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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10740685 No.10740685 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10740692

It does seem to be asking too much of an American to be able to grasp algebra

>> No.10740734


>get rid of Algebra 2

yeah, because THAT is the most useless thing they teach in schools

I agree about needing to teach kids finance. Not gonna happen though. The systems needs dumb consumers not people who are good with money.

>> No.10740736

I'm ashamed to call myself an American after reading this. Jesus fucking Christ, man.

>> No.10740769

How are you gonna understand all those topics without algebra?

What a braindead statement. Although I agree there should be a subject where you are taught finances, cooking, etc.

>> No.10740777

Shouldn't parents be teaching their kids about finance/life skills? Yes, let's give the state all control over what our children learn.

>> No.10740791

Replace algebra with english or history and I agree

>> No.10740806

English and history are already taught, dweeb. Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out freshman year to "find yourself." You morons are why University is deluded with "golly gee I am really good at x but the math is too hard and I'll never use it!"

>> No.10740829

That's called "home ec" and was part of a middle school course for me. This was in a rural and mostly agricultural county in the US.

>> No.10740833

Alternatively we're not Americans and just assume your education is minimal at best given the retards you people seem to manage to churn out

>> No.10740836
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Yes, who needs history? Except everybody who wants to vote maybe.

at 16:30 mark

>> No.10740849

Touche, hippie bus driver.

>> No.10740871

You misinterpreted my post bucko
I understand the practical value of knowing history, but the average american knows fuck-all even after 12 years of schooling, probably because most of them associate "history" with having to memorize dates for a boring class

>> No.10740889

They're right. It should be an elective

>> No.10740900

>but the average american knows fuck-all even after 12 years of schooling, probably because most of them associate "history" with having to memorize dates for a boring class

not the fault of the subject itself, is it?

You could also teach finance by telling kids how to get into debt faster and more efficiently. Not how it should be taught, but it could be done.

>> No.10740904

yes let us however first remove the least fundamental courses. that is all electives such as PE, music, language, and art.
and since we are saying fuck off to math, well then there is no point in having science classes which require trivial introductory mathematics.
and english? wtf your parents should teach you how to read and write, fuck that too.
and if you know how to read then you can pick up a history book...nice no need for history...
wait all the courses are now gone and school is now purely for teaching children finical skills? well fuck that we have budget cuts their parents should teach them not to waste their money on porn subscriptions.
well I hope now you see how useless school is.
read a fucking book you actual retard.
imagine not doing independent study and thinking you'll succeed in STEM fields. what a joke.

>> No.10740916
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Most high schools already have courses over this shit (albeit not required). Plus, if kids actually paid attention in school then they wouldn't even need to be taught any of this anyway since budgeting and money management come with math and maybe some intuition while others such as filing your taxes already have documentation walking you through it.

The problem is how they're being taught and how they're being graded.

>> No.10740929

Like they can understand finance without algebra rehearsal

>> No.10740951

Fine with me won't make a difference either way. People are still fucking stupid either way.

>> No.10740963

Math is a distilled form of reasoning. With the proper math background every student will be able to figure out whatever they want, be it finance or economics or physics or ecology.

>> No.10740972

>Fine with me won't make a difference either way. People are still fucking stupid either way.

As proven by your post.

By that logic all schooling is unneccessary. People are stupid either way, right.

Except that being stupid in the Middle Ages with no school whatsoever meant something entirely different than being stupid nowadays.

>> No.10740985

That's parents' jobs.

>> No.10741215


Looking back, I think Algebra 2 is extremely based

It's the only time when normies are exposed to shit like recurrences and binomial coefficients

>> No.10741280

At my (non american) HS there was a “career and life management” class that was required to graduate. It was an absolute joke and nobody took it seriously. There was also an intro to to finance class as an elective that I took, where more useful stuff was taught.

Any class required to graduate becomes dumbed down to the slowest student so the schools can say that everyone is successful there. Another good example of this would be the intro level math classes required for most degrees from universities like calc 1 and intro to stats, or the american “college algebra”.

>> No.10741355

Let's be completely honest here the type of people who share this sentiment wouldn't have paid attention in class anyways. The people who share this on Facebook are teen moms are my coworkers at a warehouse.

>> No.10741363

they taught us how to balance a checkbook like 3 times in school
I don't actually remember any of it though because checks are for old people

>> No.10741390

My dad taught me how to do taxes. Only shitty parents can agree with that image. What's next? How to use the potty 101?

>> No.10741755

Teaching kids practical skills is important, but Algebra seems like a poor choice of subject to give up. Besides it's direct value, it's also one of the few exposures kids would get to serious abstract thinking.

>Shouldn't parents be teaching their kids about finance/life skills?
A decent proportion of parents are dumbfucks. If schools don't teach kids essential life skills then you're going to end up with a lot of people reaching adulthood without any idea of how to look after themselves.

>> No.10742347

Only rich people say this. Some of us weren't fortunate enough to be born into families where anyone had knowledge of finances. My parents don't know how to do taxes and have never invested their money and when I was a teen and asked them to teach me about finances they told me to fuck right off. And finance is made intentionally confusing to keep people like that in permanent poverty.

>> No.10742358
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>teach the goys how to be responsible with money
Oh yeah, I see that happening like tomorrow.

>learning how to do your taxes/finances is only for rich families
No, your family is just a bunch of fucking dumbshits. I hope you moved out long long ago.

>> No.10742366

Well, the thing is that if you do not already have a bunch of money, knowing about finance is kinda pointless. You are not going to invest in ETFs when you need that money to buy crack. Regarding taxes, it’s simple. Just be a good goy. The IRS is underfunded so you are better trying to scam them, and because you are poor you can just plead ignorance if found. But don’t scam them too hard, you know? As I said, be a good goy. In fact, that’s all you need to know about finance. Be a good goy.

>> No.10742368
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The school system is general fucked to hell and back because of money and politics. It is about creating a certain type of person, who is more easily controlled. It isn't about educating them about the world.

>> No.10742373
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This attitude is why people are poor. They think they need money to care about finances. That is what creates a, "Poverty Mentality."

>Finance is a broad term that describes two related activities: the study of how money is managed and the actual process of acquiring needed funds. It encompasses the oversight, creation and study of money, banking, credit, investments, assets and liabilities that make up financial systems.

>A poverty mentality is one that influences behaviors consistent with beliefs that money shouldn't be spent, opportunities are limited, any risk at all is dangerous, any success is temporary and non-replicable, and generally remaining in the back of the pack is safest.

If you compare that last paragraph to plot lines of the last 30 years of tv sitcoms you should be able to find a pretty glaring correlation.

>> No.10742409

reading comprehension is hard, we know

>> No.10742411

My school district already required kids to learn personal finance twice - once in middle school and again in high school.

It doesn't do much. Most people don't want to put the effort in to set up a budget and financial goals for themselves. They just blindly take on debt and live paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.10742412

>liberals ask for this
>When they learn they won't be liberals anymore
Motive found?

>> No.10742413

>everyone is equal
cringe and low IQ.
A black kid from the hood would be MUCH better off with those life skills than taking an algebra course he'd only struggle with.

>> No.10742689

Maybe if we don't teach enough students how to manage their finances by the time they're all thirty too many people can't pay their taxes and we can drop all this gay bullshit and live normal lives again

>> No.10742783

I'm sure some parts of europe segregate classes into people who can do science and people who can't do or whatever.

>> No.10742848

There honestly should be two type of schools. Schools for retard mutts who just want to be able to function in society, and then schools for kids who wish to operate above a barely functioning level.

If you honestly need like a 4-6 month class to teach you how to balance a checkbook or do your taxes, it's not like you belong in education anyway.

>> No.10742854

>knowledge of finances
you mean common sense? what the fuck do you think you would learn in such a class? you don't have the capacity to make a budget and save for retirement without taking a year long course?

>> No.10742932


>> No.10742949
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Algebra will always be necessary, it's not the edu systems fault that kids don't try to understand math deeper. Finance and Econ should be an option class like home ec and comp class are here in canada. Also doing taxes isn't something you need to further develop on. You can learn that in like a day if you pay attention.

Money management... CoMmOn SenSe

Fuck it the rest of the things noted can be taught in a week give or take. Can teach a person who isn't willing to learn. They end being bottom of the barrel scraps... To bad they chose that path.

>> No.10742996

Yeah first they came for the music classes, then physical education, then english, now theyre coming for the useless maths. There really no stopping point to the rampant anti-intellectualism in the US

>> No.10743000

At this point there needs to be a two track system like in much of europe and then you can do all of these retarded mitigating measures without disrupting bright students’ development.

>> No.10743048

T. Someone who can't do simple algebra

>> No.10743052

They might consider that a compliment

>> No.10743056

I agree that should absolutely be taught in schools, but not at the expense of any mathematics. Trade it out for Geography, which is fucking pointless.

>> No.10743146

good luck sending every teacher back to college so they can learn again

>> No.10743199

>Shouldn't parents be teaching their kids about algebra 2? Yes, let's give the state all control over what our children learn.

We need to teach kids what they need to learn that their parents are not teaching them. From what I've seen managing a budget is one of those things.

Dropping Algebra for it is probably not the best choice.

>> No.10743273

Just graduated high school in va and my county requires economics and personal finance as well as alg 2 to graduate so why not both?

>> No.10743289

We did all of that at my high school. You had an option to opt out of algebra, I did, and it was a huge pain in the ass for me going into college.

I've had to pay catch-up, and careers that involved a lot of math just seemed unattainable.

Here's finance 101: learn algebra 2, stick to STEM.

>> No.10744071

Wait how though?

>> No.10744072


>> No.10744084

My parents are like those parents. They taught me nothing. I learned everything at school or taught myself including how to read. Im not good enough to understand and apply basic physics but I can do very basic algebra. Very basic

>> No.10744091

Algebra 2 is finance fundamentals
The geometric series was made for computing how long you pay a debt with a constant monthly payment

>> No.10744272

On a side note, 1h of PE should be mandatory every day at all schools.

>> No.10744283
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We've had much, much worse ideas. Some of them became laws.

>> No.10744293

people should take their health into their own hands. it is not the governments nor an education institution to do it for you.
try walking/jogging to school next time

>> No.10744304

>random twitter uses says stupid thing
>"hurr let me make a thread on /sci/ about it"
Kys opee

>> No.10744312

Let's remove math and instead teach stuff that requires math to be fully understood. Ok.

>> No.10744315

lets teach them about sex and drugs and where to get condoms, a quite room, and clean needles.
that way they're safe ;) I want to see the world burn