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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10743356 No.10743356 [Reply] [Original]

which one is a number?

>> No.10743370

Neither is a number

>> No.10743383

The other one is a concept

>> No.10743394

>implying numbers aren't concepts

>> No.10743395


>> No.10743399

should I be able to solve this?

>> No.10743404

it's the same picture?

>> No.10743419

define number

>> No.10743431

clearly the tilted 8

>> No.10743440

Only one of them can have concrete, physically-adjacent existence. Guess which one. (It's not zero)

>> No.10743449

Infinity is topologically a number, but algebraically not.

>> No.10743456

All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares.

>> No.10743483

did you respond to the wrong anon?

>> No.10743568

Sorry I meant all numbers are concepts but not all concepts are numbers, typo

>> No.10743614

>all numbers are concepts but not all concepts are numbers
completely irrelevant to the topic of discussion

>> No.10743622

Really not if you read this again >>10743394

>> No.10744149

Define number

>> No.10744155

>Define number
Define define.

>> No.10744157

Ah, a humanities major

>> No.10744159

I'm not any of them but lemme try
"A number is a class of objects representing an amount of things"
With this definition both are numbers a priori.

>> No.10744160


>> No.10744171

well my boi the first one that looks like a 0 with a line through it is theta which is a letter of the greek alphabet not a number. and infinity can't really be defined so i wouldn't call it a number but if i had to choose i would go with infinity

>unless you didn't mean theta but i just felt like being a smart ass

>> No.10744175

clearly the second one it's just a sideways 8

>> No.10744178

numbers aren't unbounded

>> No.10744184

0 is an even integer.

Let n be an even integer.

n = 2k where k is an integer that can be found.

>> No.10744189

thats dumb

>> No.10744517

They both are markers symbolizing eternity. Greek the zero looking one and other was used in ancient Egypt and even much earlier in Asia!

>> No.10745014

Wildberger, get the fuck off my Belarusian jerky forum with that meme math

>> No.10745045

Pretty sure even finitist constructivists are happy with the number 0

>> No.10745073

idiot, I mean each number separately, not the set

>> No.10745304
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>> No.10745351

[math] \displaystyle
\boxed{0 < p < 1} \\
p^n-1 = (p-1)(p^{n-1}+p^{n-2}+ \dots +p+1) \\
\dfrac{p^n-1}{p-1} = \sum \limits_{j=0}^{n-1}p^j \\
\lim_{n \to \infty} \dfrac{p^n-1}{p-1} = \lim_{n \to \infty} \sum \limits_{j=0}^{n-1}p^j \\
\dfrac{0-1}{p-1} = \sum \limits_{j=0}^{\infty}p^j \implies \dfrac{1}{1-p} = \sum \limits_{j=0}^{\infty}p^j

>> No.10745369
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>> No.10745379

awww, sad face, i'm convinced

>> No.10745428
File: 18 KB, 288x334, 1551065345817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To waste your lives feeling so certain of a thing, only to see it dismantled from the inside out...
Now, suddenly, the rug has been pulled from under the feet of you dreamers. I can imagine how lonely you must feel deep down inside, bearing such pain.
That is the beauty, that is the terror of mathematics. There's no getting around a proof.
Don't blame yourselves; instead, blame history, and the human spirit. To whet mankind's thirst for knowledge, history gave us Galileo, Newton, Darwin, Einstein, Godel, and now Wildberger gets his turn.
You must either move on, or get left behind. The choice is yours.

>> No.10745481

awww, sad face, i'm convinced

>> No.10745521

both by the extended real numbers

>> No.10745552

imagine what he would be capable of if he wasn't autistic

>> No.10746177

Based. Nobody here has even bothered to read Tooker, and it shows.

>> No.10746181
File: 15 KB, 685x200, TIMESAND___+(sniifda6ui86op9p0p9868l@e4lbberwgfgisebd7rnnnb564lbv4lg11tb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The other one is a concept
the infinite is a concept
infinity is a number

anything you can put into an A = B expression is a number

>> No.10746199

Is FTA "fundamental theorem of algebra", "fundamental theorem of arithmetic" or something else?

>> No.10746202

>infinity is a number
nope, conflicts with definition

>> No.10746210

like 1, 2, 3, etc

>> No.10746220

a unique symbol that is tied to a unique amount of a measurement

>> No.10746248

Shut the fuck up brainlet.

>> No.10746259

The 8

>> No.10746278

What number does 0 correspond to, regardless of the definition of the term "number"?

And before you answer, remember that: [math]\frac 0 0[/math]

>> No.10746342

ok wise guy, give the definition then

>> No.10746349

Use L'Hopital. Limit of two constants is both zero, so then you get zero over zero, so the answer is zero.

>> No.10746388

kek, retard definition
that's like saying the *definition* of half is sin(pi/6)

>> No.10746392

Sure, but this isn't about constructing a response and inventing a category for the term "number," it's about reversibility of operators in a group or field. Since 5,761,312 * 0 = 0 as well as any real number, the total set of valid solutions to the division is [math]\mathbb R[/math]. Zero was never invalid as an answer, but that was never the issue. 0 * 0 = 0 is more like a special case of n in the rule n * 0 = 0.

>> No.10746402

Both are numbers in the extended and projective real lines.

>> No.10746447

And R is the set of real numbers. Hence, zero is a number. QED.

>> No.10746670

0.999... = 1, so not unique.

>> No.10746686

Two = 2, so not unique.

>> No.10746692


>> No.10747447

Tooker? no i don't read shit, i knew about this from highschool lol

>> No.10747503
File: 27 KB, 561x298, TIMESAND___jwrvg78tbvr54j2ee50)6e26e237fe2s1gi27fg39f7ca2++9449b08952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





You fucking asshole! Why is about the reversibility of operations rather simply the operations? You cretin, kill yourself.

>> No.10747511

>i have no argument

>> No.10747527

>i have no argument
obviously you don't

>> No.10747586


>> No.10749106


>> No.10751039

put a hat on that infinity and we're set.

>> No.10751044

A stands for autism, the glue that links all finitists

>> No.10751078

0.999... != 1

there is still that 0.001 difference

>> No.10751087

Fucking brainlets in this thread saying that infinity in not a number are persecuting Georg Cantor all over again. Of course infinity is a number and what’s more it’s a number of infinity many sizes.

>> No.10751209

that shitty infinity symbol that you drew on ms paint isnt anything

>> No.10751978

The left is a number. The right is false prophecy.
- Muhammed Ababou

>> No.10751988


>> No.10751997

by definition inf is bigger than any number.
if inf was a number, it would have to be bigger than itself.

>> No.10751998

No, they're the same and if you don't realize it you're kind of a brainlet.

>> No.10753022

keyboard symbols?

>> No.10753078


>> No.10753226

Infinity is an unbounded quantity greater than every real (and every whole) number.


>> No.10755502

Peano Axioms and the arithmetic. Also dedekind cuts and his work on the reals?

>> No.10755507

That 0 thing denotes an empty set I think

>> No.10755568

>there is still that 0.001 difference
But 1 - 0.9999... < 0.001