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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10774219 No.10774219 [Reply] [Original]

Thought this thread was a pretty good idea, before it died last time. Yellow nodes are infected, green are recovered, and purple are susceptible. Biomathematics is cool.

>> No.10774222

So how do you apply that gif to math?

>> No.10774231

Disease system analysis has huge implications in public policy. The gif is an elementary model of random movement/transmission on a lattice - more of an example than anything serious.

>> No.10774242

Oh, and out of disease systems there are tons of mathematics! Dynamical systems is probably the most pronounced, as most of the systems (at least in my experience) boil down to a set of (integro-)differential equations

>> No.10774553


>> No.10774565

Banach spaces and its subspaces like Hilbert space in color perception and formation of color neural field and color space representation in [math]R^3[/math].

>> No.10774572

>subspaces like Hilbert space

>> No.10774587

and its special case of space with inner product *

>> No.10774601

I am beginning to do research in hemodynamics (blood flow) and only have a pure math and statistics background. What How can I learn fluid dynamics quickly and what other kinds of subjects do I need to learn?

>> No.10774616

It shouldn't be hard understanding fluid dynamics and rheology with a good math background. If you are good with differential equations and dynamical systems you should easily get the subject. You practically only need to know about certain blood properties. Blood flow through arteries and veins is basically fluid flowing through network of pipes. So all you need to understand are few things, for example what is blood made of and how could certain processes change its composition and therefore its physical properties, also few things about the medium it flows (arteries and veins and their tunicas).

>> No.10774670

>AMG all caps
Any particular reason?

Anyhow, I'm an economist. Any applications you'd recommend getting into? I know my maths frontwards backwards, so that shouldn't be a concern.

>> No.10774675

economists are mathlets

>> No.10774681

>I'm an economis
>I know my maths frontwards backwards, so that shouldn't be a concern
fucking kek

>> No.10774685

>t. math undergrads learning babby differential geometry

>> No.10774907

>Implying you only know baby differential geometry if any>>10774681

>> No.10775017

Ebin bump.
>implying I implied that, engineeringtard

>> No.10775029

Is this a real area of research? Are the people in this fields primarily biologists or mathematicians?

>> No.10775035

economists go in to their PhDs knowing real analysis. Don't be fooled by the fact that the majority of econ *majors* are mathlets.

>> No.10775098

Anybody here into topology optimization?

>> No.10775338

How do I derive this projection from scratch rather than just verifying it works by computing P(P(z))?

>> No.10775359
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>> No.10775366


>where A is fat and full rank

damn applied math lookin dummy THICC

>> No.10775516

Optimal transport is a hot topic in pdes and has its roots in the intersection of mathematics and economics.

>> No.10776002

What does optimal transport have to do with PDEs? That's a linear programming problem.

>> No.10776014
File: 2.38 MB, 1200x500, afib.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaotic conduction in a model of atrial fibrillation. Math is a PDE:

\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \nabla \cdot ( \mathbf{D} \nabla u) - I,
where [math] I [/math] is obtained from a system of ODEs based on the Cherry-Fenton model for the atrial cell.

>> No.10776054

Can I see your code?

>> No.10776080

Yeah, just give me a second to clear it up a bit. I'll post a simplified model, so you can play with it.

It's in python 3.7 + numpy&matplotlib. It's pretty messy and not commented much. Should I just copy/paste it in a comment?

>> No.10776119

Yeah, either that or in a pastebin or something.
(In comments it will mess up the indentation)

>> No.10776122
File: 974 KB, 800x600, simple_numerical.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the code for something similar to >>10776014: http://oneclickpaste.com/25065/

It's a simplified model - doesn't have all the elements in the video I posted, but you can still play with it and reproduce the patterns you see there. Any tips for speeding it up would be appreciated, by the way.

>> No.10776126

Yea, it's real. You need knowledge from both. Usually you go for Phd in computational biology or neuroscience and if you are mathematician you take biology courses at first to introduce yourself to the field and if you come from any of the biological field you take math courses needed for the subject. There are tons of papers published on this specific topic.

>> No.10776128

I'm getting into applied math after a pure math + physics double major in undergard.
Trying to figure out what kind of stuff I want to do.

Any topics to check out that you'd recommend?

>> No.10776134

Thanks. I'm on my phone so I'll check it later

>> No.10776167

What degree?

>> No.10776204
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Any mathematical biology people out there?

>> No.10776218

Yeah, I just posted some stuff above >>10776014.

Though I guess it's more mathematical medicine, in a way. I'm also interested in immunology.

>> No.10776219

yep here i am

>> No.10776236

What are you working on?

>> No.10776245

I can't into formal proof. should I consider learning it ?

>> No.10777014

Sure, why not?

>> No.10777057

>/AMG/ - Applied Math General
>good idea
try one or both of the following >>>/lgbt/ and >>>/hm/

>> No.10777064 [DELETED] 

>mathematical biology
Refer to >>>/lgbt/

>> No.10777067

>cant into formal proof
See >>>/mlp/

>> No.10777509


>> No.10777518 [DELETED] 

shut up useless nigger

>> No.10777539 [DELETED] 

applied fags have no right to call themselves mathematicians.
try posting on >>>/hm/
that might be more your speed.

>> No.10777811
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I'll bump and go to sleep.

>> No.10778708


>> No.10778743

>/AMG/ - Applied Math General
But there's already one up, see: >>10769848

>> No.10778850
File: 81 KB, 1137x721, 2019-07-04-143409_1137x721_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which of these fields is the most BASED?

>> No.10779390

Then you probably should've gone to grad school in california or washington.
Dynamical systems

>> No.10779397


>> No.10779466

>Dynamical systems
Why? What's exciting in Dynamical Systems? During undergrad it was super easy but kind of boring.

>> No.10780972

sifin for sure

>> No.10782197
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I'll bump and stay awake.

>> No.10782969

I haven't gone to grad school yet.
Ergodic theory is kino.

>> No.10783239
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Working on stuff

>> No.10783329

Can you link the Cherry et al. 2007 paper? Can't seem to find it.

>> No.10783333
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Is algebraic topology going to help us solve the mystery of how biological neural networks works?

>> No.10784367

I've just woken up, so I'll bump.

>> No.10785590

It's late, so I'll bump.
I'm always extremely suspicious of applications of fields like category theory, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, etc.
But maybe.

>> No.10785818
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>> No.10787620

What industry pays comfy enough for somebody with an MSc in Applied Math?
My problem is, I don't want to go into finance and I don't want to do code monkey work either.
I'd prefer some kind of manufacturing or engineering related job or even scientific research if that's possible.

>> No.10787640

Yes, but does it actually tell you anything? Just seems like a somewhat interesting phenomenological indicator, not something that could really guide our understanding.

>> No.10788117

Aerospace/big pharma (biostats)

>> No.10788666
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>> No.10790420

You genetics or more infectious diseases? I'm an undergrad looking at math bio specifically infectious disease modeling

How network topology changes disease transmission

How's the search coming? You an undergrad too?

>> No.10790423

dynamical systems seconded

>> No.10790427

Acronyms should be capitalized.

I would ONLY recommend dynamical systems, especially with a physics and pure math background. Every day I learn of a new area where dynamical systems is applicable - I'm sure you wouldn't have to look far finding an application you'd be interested in

>> No.10790430

What am I looking at?

>> No.10791538

I'll bump.

>> No.10792809

I'll bump once more.

>> No.10793657

>tfw studying mathematical statistics
>tfw most of the world doesn't see it as applied mathematics

>> No.10793667

Undergrad yeah. Just trying to feel out exactly what courses worth taking before grad school, what can be set aside for later and whether its worth switching to biophysics instead.

>> No.10793734

Continuum mechanics is what you want.
Shouldn't be difficult for somepone with maths background.

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics by W Michael Lai, David H. Rubin, Erhard Krempl, David Rubin

This is a great book

>> No.10795609

Bumping the brainlet containment general.

>> No.10795610

>Applied Math