I responded to. I'm sure the pro's model it correctly. The GCM you posted the wiki for is built on the Navier Stokes Equations - Turbulence is built into the Navier Stokes equations. Note the Reynolds number on the shear terms.

>> No.10784112

How much of that CO2 is "man made"?

>> No.10784408

Tell me about the taste of leather.

>> No.10784431

You're grasping at straws to try to argue for the most banal climate change denial position ever.
Just, simply, pathetic.

>> No.10784438

If climate science was compromised, all the most powerful entities on earth including the US, Russia, Saudi Arabia, the rest of OPEC and all the coal and oil tycoon would have no trouble at all funding a whole new team of climate scientists to show conclusively that the other climate scientists are compromised.
But they cannot do that, because not even a trillion dollars can buy you false scientific results.

>> No.10784445

No, OBVIOUSLY, they are all getting bullied by the POWERFUL AND EBIL, climate science lobby, OBVIOUSLY.

>> No.10784459

they don't need to. all it takes is paying a couple of forum and image board seeders and then tons of sceptics with a lot of time at their hands hop on board. the best is
>they are doing it for free

>> No.10784492

Do you know what arxiv is..?

>> No.10784523

Man is the only source of CO2 that does not absorb more than it emits. If we were not emmitting CO2 the concentration would actually be going down.

>> No.10784689

Not saying it doesn't exist. But it is exaggerated for political gain, which is what actually matters. Muh 12 years.

>> No.10784864
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>> No.10784897
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>> No.10785671

The extra.

>> No.10785682

This isn't never-seen-before to anyone who's ever engaged in a debate with /pol/.

>> No.10785686

Anyone who thinks climate change is a hoax should be summarily executed. You do not deserve to breath the same air as the rest of us.

>> No.10785704

What if I believe that climate change is occurring, and is in large part related to the activities of man, but instead think that chemtrails, ecological collapse, deforestation, etc are the primary causative factors? That the CO2 thing would essentially fix itself if the planet was allowed to function properly?

Honestly, maybe anyone who doesn't believe in chemtrails should be summarily executed.

>> No.10785727 [DELETED] 

They can smell and sense light, but in a way that bacteria do.

>> No.10785758
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>the scientists just want grant money
>the scientists are incompetent
>the proof of this is something a celebrity said

>> No.10785761
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Yes you know better than every climatologist. You're just that intelligent. You can go back now thst you've set everything straight.

>> No.10785772

>If there's no experimental evidence, explain THIS

PV=nRT, ideal gas law.

The mythbusters made a mistake conducting the experiment in vacuum chamber. The chamber with methane and CO2 will expand faster, and gain temperature when heated compared to the one without.

Also they didn't mention how much CO2/CH4 they injected into the experiment. To properly replicate earth's condition it has to be less than 400ppm CO2, and 1.8 ppm methane.

>> No.10785786

Where are they getting their data.
Glad to help you get closer to the truth. I could use your help.

>> No.10785840

>The mythbusters made a mistake conducting the experiment in vacuum chamber.
They didn't though, did you watch the video? Another fucking lying denier.

>> No.10785846

>Where are they getting their data
Look at any published research and it will tell you. Where are you getting your data?

>> No.10785854

Everywhere. That's what you don't get, I look at everything. I don't put myself in tribes, and bubbles, or camps. I look at all of it, and likely have a wider scope I'm willing to consider and evaluate than many others. And it bears provable fruits.

Rotten, bitter fruits, but fruit nonetheless.

>> No.10785861

That's not an answer. Show me the data that specifically proves your claims.

>> No.10785867

Start here. I'm busy and that's asking for a lot.
and check out:
I just found the latter a few days ago, but it seems useful.

>> No.10785887

There's no data behind these claims, just baseless conspiracy theories. Just give me one example if you're "too busy."

>> No.10785912

Data was provided. Rest is up to you.

What year were you born, by the way? Just look up. You know damn well the sky isn't supposed to be a haze due to "increased air travel".

>> No.10785988

>Data was provided.
No it wasn't. You can't even give me one example, because it doesn't exist. You know it and I know it.

>What year were you born, by the way? Just look up. You know damn well the sky isn't supposed to be a haze due to "increased air travel".
You mean contrails you dumb fuck?

>> No.10786006


Refer to the links. Lot of history, lot of hard data. Since apparently you can't be tasked with thinking and investigating, and prefer to just argue with me (as though it changes anything), the conversation might as well just end.

>> No.10786020

No such thing.

>Refer to the links.
I did, nothing but conspiracy trash. And you won't even give me a single example of your "data" because it doesn't exist. Please post again without any data while expecting everyone to believe you, it's hilarious.

>> No.10786056

It's also not a gas column 12 miles high

>> No.10786075

>It's also not a gas column 12 miles high
This is why a garage experiment proving the greenhouse effect is all moot. A proper gas in an unconstrained volume would just expand when heated, bringing temperature back to normal.

The greenhouse effect cannot be proven experimentally and hence climate science belong in /x/

>> No.10786113

>unconstrained volume our atmosphere kek
>thinking this is at all relevant when all thermal energy has to be radiated into space.
Burger education everyone!

>> No.10786120

>doesn't even know the difference between thermal energy and temperature.

>> No.10786186

This thread is why they clamp.

>> No.10786190

They want to keep us fighting each other, therefore, they clamp. This is part of why they clamp.

>> No.10786193

>A proper gas in an unconstrained volume would just expand when heated, bringing temperature back to normal
Which is irrelevant to the greenhouse effect.


>> No.10786218

>satallitte data
They can be fudged with fancy math that nobody, not even peer-reviewers can understand. Also notice that satellite studies never share or made their data public, unlike climate data from ice cores which disproves global warming

>> No.10786281

When your entire argument is "I don't understand it but I don't like it so it must be a lie" is where anyone with a functioning brain takes a step back and considers the possibility they're wrong.

>> No.10786320

Satelite data is observation, not experimental
In any observation, causation does not mean correlation.

The greenhouse effect still cannot be proven experimentally

>> No.10786380

>I don't understand it
Neither do you. You're placing faith (belief without evidence) on the so-called scientist and modern peer review process which has proven to have holes in it (just look up feminist glaciology, that paper passes ""peer review""")

>> No.10786497

Wrong, I know enough of physics, chemistry and astronomy, to understand that the conclusions of the climatology papers I've read are soundly based in the physical sciences and all conclusions agree with other scientific observations and experimentation. While deniers of AGW are consistently unable to make coherent arguments, consistently fake data cherrypick appeal to ignorance. And generally resemble young earth creationists or flat earthers in their behavior.

>> No.10786505

>I have a middle school level understanding of the scientific method so you're WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10786549
File: 2 KB, 300x168, images12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ecological collapse affecting the climate

>> No.10786560

I just listen to Greta Thunberg.

>> No.10786610

>satallitte data
Did you read the study? They don't use satellite data.

>They can be fudged with fancy math that nobody, not even peer-reviewers can understand.
Then how do you know they're fudged?

>Also notice that satellite studies never share or made their data public
Which ones?

>unlike climate data from ice cores which disproves global warming

>> No.10786647

>literally thousands of papers supporting anthropocentric climate change
>no conclusive evidence hurr durr

>one paper opposing anthropocentric climate change
>Climate change cult BTFO!!!!!!

>> No.10786652
File: 110 KB, 1200x1056, D05-x-eVYAA0UYq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>unlike climate data from ice cores which disproves global warming

>> No.10786666
File: 16 KB, 275x183, politics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The very same people who were responsible for the flourishing of Western capitalism, are now clamoring for the protection of the planet, the only planet we have. How can right-wing individuals in this country, the same individuals who have historically championed capitalism, go against the very people who created capitalism in the first place?

>> No.10786695

oh, devil. the answer is simple. they manipulated the average person's mind, and now they must suffer the consequence of doing so

>> No.10786715


I don't understand what you're trying to say. The market doesn't like wind/solar as they're costly and inefficient compared to natural gas and nuclear. It isn't even a matter of propaganda, it's a simple truth, ignore the profiteers for a second and realize that it isn't as simple as "durr switch to solar it's just as efficient/reliable and it surely won't be an economic drag once the grid is entirely reliant on it."

>> No.10786791

>Temperature increases
>Water evaporation increases
>More clouds
>Higher albedo reducing temperature
>Cloud cover reducing ground temperature and increasing rainfall

Nice cult bro, can't wait for taxation, austerity and bug burgers.

>> No.10786802


>> No.10786856

You, the average person, don't know ANYTHING about the market. That's all I'm saying. You just make yourself seem like you do.

>> No.10786971

>Satelite data is observation, not experimental
So what?

>The greenhouse effect still cannot be proven experimentally
Wrong. https://agwobserver.wordpress.com/2009/09/25/papers-on-laboratory-measurements-of-co2-absorption-properties/

>> No.10786972


>> No.10786975

No one would give Einstein a position in a university, he had to submit his thesis while working as a clerk.

>> No.10786979


>> No.10786980

Wasn't the greenhouse effect proven like 100 years ago?

>> No.10786996

Almost 200 years ago.

>> No.10787014
File: 94 KB, 1200x630, AAD4d75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greenland temperature today is not even out of natural variability compared to the last 10ky. Also it is not outside natural variability, as T jump up and down in decadal timescale.

So all the pictures with doggos sledding on melted ice sheet were sensationalism because there were noone to take picture 10000 years ago

>> No.10787027

Greenland is not the globe. Also you said the ice core data disproves global warming. How does it do that when it shows Greenland temperature suddenly spiking, in contradiction to the natural cooling seen during an interglacial?

>Also it is not outside natural variability, as T jump up and down in decadal timescale
We already know the cause of the warming is not natural and will continue as long as massive emissions continue, so this is irrelevant.

>So all the pictures with doggos sledding on melted ice sheet were sensationalism because there were noone to take picture 10000 years ago
How is showing the effects of global warming sensationalism?

>> No.10787030

the market fucking hates nuclear lol it's complete garbage from an investment perspective, only governments bother.

>> No.10788505

Jyrki is a 75 years old physics professor who has been a molecular spectroscopist for quite some time, that's his hammer and he has started seeing nails

>> No.10788511

And solar is fairly attractive right now. This boomer is living in fucking 1965 or something.

>> No.10788518

because he didn't attend class and his professors thought he didn't give a shit; what does this have to do with anything? nothing

>> No.10790178

>that's his hammer and he has started seeing nails
What does that mean?

>> No.10790654

>Greenland temperature today
That is weather. It is not climate.

>> No.10790854

>here is no scientific support for climate change “ending the world”

>what is an extinction event
Why are you so fucking retarded?

>> No.10790897

arguing with morons makes you a moron

>> No.10790904

>being confident in experimental data is religious fanaticism
yeah they are right up there with the crazy evolutionists and people who think c is a universal constant

>> No.10790931

We are are on track to exceed 1.5C by 2030.
We know that at some point above that target, natural GHG emissions will get triggered and we know that in such a scenario we would be unable to stop a run-off global warming effect.
This is "alarmism" according to the shills.

>> No.10790954

>you think chemtrails are real
Youre retarded.

>> No.10790993

even the alarmists at the ipcc don't think that's going to happen

>> No.10791002

Literally everything I said is parroting the IPCC and they are the most conservative people in climate science.
Please stop pretending you know what you are talking about.

>> No.10791006

show some papers then

>> No.10791137

>any recent IPCC report
>CTRL-F feedback
>paper is cited in brackets at the end of the sentence
>discard it and post some bullshit excuse to keep denying reality

Also the paper that you'd have undoubtedly already come across if you dared to do a cursory check.

>> No.10791155

fair enough but why is that theoretical shit not in the general findings that they put out, is it because they know it's very specious?

>> No.10792328

People are too dumb to understand it anyway.