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10747683 No.10747683[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are religious people literally schizophrenic..?

>> No.10747685
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>> No.10747687
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No. Atheists are the ones holding false beliefs.

>> No.10747688

this is why most flat earth theorists are religious
its a distorted cognitive function problem caused by believing in religion

>> No.10747700

The Church has held the earth to be round since late antiquity. (400s). The heliocentric model was reintroduced in Church scientific circles. It was a priest who first formally published the heliocentric hypothesis (Fr. Copernicus). If anything, the true religion has aided cognitive function and scientific progress. Believing in heresy and false religion is what leads to the inverse.

>> No.10747702

Hey don't kill the messenger, I'm just quoting /sci/ence

>> No.10747709


>> No.10747714

>"nah", the brainlet grunts as he shuffles his feet and scratches his head in confusion.

>> No.10747734

They are but is politically incorrect to say that

>> No.10747751


>> No.10747756


>> No.10747757
File: 208 KB, 1695x2560, faith vs fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheist here, who has also met quite a few schizophrenics. No I don't believe all religious people are schizophrenics. But I do believe all religious people are mistaken. Also, as an aside, it is pretty common for schizophrenic people to have religiously-based beliefs. I came across one guy who thought he was Jesus (apparently that's pretty common) and another guy who thought that there were some government / corporate conspiracies going on that were controlled by the devil. He was convinced of it. He was a really decent guy, friendly, a great guy. That's what I think sucks so much about schizophrenia - it can affect people who are otherwise very decent, smart people. And it lands them locked up on a mental ward, through not fault of their own. But anyway - the often religious ideas of schizophrenics (not always religious, mind) does not mean all religious people are schizophrenics.

But all religious people are mistaken, in my view.

>meme image
Not an argument, idiot.

No friend, that would be you. Please provide evidence of an all-knowing sky wizard.

I think religion probably did help our intellectual advancement. Descartes was religious. Many great thinkers were religious. But that doesn't mean religion is useful anymore, since its claims (e.g. of an all-powerful sky wizard) are completely unsupported by any sort of evidence.

>> No.10747758

>including false beliefs
Prove atheism is objective.
>confused thinking
Not necessarily.
>hearing voices
Only religious messengers claim to do this.

>> No.10747761

Where did the universe come from?

>> No.10747762

>No friend, that would be you. Please provide evidence of an all-knowing sky wizard.
all evidence is in the recitation of the Quran. You're the one who refuses to even study it properly, and I'm not talking about reading a vague attempt at a translation.

>> No.10747767

>Prove atheism is objective.
Prove that there is a magical sky wizard. All atheism does is to deny that such a thing exists, since there is no evidence of such a thing.

Imagine if you claimed that there were invisible pink elephants roaming around every town and city on Earth. Well, I've seen no evidence of such things. So unless you provide me with some substantial and/or compelling evidence, I'm not inclined to believe that such things exist.

The Big Bang. What happened before then, we don't know. But if you think that some thousands-of-years-old fairytales MUST be true because science hasn't uncovered all the answers yet, you must be an idiot.

The Bible claimed that humans were created by God like 6,000 years ago, right? But we now know that modern humans are about 250,000 years old, and that we evolved from earlier life forms - we weren't simply put here by a sky wizard. Our lineage actually stretches back at least 3.5 billion years, according to the evidence. And of course the Earth itself is about 4.5 billion years old - not 6,000 years.

Why would you believe some book? Do you believe that Harry Potter really exists? Do you believe Hogwarts really exists? Just because they're written in a book? Is that the only "evidence" you need to believe that something is the case, rather than hard evidence established through observation of the empirical world?

Gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8.

>> No.10747778

>being wrong about something means you're schizophrenic

>> No.10747780

Tell that to Giordano Bruno, an italian "scientist" who supported Kopernik's ideas, he was executed by burning in Rome.

>> No.10747782

>what happened before
We don't know. That doesn't matter even if we knew I could just ask what came before that. The only way to avoid this question is to assume a supernatural being that ignores the laws of causation
>Biblical literalism
>the only religion ever is Christianity
Widen your horizons bucko. Also I'm not sure but I think the Roman Catholic Church believes in partial evolution ie evolution does occur but humans were created by divine intervention.

>> No.10747808
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>Please provide evidence of an all-knowing sky wizard.
He is omnipresent, not in the sky.
As for evidence, pic related.

>> No.10747815

He was executed for his heretical interpretation of the new testament, not his scientific inquiry.

>> No.10747829

>The only way to avoid this question is to assume a supernatural being that ignores the laws of causation
HAHAHAHAHAHA you're a fucking idiot.

"We don't know, so I'll just pretend that there's a magical sky wizard!"

So when there's something in your car that you don't understand you think to yourself "a magical sky wizard must have put it there"?

How fucking stupid can you be?

>the only religion ever is Christianity
Every religion that I'm aware of believes in unsubstantiated nonsense (supernatural sky wizards, reincarnation, stuff that there is ZERO evidence for). It's akin to believing in vaccines causing autism. Or Flat Earth. Or chemtrails. All of these things have no evidence to support them.

>some ancient twat's ramblings from nearly a thousand years ago is "evidence"
You don't even know what evidence is, do you? Like I said in another post, do you believe that Harry Potter really exists? Do you believe Hogwarts really exists? Just because they're written in a book? Is that the only "evidence" you need to believe that something is the case, rather than hard evidence established through observation of the empirical world?

>> No.10747873

No but there is such things as mystical delirium.
That said, a lot of religious figures that saw apparitions and heard voices were likely schizophrenic. And when it comes to demonic possession the link with mental illnesses is also clear.

>> No.10748013

And if they are?

>> No.10748027

i have this thought anytime i hear people say shit like “just talk with god” or “listen to god” or “god said to me...”

honestly i don’t think they’re schizo most of the time, they’re just fibbing. maybe just to fit in? like it’s just their inside meme like the emperor’s new clothes?

>> No.10748035

Why do you put faith in the fact that science will be able to observe such Phenomenons? It lacks the answer to one of the most fundamental questions of existence. Let's say something came before the big bang? Okay but what caused it? This other thing? Okay what caused it? So on ad infinitum. There has to be a first cause that some how ignores the natural law of causation therefore a supernatural being.
>it's the same as believing in flat earth
If there was no way to prove the shape of the earth wouldn't saying the earth is flat be more reasonable? That is the fundamental difference between believing in God and conspiracy theories. One is a physical claim and the other metaphysical. We know the Earth is flat because we can tell by empirical observation. But we can't say for a fact that supernatural phenomenon don't exist because there while there is no evidence to suggest there is there is none to the contrary either.

>> No.10748038

>we know the earth is flat
My bad

>> No.10748040
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>> No.10748042

the structure of physics makes no reference to causes or effects. “causality” in physics is basically time ordering of particular features, but the entire universe just runs as one process and there is no intention involved

>> No.10748063

Thanks for proving yourself to be an idiot.

>> No.10748128

there is a little bit of paranoia and schizophrenia in every mind no matter the IQ
- wanting to see connections where there aren't
- having your own superstitions
- believing your life is a part of some magical journey with purpose
- thinking things happen to you for a reason and not randomly
- wanting to worship an imaginary being/person/institution

religion/politics is the tickling of our schizophrenic tendencies

>> No.10748140

You can have a symptom of a disease but not the disease.

They have a symptom of paranoia, not paranoia.

>> No.10748166

>Why do you put faith in the fact that science will be able to observe such Phenomenons?
You were asked for evidence and instead of providing it you claim evidence can't exist. This doesn't answer the question as it doesn't explain how you can know god exists without evidence.

>It lacks the answer to one of the most fundamental questions of existence.
Just because you can answer a question doesn't mean it's the correct answer. An arbitrary guess is worse than the truth, which is that you don't know the answer.

>Let's say something came before the big bang?
This implies that time existed before the big bang. Basically you're just making shit up based on your limited understanding, saying it doesn't make sense, and therefore God. This is called an argument from ignorance.

>There has to be a first cause that some how ignores the natural law of causation therefore a supernatural being.
If the law of causation can be broken then why can't the universe itself break it? You're assuming the universe follows the same laws as everything in it, a fallacy of composition. Also, there is nothing inherently wrong with infinite regress.

>If there was no way to prove the shape of the earth wouldn't saying the earth is flat be more reasonable?

>That is the fundamental difference between believing in God and conspiracy theories. One is a physical claim and the other metaphysical.
Conspiracy theories can be metaphysical. "Metaphysical" in this context just means that you are making shit up that doesn't follow the rules of logic. Metaphysical claims are even more arbitrary and impossible to argue for than physical claims.

>> No.10748182

Not really because they only have false beliefs, the rest only works for some religious people, and in fact are a minority. If you didn't know imaginative ability correlates with positive schizophrenic symptoms; however, religious people are not just lacking in intelligence but also in imagination, so that it's much more unlikely for a religious person to be a schizophrenic than a non-religious person. However schizophrenics do have delusions associated with religion in many cases.

>> No.10748201

>"A-aren't we all just a bit schizophrenic, g-guise..?"

Is exactly how a schizophrenic person would sound.

>> No.10748277

And that makes it better? That's still a terrible reason to burn a man. Especially a man that could contribute to science.

>> No.10748295

Yes because if you don't do anything about it, that's how things Protestantism crop up.