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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10743268 No.10743268 [Reply] [Original]


wtf, now I want to learn science.

>> No.10743275


OK I always thought people shitting on her here were dumb but I'm starting to find this ridiculous.

>> No.10743291
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>OK I always thought people shitting on her here were dumb

>> No.10743294

Bitch went crazy, lol. Sad to see.

>> No.10743302

So sad, not being able to appreciate little things in life.

>> No.10743303
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>> No.10743336

>all those show bobs third worlders in the comments
how long until she begs to get back in her program

>> No.10743339

She's such a fucking poser, like those losers reading Stephen Hawking in public.

>> No.10743344

>implying she didn't already try
she will need to get hitched by a rich lad or an hero.
that is just it.
anyways she is a confirmed brainlet and psycho bitch but i'd still fuck. well I would fuck any women that would fucking let me.
>inb4 sad virgin incel

>> No.10743398

i guess it must suck when your difficult degree allows being either academia cuck or youtube loser

>> No.10743402

>psycho bitch
i have no idea who this chick is but why is she a psycho bitch?

>> No.10744126

Legitimate question here, what is the purpose of her channel? Like, what benefit does the content on that channel actually provide for its viewers? To what demographic does it appeal?

>> No.10744127


>> No.10744128

insecure males

>> No.10744129

>not even a hard copy version


>> No.10744143
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>those YouTube comments

Friendly reminder that some of those IFUCKINGLOVESCIENCE redditors post here.

>> No.10744145


>> No.10744147


>> No.10744158

people who read and enjoy harry potter after age 12

>> No.10744207

The same can be asked of all the content on YouTube.

>> No.10744212
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>Those comments

>> No.10744215

jealousy :P
pretty common, but what can I say, you might not even be aware of it because your private self filters it xD So that it's not only justified before the eyes of others, but before the eyes of the self too

>> No.10744244

she's envisioning herself landing a science communication job - we have fucking dozens of women at any one time doing this with our national broadcaster and she applied once before. this channel is like her demo reel

>> No.10744251

Lmao. This is simultaneously the most sad, and hilarious thing I've ever read.

>> No.10744259

Reading Newton's Principia Mathematica in a Lacy Shift (Try Not to Cum)

>> No.10744268

This is a perfect example of the difference between people who say they love math and science and the people who actually love math and science. People who say they love math and science watch this pretentious crap. People who actually love math and science will spend time on something more relevant than cutting edge 17th century publications.

>> No.10744563 [DELETED] 


>> No.10744607

dollar store

>> No.10744613

Always see her channel shilled here and it always pop in my recommendations but I'm to scared to try clicking a video since I imagine it is cringy.

>> No.10744618

Nothing wrong with reading The Masters. Something wrong with watching this chick do it.

>> No.10744635

not that anon but it is incredibly cringe and ostentatious to try to slog through a 1700s written text that covers in excessive detail what you already learned in middle school because it was new to people then. It's extremely "first year student" and whether for internal or external audience is about adopting a smart person identity not actually learning something

>> No.10744645

I wish to lick her pussy
how much? I rich

>> No.10744660

>reading "for an internal audience" is ostentatious and not useful
I see what you're saying and I disagree. Reading stuff purely out of interest -- even if it is out of date or too easy or too hard -- is good and not to be discouraged.

>> No.10744705

>not understanding what historical role playing is.

>> No.10744745

do you know what opportunity cost is. Fuckin, of course if it's purely for entertainment do what you like but that's the opposite reason to what you said before "reading The Masters" implying it's edifying

>> No.10744760
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>muh opportunity cost
Oh come on. An hour spent reading Newton is 1000x better spent than an hour reading even a good thread on /sci/.

>> No.10744773

I tried to watch Tibees videos with an open mind but her videos are so empty. Her "Book recommendations" videos is her literally just reading a list of book names. No justifications or even how she learned.
Her "unboxing exams" videos are her just reading the problems out loud; Not solving or explaining them.
Her "how to learn math" and advice videos are just her redirecting people to some guy's website.
And the rest of her videos ("My regrets studying physics", "should you study math?", etc.) are just her rambling nonsensically. Not even a pro or con or anything conclusive.

I'm convinced she's just an ASMR channel for the "I love science!" types.

>> No.10744780

oh yeah this is so fucking mind expanding
(random page). Obviously anycunt that starts on the endeavour of readin muh le original is going to last maybe that hour and get through 2 pages and drop that shit and forever and put it out of their mind as an embarrassing folly

btw did any of you have girls in your physics101 class that were actually doing physics degrees? i had one or two and they were exactly like tibees in a surprising number of ways

>> No.10744783

>I'm convinced she's just an ASMR channel for the "I love science!" types
she doesn't even try to hide this

>> No.10744869

Sure, it's Kepler's laws. I always forget how much earlier Kepler was... Interesting browse, thanks for the link. No, I don't think the average person who tries to read the principia is going to successfully read it cover-to-cover, and it doesn't bother me.

I don't remember anything about my physics 101 course.

>> No.10745635

Heh - I thought this was going to be a novel entry from the 'hysterical literature' series.

>> No.10745644

this is arguably by far her best video.

>> No.10745660

Why did Vihart go crazy? She's been in full-on meltdown mode for like three years. She was cute in a weird sorta way.

>> No.10745669
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I stopped watching her years ago but I think it started when she began shilling tau over pi.

>> No.10745674

This is now a pitiful /sci/ YouTube Drama Thread.


You people are nearly as bad as /tv/.

>> No.10745681
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Tibees is basically the semi good looking girl that spent all her highschool years studying to get in a good university and is probably still a virgin in her mid twenties. Loves horses, drawing, big bang theory and follows every single ILOVESCIENCE group on facebook unironically. Basically a 10 year old adult.

>t. dated a similar girl for ~1 year

>> No.10745684

Was the fuggin' her any good? Was she super appreciative of male attention? Sounds like a good time, anon.

>> No.10745703

Sounds like the kind of girl I'd like to marry. How do I get one?

>> No.10745718
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She was extremely vanilla when it came to anything related to sex. Was a good time but her constant need for attention and validation became exhausting.

If you're studying physics, your class should be chock full of them. Aim for the ones that dress in clothes that could probably double as pajamas, wear no make up and are extremely shy.

>> No.10745726
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Just finished watching that shit. What do you think anon? Personally I feel like Payem and BPRP really fucked up when all three of them started arguing literally in the comment section of FM's last video. Like, can you not do that shit in public?

>> No.10745736

Readin that shizz on the shitter cuz I ain't no poser fucking bitch

>> No.10745738

I think FM has the right attitude about this in all honesty, but it is bloody pitiful that tea is being spilled publicly associated with channels that cover math. FM just wants to post his content his way. BPRP (who is adorable and a wonderful teacher) and the other fella who I'm not aware of are engaging in pear clutching.

I'm a grown-ass man but I love me some drama like a twelve year-old girl. Somebody needs to find out what happened to Vihart for me. /sci/ lolcows are unique beasts.

>> No.10745747
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I'm the exact opposite, I always liked the dynamic between these three so I was kinda sad when the first signs of the impending drama started appearing. I doubt things will return to normal any time soon now that Flammy made a video basically calling out Payem's and BPRP's shit.
Also, if you don't know Payem, he is a maths professor that uploads calc 1, calc 2 and linear algebra videos (mostly) on his channel. Pretty based if you can get used to his goofy attitude.

>> No.10745757

Can you guys explain what's going on? Who's BPRP or the rest?

quick rundown pls

>> No.10745758

I honestly don't care. I don't follow any of these idiots too closely. I watch FM even though I find his humour kinda cringe. His videos are normally quick and snappy for the depth of content he covers (for an outsider like me).

If FM's goal is just to grow his channel like he says making a big drama video is a good move for him. He'll be pulling in viewers who don't give a darn about analysis whatsoever because YouTube thrives on drama. Onision wouldn't exist if drama wasn't a YouTube cheatcode.

>> No.10745760

Rundown: click the video.

>> No.10745776

ah yes, watching a 33 minute video is the perfect solution

>> No.10745786
File: 37 KB, 272x204, 1560745328519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BPRP and dr Payem make math videos just like FM and even helped him launch his channel a few years back and have been close and even made a few collabs together. FM starts the video saying that BPRP and payem have been acting very distant for the past ~6 months and only recently figured out why, since payem and BPRP had blocked in most platforms and had very little means of communicating. It seems like the problem was FM's odd sense of humour and him making fun of another math channel called "mind your decisions". In FM's last video, payem and BPRP showed up in the fucking comment section talking about it, it was pretty public and embarassing for everyone involved desu. FM spends the video basically just reading these comments and refuting the arguments made and talking about how he is not sorry and the problem lies with BPRP and payem for not understanding his zoomer humour.

Sorry for blogposting

>> No.10745794

This is some eme ass shit. Who tf read the Principia? Maybe in 40 years if I ever retire, but there's more interesting and more useful shit to read, so I'll think I'll focus on that for now.

>> No.10745796

I read The Principia. I understood the introduction and that was about all.

>> No.10745803
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I remember my Lagrangian mechanics prof walking in the first day of class and talking about how the only book we, the students, should be reading right now is the principia. Guy was smart as fuck but a complete autist as well, literally.

>> No.10745848

>If you're studying physics
I am not studying, but that description seems pretty accurate. Can I find them somewhere else?

>> No.10745855

The Young Adult section of your local Barnes and Nobel. Arrested development, remember?

>> No.10745876
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And did you?

>> No.10745899
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I didn't, and judging from the responses in this thread it doesn't seem like I missed much. Though I do want to at least give it a chance once I'm done with my current backlog of books.

>> No.10745906
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I was blind but now I can see.

>> No.10745913
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Based, this is the patrician's choice

>> No.10745928
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AHHHH! I hate my life so much

>> No.10745930
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I want to build her a rocking chair of hewn wood and rawhide for her birthday that we both continue to use into old age.

>> No.10745932

I wanna spit down her butthole.

>> No.10745933

I wanna delete this post. Sorry.

>> No.10745935

>Europeans have THAT and they still don’t want to breed like rabbits
Can anyone explain how white people have such low birth rates? I’m not even white but even I can’t resist breeding white women. Almost everyone I know also sees breeding white women as the peak of the world. White men are retarded.

>> No.10745936

>My fav: Black Beauty :)
>I spend a lot of time thinking about: Adopting a German Shephard
That's a big ouch and yayikes from me, princess.

>> No.10745943

I want to do both

>> No.10745948


Do your farts smell more like earth or more like milk?

>> No.10745951

I feel like she'd see me as a heathen...It'd feel dirty being in the same room together.
Tibees is a weird one, I'm 26 and she looks like she is 35+.

>> No.10745953

Feminism, economy... Many girls are uninteresting. Some of them are proud of being uneducated, of living a vain existence and hating men.

>> No.10745959

She sounds and looks like those girls who took hundreds of dicks in college but are now ready to settle down and won’t put out for their husband unless the planets align.

Fine catch buddy. Knowing she’s “christian” also tells me her asshole is wider than her pussy.

>> No.10745962

>Tibees is a weird one, I'm 26 and she looks like she is 35+.
tfw Tibees is 23yo.

>> No.10745964
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Tibees pls go

>> No.10745972
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That's exactly why she is weird. Because she looks 35 even though she is 23.

>> No.10745974 [DELETED] 

just send bitch

>> No.10745982

Tibees is far too self-aware to be typing up something like that. She's pretty grounded from what I can muster but dropping out of her PhD program in pursuit of some YouTube fame was flat retarded.

>> No.10745987

just send bitch

>> No.10745989

Yeah yeah I don’t buy any of that. Nothing excuses that woman not having a husband and 5 kids by now. This is why you are going extinct. What a waste of wife material. She’s even in a fucking dating app GOOD LORD.

>> No.10745990

Her hair is not doing her any favours and she thinks she's better than make-up and wants to flaunt natural beauty. I think it's sad that when she started her channel her entire personality was having long hair. She just needs a little bit of fashion advice and then she'd be a banger.

>> No.10745995

Because she is not white but slavic, retard.
The majority of white people look ugly as fuck (c.f. ogreish Anglosaxon "women").

>> No.10745999
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She needs to cut the hair to a normal length and start showing some cleavage in them videos :^)

>> No.10746000

Checked. She needs to start showing off those skinny little legs.

>> No.10746003
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Did she do it because she thought she could live off her channel? From what I gathered she just got fed up. Also how is she doing her phd if she's only 23..?

>> No.10746006

She looks white to me. My dick doesn’t recognize your /pol/-tier distinctions. I’m going to the UK next month, hope to breed a couple of fine white ladies.

>> No.10746011
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>Implying tibees isn't thicc
also checked

>> No.10746012

hoping to do the needful?

>> No.10746018

Hoping to do the needful indeed. I’ll single handedly solve the population crisis in Europe. Well, the UK at least.

>> No.10746020

Pick a random girl:

>Monday-Friday: minimum wage job
>Weekends: Party, alcohol and sex with random dudes
>She occasionally goes to feminist protests, pretty much driven by political interests, but she will never understand nor accept that.
>She spends her income in make-up, Zara clothes (which she will replace after every 6 months), the newest iPhone...

Would you have children with such an egoistic, materialistic and uneducated creature?

>> No.10746022

I think it was a combination of wanting to strike while the iron was hot on YouTube for her and her PhD program being draining (which it supposedly is for everyone). By dropping out she cost herself legitimacy on YouTube as a science insider and also knee-capped her academic career if she ever wants to return to that. I'm not her dad or anything, but I really wish the young lady would have stuck it out for a few more years because once you earn that degree they can't take it away from you.

I want to tie her up with her obnoxiously long hair and see if I can find any Australian tanlines on her pale skin. Quit making me horny on SFW boards.

>> No.10746023

Where I come from all those tendencies get beaten out of them. Maybe you should try that.

>> No.10746027

That's because you were brainwashed into thinking white people are one arr-rook-the-same homogeneous group.
I am really just trying to help you. I am brown but at least I know which white people are pretty and which are not because I am aware of the distinction.

>> No.10746029

Bro, that's an underclass womyn, low quality. Trust me, that are good quality, high iq women out there, but there are far and few, so buckled up your game, son, and good look.

>> No.10746031
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Looks promising, but i will need to see more thigh material for a verdict.

>> No.10746032

>white people
>beating they children

>> No.10746048

I mean their husbands. But yeah, the fathers too.

>> No.10746058


LITERALLY WHO are any of these fucking people?

>> No.10746060

You have to accept any white woman is a step-up from our women. White just meaning what you know I mean.

>> No.10746084
File: 18 KB, 297x195, white sheboon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any white woman

>> No.10746092

But that’s just fat. Her whiteness is not inferior.

>> No.10746123
File: 111 KB, 922x880, beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither is blackness nor browness. Look, the thing is all races have both ugly and beautiful people and in white people's case the prettiest white women are Slavic.

You can't change my mind, ignorant fool.

>> No.10746124

Except Italians.

>> No.10746128

three of those are white mixtures and the one that isn't is the least attractive, the asian.
don't get me wrong there are cure asian girls but not brown ones, only white skinned japanese girls are worth inseminating
yeah they are all hideous
you are right and wrong.
this anon is the most right >>10746123

>> No.10746134

Cool, now do Opticks
>the one with the super dope name

>> No.10746139

Yes but my point is that brown < white in the sense that if you take any brown woman and then make her white, she’s prettier now.

>> No.10746141
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>asian is white
>latina is black
>white is homely

>> No.10746145
File: 20 KB, 535x413, chrome_2019-06-23_00-56-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd think the science board would have a higher data/memes ratio than the rest

>> No.10746149

This isn't Tibees in a set of five-inch heels and a leather miniskirt.

>> No.10746150

Do pretty australian aboriginal girls exist?

>> No.10746153

no humans can only be attracted to humans otherwise it's beastiality.

>> No.10746168

>white women : latino men
Yu mad, whiteboys and blackboys?

>> No.10746217

mestizo's are half white anyways.
>a mestizo

>> No.10747141

>>btw did any of you have girls in your physics101 class that were actually doing physics degrees?
they were not doing qft gr and all that, they did some astro crap i think or condensed matter stuff, or medical stuff

>> No.10747152

>. Nothing excuses that woman not having a husband and 5 kids by now
why omega males always want to give women an easy job of staying at home and raising kids?

>> No.10747241

That is not any woman. That is a prime
breeding candidate

>> No.10747281

wow, this is nice hermione kino.

>> No.10747419

>p-please m'lady, may I have a crumb of pussy?

>> No.10747468

in asutralia you can go from B Sc to Phd maybe you need masters
science degree 18 19 20
hons 21
phd 22
btw she didn't even complete a fucking year i don't think. i mean fair enough she was never meant to be there her professor just gave her a feminist guilt trip
>you're a woman you need to do a phd with me cos #womeninstem
Rest assured she dropped out for the usual reasons and she's never made any money off youtube

>> No.10747472

*maybe you need honors

>> No.10747760

>she's never made any money off youtube
Pretty sure she makes some money off it, but it's probably not enough to sustain her. Assuming a very conservative rate of 0.5 USD per 1k views, she have gotten 10k USD for her 20m views. Her channel has been growing quite a lot the last year, so I guess most of the views are pretty recent (haven't really checked ...). It might be that she is pretty close to (poorly) living off it right now.

>> No.10747837

The views are from india. you do not get paid for serving ads to Indians with no fucking disposable income
2 million of the views are from a clip for a cartoon
youtube takes half before tax
almost nobody, not people with 3 millions subs, are making a living off youtube ads.
she is trying to sell Merch now- this may put food on the table for a few weeks

>> No.10747891

>almost nobody, not people with 3 millions subs, are making a living off youtube ads.

>> No.10747910

God this chick is so annoying. Cannot seem to get her, that hobo looking dude and that annoying german math memer out of my youtube recommendations. FUCK YOU YOUTUBE.

>> No.10747918

I had a guy, who is autistic as fuck, in my lab who refused to search for the required theoretical background for the experiment. Instead he insisted on deriving it himself. His lab partner was fucking fuming.

>> No.10747953

Sounds based

>> No.10747992

What's the BS? There are a few successful entrepreneurs, a few corporate creations, and a lot of talented hopefuls. Just like there are a few self-made rock stars, some astroturfed pop groups, and a lot of decent garage bands that will never earn a dime.

>> No.10748146
File: 916 KB, 1637x921, thefug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dunno who this is, look at their channel
>she uploads vids about regreggitng academia and dropping out inbetween just shitting out more regular content
Are the titles bamboozling or what?

>> No.10748909


Very nice hands. Also, how do you think she comes?

>>10744215 (in case it's you)

>> No.10749193

>literally just reading exams out loud without explaining or solving them
What's the appeal?

>> No.10749289

it’s just ASMR appeal. nobody would listen to her drone on pointlessly when you can read the shit yourself without having some weird fetish shit going on

>> No.10750214

Time for another Physics meme review!

>> No.10750249

Hello smart anon

>> No.10750269

>cancer sign
Too true

>> No.10750309

That FM dude tries way too hard to be funny and shill his videos way too hard. It's really insufferable.

>> No.10750450

>reading the English translation instead of the Latin original
Not gonna make it.

>> No.10750457


>> No.10750462

Same reason that you post.

>> No.10750466

There would be no point in reading the Principia for most people nowadays. You would need a thorough knowledge of Euclid and Apollonius, and even then it would be hard as fuck to follow Newton's proofs.

There was that quote (I don't remember by whom) about Newton's synthetic methods being like giant weapons in an ancient armory. Present-day men look in awe at these arms that they can barely lift, wondering how it was possible for the ancients to wield them.

>> No.10750470

Euclid is actually easy to follow and worth it for most folks. He lost me on his last few books but The Elements was fun to work through as a friendless husk.

>> No.10750486

Euclid is supposed to be easy, since the Elements purports to teach, well, elementary topics. Understanding Book 5 might be difficult for some at the beginning, as it deals with a wholly abstract theory of proportion. Book 10 also probbaly doesn't make sense to modern people since nobody cares about that geometric way of handling incommensurable quantities.

Apollonius is a different issue than Euclid though, and reading him might be more difficult than reading some contemporary math textbooks.

>> No.10750491

Never even heard of that Apollonius twink. I'll check him out. What work of his is the big deal that I should be reading up on? That's a long Wikipedia article.

>> No.10750494

I was reading about the wrong Apollonius.

>> No.10750497

Apollonius of Perga.

His treatise on conic sections. That's what he is best known for (not sure how much else of his work survived).

>> No.10751570

Not even Feynman could follow Principia Mathematica.

>> No.10751612

You realize she's from TX right?