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10752408 No.10752408 [Reply] [Original]

What determines ones sexuality? Nature, nurture?

>> No.10752429
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>> No.10752432

Mix of both (genetics and environment). What is yet to be determined is in what percentages.

>> No.10752445

Hope this is a legit question and not another /pol/ tier thread trying to prove that homosexuality is transmitted by trauma etc etc

Studies suggest that there's a "gay gene" but it's a resent research which should be studied further, really interesting tho (Why and how would a "gay gene" be passed on?)

But if studies with twins showed anything it's that everything is somewhat genetic and somewhat environemental

>> No.10752453

Read on wikipedia that it had something to do with male/female dominance

>> No.10753782

Not OP, but can you show me this study of the being a "gay gene"?

>> No.10753821

i know identical twins one's gay. their faces look different in gay face/not gay face way

>> No.10753823

Isn't it something to do with mothers treating subsequent male fetuses differently because of hormones or some such from the first?

>> No.10753847

Why does this even matter? It simply *is*, and not just among humans.

>> No.10753848

The younger brothers also has a higher chance to become gay because of the treatment of his brothers.

So I'd say it's a combination of social and biologocal factors, like exactly everyone else

>> No.10754752
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Personality is a learned behavior. There is literally no such thing as identity. Get over it faggot.

The nature vs Nurture argument ended with the discovery of epigenetics. Short answer, nurturing is an enviornmental factor, and so is genetics. Brainlet.

>> No.10754783

Research on topic is politically incorrect so good luck finding anything in European languages. Chinese research papers might exist.

Behold the morbid anti-intellectualism of faggot agenda pushers. You cocksuckers are no different from creationists.

>> No.10754831


>> No.10754871

Epigenetics are just genes you already had expressing themselves, your genetics are still a dealt hand.

>> No.10754935

There's definitely something about how you grew up but it's definitely still an adaptation.
I get that there is a motif of 'the failed male acts as female' but theres plenty of loser dudes who still crave the puss to the end and plenty of highly attractive men who turn out to be homosexual.
It's a specific pathway in the brain that gets lit up for some people. Regardless of how it's activated, you have to consider that it is there.

>> No.10754938

I think that it is actually just how much you value personality in a partner. Think about it: why are gay people thought of as stereotypically artsy and fashion-savvy, etc.? These are signs of a strong personality, and it makes sense that they appreciate the same. But women are the opposite of strong personalities, women are basically neural networks that failed at being men. So I think that is it. If pussy can make up for a personality for you, you are straight. If it can't, you are gay.

>> No.10754972

Hows your straight brother

>> No.10755004
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Homosexuality is transmitted from old homosexuals to children through molestation and rape. This is often proceeded by a period of "grooming" lasting one to three years where the victim is made through a variety of manipulative psychological techniques to trust and even "love" his abuser.

>> No.10755027


>> No.10755069

The other thing twins have in common is that they come from the same womb. It could be due to some temporary hormonal imbalance in the mother during development.

>> No.10755260

It's determined in embryo stage who will be gay. The more boys a mother bears in a rope the more chance they have to become gay.
The first boy child has the least chance to become gay.
The the second boy child has 30% more chance to become gay then the first child.
The the third boy child has 30% more chance to become gay then the second child.
The the fourth boy child has 30% more chance to become gay then the third child.

>> No.10755371

Not all homosexuals are molested though. And by that idea, where did the first homosexual come from?

>> No.10755413

Didn’t you know? Raped by a monkey.

>> No.10755422

Whether you like engineering lol

>> No.10755442

>What determines ones sexuality? Nature, nurture?

almost every homosexual was molested as a child.

>> No.10755461

Distinction is to vague between straight and homosexual.
For example one could masturbate to gay pornography but not pursue men in any romantic/sexual way in real life - would that make him gay ?

>> No.10755480

Yes, you are gay.

>> No.10755495

So a man who masturbates to gay porn but has a wife and children (which he made) is gay ?
At what point do you decide that ?
What if i was walking next to a dude and we accidentally touched dicks , would that make us gay even if we are just two straight guys ?

>> No.10755506

You enjoyed the gay porn so you are gay. If you enjoyed rubbing dicks with that dude that’s also make you gay. Having a wife makes you smart gay. If I waa gay I’d also have a trophy wife to reproduce and be gay on the down low.

>> No.10755515

Well what if i was doing all that guy stuff ironically ?
Sorta like how i pretend i still enjoy coming to this place even when all the fun died down long ago

>> No.10755527

Still gay. Being straight is the default. Just having the idea of ironically being gay is gay. You are just rationalizing.

>> No.10755539

Thinking that doing something gay ironically is still gay seems antithetical to the meaning behind the word ironic , wouldnt you say ?

>> No.10755542

It means you are in the closet. Just come out already. Your wife will enjoy the threesomes with Long dick Johnson

>> No.10755554


>> No.10755574

You all should read into the oxytocin experiments run by the Chinese.

>> No.10755592

Give a rundown and how it's related to faggots.

>> No.10755633

Im not even married fag
I just like watching feminine guys fuck and gachimuchi, perfectly straight

>> No.10755663

China is running experiments on faggots that were put into special hospitals by their families. They began spraying oxytocin up their noses and around 30-40% said they experienced change. The ones that didn't experience change likely weren't given high enough doses of oxytocin.

>> No.10755681

>actually wanting gay people to become straight
This is degenerate.

>> No.10755707

>curing diseases is wrong
Are you an eugenicist?

>> No.10755775

You see, sexuality is determined by a variety of environmental and genetic factors. It's hard to say.

>> No.10755780

Homosexuality is not a choice. It's defined by a variety of environmental and genetic factors. Get your Sweet Home Alabama ass outta here

>> No.10755811

I wouldn't want a straight person becoming gay either. That's also why I wouldn't date bisexuals. Just the thought that he would have slept with women disgust me, and if I were a straight woman the thought that he would have slept with men would disgust me too. Why are people so autistic that they don't get such a simple thing ?
In any case a disease is something that harms the body, and being gay doesn't.

>> No.10755825

Fraternal birth order's effect on sexuality is the same regardless of family situation. Adopted children, separated children etc all show the same trend.

>> No.10755828

>Adopted children [...] show the same trend.
Now that's weird.

>> No.10755855

I have too many friends who were bi-curious or experimented who are now 'definitely straight' after they had a child with some bimbo slut (since I'm an actual fag I for some reason get to be the confidant for their degeneracy).
I'm leaning towards bisexuality being the most common nature and people then just pick a side depending on their experiences and environment.

If the scientific fields dedicated to analyzing human behavior weren't pure garbage/female dominated we might actually have good answers to this.

>> No.10755907
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>being gay doesn't harm the body

>> No.10755908

Interesting. There are just two problems with that
1. forced admission so incentive to lie
2. self-reporting in general

They should show volunteering certified faggots normal porn and homoporn, measure penile response to those + facial micro-expressions. That's how I'd do it.

>> No.10755926

You can read more about it here https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-01/chinese-researchers-experiment-anti-gay-spray

>> No.10755927
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>being gay harms the body
Of course if you sleep around like a dumbass and have retarded sexual practices it will harm you, but that's no in way inherent to being gay.

>> No.10755946

points toward it being genetic.

>> No.10755953

If it's genetic then how would the genes be passed down if they can't reproduce? The gay gene would've died out a long time ago if it were, in fact, genetic.

>> No.10756059
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There are 7 scales of sexuality.

>> No.10756067

>"There are 7 scales of sexuality."
>Posts 1

>> No.10756071

Enough with this shit. Kinsey literally used child raping to do his "studies".

>> No.10756109

The more people I meet in my life the more sure I am that bisexuality is a fetish. It's something that can develop and click in anyone's brain given the right conditioning.
It has led me to the conclusion that sexual orientation is something you can be born with but is not something you are necessarily born with.

>> No.10756112

>homosexuality is transmitted by trauma etc etc
care to try to disprove that fact?

>> No.10756115

confound those monkeys...

>> No.10756122

you're just in the early phases

>> No.10756132


My theory is that it is a pathological virus, Toxoplasma which changes a persons sexuality and spreads through more likely homosexual sex.

Also, very rarely, a genetic mutation like schizophrenia.

Lastly, it is increasingly environmental. And spread through rape and grooming.

>> No.10756149

>expecting serious debates about this kind of topic on 4chan instead of biased pol seething

>> No.10756169

I honestly can't tell if you're taking the piss or not.

>> No.10756252

agreed, let's go have a real intellectual thread on reddit, and never come back

>> No.10756264

Circumcision, castration anxiety, early childhood trauma, early umbilical clamping.

Possibly vaccination or atrazine.

Exclusive homosexualitry could also be quit simply a mental illness. ie, early childhood trauma, castration anxiety, so on.

I'm apt to think nurture. I imagine it would require a specific type of trauma to a specific type of person, at a certain developmental window. Neuroinflammation may be adequate.

>> No.10756318

anything warm and soft that directly stimulates your genitals feels good due to our genetic endowment. this is not debatable.

the "attraction" and "erotic" parts are purely psychological conditioning and a result of cumulative life experiences. thoughts, feelings, speech, beliefs, and ideas about sex are learned/taught. this is also not debatable.

>> No.10756927


>> No.10756928

Do you feel raped?

>> No.10756934

>how would the genes be passed down if they can't reproduce?
Since when being gay makes a man infertile? Gay men have had children and continue to have children. You don't even need to have sex with a woman now just inject sperm into a surrogate

>> No.10757028

For instance, I used to be heterosexual, but after refining my understanding of my sexuality, I discovered that I do enjoy men, just not all men, only men with narrow noses and some other traits like perhaps a stubble or dark hair, or intense eyebrows.

I feel more comfortable as a result of having a complex understanding of how I am, so that if sometimes I feel that I was mistaken about my sexuality, I can remind myself that even if I don't like this guy, I do like other guys and that there is thus no cognitive dissonance.

>> No.10757043

It depends on genetics for sure and nurture might activate and influence how genes play a part in your brain's development but I think genetics have a bigger role. I know guys that grew up in conditions that would've increased their chances of being gay by a lot and yet they grew up to be heterosexuals. It's possible the way you process your environment may have something to do with it too. The way you think, the way you react to things with your senses, etc. I'm guessing this is also how you end up being bisexual too.

>> No.10757073

Being molested as a kid. No one is born gay, it's literally impossible to be born without the only purpose humans have - to extend the species.

>> No.10757081
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I’m pretty sure it’s a developmental defect, maybe due to some kind of teratogen. You can tell just by looking at their faces that something is off. Especially where the cheeks meet the nose. Maybe a chemical interfering with FGF8 or something similar in facial development (also affects androgen).

>> No.10757096

lmao, that's a mean to an end, a flawed one at that, the purpose humies and all biologicals have is, extending their lifespan, problem is, being alive is not different from not, so the most stable elements are inherently superior to any bio fag.

>> No.10757103

What exactly prevents a homosexual from reproducing?

>> No.10757184

>the only purpose humans have - to extend the species.
Imagine believing you're such a mindless automaton. If that's the only purpose to life then according to that logic rape is okay, among other (in fact all of them) evils.

>> No.10757196
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Faggots are willing to sleep with women.

>> No.10757217

Not anymore than you're willing to sleep with men, I assure you.

>> No.10757325
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On the contrary, I have no problem sharing a bed with my bosom frens. Yet another beautiful thing the homosexual seeks to profane and take from us.

>> No.10757442
File: 115 KB, 342x511, Screenshot_20190526-161238_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Homosexuality and Transexuality are nothing but fetishes gone too far.

>Why Masochism
>Why Peodophilia
>Why Zoophilia
>Why Necrophilia
Humans naturally develop fetishes,some are more prevalent than others, some are stronger than others

Fetish Intensity is determined by Axome Myelinisation (just like habits)

Therefore the earlier it starts, and tge more invested one is in it the stronger it manifests into adulthood.

Homosexuals and Transexuals are only kids who developed these fetishes into their Childhood.

>> No.10757580

I guess those sheeps were really just into a fetish then.>>10755027

>> No.10757595

care to prove it with any statistics or studies that aren't the /pol/ norm of lies by omission?

>> No.10757624
File: 106 KB, 404x374, Screenshot_20190626-131134_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes animals can develop fetishes see this sea lion raping a penguin: https://youtu.be/WtlR2TgG0kQ

>> No.10757630

Rape isn't a fetish, rape is rape. In any case, preferring one gender over the other to the point of refusing to copulate with the other is much more than a fetish. It shouldn't be that difficult to understand.

>> No.10757637

I've succesfully conditioned myself to be bi so I don't buy the "born this way" bullshit, though it might apply to some individuals.

>> No.10757639

>I've succesfully conditioned myself to be bi

>> No.10757640

The fetish has created a deep seated habit in the person, thanks to sexual intercourse dopamine releases no need to mystify the phenomenon.

>> No.10757642

How did the monkey become homosexual?

>> No.10757643

It fell on a stick

>> No.10757644


>> No.10757645

Don't be jealous, I've only had one sex partner in my life.

>> No.10757650

How did the stick become homosexual?
>it's literally impossible to be born without the only purpose humans have - to extend the species.
It's literally, provably possible. You can be born infertile. You can be born without a brain. You can be born with a myriad other defects that stop you from procreating directly or indirectly.

>> No.10757652

A habit based on dopamine is not enough to explain that.

>> No.10757658


>> No.10757665

If I get the habit of eating a lot of salty food, it doesn't mean that I'll not enjoy sugary food to the point of refusing it.

>> No.10757667

Meant for >>10757658

>> No.10757669

You just explained bisexuals. Who generally acquired their fetish later in life.

>> No.10757672

how do I get a cute bf lads?
t. straight cis guy

>> No.10757674

Also dopamine realeases during masturbation or sex are more akeen to these of during substance abuse.

>> No.10757679

Are you saying heterosexuals are like drug-addicts ? Why should we listen to them as authorities when they say homophobic things then ?

>> No.10757683

They make babies

>> No.10757686

Who know who else makes babies ? Drug addicts.

>> No.10757688

I meat smart babies

>> No.10757692

You know*

>> No.10757995

Why do people have such a hard time understanding something so simple as being gay?
Even if being gay was always a choice, there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.10757997


>> No.10758126

>Nature, nurture?
neurological illness.

>> No.10758153

fuck you college boy

>> No.10758264

There aren't "7 scales of sexuality". This isn't science. My point isn't that Kinsey is unscientific, or that the other anon is correct. It's simply not true that there exists 7 categories of sexual preference. This is simply a useful system of categorization, not an objective description of the sexual categories that "really" exist. Sinve these arent natural kind terms, he just have well identified 5, 10, or 15 categories instead of 7.

>> No.10759126

except all the species that die shortly after reproduction

>> No.10759160

source on that? id like to be able to quote it, i have 8 uncles and the youngest one is gay

>> No.10759797

>maybe I should listen to the experiences of gay men in order to better understand homosexuality
>nah fuck that its because they were molested because I said so

>> No.10760233

here ya go buddy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXGlawiibK8

>> No.10760362

>going to a gay bar expecting well-adjusted individuals
That's a mistake.

>> No.10760667

not naturally I believe animals fuck a "male" when they don't find a "female" to fuck
those fags are just addicted to sex and
they like junkies who only use coke whenever and it doesn't matter the quality
sex is disgusting we should have do it only when we want to have babies

>> No.10760693

My sister is lesbian and confessed me that she would like to have a penis.

>> No.10761804

>I don't have regular sex so the people who do are degenerate :(

>> No.10761824

it's a fetish that involves sexual gratification for male attention, namely because of molestation

probably a super stimulant from male bonding, or maybe just a desire for submission

stefan molyneux has a show where a male caller reveals he found out he wasn't gay when he realized it was just because he hated his mother, so sought male attention

you have to remember that the anus isn't a sexual organ, so the 'it's natural' argument is retarded

>> No.10761845

>stefan molyneux
Fucking Christ imagine believing that schizo
>you have to remember that the anus isn't a sexual organ, so the 'it's natural' argument is retarded
Wow it's not like straight people do and enjoy anal, right?

>> No.10761852

>Fucking Christ imagine believing that schizo
Not an argument

>Wow it's not like straight people do and enjoy anal, right?

Read again retard, it's a fetish; anal sex isn't a natural form of intercourse it a fetish

Anal sex is unhygienic, has no natural lubrication, and doesn't produce offspring

>> No.10761856

so it is a*

>> No.10761868

>anal sex isn't a natural form of intercourse
Completely irrelevant. The means in which people have sex are don't really matter. Weather something is "natural" is not an argument in in favor or against homosexuality. Humans are not slaves to evolution or biology.
By that logic, heterosexual intercourse that does not result in offspring is just as wrong

>> No.10761870

Also, yes citing a youtuber who constantly misuses and is disingenuous with his sources is retarded

>> No.10761878


>The means in which people have sex are don't really matter.

Anal sex results in damage if done on any frequent basis or even at all. It's also unhygenic and is far more likely to spread disease and urinary infections. Hence, it is not equal to natural heterosexual sex

>Weather something is "natural" is not an argument in in favor or against homosexuality.

I wasn't arguing that homosexuality should be abolished, I just stated it for what it is, a fetish

>Humans are not slaves to evolution or biology.
By that logic, heterosexual intercourse that does not result in offspring is just as wrong

Has no basis on what I am saying. The complexity of human behaviour doesn't make anal sex safe, nor does it remove the statistics around homosexuals concerning their promiscuity, higher rates of drug abuse, sexual diseases and sexual abuse

Homosexuality is a byproduct of a number of factors, namely the complexity of human bonding and sexuality, but it still doesn't not make it a fetish or less dangerous.

The most common factor in all of this is child abuse

>> No.10761881

>Anal sex is unhygienic
If you are doing it wrong
>has no natural lubrication
That's what lube is for
>and doesn't produce offspring

>> No.10761882

Notice that you're just attacking him as some form of argument, when I never even said Stefan made this case.

A caller made this case, a caller who went through this process of understanding how he wasn't a homosexual before he even called in


>> No.10761885

>The most common factor in all of this is child abuse
[citation needed]

>> No.10761887

>I can use enemas and lube and have no kids so I am equal to heterosexual relationships that produce children

mentally ill fag

>> No.10761891

Are you seriously suggesting something a caller said in a program is something that can make you draw conclusions about all homosexuals?
Like it has been said, even if being gay was a choice there is nothing wrong with it. Most likely that guy was bisexual.

>> No.10761893

Not equal, Better.

>> No.10761894





>> No.10761898

>Are you seriously suggesting something a caller said in a program is something that can make you draw conclusions about all homosexuals
> all homosexuals

I never said that, I just gave an example as to why the argument that it's because people are 'born gay' has no standing

>> No.10761900

Homosexuals can have children though

>> No.10761902
File: 49 KB, 593x671, topelement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah when liberals give them children to rape

>> No.10761910


>> No.10761917


I never said homosexuals were child molestors, I said that homosexuals were far more likely to have been sexually molested as children

>> No.10761920

Study no.2

Because male homosexuals have usually been found to have poorer relationships with their fathers than male heterosexuals, and because children who are disappointments to their parents are more likely to be physically abused than other children, it was hypothesized that gays are more likely than heterosexual men to have been physically abused by parents. This hypothesis was tested comparing 17 gay male college students and 67 heterosexual male college students. Gay males were found to have been more abused during adolescence. Abuse was related to a history of childhood femininity, to having poor relationships with fathers, and to having engaged in gay sex during adolescence. A history of childhood femininity and engaging in gay sex may provoke parental abuse.

>> No.10761926

One of the top links on study 3


Research suggests that there is a relation between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and adulthood nonheterosexual orientation. To explore whether nonheterosexual orientation increases the risk of CSA, we recruited a large sample, added the variable of childhood gender nonconformity (CGNC), and applied the instrumental variable method. We found that heterosexual and nonheterosexual men who were more gender nonconforming in childhood were significantly more likely to report having a history of CSA than their gender-conforming counterparts. There was no relation between CSA and CGNC for heterosexual and nonheterosexual women. The instrumental variable analysis revealed that the increased prevalence of CSA experienced by nonheterosexuals compared with heterosexuals may be due to the influence of sexual orientation on CSA. In sum, the results suggest that nonheterosexuality may increase the risk of childhood sexual abuse.

>> No.10761937

based old perv

>> No.10761963 [DELETED] 

The only reference point available for humans is animals. Either a single gay animal has ever been identified, or they are so few in number I am not aware of them, i.e. that exclusively prefers sex with its own rather than the normal opposite. Based on this evidence, at least the vast majority of people concluding they were born gay is due to nurture.

>> No.10761971

>>10752408 (OP)
The only reference point available for humans is animals. Either a single gay animal has never been identified, or they are so few in number I am not aware of them, i.e. that exclusively prefers sex with its own rather than the normal opposite. Based on this evidence, at least the vast majority of people concluding they were born gay is due to nurture.