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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10752839 No.10752839 [Reply] [Original]

Due to release of oxytocin couples that cuddle can become addicted to one another. Symptoms of oyxtocin withdrawal can occur when apart.

>> No.10752841

>tfw no gf

>> No.10753337


you are on the worst board to be discussing relationship intimacy. 99.99999999% of the traffic to /sci/ isn't even on speaking terms with their right hand. try again.

>> No.10753400


Wow, /sci/ discovers intimacy.

I truly wonder what fucked up relationships you guys have where intimacy is "strange and unusual"

>> No.10753484

How do I get this would having to be anywhere near other people?

>> No.10753489

I have become a hermit because of my horrible typo disease. It's contagious.

>> No.10753725

Well that bitch has so many callouses I have to use a 1/2 a tube of Jergins each week.

>> No.10753735

>99.99999999% of the traffic to /sci/ isn't even on speaking terms with their right hand.
let me guess; your solution is to "have sex," right?

>> No.10753739

The kind of relationship ur looking for is called "single"

>> No.10753740

This. Making physical contact with humans is extremely awkward

>> No.10753747
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Why do I have oxytocin withdrawal from a girl I only know online then

>> No.10754624
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Oxytocin also makes you racist
And that's a good thing!

Let's see the left argue against Right Wing Hug Squads.

>> No.10754669

Which board /have sex/ the most?

Honestly I'd say /sci/ is pretty well off, many people are in uni, some level of socializing is required there

>> No.10754690

Isn’t this trivially obvious?

>> No.10754696

I love cuddling with my gf. It restores my energy.

>> No.10754716
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Does female addiction lower a man's IQ?

>> No.10754718

Who cares? Women are better than being smart.

>> No.10754720

better than /v/
equal to /pol/
better than /b/
better than /a/ or any /weeb/ board
less than /sp/
equal to /int/
more than /x/
equal to /ck/ but it's probably boomer sex
less than /k/ but better quality
more than /lit/
more than /his/

rest i don't know enough about, can't figure out, or are irrelevant

>> No.10754759
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>tfw gf
>three months of penis sex with her
>about to go on trip back to mothers
>will be apart for a week
>mfw thinking of her suffering through withdrawals

>> No.10754780

This is the setup of a cuck joke, right?

>> No.10754798

What’s wrong with cuckoldry?

>> No.10754811

Weighted blankets do the same thing. You need a good one though. Heavy. They aren't cheap.

>> No.10754842

Can you fuck weighted blankets and have kids with them?

>> No.10754844

Waste of time.

>> No.10754847

No it isn’t, it’s fun.

>> No.10754849
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What chemical is going to make me sneer a sneer of satisfaction when I round up everyone involved in the Emily Hancock affair, all the principals and everyone in the audience, and rape them to death, and their children?

>> No.10754853

A better question is: What's wrong with flinging shit uphill when it's supposed to roll downhill?

>> No.10754855

Nothing. Fling shit all you like

>> No.10755000
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The thing that is wromg with flinging shit up the hill of the grand scheme of things is that the person who lives at the top of the hill will kill you and defile your whole family brutally, and with malice, as punishment for flingning shit uphill.

The guy who says, "It's ok to fling shit up the hill of the grand scheme things," neglects to inform his audience that he lives on the shit tier of the grand scheme of things, and that he his opinion isn't worth the shit his listeners wonder about flinging.

The truth is, "If you fling shit uphill at me, I wfucking destroy you, physically. Before I do that, I will destroy you psychologically by torturing to death all of you loved ones who you sought to impress by throwing shit at me. I will totally destroy you, and I will profane your existence through the brutal defilements I inflict on you.

So... next time someone says about flinging shit uphill, "It's ok to have fun," don't forget that that person lives on the bottom of the hill and their opinion isn't worth the shit that's being flung.

>> No.10755010
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>> No.10755011


>> No.10755012

Nothing is wrong with it if the woman has the fetish. My gf has a cuck fetish and likes the idea of me fucking other women. She sees me as a king and gets off to the idea of me owning hundreds of women. Not joking.

>> No.10755014

What are you talking about lol

>> No.10755016

>Nothing is wrong with it if the woman has the fetish.

Why does that even matter?

>> No.10755018

>tfw no gf but could get one if I really tried
It's a meh kind of feel

>> No.10755020

Because being a male cuck is pathetic and submissive. Imagine letting other males plow your woman. Cucked.

>> No.10755026

>Because being a male cuck is pathetic and submissive

>> No.10755031

>letting other men fuck your woman while you stand in the corner and watch
>not submissive

>> No.10755032

>Because being a male cuck is pathetic and submissive

Why? Prove it.

>Imagine letting other males plow your woman.

It’s pretty hot.

>> No.10755036

That's not necessarily submissive. I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.10755038
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being a cuck is a gangbanging survival mechanism as cucks do get their kids in usually after the non-consanguineous child
see pic related

>> No.10755044

Male cucks want to let other men fuck their women because they think other men can satisfy their woman better than them. That's ultimate submissiveness. You are accepting that you are weaker and inferiorior to other men and you need another man to truly satisfy your woman.

>> No.10755047

>Male cucks want to let other men fuck their women because they think other men can satisfy their woman better than them.

No not necessarily. You’ve strawmanned cucking of all things.

>> No.10755050

No matter how you spin it, letting other men fuck your woman is a submissive act on your part. Cuck.

>> No.10755052

Cool, who cares?

>> No.10755054


>> No.10755055

>because they think other men can satisfy their woman better than them
That's not entailed by the definition of 'cuck'. They could be cucks for other reasons.
>You are accepting that you are weaker and inferiorior to other men and you need another man to truly satisfy your woman.
Not really, everything going on the bedroom would be akin to role-playing or acting.

>> No.10755058

Doesn’t work. I consider the term “monogamist” comparably offensive to what you intend.

>> No.10755057


>> No.10755061

>be me
>dominant cuck
>cold approach random guys who i think could treat me life who i love well
>she loves how i initiate and dominate every step of the way
>after her bull leaves i get to stay behind and dominate her even harder with my own penis
the above would definitely not be you if you were a cuck

>> No.10755062

Ah, I see you no longer have any arguments left to put forward.

>> No.10755076

It's the thing most against your nature. It's literally exchanging your contribution to the gene pool in order to satisfy a weird neuropathy you have developed.
You are an abomination unto Nature and your swift death would be a kindness. I'd rather have to fight other men to protect my woman than coming across the evolutionary abortion that is a human with cuckolding fetish. It's beyond disturbing, forsaking your own objectives as an individual, as a species and as an organism to flood your atrophied oxytocin receptors. How are cucks different from heroin addicts who sell their children for a hit?

>> No.10755077

>dominant cuck
When you rape your enemies women, they win?

>> No.10755078

So he's the bull and you're the submissive cuck? Lmao

>> No.10755080

You are a submissive cuck and jack off to superior men pleasing your woman better than you. I'll gladly fuck your woman and make her feel like she's with a real man, while you stand in the corner like a good little boy and whack off your little wiener.

>> No.10755082
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>> No.10755083


>> No.10755087

>It's the thing most against your nature.

Uh....no. You have no idea what my nature is.

>It's literally exchanging your contribution to the gene pool in order to satisfy a weird neuropathy you have developed.

So it ceases to be submissive if you’ve already reproduced with the woman? Damn thanks for clarifying.

>> No.10755090

I'll be your bull cuck boy.
Stand behind me so I don't have to see your pathetic cuck face while I ride your woman.

>> No.10755092

>I'll be your bull cuck boy.

No thanks only bisexual people that aren’t rude are allowed in the sex circle.

>> No.10755098

god damn dude
i assume you learned of the word cuck from pol which would explain your flagrant misunderstanding and rampant insecurity and strawmanning towards it
go outside

>> No.10755107
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I don't know why people get obsessed with weak to the point of not even being fully confirmed as having noticeable effects in humans endogenous meme chemicals like oxytocin when legitimate psychoactive compounds exist.

>> No.10755110

I'd satisfy your woman like you never could.

>> No.10755118

lmfao this whole thread cucks trying to justify cuckoldry
did /sci/ get raided by vice journalists?

>> No.10755119

>Trying to appeal to a fetish no one here has

Y tho

>> No.10755121

because he's clearly influenced by pol to hilarious amounts

>> No.10755122

Sexual fetishes don’t need justification as long as they’re carried out in a consensual manner. You some kinda shariah police?

>> No.10755126

no but stop pretending cuckoldry is not cuckoldry, as in the ultimate humiliation on part of the guy, instead of pretending its some kind of fucking apex of masculinity which is fucking hilarious

>> No.10755130

Out all sexual fetishes, cuckholdry is the most pathetic. Even wanting women to shit in your face is less pathetic.

>> No.10755143

>no but stop pretending cuckoldry is not cuckoldry

Stop pretending that everyone should accept your very broad definition of what “cuckoldry” is.

>as in the ultimate humiliation on part of the guy

Not everyone sees their partner having sex with other men as humiliating. That you do is simply not relevant.

>> No.10755147

>Out all sexual fetishes, cuckholdry is the most pathetic

That’s an opinion. I define an attraction only to members of your own race as the most pathetic fetish.

>> No.10755148

>Not everyone sees their partner having sex with other men as humiliating. That you do is simply not relevant.
Everyone that hasn't deluded themselves like you have sees it as humiliating.

>> No.10755155

>Everyone that hasn't deluded themselves like you have sees it as humiliating.

Prove it. I know that bare assertions works on your home board but there’s other standards here.

>> No.10755159

well i do see cuckoldry as humiliating and pathetic and will call cucks out for rest of my days, pointing fingers and laughing at them

since you follow the whole 'its whatever you want it to be!' idea then thats mine, and p much rest of the worlds lmao

>> No.10755162

Go out into streets and tell random people that you ask random men to fuck your wife and ask them if its humiliating, as a poll and count how many says no.

>> No.10755178

That has no relevance to the request, so it’s a bit strange that you posted that. I’ll spell out my demand for you to meet your burden of proof in simpler terms since that is apparently necessary.

“Everyone that hasn't deluded themselves like you have sees it as humiliating.”

Prove that you have to be “deluded” to not see it as humiliating.

>> No.10755183

>some level of socializing is required there
no it's not lmao

>> No.10755184

Im not the one calling delusions on you you fucking retard, you told me
>Not everyone sees their partner having sex with other men as humiliating. That you do is simply not relevant.

Yes, everyone does. Grand majority does. And if you would like proof simply ask any generally diverse group of people like pedestrians about it.

>> No.10755188

So is heroin. Still a waste of time.

>> No.10755197

>Yes, everyone does. Grand majority does.

Goddamn contradictions six words in.
That any dissenters exist, which you apparently concede, proves my claim that “Not everyone sees their partner having sex with other men as humiliating.”


>> No.10755201

No it isn’t. It’s fun. Having fun isn’t a waste of time, since it’s what we are here for.

>> No.10755211

>Yes, everyone does. Grand majority does

Uh oh. Even that isn’t really true.

>> No.10755329

Who are you talking about?

>> No.10755353

just admit already you are a pathetic fucking cuck and stop trying to push your 'cucks are alpha' meme lmao
finding intentional cuckoldry != having been betrayed behind your back you fucking brainlet

>> No.10755364
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>tfw you beat the system with Oxyluv
It's like you guys want to be depressed.

>> No.10755385
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>many people are in uni, some level of socializing is required there
you're in for a world of pain, zoom zoom

>> No.10755387

>just admit already you are a pathetic fucking cuck and stop trying to push your 'cucks are alpha' meme lmao

Not into cuckoldry nor have I ever pushed the “meme” that “cucks are alpha”. Why do you keep trying to use ad hominem attacks that don’t even work?

>finding intentional cuckoldry != having been betrayed behind your back you fucking brainlet

What are you even talking about?

>> No.10755390

based schizo

is your power level achievable natty?

>> No.10755401

By saying that it's an ad hominem aren't you admitting that cuck is an insult?

>> No.10755404

>By saying that it's an ad hominem aren't you admitting that cuck is an insult?

I never said it wasn’t, retard. Anything can be an insult if you intend it as such, just like “retard”.

>> No.10755447

>>mfw thinking of her suffering through withdrawals

Not to worry there are plenty on Tyrones and Chads to "fill" the gap while you are gone.

>> No.10755454

I was not the same guy from the other replies fucktard and if you consider it an insult then it means it's bad

>> No.10755459

>if you consider it an insult then it means it's bad

I don’t. Now what?

>> No.10755476

Then it shouldn't be an ad hominem to you. It's good to argue once in a while I think

>> No.10755487

>Then it shouldn't be an ad hominem to you.

It’s an ad hominem if it’s intended to be an insult, brainlet.

>> No.10755500

I was just saying you shouldn't take it so badly if you don't consider it an insult, since he's attacking you with something harmless.
P.S.:sry for brainleting

>> No.10755535
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>> No.10755543

I wish i could enjoy this but it just feels "gay", as if the girl wouldn't respect me/like me if i start showing weakness of any sort. I mean she craves stability too, someone has to keep up faith that everything is okay

>> No.10755640

>Cuddling with girls as a man feels gay


>> No.10755665

Well what's next, pedicures and getting fucked with a strapon?

>> No.10755676

/out/ probably fucks the most if I had to guess

>> No.10755744
File: 69 KB, 800x450, ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeling feelings is gay!!! Raaaaaah! Fucking gay frogs!! I'M MANLY MEN!!

>> No.10756018

Dump her for some floozy

>> No.10756025

See this is a "pro feelings" advocate. I don't have time to be hysterical

>> No.10756194

This is why the human race will never reach the stars and deserves to go extinct by AI if ever does somehow manage to take off (dubious).

>> No.10756924

There is no reason to go to space unless it’s fun.

>> No.10756981
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>gangbanging survival mechanism

>> No.10757185

Yes, actually. It’s why so many animal penises have flared heads. It’s to scoop out the semen of other males.

>> No.10757761

>That's not necessarily submissive
Yes it is you moron, it is necessarily submissive
lmao you're a submissive loser cuck

>> No.10757774

>Having fun isn’t a waste of time, since it’s what we are here for.

>> No.10757988

you have to keep in mind that there's a higher percentage of females on some boards, /lit/, /his/, /ck/ and /out/ are way higher than /sci/ which raises the amount of sex by quite a bit I'd imagine.

>> No.10758004

Sorry bucko this isn’t the year 2025 yet so your insane retard semi-polyamory isn’t considered non retarded yet. And that’s a good thing

>> No.10758033

Nothing wrong if you offer her to me.

>> No.10758100

Ok donald

>> No.10758289
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>Which board /have sex/ the most?
probably /lit/ since we are /thesmartestboard/

>> No.10758296

>some level of socializing is required there
Without other people like us. Usually there is an abundance of Chads for the couple of girls in the year to choose from.

>> No.10758499
File: 48 KB, 683x683, 1554318855483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw haven't been attracted to another human being in over two years