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File: 29 KB, 969x513, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10750346 No.10750346 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10750358

2+2=4 quick mafs

>> No.10750367

Accept only numberphile ever claimed the bottom one to be true, and all actual mathematicians recognize this to be a divergent sum. Btw, saying either sum "equals infinity" is also technically wrong. They diverge.

>> No.10750375

wtf ikr the -1/12 meme got DEBUNKED a long time ago why do brainlets keep pushing it???

>> No.10750379

I won't accept it because I also claimed it's true.
still do

>> No.10750382

That doesnt make any goddamn sense

>> No.10750385

accept it, kiddo

>> No.10750386

Because brainlets dont know what analytic continuation is or how it is different from saying a sum equals something

>> No.10750650
File: 48 KB, 498x220, fractal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about non-integer dimensions then?

>> No.10750675

It's a meme on /sci/.

>> No.10750681

Its almost like the word is being used to represent two separate ideas

>> No.10750688

Dimensions of a vector space have nothing to do what what you just posted

>> No.10750710

So why are fractal's fine but 2-adic numbers aren't?

>> No.10750715

What the FUCK are you talking about

>> No.10750719

Read the thread and reflect.

>> No.10750725


>> No.10752460

I'm more puzzled about the first one than the -1/12 meme.

>> No.10752484

1/3 + 1/4 > 0.5
1/5+...+1/8 > 0.5
1/9+...+1/16 > 0.5

>> No.10752517

numberphile lost crediblity with that vid.
It was a wild assertion dropping the Reimann Hypothesis with shit evidence. basically, "trust me, it's -1/12 because i'm a math professor"

provided shit context.

>> No.10753440

Wtf are you talking about

>> No.10753446

have you ever saw that quantum mechanic videos in youtube? they are full of bullshit also easily proven wrong

>> No.10753453


>> No.10753456

>Btw, saying either sum "equals infinity" is also technically wrong
Because thermodynamics and memes

>> No.10753460

So sorry

>> No.10753463
File: 3 KB, 384x323, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow imagine being so retarded he clearly meant pic related

>> No.10753467

Scroll to the bottom of that page. He didn't mean 1/9+1/16, he meant 1/9+1/10+1/11+1/12+1/13+1/14+1/15+1/16

>> No.10753482

>1/3 + 1/4 > 0.5
>1/5+...+1/8 > 0.5
>1/9+...+1/16 > 0.5
wtf prove? why not just use that french or german guy name theorem using integrals?

>> No.10753495

[math] \displaystyle
\sum_{i=9}^{16} \dfrac{1}{i}

>> No.10753657


>> No.10753798

Has science gone too far?

>> No.10753805

ask your mother about my cock curve

>> No.10753816

What's a divergent sum?

>> No.10753822

explodes to infinity

>> No.10753834

So what's the real reason for 1+2+3+4.....= -1/12 ?
Also has it been disproved?
Math noob here

>> No.10753839

The Riemann zeta function can be "extended" into the domain of negative numbers. Plugging in -1 into the Riemann Zeta function yields -1/12 which also happens to be equal to 1+2+3+4+5+...

It's known as analytic continuation and it's not a "real" equality.

>> No.10753860


>> No.10753872

It's easy to confuse yourself with this shit but it's quite simple.

All that the ramanujan summation stuff, cutoff and zeta regularization does, is look at the smoothed curve at x = 0.
What sums usually do is look at the value as x->inf.

It's just a unique value you can assign to a sum, really they have many such values.


[math] \displaystyle
\zeta \neq \Sigma

>> No.10753878

Hmm, I don't think I'm at a level yet where I can underwhelming what analytic continuation is , but thanks for the help .
Also for anyone's who is still confused, this article is nice:

>> No.10753909

>what analytic continuation is

>> No.10754003
File: 88 KB, 960x1280, IMG-20190611-WA0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He asked physicists, and yes they are always doing that sort of bs.

>> No.10754033

It's true you fucking faggots. A series failing to converge conditionally doesn't preclude it from having a sum any more than a series failing to converge absolutely precludes it from having a sum or a rational series failing to converge in the rationals precludes it from having a sum.

>> No.10754049

PS: You can regularize the harmonic series also, and it sums to the Euler-Mascheroni constant.

>> No.10754064

Hard to believe so many retards keep saying NUH UH IT DOESN'T EQUAL -1/12 BECAUSE I'M A DUMB BRAINLET AND MY BRAIN IS TOO STUPID TO COMPREHEND IT and also NUMBERPHILE BAD. Fucking kill yourselves idiots.

>> No.10754315

Buttmad physicists detected. Sorry to tell you but whatever they told you is a meme because they think you cannot grasp basic analysis.

>> No.10754321

>t. doesn't know what regularization is
>t. doesn't know what analytic continuation is
Fuck off back to your calc 1 class

>> No.10754325

You must be 18 years or older to post here

>> No.10754330

I know both, and if you knew either, you would understand why it still makes absolutely no sense to say it "has a sum". You are defining a whole new function.
Or are you butt-frustrated?

>> No.10754374

>You are defining a whole new function.
Let's see: Do you give it a "whole new name" when you extend addition of naturals to addition of integers? Addition of integers to addition of rationals? Addition of rationals to addition of reals? Addition of reals to addition of complex numbers? Ordinary addition to limits of partial sums? The Leibniz series because it's not convergent in the rationals? Conditionally convergent series because they can be rearranged to yield any value, unlike "ordinary" addition?

No, you're just being a massive, tremendously stupid faggot.

>> No.10754431

I must be retarded, how do you prove that the top diverges?

I know you usually prove divergence by proving that the sum is always above 1/n, so how do you prove it for 1/n?
I used to know this

>> No.10754436

Group the summands in groups of 1, 2, 4, 8, and so on consecutively, then do a comparison test with a series that can easily be seen to diverge.

>> No.10754495

see >>10753860
and realize u r a retard

>> No.10754505

>I must be retarded,

>> No.10754506

That video supports my point you braindead mongoloid. I already mentioned analytic continuation you illiterate bag of shit.

>> No.10754519

It hasn't been "disproved", there's just a bunch of dumb faggots saying THAZZ NOT REAL SUMMATION :DDD as if we needed to create a new name every time we extended summation to a new context, see >>10754374.

>> No.10754554

how does that prove anything? The number of terms in the sum gets longer each time

>> No.10754555

Well you would be right if the continuation of the dirichlet series was in any fucking sense an extension of addition. Analytic continuation is a broad whose concepts have nothing to do with "sums". The point is to exentd already analytic functionw defined in an open set on a bigget set of the complex plane. If you want to see actual methods for extending "sums" look up ramanujans method. You know jack shit about complex analysis.

>> No.10754557

>Also has it been disproved?
>Math noob here
That isn't how math works sweetie

>> No.10754559

ok I think I get it now

>> No.10754560

Broad technique*

>> No.10754607

so easy

>> No.10754612

>You know jack shit about complex analysis.
I clearly know much more than you, you braindead sack of shit.
>Analytic continuation is a broad whose concepts have nothing to do with "sums".
The point is that analytic continuation IS HOW YOU CAN NATURALLY DEFINE A NEW CLASS OF SUMS YOU FUCKING IDIOT. This is like saying "limits have nothing to do with sums" (limit of partial sums definition) or "Cauchy-completeness has nothing to do with sums" (irrational sums of rational series).
>If you want to see actual methods for extending "sums" look up ramanujans method.
You... you fucking mongoloid. Ramanujan summation also sums divergent series. You're BTFO'ing yourself and you don't even realize it. Wew.

>> No.10754616
File: 53 KB, 349x642, 579258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, retard

>> No.10754618

>the continuation of the dirichlet series was in any fucking sense an extension of addition
it literally is tho

>> No.10754622

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analytic_continuation Why people spout wrong shit when everything is a google away.
>b...but muh wikipedia
Then check Conways complex analysis. And yes I was putting Ramanujans method as an example where you incoherent babble could barley make sense.

>> No.10754633

What the fuck was your point in linking to the Wikipedia article on analytic continuation? Are you fucking stupid? What did I say that was wrong, you dumb shit?
>I was putting Ramanujans method as an example where you incoherent babble could barley make sense
There's a whole field of study on divergent series you literal retard.
Seriously, stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.10754634


>> No.10754637


>> No.10754644

How in the name of fuck it is? What does rieman functional equation has to do with addition? Yes it exentds in a unique way a complex meromorphic function defined in a semiplane as a convergent series, but there's literally nothing resembeling "series" in the rest of the plane.
Well you could point me where in the article or any fucking book on complex analysis does it say that the point of "analytic continuation is to extend sums" you absolute retardard. It literally is just finding ways to extend functions defines in some ways. Are you confused because analytic functions can be expanded through power series? You sound like a schizo babbaling nonsense.

>> No.10754653

>There's a whole field of study on divergent series
Yea it's called introductory real analysis. You are a brainlet undergrad, who knows so little you cannot understand your own retardation.

>> No.10754658

>it exentds in a unique way
There's your answer.
>there's literally nothing resembeling "series" in the rest of the plane
This is like saying "there's literally nothing resembling addition in a limit". The fact that you lack imagination or understanding is not proof of anything.
>the point of "analytic continuation is to extend sums"
I didn't say the point of analytic continuation is to extend sums you illiterate baboon. I said analytic continuation is A WAY you can extend sums. Is that too hard for your pea brain to understand?
>You sound like a schizo babbaling nonsense.
Yeah, I'm sure all the mathematicians who work on divergent series are schizos and you're the one who's totally sane. Sure kid.

You're out of your depth here. Go back to your basic calculus class.

>> No.10754661

So you admit divergent series are mathematically valid? Kek, nice of you to finally admit it.
>You are a brainlet undergrad
Stop projecting your own lack of education on to me. There's no need to continue exposing your ignorance and embarrassing yourself.

>> No.10754666

laughter is very relaxing, ty

>> No.10754672

>Well you could point me where in the article or any fucking book on complex analysis does it say that the point of "analytic continuation is to extend sums"
second sentence of the article: Analytic continuation often succeeds in defining further values of a function, for example in a new region where an infinite series representation in terms of which it is initially defined becomes divergent.

>> No.10754684

you're saying all of these are schizo nonsense? :O

>> No.10754689

I think I'm mixing up your arguments. So generically, you are both retarded. But one of you is just ranting about calling something a sum which is absolutely retarded and the other is far more lost. Just a few things. No fucking mathematician worth its salt would call the riemann zeta function an extended sum. It's an extension of a function that is defined as an infinite series. Woopty fucking doo. Calling it and extended sum is just a laughably bad description of the actual process. Also
>The point is that analytic continuation IS HOW YOU CAN NATURALLY DEFINE A NEW CLASS OF SUMS
No it's not. A sum is a fucking operation, continuation is nothing limits exist and you can define a function in a certain way at those points and analytic continuation is much more used with shit like multivalued functions and riemann surfaces which have nothing to do with "sums"
Yes no fucking shit sherlock, the technique is far broader than just that and that's the point. Read the first sentence.

And for the record infinite series are considered sums, because they literally are constructed through repeated addition and because they share PLENTY of properties with usual addition. The Riemann zeta function doesn't even admit this kind analysis because it's not an operation, IT'S A FUCKING MEROMORPHIC FUNCTION THAT HAPPENS TO REDUCE TO THE DIRICHLET SERIES IN SOME PARTS OF THE PLANE. This has to be one of the most retarded arguments I've been recently. If you want to keep using the notation for the series even off the half plane where it makes sense, be my guest, it changes nothing.

>> No.10754691

You're a fucking dumbass. Then why are all of these called summation methods, by mathematicians?

>> No.10754693

>the technique is far broader than just that
Nobody said it was "just that" you lying piece of shit.

>> No.10754697


Jesus fucking christ. I'm not denying that fucking regularization techniques exist, but that calling the riemann zeta function, or for that matter, analytic continuation as a whole "extending sums" is retarded as analytic continuation is a much broader concept that rises in cases where a sum is not even fucking present. Jesus, Zeta function regularization isn't even the most common in applications. Most of it is about applications to number theory.

>> No.10754698

>A sum is a fucking operation, continuation is nothing limits exist and you can define a function in a certain way at those points
How about you write a grammatically-coherent sentence instead of blathering like the idiot you are?

>> No.10754700

The big retards here are claiming that the riemann zeta function is a way to extend sums whatever the fuck that means. It's a way to extend a function.

>> No.10754701

Oh no whatever will I do now.

>> No.10754702

>The Riemann zeta function doesn't even admit this kind analysis because it's not an operation
A function is an operation too you fucking dolt.

>> No.10754705

>If you want to keep using the notation for the series
So do you keep changing notation between natural number addition, rational number addition, real number addition, complex number addition, cardinal addition, ordinal addition, hyperreal addition, surreal addition, conditionally convergent series, absolutely convergent series, and so on? No, because only a dumbass would do that, right? Well, that's you.

>> No.10754707

Yes it's a sumability method as it extends something defined as a series. It's not a fucking sum. And if you weren't such an autistic, retarded piece of shit you would understand that operation usually means above 1nary operations.

>> No.10754711

>The big retards here are claiming that the riemann zeta function is a way to extend sums
Analytic continuation is a way to assign values to divergent sums, i.e. extend summation beyond the limit-of-partial-sums definition. Are you contesting this basic fact? I honestly can't even tell what you're getting at anymore.

>> No.10754712

Well, then why do almost all fucking texts use a xi for the riemann zeta function?

>> No.10754713

>analytic continuation is a much broader concept that rises in cases where a sum is not even fucking present
Oh. My. God. You are actually braindead.

Limits arise in contexts where "a sum is not even fucking present". So you're saying that the limit-of-partial-sums definition of infinite series is retarded? You dense motherfucker.

>> No.10754717

>Most of it is about applications to number theory.
It's used plenty in physics not just number theory you ignorant fool.

>> No.10754719

Read this
I suppose it's one retarded using "sum" meaning literally addition and thinking the riemann zeta function is addition on some new number system or whatever the fuck. And a bunch of autists screaming because they use "sum" to mean divergent series. If everyone could actually read the posts, they would understand I'm just talking about the retarded notion that the rieman zeta function is a new kind of addition and we shouldn't chagne notation.

>> No.10754722

>why do almost all fucking texts use a xi for the riemann zeta function
>zeta function
AHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAA YOU FUCKING MORON you have no idea what you're talking about do you

>> No.10754726

>It's not a fucking sum.
It is a "fucking sum" hence

>> No.10754727

>operation usually means above 1nary operations
Who said *summation* is an unary operation? The *zeta function* itself is unary, the summation method based on it isn't. Jesus christ, I swear you get dumber by the minute.

>> No.10754729

>the rieman zeta function is a new kind of addition
No one (except perhaps in your schizo brain) said the zeta function is a new kind of addition. What I said was that zeta function *regularization* is a kind of addition, that is, an extension of the limit-of-partial-sums definition.

>> No.10754732

Well at least I understand the meaning of the words "most" and "all.
Do you have any idea how the Riemann Zeta is actually defined? Also no I'm talking in particular ABOUT THE RIEMANN ZETA FUNCTION, so I'm not sayinng anythinf remotely similar to your babble as the riemann zeta function is jot defined in any way like thay, and that's the whole point. The limit of partial sums STILL CONTAINS PARTIAL SUMS IN THE DEFINITION. Check out Riemanns functional equation and I dare you to tell me what in actual fuck does that have to do with addition.
Well it looks similar lmao, but you see how it still shows no one uses the "series" representation.
Check this for the love of god.

>> No.10754735


>> No.10754737

What the fuck are you even arguing about retards. The Dirichlet series is only A WAY to compute Zeta function for Re(s) >1. Just like sinx you can compute through geometry for real x but complex sine function is much broader. Historically series appeared earlier but that doesn’t mean that zeta function is related to series for all s.

>> No.10754740

It's a discussion if the riemann zeta function deserves to be called an extended sum or whatever. It's pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.10754741

"Most" is wrong here you braindead idiot.
>Check out Riemanns functional equation and I dare you to tell me what in actual fuck does that have to do with addition.
The functional equation is not how the Riemann zeta function is defined you dolt. The Riemann zeta function was first defined by Euler THROUGH ITS SERIES DEFINITION.
>Well it looks similar lmao
Hahaha, not only are you stupid but you also have visual impairment. That explains the low quality of your posts and reading comprehension.
>no one uses the "series" representation
The series representation is the whole starting point and basis on which the zeta function is introduced, you shitbag.

>> No.10754743


>> No.10754749

>retard is arguing about things he don’t understand
Dumbass, Riemann Zeta function is the function that satisfies Riemann functional equation. It is definition, idiot.

>> No.10754754

>We shall be concerned throughout with methods of summability consistent with the method of analytic continuation.
Literally the first sentence of https://msp.org/pjm/1952/2-2/pjm-v2-n2-p04-p.pdf.. Analytic continuation IS A METHOD OF SUMMABILITY.

Now go fucking kill yourself you braindead, useless sack of dogshit.

>> No.10754755

You are so incredibly, incomprehensibly dumb. Just because a function satisfies a function equation doesn't mean the definition of that function IS that functional equation.

>> No.10754757

>The Riemann zeta function was first defined by Euler THROUGH ITS SERIES DEFINITION
Yes the historic construction of the function began with the dirichlet series and attampts to extend it. The functional equation is ONE WAY TO EXTEND THE FUNCTION TO THE REST OF THE PLANE. Not even the Gamma function identity is enough. Granted there are other definitions but the functional equation is pretty standard. As you said you fiest derive the identity, but you then realize that the identity works for an even larger set of numbers so you use this fact to extend the definition and so a really easy way to define it is through that functional equation.

>> No.10754763

Conclusion: You can use the zeta function to find sums for a certain class of divergent series (namely those of the form n^s).

And KEEP IN MIND zeta function regularization IS NOT THE ONLY WAY to get those same values.

>> No.10754764

Yes you had a function that was definad through a series and you extended it to other parts of the complex plane. It's still not a fucking sum.
No but it's a way to define it you shitbag.

>> No.10754768
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, 1560132097160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally all professional mathematicians in the field call it a sum

>> No.10754769

Functions can be defined through functional equations, like gamma function. Educate yourself, idiot.

>> No.10754774

>literally all professional mathematicians in the field call it a sum

>> No.10754775

>Ok I admit you were right in saying that the zeta function was defined in terms of the series.
>BUT HEY! I'll take this functional identity derived from said definition, claim it's the definition instead, and therefore claim it was *not* defined in terms of the series!
Solid reasoning right there. Simply spectacular.

>> No.10754779

Are you blind? All professional mathematicians in the field call it a sum. Analytic continuation a summability method. Do you know what that is? Holy shit.

>> No.10754782

Well that only makes sense if you think those divergent series have any meaning at all. Yes I understand in many problems people need to regularize divergent sums but it's not pedantic to be cautious about the languange you are using. At least in mathematics.
You don't understand what the hell a sumability method is and there's nothing that outs you better as ignorant retard when you resort to using the literal name of things.
Lmao now I'm absolutely sure you have no idea what analytic continuation actually is.

>> No.10754784

The functional equation for the gamma function doesn't even fix the function uniquely you stupid retard!

>> No.10754787

>that only makes sense if you think those divergent series have any meaning at all
Yeah I'm sure all those mathematicians and all those articles and all those research papers are referring to something meaningless. Clearly.
>You don't understand what the hell a sumability method is
How so?
>Lmao now I'm absolutely sure you have no idea what analytic continuation actually is.
How so?

>> No.10754788

Well, it does for the riemanm zeta function.

>> No.10754792

>Analytic continuation IS A METHOD OF SUMMABILITY.
Yes, when sum exists. When you have a series and you know it converges you can use various methods to find the sum. But not when series diverges. You simply just to stupid to understand it.
Also analytic continuation is not only for sums. Gamma function has analytic continuations that doesn’t include series at all.

>> No.10754794

Lol, thanks for making it perfectly clear you don't know what you're talking about. That relation only relates the values at $s$ to those at $1-s$. It doesn't fix the function, let alone define it.

Now fuck off.

>> No.10754802

>But not when series diverges.
Read out the title of the linked article for me. Go on, read it out.

>> No.10754804

>analytic continuation is not only for sums
Umm... who said it was "only for sums"?

>> No.10754809

>Analytic continuation IS A METHOD OF SUMMABILITY.
>But not when series diverges.
anon, analytic continuation is used to sum divergent series

>> No.10754822

jews use it too, sometimes even three

>> No.10755562

>You don't understand what the hell a sumability method is
A summability method is a method for summing divergent series.

>> No.10755969


>> No.10756031


>> No.10756032

>Methods for constructing generalized sums of series, generalized limits of sequences, and values of improper integrals.

>> No.10756035
File: 61 KB, 645x614, aaECOiJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>summation method
>not summing

>> No.10756055

[math]S=\sum\limits_{n=0}^\infty 2^n = 1 + \sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty 2^n = 1 + 2\sum\limits_{n=0}^\infty 2^n = 1 + 2S[/math]
[math]S - 2S =1[/math]
[math]S= -1[/math]

>> No.10756088

inf-2*inf undefined