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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 276 KB, 882x543, tun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10776679 No.10776679 [Reply] [Original]

guys i'm scared right now

>> No.10776683

Start a backyard garden. Make conscious use of your wallet. Vote for people who aren’t morons.

In about 10 years we’ll be at the point where actions like these will either be successful or failures. After that, the only real solution will be widespread ecoterrorism. Should be pretty fun

>> No.10776688
File: 119 KB, 860x1024, Heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how to read this, since I posted the OP as an example of clear hyperbole.

But to your comment, I don't think ecoterrorism can be very effective without a Trotskyist movement first/parallel to it.

>> No.10776694

oh no
not, incests!

>> No.10776712

i hate ecofags so much

>> No.10776721

Fuck nature

>> No.10776812

Do you realize how integral insects are in virtually every single ecosystem on Earth? Driving insects extinct is like playing Jenga with a sledgehammer.

>> No.10776829
File: 49 KB, 1024x728, Historical human population growth - no logo_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, I love this logic. Iets apply it to humans

How at this current rate of population growth, long till mass of all humans is greater than mass of the planet itself?

>> No.10776839

native gardening is a great sci hobby but not enough. To really fix things we need to address agricultural practices

>> No.10776852
File: 23 KB, 386x279, god-emperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% assure you 100 years from now there will be still be forest, jungles, insects, animals, and men.

Relax, be fruitful and multiply.

>> No.10776878
File: 41 KB, 750x583, Common_Yellowthroat_male_singing_1-24-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Within a century. Haha. Try WITHIN 10 YEARS.

Also ask yourself how all that ALUMINUM got in all those BEES.

>> No.10776986

Gee, I wonder why!
>stupid shit vegan wants 10-quintillion-acre söy fields for his stupid shit Starbucks tofu salad
>"no no no don't use animals in the field that's slavery and it reminds me of my wife's boyfriend's ancestors"
>farmer can't use animals
>no animal traction, need to buy and maintain gas-guzzling tractors
>no organic fertilizer, need to tillage whole field and use synthetic fertilizers and pesticides
>earthworm genocide
>insect genocide
>birds starve to death
>fucking vegan cuck blames meat eaters

>> No.10776999

Plant-only agriculture is more efficient than mixed agriculture. This is, like, basic thermodynamics. Are you retarded?

>> No.10777021

acre for acre, eating plants is far more efficient than meat. End consumers have no way of knowing what kind of other animals live on the farm. Basedbois actually increase farmers' use of organic fertilizer by buying stuff with the USDA organic label.

>> No.10777028

Also literally no one uses horses or cows to plow anymore except in the third world.

>> No.10777036

With chemtrails etc there's no longer such a thing as organic. There cannot be. It's raining down on your food and those leafy greens either take it up, shut down nutrient transport, or as a last ditch effort to survive, massively increase oxalate production. This is why so many people feel better on a carnivore diet. Plant endotoxin is increased, their body can't handle it.

Eating meat is necessary at this point. You need an animal prefiltering this garbage. Don't eat organ meat, especially liver.

>> No.10777059

Except people who farm with cyclical systems which don't sterilize the earth nor rely on chemicals that will run out in a few decades.

>With chemtrails

>> No.10777065

WHO admits they're doing it, indirectly. It's a NATO thing. Started heavy in the mid 90's.

>> No.10777084

>Except people who farm with cyclical systems which don't sterilize the earth nor rely on chemicals that will run out in a few decades.

So no one? We’ll just make more chemicals.

>> No.10777100

>Greta Thurnberg

>> No.10777105

>thing is going down at x rate
>it will continue going down at x rate until zero
Nothing works like this.

>> No.10777113

Not actually true. It’s how radioactive decay works. Regardless, the decline in insect populations is bad.

>> No.10777119

This is your brain on math.

>> No.10777136


this is /sci/ for science and math. You should head over to r/conspiracy on Reddit. That might be more your speed

>> No.10777142

Chemtrails are real.

>> No.10777151

For [math]n \;\in\; \mathbf N[/math], [math] m_{n \,+\, 1} \,-\, m_n \;=\; -0.025\, m_n [/math] i.e. [math] m_{n \,+\, 1} \;=\; 0.975\,m_n [/math] i.e. [math] m_n \;=\; m_0\, 0.975^n [/math].

Can't argue against this mountain of evidence.

>> No.10777154

Look up. Those aren't contrails.

>> No.10777170

>each of the past 5 years, in my area, has had a massive increase of insect species not normally here and plagues of insects already here

Shit, even fireflies are back in massive quantities now.

>> No.10777171

I haven't seen a Fly in 3 years...

>> No.10777174

Prove they aren’t

>> No.10777217

Trails that turn on and off despite the overall vertical layering of the atmosphere.

One plane leaving trails, another not.

Flight paths that make no sense.

>> No.10777227


nuff said

>> No.10777335

I remember that when I was a kid my garden was rampant with bugs of all kinds.
Now, living in the same house and roighly the same flora, I'm lucky if I see some ants messing around and that's it

>> No.10777337


>> No.10777338

Insects are just the mini bots left from the last civilization on earth to take care of the planet

>> No.10777347 [DELETED] 
File: 1.51 MB, 1000x1500, anti tech revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So far as is known, each previous mass extinction has resulted from the arrival of some one major disruptive factor, or at most perhaps two or three such factors.40 Thus, it is widely believed that the dinosaurs were wiped out by the impact of an asteroid that kicked up colossal clouds of dust. These obstructed the light of the Sun, cooling the planet and interfering with photosynthesis. Presumably, mammals were better able to survive under these conditions than the dinosaurs were. There are paleontologists who argue that some species of dinosaurs survived for as long as a million years after the impact of the asteroid, hence, that the asteroid alone was not enough to account for all the extinctions that occurred at the end of the Cretaceous. The dinosaurs, they maintain, must have been finished off by some other factor-perhaps a prolonged period of unusual volcanic activity that continued to darken the atmosphere. In any case, no one claims that more than a very few such factors-all of them simple, blind forces-were involved in the extinction of the dinosaurs or in other, previous mass extinctions.

>In contrast to these earlier events, the extinction event that is now under way is not the work of a single blind force or even of two or three or ten such forces. Instead, it is the work of a multiplicity of intelligent, living forces. These are human organizations, self-prop systems that assiduously pursue their own short-term advantage without scruple and without concern for long-term consequences. In doing so they leave no stone unturned, no possibility untested, no avenue unexplored in their unremitting drive for power.

>> No.10777349
File: 2.49 MB, 1125x1500, anti tech revolution 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So far as is known, each previous mass extinction has resulted from the arrival of some one major disruptive factor, or at most perhaps two or three such factors. Thus, it is widely believed that the dinosaurs were wiped out by the impact of an asteroid that kicked up colossal clouds of dust. These obstructed the light of the Sun, cooling the planet and interfering with photosynthesis. Presumably, mammals were better able to survive under these conditions than the dinosaurs were. There are paleontologists who argue that some species of dinosaurs survived for as long as a million years after the impact of the asteroid, hence, that the asteroid alone was not enough to account for all the extinctions that occurred at the end of the Cretaceous. The dinosaurs, they maintain, must have been finished off by some other factor-perhaps a prolonged period of unusual volcanic activity that continued to darken the atmosphere. In any case, no one claims that more than a very few such factors-all of them simple, blind forces-were involved in the extinction of the dinosaurs or in other, previous mass extinctions.

>In contrast to these earlier events, the extinction event that is now under way is not the work of a single blind force or even of two or three or ten such forces. Instead, it is the work of a multiplicity of intelligent, living forces. These are human organizations, self-prop systems that assiduously pursue their own short-term advantage without scruple and without concern for long-term consequences. In doing so they leave no stone unturned, no possibility untested, no avenue unexplored in their unremitting drive for power.

>> No.10777352


>> No.10777353


shoo shoo shill

>> No.10777642

god bless you sir

>> No.10777644

Not an argument

>> No.10777707


Same here. Used to be all sorts of bugs everywhere. You would notice them without even looking for them because they were everywhere. Lots of different species too, all sorts of different types of moths, butterflies, ants, flies, spiders, ladybugs. Now if I actively look to find any, they are far fewer, both in population number and number of species. That is my backyard in the middle of town, where most people use very little in the way of sprays.

Used to be if you left a light on outside in the evening you would end up with a swarm of night flying insects, mostly moths, fluttering around it. Not anymore. Lucky to see a few, even around the streetlights along the street.

>> No.10777740

I believe that's the case as well, but I don't believe that it'll happen with all of us not worrying about what will eventually happen if we don't make changes. Relaxing isn't going to fix shit.

>> No.10777748

The dumb-dumb just saw an opportunity to say "vegan cuck" and built the rest of his post around that. It's the only thing that makes his itty-bitty pee-wee hard anymore. Can you blame him?

>> No.10777757

OR, and hear me out, your schizophrenia is causing you to focus on some bullshit paranoid conspiracy theory instead of the real issues with the way we grow and raise our food. Thinking that you're the only one that understands this "secret" may make you feel special, but it isn't going to protect your descendants lives if you can't determine the true threat. Hopefully you'll just never have descendants to spread your schizophrenia to and none of this will really matter.

>> No.10777767

>Trails that turn on and off despite the overall vertical layering of the atmosphere.
What are differences in atmospheric conditions along the flight path of the plane, Alex?
>One plane leaving trails, another not.
What are one plane having a different engine than the other and also differences in atmospheric conditions along the flight path of the planes, Alex?
>Flight paths that make no sense.
What is you're just a schizo-narcissist that doesn't understand something and so you incorrectly assume that the thing doesn't make any sense to anyone at all, Alex?

>> No.10777768

>instead of
I've done and continue to do both.

>the rest
The standard line. Some sort of insecurity and compensation complex is all your mind is willing to conceive of. Very sad.

>> No.10777775

>What are differences in atmospheric conditions along the flight path of the plane, Alex?
Differences in the atmosphere are layered vertically, not in columns.

>What are one plane having a different engine than the other
They all use pretty much the same engine at this point. A high bypass turbofan jet engine.

>> No.10777784

Bitch you tellin' me cockroaches will be extinct in 100 years if we keep driving cars?
That's an "unbased" from me, dogg.

>> No.10777787

I don't understand how you people assume that the oil industry isn't orders of magnitude more capable and willing to pay for "shills" than whoever the fuck you think is bribing people to fake climate change. The oil industry has a clear, vested interest in people not believe in climate change, whereas your imaginary boogeyman is just what? Evil because they're Jewish or something? Occam's Razor, friend.

>> No.10777796

Fuck the bugshits- they are annoying, disgusting and they deserve to be wiped out just for that. Homo deus- the supreme master of life and death wrecking yet another class of weakling animals with RULES OF NATURE.

>> No.10777797

>but I don't believe that it'll happen with all of us not worrying about what will eventually happen if we don't make changes

No.. really just relax.

Electric cars are far superior to Internal compustion cars for everyday transportation.

Fusion WILL happen.
Fission is here and getting safer than it already was.
Solar and wind are getting better and more wide spread.

Fossil fuels literally can not compete with nearly free energy from solar, wind, and nuclear (The ONLY reason nuclear is expensive now is foolishly expensive regulations)
in 100 years North America is be GREENER (more forest) than it is now and environmentally cleaner.

I would not be surprised if in 100 years the large buffalo migrations have resumed.

The only truly sad place in 100 years will probably be Africa. The population there will be BILLIONS more than it is now. Right now there are NO large nations lead by Black Africans that any sane person would choose to live in.
Perhaps this will change in the next 100 years, but as of now there is almost no indication of change occurring.

>> No.10777836

>Some sort of insecurity and compensation complex is all your mind is willing to conceive of.
No, like any rational human, I'm frustrated when people pour so much effort into bullshit conspiracy theories instead of focusing it on the real issues. Especially when said people display such a massive sense of superiority over those that are actually trying to make a difference in the real world.
>Very sad.
Nice Trumpism, tangerine.

>> No.10777838

>Differences in the atmosphere are layered vertically, not in columns.
The major differences, sure. There can still exist differences in air pressure, humidity, etc. great enough within those layers to produce the effects that you're witnessing.
>They all use pretty much the same engine at this point. A high bypass turbofan jet engine.
Oh, and they're all the same exact size, make, and model, too? Wow.

>> No.10777839

You're still doing the same thing. I'm focusing on all known relevant factors.

>> No.10777843

All of those things are likely to happen much more quickly if people are wary of the potential future we face.

>> No.10777845

What about that recent big document release after a coal company went bust?

>> No.10777848

>You're still doing the same thing.
So are you, conspiraboy.
>I'm focusing on all known relevant factors.
Not quite. Chemtrails have no empirical data to back them up; many other things have plenty. Just admit that you want to feel more "in-the-know" than others because you have a superiority complex. Nobody is going to judge you on an anonymous Balinese shark-racing forum.

>> No.10777850

>Chemtrails have no empirical data to back them up
Look up.

>> No.10777862

The fact that plane engines produce and condense water vapor given certain atmospheric conditions doesn't prove that the government is trying to poison us, or mind-control us, or whatever the fuck you believe.

>> No.10777863

Solar power has too low of an EROI ratio to keep our standards of live as they are, windpower at 18 is barely above what would be required to maintain a semi decent quality of life. The problem with electric cars is they have an EROI too, they take X amount of energy to construct and therefore have to be used for X amount of years before they are carbon neutral. This is the basic concepy of energy cannibalism, to create a new energy source you need to use the original source. I know what you're thinking, muh breeding factories yeah well then you have logistics and transportation. Unless you build nuclear with an EROI of 47.

Now the problem is the permafrost and the East Siberian Artic Shelf that has so much methane that if we don't do anything about it the ball is no longer in our hands. Runaway c02 emissions. All of those things you mentioned now would take more than 10 years to greatly impact our civilization and we don't have 10 years, not in terms of c02 emissions.

>> No.10777876

>we don't have 10 years, not in terms of c02 emissions.

YES... yes we do. If we really just want to lower Co2 emission all we have to do is introduce iron to the oceans to induce plankton blooms.. whale shit use to do this but we killed too many of them.


>> No.10777878

> or whatever the fuck you believe.
So you don't even know.

>> No.10777883

frankly you should be concerned by high altitude aerosols and unburnt fuel and exhaust compounds even if you don't take chemtrails seriously.

>> No.10777885

The amount of c02 captured and sequestered by iron fertilization is an absolute meme, you're aware of this right? The only realistic geoengineering solution is SAI (Stratospheric Aerosol Injection) or the Salk Institute's genetically modified plant they are striving to create. Now I know what you're saying, SAI wouldn't sequester C02, no but it would give us a few more decades of time to deal with the C02 while increasing the ice in the artic and thereby the albedo of those regions and ensure that the permafrost doesnt' thaw and fuck us all up. The fact that you believe iron fertilization has a high enough efficiency to change anything makes me severely question all your aforementioned claims.

>> No.10777893

No, I don't know to which specific bullshit chemtrail conspiracy you ascribe. All of them are equally ridiculous, so it's not as if I can just assume that you believe in the "most likely" one. None of them are supported by empirical data.

>> No.10777897

actualy I read about a theory of deforesting cold snow covered regions because it increases albedo and using wild herds to suppress growth, this tree felling would have been a natural consequence of mammoths according to their research

>> No.10777898


>> No.10777901

holy shit that's rather genius actually. would be hard to do and less of a reward the longer we wait since less amounts of snow. you got a link perchance anon? would love to read more

>> No.10777907

some crazy russian scientist

makes one wonder the damage done by soot and dust in the air making snow mealt

>> No.10777909

I think this was related to it if you want to explore this rabbit hole
I remember some crazy stories about smuggling wisent

>> No.10777913


They're also used for weather alteration (control), and to offset the reduced solar activity by net trapping heat that would otherwise exit at night. The degree and manner to which the ecological devastation is intended, and anything they put in the mix (nanotechnology) is unknown.

Everything is about control. I must never slip, nor ever fall.

>> No.10777917


>> No.10777920

hey do you have much on the artificial californua droughts of a few years ago where they were literally dumping reservoir water and claiming there wasn't enough water?

>> No.10777926


>> No.10777947
File: 79 KB, 250x238, 1404268630510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're also used for weather alteration (control), and to offset the reduced solar activity by net trapping heat that would otherwise exit at night.
Where's your data that suggests that this concept has become anything other than just that: a concept. Show me proof that the government is secretly (for some reason) enacting this plan and that it has repeatable deleterious effects on the environment. What chemicals are they using and what about them makes them toxic to plants/insects?
>The degree and manner to which the ecological devastation is intended ... is unknown.
Then what leads you to believe that it's happening at all, let alone that it, specifically, is causing all of these issues with our ecosystems? You're assuming so much based on your self-admitted almost complete lack of knowledge about the topic.
What the fuck even? Why would you even make this leap? Could your schizobrain just not resist latching onto the buzzword?

>> No.10777951

Oh no, they're multiplying. They can smell each other's shit from twenty threads over.

>> No.10777985

only the weak shit tier insects are dying off
strong insects like ants wont ever go extinct

>> No.10778007

tfw zoomers on their first summerjob cutting a few patches of grass/weed in an otherwise urban area down to the ground

>> No.10778012
File: 137 KB, 500x561, 1527595212098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plants are fine
it is the organicfags that are at fault
organic is some of the worst stuff you can do for the environment, and probably what anon meant

>> No.10778026

>Where's your data that suggests that this concept has become anything other than just that: a concept.
Water samples. And look up.

>What chemicals are they using
Aluminum nanoparticles, barium, strontium, fly ash, sulfuric acid.

>what about them makes them toxic to plants/insects?
They're ingested and inhaled, accumulating in the animal. Aluminum alters soil pH and shuts down root systems (hence why Monsanto has patented aluminum resistance genes), it leaves the plant more susceptible to invasion by other organisms.

Google bees and aluminum. This has been studied. The bees are loaded with aluminum. This is causing colony collapse along with the other stuff, I have to tack on that qualifier because everyone is an if else retard these days.

>Then what leads you to believe that it's happening at all
Obvious weather control. I see them spray to nucleate rain, it rains the next day. I see them spray for chemical ice nucleation, it snows. This was done in Beijing recently, google it. We could do it for the last 40 years. Instant ice in first aid kits work similar.

>Why would you even make this leap?
I don't know why you're so upset and incredulous. Why? Because I don't have a complete knowledge and model of your mind. The same goes for you. I've made the leaps I've made for reasons that are beyond the scope I feel like discussing, and you're just going to have to deal.

> Could your schizobrain just not resist latching onto the buzzword?
I know it's intense, but you have to accept the truth. Start here.

This is probably the most data that's been consolidated. Climateviewer is good as well.

>> No.10778048

quick question anon, do you believe that two passenger jets flying into two heavily reinforced skyscrapers in manhatten would be enough damage to demolish both of them and a third building as per the "officially sanctioned line", yes or no?

>> No.10778082

>Water samples.
Cite your sources. Being this vague indicates that you have no actual data.
>And look up.
You have yet to prove that the condensed water vapor naturally produced by plane engines in certain atmospheric conditions is somehow being commandeered by the evil government to covertly alter the climate. Your catchphrase means nothing until you do that.
>Aluminum nanoparticles, barium, strontium, fly ash, sulfuric acid.
You literally said: >anything they put in the mix is unknown.
Which is it, then? If it is composed of what you claim, what data do you draw this conclusion from? Cite your sources. Don't ever expect anyone to just take your word for anything.
>They're ingested and inhaled, accumulating in the animal.
I agree that this would happen IF the government is doing this, which I would like for you to prove.
>Google bees and aluminum.
I'm well aware of that issue, and it is a real one. However, I don't think that there's any evidence that it's a secret government program that's dumping it from planes. There are plenty of other proven sources, so there's no reason to add the extra step. Occam's Razor.

>> No.10778083

>Obvious weather control.
What's "obvious" to you means nothing. You have to show empirical data that PROVES that this is happening. Why do you expect anyone to just take you at face value?
>I see them spray to nucleate rain, it rains the next day.
The human brain is literally designed by our evolution to make connections. Sometimes it does this when the connection happens to be coincidence. At this point, you're at the mercy of confirmation bias. I believe that's what has happened in your case.
>We could do it for the last 40 years.
There are plenty of things that we've been capable of for decades that we're not doing. It being technologically feasible is not evidence that it is occurring.
>I don't know why you're so upset and incredulous.
I'm not upset. I just don't understand why conspiracy theorists think it's logically sound to make these odd leaps based on no evidence whatsoever.
>I've made the leaps I've made for reasons that are beyond the scope I feel like discussing
Then nothing you've said has any basis in science and doesn't belong on this board. Thanks for at least admitting that you're talking out of your ass.
>I know it's intense, but you have to accept the truth.
Proselytizing really doesn't help your claim that your belief is based in fact. Especially when you then proceed to link to a conspiracy site like geowatch. When I say that you need to show empirical data, I don't mean shitty editorial pieces disguised as science. I mean peer-reviewed studies that show that even one part of your conspiracy is accurate and/or even possible.

>> No.10778095

Of course not. That was obviously a ploy by the deepstate CIA reptilians to destroy the ZPM shield generator stored one mile below the trade centers. This would have eliminated the psychic shield protecting Manhattan (and, in fact, much of the Eastern seaboard) from their vampiric mental attacks. Luckily, Valiant Thor stepped in at the last second and used his people's Tall White teleportation technology to temporarily move the device. While it is a tragedy that so many lives were lost, many more would have met a fate worse than death had the psychic shield failed.

Fun fact: The reason that a waterfall design was chosen for the trade tower memorial is because the government has been working in conjunction with the Tall Whites to soup up the shield generator, and they needed a way to install a massive water-cooling apparatus to dissipate the excess heat from the ZPM without anyone thinking twice about why it existed in the middle of Manhattan.

>> No.10778099

I was being serious do you believe the official narrative, Yes or No?

>> No.10778105
File: 527 KB, 1000x667, shutterstock_134044577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start a backyard garden. Make conscious use of your wallet. Vote for people who aren’t morons.

>> No.10778110

point being, not that it's dumb and gay to want to protect the planet, but that it's extremely dumb and boomer to think that your fucking backyard composting does anything

>> No.10778148

What makes you believe that I'm not being serious? Do you think that I could just make something like that up? You're one of THEM, aren't you? You have to tell me if I ask you if you're one of THEM. That's one of YOUR rules.

>> No.10778156

voting doesnt do anything either. that anon is a royal retard.

>> No.10778175

Because you would have said Perkwunos instead of Thor
I just want to know if you've ever investigated the 9/11 events objectively

>> No.10778192



>> No.10778200

>you would have said Perkwunos instead of Thor
You should really dive a little deeper. You're a few layers away from the truth, but you're tantalizingly close.

>> No.10778263

It's a simple yes/no question which you should be able to answer in isolation.

>> No.10778307

I don't know who you are or who you're working for. I have no desire to give you any further information than I already have, which should be more than enough.

>> No.10778355

smith-mundt repeal act 2013

>> No.10778380

Ha. I get you. Just for shits and giggles, here; have something that you shouldn't have.


You wouldn't believe what that opens.