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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1074932 No.1074932 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, I've been meaning to ask this for a long time. Where do you stand? Are you an atheist or a Christian? Does religion and science mix? Why are you a an atheist or a christian? Which is better? Pratically, Logically, Spiritually etc.
This is a serious post. I am in a confused state. Dilemma. After this I will choose my path.

>> No.1074940

bump for Scientific discussion

>> No.1074953

guise I need help on this one.
Is god really unprovable? Does god exist or not? What stand is better?

>> No.1074956

I think I am agnostic, although lately I am unsure.

>> No.1074960


>> No.1074962

Fuckin' 7

>> No.1074965

how does being agnostic work

>> No.1074985

7, i don't get it?

>> No.1075004

So how does your religious stand affect your academic life

>> No.1075007

as someone who went from committed christian to atheist, i can let you know that atheism won't make you a happier person, but you can't really accept the scientific explanation for the state of the universe and still believe in supernatural intervention.
Atheism is really just getting rid of cognitive dissonance after you learn science

>> No.1075009

bump for help

>> No.1075014
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>> No.1075016

elaborate please

>> No.1075017

>Are you an atheist or a Christian?
These are not the only choices, first of all.
God is neither provable nor unprovable, so there's no way to tell if He exists.
There is no stand that is "better."
If you believe in God, you believe in God.
If not, then you don't.
There's nothing we can tell you that will decide for you. Just look inside yourself, and see what you truly believe. There's no wrong answer.

>> No.1075018

fucking 7's, how do they work

>> No.1075020


>> No.1075021

fucking magnets

>> No.1075030

It is possible that God exists, although you do not believe in him.
I think.

>> No.1075033

So for science what matters?

>> No.1075043

gods obviously real, there would be no point in going to heaven if he were not there

>> No.1075047
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Agnosticism is just the position that you don't know whether God exists or not.
Atheism is the position that you do not believe in God.
Gnosticism is the position that you do know that God exists.
Theism is the position that you do believe in God.

>> No.1075057

Science depends on figuring things out based on the evidence that you are presented with, whereas faith depends on belief in things with no evidence at all. I couldn't keep pretending that these opposing systems of understanding could be reconciled, and I came down on the side of science.

>> No.1075059

Since there's no scientific proof of God existing, many scientists are atheists. But it is still possible that there is a God, even if He is not the God of the Bible or Qu'ran or what have you.

>> No.1075066

don't be trolling here

>> No.1075077

We put A.D. after our dates, therefore even scientists agree God exists.

Religion - 1
Science - 0


>> No.1075078
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>Are you an atheist or a Christian?
>implying either Atheists or Christians are correct and there are no other options

>> No.1075081

Oh so God doesn't exist then, I mean by science, err logically, Im confuse

>> No.1075087
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Everyone who isn't a christian will burn in hell, there is no argument you stupid trolls. gtfo

>> No.1075095

No, there's just no proof one way or the other.
There is proof that most of the events of the Bible could not have happened, but you can't disprove God.

>> No.1075096
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good job /b/ro

>> No.1075099
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>> No.1075107

please don't sage, this is a serious discussion
What we don't believe in that, scientists long ago believe in God, or afraid in God. Dates were started in Rome when God was popular

>> No.1075109

Scientific reasoning cannot accept the existence of a god until evidence for a god is presented. Science cannot *disprove* the existence of a god in the same way that it cannot disprove the existence of pixies, unicorns, and fairies.

>> No.1075110

Or maybe it was just an open question for people to introduce their religions/beliefs. Butthead.

>> No.1075118


>> No.1075120
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>we're not /b/ros... what board did you come from /v/?

>> No.1075141

So if I cannot accept antimatter exists because there is no proof... gravitons have no proof but we use them in our equations... please fix your arguments... we don't need your kind here...

>> No.1075151
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>Are you an atheist or a Christian?
>Does religion and science mix?
>Why are you a an atheist or a christian?
I'm not
>Which is better?
If they don't interfere with any aspect of life, it makes no difference
Not believing that there's another life means you'll do more in this, so probably Atheism
Observation would suggest Atheism is more logical (as long as by Atheism you mean Agnostic Atheism and not Gnostic Atheism)
What does that even mean?

>> No.1075153

bump for discussion

>> No.1075169

How you feel? I mean we're humans right. Some things, even superficial ones makes us feel happy or what not.

>> No.1075173

So you're saying that scientists believe in the existence of antimatter and gravitons on faith? Of course not. If that were true, we wouldn't need to build the LHC because people would simply accept the existence of the Higgs particle. Belief in supernatural phenomena has never contributed to science.

>> No.1075178


Antimatter has been seen experimentally plenty of times.

>> No.1075182
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>> No.1075186

agnosticism is just for pussies who aren't willing to admit you can know that there aren't fairies

>> No.1075190

Well, science is basically just a process of understanding information through rational inquiry, supposition, and testing. Those who enjoy these kinds of activities tend to like being scientists. If you do any of these badly, it becomes obvious that you are a bad scientist.

Christianity, at least the kinds I was exposed to and taught as a child, discourages inquiry and testing, but allows for endless supposition. Also, if you practice inquiry or testing, you are usually threatened with death and misfortune. Also, you are told that a part of you is unkillable, and will be forced to boil in a furnace that hates you for time beyond conception.

Based on these facts, I think it's obvious that science and Christianity are incompatible.

Based on the logic used, I think it soon becomes obvious that science and religion are incompatible.

>> No.1075193

hey this is not a troll thread

>> No.1075197
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>doesn't know the difference between agnosticism and agnostic atheism

>> No.1075203

The proposition that you *can* know that there aren't fairies is not scientific. Science relies on evidence, and there is no evidence that fairies don't exist, just as there is no evidence that they do exist. So we can never really know certainly that there is no god, but practically we say that there isn't one.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophic_burden_of_proof

>> No.1075212

Is OP still even here?

>> No.1075214

So by your logic... I suck at being a scientist... Thanks a lot... Feels bad man...

>> No.1075216

>implying the original post didn't contain the key word "know"


>> No.1075217
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>> No.1075224
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>this topic

>> No.1075230


I've said this before, but I think the term "Non-Believer" really does our group better justice than "Atheist" or "Agnostic."

Generally, we don't believe anything, because you don't have to believe facts. Also, it means something more amorphous to "Believers," so it usually doesn't cause them to avoid you.

Maybe exciting believers is your goal, but I posit that these people are our friends, and helping them to see reason in discovering the world is a much nobler goal than simply proving them incorrect.

>> No.1075231

Still here... I'm really getting confused... May I request a bruteforce thread... I'm not very smart so I need it to be straight forward...
Atheism vs. Christianity(includes others: Judaism, Islam etc.)

>> No.1075233

What the fuck is it with people going herp derp there is no way of proving or disproving God's existence.

If you're referring to the fact that variants on "god moves in mysterious ways" can counter any argument possible, then shut the fuck up. You don't say "monsters move in mysterious ways" when the cyclopse you thought lived in your closet fails to appear when you open the closet door.

So long as you don't retreat into such preposterously philosophical definitions of "proof", God can and has been disproven. 99% of the universe has been observed to operate according to physical laws, so either God doesn't exist, God obeys all of those physical laws when he influences the universe, in which case, for all intents and purposes, God doesn't exist.

Now yes, there is an argument for a God that set the laws of physics in motion and then just sat back and watched (Deism). But if that's the case, then again, for all intents and purposes, God does not exist.

>> No.1075249

given a particular definition of a meaningful entity, it will have testable consequences.
All major religions have some testable consequences.
These testable consequences fail to occur.
Therefore, there is evidence against the existence of defined conceptions of god.
It's the same way I can know that there isn't an elephant in this room. Its presence would have observable consequences
If it doesn't have observable consequences, then why even think that the proposition that it exists has any substantial meaning?

>> No.1075250

This is not a God Exist or not thread. This is about Atheism and Theism... More on the whole encompassing concept...

>> No.1075260

I just try to be reasonable with this sort of thing.
>for all intents and purposes, God doesn't exist.
And if God does exist, even if He does follow all the rules and what not, he still exists.

>> No.1075272

> This is not about god existing or not existing
> This is about theism or atheism

> this isn't about plants, it's about botany

>> No.1075275

The term God exists is even debatable

>> No.1075282

Lifestyle, morals, blah, etc...

>> No.1075284


Actually, Deism conflicts with what we seem to know about how complex systems have to originate from less complex systems

>> No.1075288

Let me try to explain my perspective on the issue.
-There is no evidence that God exists.
-For Christians, this means that one believes in god without any evidence (this is the definition of faith)
-For atheists, this means that there is most likely no god (this is the definition of skepticism)

>> No.1075290

Yes, but he exists in a way that has no relevance to anything at all. He also (in that particular case) exists in a way that is neither provable nor disprovable, so it's a pointless argument.

>> No.1075294

You all know this is a troll topic from /b/ right?

>> No.1075297

wtf does that mean?

>> No.1075299


But he doesn't exist in the ways he is defined by the books that invented him. The logic of keeping him around for your own amusement is questionable.

This is a Scientific and Religious compatibility thread. I see them as incompatible for reasons such as these.

>> No.1075303

Is it possible to be a skeptic Christian and Faithful Atheist

>> No.1075306

I agree that it is a pointless argument in the most general terms, plain theism vs. atheism. But OP was curious.

>> No.1075309

All irrelevant. You should believe in something because there's evidence for it, not because it has practical benefits.

>> No.1075316


Yeah. You'd just be a bad Christian for the first, and possibly part of some kind of nontheistic religion, like Scientology or Buddhism for the second.

>> No.1075321

"existence" of God is very vague. How does he exist? In our reality, why does he operate outside the concepts of logic? Outside of our reality, then does he really exist? There are many more examples but Idk how to write them in a clear way

>> No.1075325

> Skeptic Christian
No. There is no evidence for the Christian god, thus if you were skeptic you would not be Christian.

> Faithful Atheist.
> Yes. There is evidence for atheism, but if you were atheist without being aware of that evidence then you would be faithful.

>> No.1075329

in other words, Christian irrationally make an except for one belief that they would never make for anything else and then use it to run their whole lives. It sounds like a form of insanity

>> No.1075333

Santa and God are very similar figures. The idea of a benevolent figure who rewards kindness and punishes badness applies to both.
If there is really no god, then that means that Hitler is not burning in hell (doesn't get coal) and Gandhi is not rejoicing in heaven (doesn't get presents). Religion is just a misguided way for people to deal with the injustice in the world.

>> No.1075336

I didn't mean to say it that way... I meant the characteristics... Just how it is, so I can prepare myself when the time comes.

>> No.1075339

God is a consciousness, a mind. "Does god exist" is basically like asking "are other people conscious". It's not a philosophically difficult question at all, unless you get really deep in.

>> No.1075345

bump for great justice

>> No.1075348

outside the concepts of logic, so he is a contradictory entity and therefore impossible, outside reality so he isn't real. Those both just sound like atheism. I fail to see the point

>> No.1075352

>I've been meaning to ask this for a long time. Where do you stand? Are you an atheist or a Christian? Does religion and science mix? Why are you a an atheist or a christian? Which is better? Pratically, Logically, Spiritually etc.
seriously? you've been meaning to ask the same thing every troll on /sci/ does every day... for a long time now?

>> No.1075356

So does God exist or not... Just asking...

>> No.1075357


My father once asked me (colloquially, he didn't expect an answer) while he was grieving why the good and the young die why terrible people still live.

I told him that it's most probably because there's nobody making those kinds of decisions for us, and it's very likely that it's only up to us to do something about it.

He nearly disowned me.

>> No.1075362

>god is a consciousness
I challenge anyone to explain what this statement actually means.

>> No.1075366

I am a Christian. Live a life worthy to see miracles and you will see miracles. That is why I'm Christian.

Yes science and religion mix, they're both working on finding truth.

>> No.1075367

wtf are you talking about. All our evidence suggests you need a body to be conscious. So the question still seems to hinge on whether there is a thing out there that realizes a god-like consciousness. Don't give us Cartesian bullshit

>> No.1075369

well to be honest yeah... I don't go to /sci/ everyday... mostly I hang around at /v/ or /a/...

>> No.1075384

>He nearly disowned me.
That's so sad. It just goes to show how difficult it is for people to deal with that kind of injustice. When you're grieving or in hard times, you're generally not in the mood for logic. People delude themselves because it's comforting.

>> No.1075386

perhaps if one of the "truths" is put in quotes and said sarcastically

>> No.1075391


What steps is Christianity taking towards finding truth? I thought they claimed that only one dude knows the truth, and he's not sharing it until you've choked to death on the Bishop's cock.

>> No.1075397
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Read up on Pascal's Wager, then read why it is flawed.


another thing to note that I don't think was included in the article is the possibility that of the infinite, unpracticed religions that exist and could be considered for the wager, both disbelief in God could be rewarded as well as belief in God being punished. There is no reason Christianity deserves any higher 'chance' than any other religion.

You can now live your life.

>> No.1075400

If god exists, then why can I raep children...
Atheists: 1
Xtians : 0

>> No.1075408


"Flawed" is the wrong word to use.

There are objections, but the idea isn't really flawed.

>> No.1075416

Anno Domini?

>> No.1075421

I honestly don't think /sci/ is being completely helpful here. I advise OP to do his own research on the subject. See the following wiki articles:
And this Richard Dawkins talk, which 'converted' me from being an on-the-fence christian to an atheist:

>> No.1075423

Consciousness really isn't that hard a concept to understand, bro. It basically boils down to being something capable of perception.

You need a working definition of God in order to talk about it. One of the criteria of that definition is necessarily going to be that God has to conscious, since otherwise he'd just be an unthinking physical force, and nobody would call something like that a God. That's just the definition. If you want to claim that the definition implies a God must have a physical brain then that's a separate issue.

>> No.1075436


You'd be hard pressed to call any of those objections something other than flaws. TheraminTrees also has a rebuttal video (to supporters of Pascal's wager) uploaded on his account, which I've not watched but which I suspect will have the same quality.

>> No.1075440


"Flawed" is a perfect word for Pascal's Wager. Its logic is easily dismantled to show how the philosophy can only work if you pretend that there has only ever been one religion instead of unknown thousands.

It isn't an objection to the argument Pascal is making or why, it's a simple dismissal as a harmful meme.

>> No.1075446

You still have no evidence that God exists or is a conscious being. I could just as well say that my peanut butter and jelly sandwich is a conscious being.

>> No.1075449

If God doesn't exist, then why do I eat good food on Xmas Eve
X'tians : 1
Atheists : 0

>> No.1075451
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No it's not. Goddammit why do people always get this shit wrong.

Pic related. Gnostos has NOTHING to do with Theos. At all. Stop conflating terminology.

>> No.1075454

bump for great justice

>> No.1075459

So do are Jews really evil?

>> No.1075461

Religon is only something made up by early man with vast empires such as the romans to keep them in fear of doubting the current caesar with ties to the church. In time so and so didnt like what was being preached changed some aspects of the written book and started another religon..Christianity,Catholism, Judaism,Islam. If only one can be right and the rest are wrong, wouldnt it seem that all are wrong?

>> No.1075475


>> No.1075484

A clear response to pascal's wager: there could be an all powerful god who will punish you for for believing things on insufficient evidence. If this God exists believing based on pascal's wage will fuck you over. There is no reason to think the christian god is more likely. So any bet is irrational

>> No.1075490

bamp, nobody answered OP's question yet

>> No.1075504

I'm an agnostic atheist. I believe that there is no god, much like I believe there is no Santa or unicorns, because there is no evidence at all.

Theism is totally fine, but Christianity is completely illogical. The Bible is filled with contradictions, and Christians today are even more hypocritical.

Practically: There's no real difference, other than having your Sundays free.

Logically: Atheism/Deism/Pantheism is most logical, Christianity is more illogical than Greek/Pagan gods.

Spiritually: You must first define spiritual. Buddhism is an atheistic religion in many aspects and they are very spiritual.

>> No.1075508

There are a lot of posts, but this one is pretty clear.

Whether or not which one is "better," is relative to what you value as being "good." I submit that science is "better" simply due to the observed failings of religion, but it is not an alternative to religion, just as buildings are not alternatives to clouds.

>> No.1075513

I have evidence that God is a conscious being because that's part of the definition of God.

As for God existing...

...I'm atheist. I don't know where you got the impression I was trying to argue for the existence of God.

>> No.1075530

>I am in a confused state. Dilemma. After this I will choose my path.
Did you really think coming to /sci/ would help you decide on something as complicated as your spirituality? This is a much more complicated decision than that.

>> No.1075541

>God is a consciousness, a mind.
>...I'm atheist. I don't know where you got the impression I was trying to argue for the existence of God.
>I have evidence that God is a conscious being because that's part of the definition of God.
>I have evidence that Santa has a beard because that's part of the definition of Santa.

>> No.1075542

and then

>> No.1075546

Ok fine you fucking pedant

> I have evidence that IF SANTA EXISTS he must have a beard because that's part of the definition of Santa.


>> No.1075567

no but it helps clear the minde