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10741255 No.10741255 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't every animal evolve to be poisonous when eaten?

>> No.10741264

>get eaten
>animal that ate me dies after eating me
wow this really increases my chances of reproducing!

>> No.10741267

Because then all the animals eating them would keep dying, creating a selective pressure that would lead to the few who could eat the poisonous prey without dying to multiply and become the new standard predator.
So those things would balance each other out basically.

>> No.10741272

If you're poison but still getting eaten you're at least killing off the predators best able to catch and eat you, which will promote the success of predators who get food elsewhere instead.

>> No.10741281
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why didnt animals evolve to be invincible

>> No.10741296

Wouldn't that discourage the fitness of said predator? Some animals do it, so there's clearly a niche for it. Is there some enormous caloric cost to producing the poison that makes it not worth it?

>> No.10741299

Because the animal that didn't die after eating them would grow to powerful and take over the world

>> No.10741301

Darwinian evolution isn't complete

>> No.10741349

But they did, just the dosage varies! The bigger the vains the more damaging the meat, if they appear not poisonous because some with small circulatory systems can be instantly lethal!

So a fish and a chicken will poison you less than a cow or a piglet! Some used to call this the poisoned fruit aka tree of life, on some scale anyway!

>> No.10741361

To be poisonous it generally means the creature has to develop some proteins that must interfere with basic life processes of another organism (such as blocking channels or inhibiting a critical reaction), the proteins must be able to survive the digestive system to effectively kill their target, and finally it has to be somehow not toxic to the organism itself, which necessitates some mechanism for bypassing the poison. These are all pretty nontrivial requirements.

>> No.10741595

Because it has a biological cost.

>> No.10741608

Every animal is poisonous when eaten, it just takes a long time to kill the predator. Everyone who eats an animal eventually dies.

>> No.10741612

Not enough points

>> No.10741623

Based Vegan

>> No.10741629
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Atomic redpill:
They did.

>> No.10741646

Sometimes predation can be beneficial to a species. If a certain species numbers grow beyond a cnsiderable margin there subsistence can be threatened by a lack of resources, predation can keep numbers at an appropiate ecological level, allowing both the survival and continuation a species and it's continuous genetic adaptation by killing of it's weakest members.

Also to a certain extent natural pathogens and toxins ingested during the animals life found in raw meat can have a dangerous effect on predators, so developing your own toxins might not even be necessary.

>> No.10741690

If all predators die, the food chain won't work anymore.

>> No.10741814

Evolution doesn't occur with a goal. The mutations may just not have happened.

>> No.10741862

Uh, yes? The net effect is a massive reduction in the population of your predators that your own birth rate could more than buffer.

Which is the answer to:
This process has already happened, and we're the result of it. That's why mammals have such sophisticated metabolic capacities. Non-humans eg canines have something like 37 grams of ascorbate in their blood at any given moment, more when infected. Any poison that could be developed and reasonably contained, so as not to kill the host, has been employed. Plants did the same. Large animals developed the ability to metabolize these compounds to the point where they're actually health promoting overall.

Think about the world from the perspective of a microbe, insect, so on. It's quite poisonous. I'm sitting here eating cacao beans. Only an old world primate or similar could derive anything but death from that.

>> No.10741883

Wouldn't that mean that plants would also adapt such toxic strategies to survive?
No because plants take advantage of their "predators" behaviours in order to reproduce and thrive, the same thing happens to animals at the bottom of the food chain so fuck off.

>> No.10741893

Maybe they have and predators (including us) have evolved tp be qble to bypass the poison

>> No.10741949

>evolve sophisticated poison
>go through the trouble of making it
>predator just evolves, making it inert
>all that energy, wasted
>still get eaten
Naturally 0wn3d. The sheer futility. Why even bother? It's like Sisyphus, and thensome. Always chasing safety, and freedom. But the rock just rolls down the hill when your predator evolves a way around your defense, every time.

>> No.10741964

Also, this is consequentially an argument against evolution by natural selection. It may well be that animals have an "autoevolution" element, which attempts to rearrange or reactivate dormant genes. Perhaps this is even guided from off this planet, and this is all just a massive guided, iterative algorithm.

That natural selection is the only thing at play is deeply false and bordering on a religion. Which needs to die, in a fire. I know some retard is going to come and tell me how retarded I am, but fuck em. He's just a brainwashed zealot, for many reasons legitimate and not.

>> No.10741966

expensive specialist strategy that would not survive arms race with parasites or specialized predators who can metabolize the toxins.

>> No.10741975

Except you're a fucking retard and an herbivorous diet is objectively superior for humans.

>> No.10741978

It is not many essential and semi-essential amino acids cannot be found in plant based diet and human jaw and teeth are designed for omnivorous diet. there is literally no good reason to eat only plant products

>> No.10741991

This. Was indirectly vegan for a while, after a month or so it started to strange things to my brain and connective tissue. In general I became less resilient.

That's not to say a vegan diet couldn't be done well, I have a lot of restrictive criteria which made it infeasible. I only eat turkey and beans now... more or less, and feel much better. Rice is also very bad. I cut out most starches.

If you have leaky gut, bone broth and spicy food will probably be highly beneficial.

>> No.10741999

There is not a single nutrient necessary or beneficial to human health or development that is only available from animal sources. Human physiology most closely resembles that of frugivorous species (animals who eat primarily or exclusively fruit).
tl;dr you are wrong on both counts

>> No.10742009

yet meat feel good
meat make work good

Also, there are some bitter truths you have to face about the world as it is now. The spectral content of the sun has changed, this is why plants are becoming greener. A last ditch effort to survive. Look up global dimming. A byproduct of this is massively increased oxalate and endotoxin production. Plants are rapidly becoming net poison for a lot of people. I don't know what the answer is. Society, even without our current braindead abhorrent waste, cannot continue without viable agriculture.

>> No.10742014

Beans are not good for you and you really shouldn't cut out starches either. Bone broth definitely a good idea if you have GI tract problems though
checked, and you are a fucking brainlet please read an evolutionary biology textbook before contributing to the degradation of this board

>> No.10742023

>doesn't counter anything I said
>doesn't counter anything I said
Name a SINGLE nutrient that is beneficial to humans that occurs only in animal products.
Or explain why herbivorous humans have longer and healthier lives than omnivorous humans.
Or explain why our physiology most closely resembles that of frugivores if we are not biologically designed (evolved) to be frugivores.

>> No.10742025

Rice and potato were essentially killing me. Grains to form a base meal didn't work either. Buckwheat produced great sickness, as did quinoa. Millet is a goitrogen and on some level I don't really consider it a legitimate food unless you're literally starving.

I don't know, for some reason beans work despite lectins etc. I have to mix it with coconut oil and cumin, paprika, and chili pepper as well. Apple cider vinegar before the meal.

I wish I'd known about bone broth nearly ten years ago.

>> No.10742029

Tell me about what supplements you're on.

>> No.10742034
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Common OP, this is second grade.

>> No.10742045

Because evolution does not have a top-down perspective of "how things should work".

>> No.10742057

What if circumstances force you to resort to cannibalism ?

>> No.10742059

Literally zero evidence for this claim. You have no basis to suggest this place wasn't seeded with a plan, or if the logic of the universe doesn't demand a "plan". Or the "autoevolution" I mentioned above, which would employ logic a bit beyond epigenetics.

Stop claiming to know things you don't know. This is science, not a religion. You don't get to just say it's this or that way because it sounds good and feels good. And I'm serious about this. That's not science, and it needs to stop.

>> No.10742911
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why didnt animals evolved to be frens?

>> No.10742928

>You have no basis to suggest [THING CONTRARY TO MY ASSUMED CONCLUSIONS]

Classic debate strat, m8. 8/8

>> No.10742941

That's right kiddo, you heard me.
>He can't EVEN respond!
Heh. Looks like you've been BTFO.