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10761989 No.10761989 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to create free wireless electricity for everybody to use?


>> No.10761992
File: 97 KB, 660x545, Who needs nuclear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10761993

The sheer amount of energy required and the tremendous interference with other wireless systems and even animals with certain senses makes that very impractical.

>> No.10761999

And yeah, the sun is basically already that.

>> No.10762094

Nothing is free. It all dies out eventually.

>> No.10762097

the sun is not electrically charged. it is neutral

>> No.10762111

can different planets have different static charges?

Like maybe the earth has an extremely positive charge, but we call it neutral because it's our baseline. Now we send a probe to another planet with a strong negative charge. When that probe touches ground, could the discharge of static energy destroy it's electronics? Is that something NASA engineers have to plan for?

>> No.10762132

Tesla literally did it.

>> No.10762137

>sun will die out in billions of years
I think earth can call it free energy. The basically created all life on earth anyway, so might as well be free.

>> No.10762150

Under normal circumstances objects tend to remain electrically neutral because charged objects will immediately begin gaining/losing electrons through tiny interactions like attracting dust particles. Eventually, an equilibrium is again reached.

>> No.10762165

so basically you just described what we call a floating ground in EE. if there is no command ground, you can measure voltage (the potential difference) relative to any specific point. if we connect the two planets, that may result in an electric current and the earth may suddenly become negatively or positively charged. will that screw up all the electronics and power transmission lines on the planet? i would rather not connect us to such a planet.

>> No.10762332

this is either expert level trolling or the dumbest shit ive ever read outside /x/

>> No.10762740

What happened to his research? Did he destroy it?

>> No.10762743

How do photos from the sun become electrons on earth?

>> No.10762819
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>Is it possible to create free wireless electricity for everybody to use?

"No! You must all rely on the metered power grid like good peasants! Now get back to work!"

>> No.10762831

>muh Free energy electricity

>> No.10762833


>> No.10763839

Call it what you want, the truth still looms.

>> No.10763841

he teleported it to the 7th dimension

>> No.10763851

He could draw weak electrical charge from the earth. Big wow.

>> No.10763860
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>> No.10763866

You are absolutely right. It was inefficient, however, it was not that which was blocked by Edison. It was AC (Alternating Current). That would have made wireless clocks, floating induction, wireless mouses. Everything would be wireless.

>> No.10763868

There's good reason to believe Donald Trump has it. Not even a fucking meme either.

Government confiscated it after he died. They hired Trumps uncle to review all his notes and make sense of it.

>> No.10763873

>create free electricity
Energy cannot be created only converted. You can probably create a system to transfer electricity without using wires and not ask people to pay for it, but prior to that you need some other source of energy that will provide energy which you can convert to electricity

>> No.10763896

In a fit of blind rage cause by a life of involuntary celibacy he burned his factory to the ground when people stopped funding his crazy ideas

>> No.10763920

He was miles away when it happened. Although this does not rule out a wireless or time based switch to set it on fire...

>> No.10764112

>They hired Trumps uncle to review all his notes and make sense of it
Do you have surce on that?

>> No.10764113

Actually he does. We literally all do.
How did you miss this?

>> No.10764117

You don't remember the lightning bolt that hit Trump tower during the elections? Some people say they saw an '84 DeLorean sailing across the sky

>> No.10764150

I'm not american so I don't follow Trump news closely, but thanks. I wonder how the Trumps are planning to use Tesla's tech.

>> No.10766469
File: 31 KB, 250x251, 1528585049908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ball of plasma
This could have been a good bait but you needed to embed the one liner in a small paragraph.

>> No.10766476

>Is it possible to create free...


>> No.10766484

The sun is free energy in the same sense that petroleum reserves are free energy. The energy source exists, and until you try to do something with it, it is free.

>> No.10766496

Cool. So you propose using that effect to provide free energy to everyone, as per OP's post.

But I think you skipped a step. You still need to be able to produce electricity using the photoelectric effect in industrial amounts, globally... for free. And, if we are to fulfill all of OP's criteria, you need a free wireless transmission system. But I'd be willing to skip the wireless transmission if you can explain how you are going to manufacture huge quantities of photovoltaic cells for free.

>> No.10766499

And that, children, is why we do not use alternating current today. Think of the amazing new world that Edison robbed us of.

>> No.10766512

Well the first part of their clever plan is obviously to just sit on a lot of revolutionary new technology that is worth billions, at least from 1943 through July 2019. Possibly longer.

>> No.10766516

Plasma -- a state of matter in which exist positively charged ions, and the negatively charged electrons that have been stripped off of them.

Can you figure out for yourself the over-all charge there?

>> No.10766520

>Who needs nuclear.jpg
Low IQ poster detected.

>> No.10766524

It's already been done in many different labs. Problem though, like others have said, is the interference with other electronics and some animals. It just wouldn't work well. I think it is just more reliable to have power running to your source via transmission cables vs any other method

>> No.10766614

Google Debye length. The sun's plasma is said to be "quasi-neutral". The bait is that there are lots of heated discussions about whether the sun is only slightly positively charged. Different models predict different charge amounts anything from 77 C to 10^22 C. But overall it is slightly positively charged due to loss of electrons due to the solar wind. The point is if the total charge is as little as 77C you can drain it like a Lipo battery in one second if you draw 77 Amp from it. The average Sun-powered quadcopter could drain the Sun in a few seconds.

>> No.10766638

Plasmas taken in isolation are approximately neutral, to say that a star is not electrically charged is retarded.

>> No.10766709
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Yes, its called the zeropoint reactor. Works by initiating a high speed electric (DC) plasma discharge and capturing energy with a Faraday coil (with some capacitance). Yes, that simple but you'll get MIB on your ass if you advertise it. There is a feedback loop and you can't shield it because it requires aetheric fluid flow as an open system.

>> No.10766735

Hes too dumb to do anything with it.

>> No.10766745
File: 95 KB, 400x300, Denied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAFIRE Project would highly disagree. They were able to replicate many of the sun's features. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeVdzSjPx0g

>> No.10768133

Could i at least wirelessly power my dick pump? That's all i ask for is a wireless dick pump.

>> No.10768502

yes it should be possible just like local wi-fi within a confined space like your room. you can roll your own high voltage 'transmitter'.

>> No.10768517

Last time I checked solar panels don't actively decrease our solar reserves.