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File: 206 KB, 715x467, D56DF250-23F1-4FFC-9724-0F79C7E8D532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10736777 No.10736777 [Reply] [Original]

I already don’t freeze my ass off during winter, and we had record fruit harvest.
Anyone else enjoying climate change?

>> No.10736778

Why would I enjoy conditions worsening for most humans?

>> No.10736797
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nope, most humans will be ok, it’s Africans that will face extinction

>> No.10736801

There are a shit ton of floods. Yesterday we hit 42°C in my city and 5 seconds later a huge thunderstorm came just for the humidity to rise again.
There's nothing good about making the tropic of earth an inhabitable zone.

>> No.10736947

They'll all migrate out and destroy modern civilization, just like the barbarians did with the Roman Empire.

>> No.10736964

Yeah, I personally cannot weight for civil war 2.0 to break out in the US when all the states that are going to get fucked up have to emigrate into the other states.
Will be extra ironic when all the northern states have to build walls to keep the southerns out.

>> No.10737095
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>> No.10737106

>let me switch to an image that doesn't show worse conditions for 90% of humans

>> No.10737113

>Most humans

The places most humans live will have reduced harvests.
Please stop lying and racebaiting, or leave the board.

>> No.10737118

>3C warmer
You're going to have a short, cold life anon.

>> No.10737218
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kek this map is a joke
>no source
>no dates
>not even sure if it's a projection or comparing today to the past
>literally as useful as posing pic related

>> No.10737228

>Global crop failures won't matter, because Poland will grow an extra two dozen apples.

>> No.10737232

I live in Poland, couldn’t care less about famine in Africa.

>> No.10737233

not if we wont let them in

>> No.10737278
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*saves humankind*

>> No.10737292

>I live in Poland
I'm so, so, sorry.

>> No.10737330

I kind of am. It would be neat to live though societal collapse and participate in the post-apocalyptic feudalism that follows. It makes for a nice "I told you so" and maybe I'd become a lord. Sucks that billions of people will have to die though.

>> No.10737341

I'm excited because of the grand transformation that will happen. Whatever happens, whether it will be WWIII and collapse or whatever, we very likely won't have the same system of politics and economics afterwards. Not to mention all the technological changes. It's going to be a wild ride and likely well within our lifetimes.

>> No.10737378

I miss the times when people used to desire collapse when they were faced with starvation or persecution. Not when faced with.... what are you faced with anyway?

>> No.10737421

Massive inequity, systematic abuse of rights, and the threat of war and starvation from those who should be addressing real problems instead of taking bribes to ignore them. Nothing too important, I guess.

>> No.10737426

I don't desire collapse. I desire change because what we have now is stagnation.
But all of this crap is eclipsed by the existential threat of climate change.
But at least the one positive thing out of this mess is that it will fix the current stagnation one way or the other.

>> No.10737433

How can one profit from climate change?

>> No.10737434

>most humans will be ok
Imagine being this naive.

>> No.10737437

Buy russian land. It's dirt cheap.

>> No.10737442

If you're assuming societal collapse then gather resources to set yourself up as a feudal lord, if you're assuming that there will not be a collapse then invest heavily in renewable energy and energy storage which will have to replace fossil fuels.

>> No.10737449

>if you're assuming that there will not be a collapse then invest heavily in renewable energy and energy storage which will have to replace fossil fuels.
Yeah that is what I'm trying to figure out. I'm trying to find a niche that matches my skillset but I'm not sure what fits. I studied math...

>> No.10737454

Investment doesn't require any skills, but math helps

>> No.10737455

Study applied math so you can apply your skills as a valuable human resource

>> No.10737463

Investment won't return me much because I don't have significant capital to start with.

I'm already doing that. My plan is to become an expert in something that will be highly in demand so that I can then setup a consulting firm and train others to work for me.
But I haven't find my niche yet.

>> No.10737473

Germany is gonna come for that boi pussy again, better lube up.

>> No.10737482

Why do germanics and slavs always fight even though they're both white?

>> No.10737484

nah, man, obviously they will have a monopoly on food and make lots of €€€€€€€€,
and btw, the polish farmers are obviously going to sell the food locally at polish prices rather than globally at global prices where they can sell them to rich foreigners for 9000x more.

>> No.10737487

Slavs are not "white", going by the history of racism, they were never on the same team.

>> No.10737488

Nobody does. You can probably find a few thousand dollars a year to invest, but you'll probably have to sacrifice some comfort.

Another option would be to write up a business plan and get a loan. As long as you can turn a big enough profit on paper you can get any amount of money to do what ever you want with it.

>> No.10737491

germanics are thoroughly cucked nowadays, slavs are not

>> No.10737501

Is being cucked a good thing? Cause whenever you guys use it it is always describing the better of the two options.

>> No.10737505

not even Poles agree with you, cause they are jumping the border in droves

>> No.10737509

>just rolling over and letting in over a million random migrants during migrant crisis

kuked as fuck

>> No.10737510

Nobody cares about their sufferings anyways. This is for your own benefit. Your own fake sense of being a good person. Pro-tip, you're not.

>> No.10737511

Tax the rich.

>> No.10737520

They did it because Germany was and still is short of human capital. So it was a golden opportunity to get basically free labour that you don't have to provide for, for 18 years before it becomes productive. Also Syria isn't exactly a total shithole and the Syrian refugees who made it to Germany tend to be the wealthiest of the lot meaning lots of already trained and skilled workers.

>> No.10737522

Fuck off retard >>>/pol/

>> No.10737531
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>I'm so sorry that you live in the best place in EU


>In 2017, the last year for which figures are available, Poland issued more visas to foreign workers than any other country in Europe.
>“This has been, as far as I'm aware, the single biggest migration of people from one European country to another in such a short space of time in recent history,”

>> No.10737538

I'm looking forward to humanity committing suicide. We are too dumb to pollute the universe with ourselves.

>> No.10737541

Who are you trying to fool, lol?

>> No.10737543
File: 78 KB, 750x1000, mp,840x830,matte,f8f8f8,t-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use fossil fuels to build up our economy
>released carbon destroys Arab world

It took hundreds of years but we finally won the crusades bros.

>> No.10737574

studies have been predicting crop failure for decades and it hasn't happened, we're only getting more productive

>> No.10737579

>fastest economic growth in Europe
>largest immigration in Europe (80% white)
>safest country in Europe

Who are you trying to fool? Half of the people I meet in my city are foreigners these days. Swedes, Germans, French, tons of people buying houses in Poland and living here far away from muslims and terrorist attacks.

>> No.10737583

1. crop failures already happened multiple times; for example the grain failure in 2011
2. most of the predictions are for the near future so we have not reached them yet

>> No.10737590
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>food security won't be an issue
Country names indicate instances of food riots

>> No.10737604

I bet the one on the right has no flavor
And it likely contains random spider DNA or some shit

>> No.10737631

> What are externalities?

>> No.10737643
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Heres what needs to be done:

Negotiate with the Republicans.

There exists a bit of paranoia, on part of the Republicans, that the renewable energy movement seeks to weaken the US and its military. They think that the environmentalists mean to do this by imposing upon the US what they think is a less powerful and efficient source of fuel and energy.

So, what needs to be done is to name the conditions that make the Republicans feel less paranoid.

Specifically, stipulate that The Military gets to keep all present and future fossil fuel and reserves, while they assist in mandating that all other infrastructure and commercial enterprise go green or rely on renewable energy.

>> No.10737650

Can't, they pay for the laws.

>> No.10737660


>> No.10737664

> we have not reached them yet
*and never will

>> No.10737677

You can just vote for politicians that don't take big "donations/contributions" but we keep electing these fuckers.

>> No.10737681


>> No.10737731

Don't forget the fucking pakis and indians you guys are giving student visas to so they can come study in your shitty universities. You dodged the arabs and Turks but not the south asians

>> No.10737748

Way better than living in the AIDS infested shithole that is Russia

>> No.10737750

Repubs are all corporate shills, it'll only happen if green energy companies actually get big enough to out bribe oil companies which won't happen any time soon

>> No.10737764

Pick one

>> No.10737773

Oh yeah, that'll work. Gee whiz, I wonder why I never thought of that

>> No.10737834

Why do you think that hasn't worked so far?

>> No.10737859

Idk yo. I think the voter base is retarded. They vote against their own interests all the time. But it seems especially bad in the USA. I think everyone also clings to this retarded "American Dream" that one day they will be filthy rich and shouldn't have to pay any of it in taxes. So that's why they don't want to tax the rich.

>> No.10737875

But they'll tax themselves and pay for wars in the middle east instead of making only the war mongers pay for wars that aren't based on defense

>> No.10737902

They can pick between corporations or the military

>> No.10737907

the rich don't have infinite resources

>> No.10737960

I'm sure you'll be right this time Paul R. Ehlrich. Just like this time the end is nigh and the end-times are upon us. This time it's really going to be the second coming of Christ.

The solution is to pursue incrementalist policies that don't shoot the entire socio-economic order. Fuck the chicken littles who literally want insane authoritarian policies or nothing. It tips their hand that they are either delusional (best case scenario) or they covet the power more than the policies (worst case)

Egypt imports the majority of its foodstuff. It didn't have food riots because there wasn't enough food on the open market but because of factors relating to corruption and entitlement spending. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/egypt-bread-riots-protests-erupt-after-subsidy-cut-hits-poor The reasons for food riots in the present are related to that or localized famine by countries with perennially terrible agriculture/drought vulnerability.

I don't mind GMOs but I bought enough GMO'd gala vs organic gala to notice how flavorful the organic is and how fucking bland as hell the GMO is. I don't notice this with other fruits and veggies but good lord the GMO ones are literally flavorless.

>> No.10737997

There is 10x more vietnameese and chinks here than pakis and indians.

>> No.10737999

So there isn't much of a difference between Poland and Canada and Australia then except that Poland is poorer

>> No.10738031

Yes but it's not like there aren't problems in the US
This kind of thing is projected to becomes much more common, only one of a many huge issues.

>> No.10738091

They kind of do. Just having money sitting in an account makes it generate more money. The 1%'s accumulate more money for doing nothing than you will likely ever earn working.

>> No.10738278

These predictions are never correct. I am not worried at all about the climate we will all be safe. :) just don't let the negative nancies get to ya.

>> No.10738334

That's because the banks are out there spending that money while pretending it's still in the bank

>> No.10738604

>I’m literally sociopathic

>> No.10738691
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>> No.10738696


>> No.10738711
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I can't say I'm looking forward to the impending ecological, economic, and political disaster, but at the same time I can't pretend like we're anything but completely fucked. Humanity isn't going to react enough to the problem until after catastrophe has happened. You're better off buying up food and ammo to store for the impending societal collapse than you are buying solar panels to put on the roof of your house.

>> No.10738714

Never happening.

>> No.10738729

Leafs better get ready for FREEDOM desu, we're coming for that clay

>> No.10738734


What's happened more times in history, an actual apocalypse or a group of influential people preaching an end of times should you not support their societal/political agenda

>> No.10738741
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Civilizations have collapsed several times due to climate change throughout history.

>> No.10738746

Politicians who are afraid of climate change don't really strike me as serious. Why are so many of them opposed to nuclear energy in light of the threat posed by fossil fuels, furthermore, given that wealthy countries have a declining population and comparatively higher emissions, why are they trying to increase the population with third-world immigration?

>> No.10738748

>Why are so many of them opposed to nuclear energy in light of the threat posed by fossil fuels, furthermore, given that wealthy countries have a declining population and comparatively higher emissions, why are they trying to increase the population with third-world immigration?

The answer is in your own sentence, brainlet. The declining population. That’s bad.

>> No.10738753

Why? If emissions are an existential risk we ought to value lower emissions above an increase in the population.

>> No.10738763
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"Climate change" is such a deliberately broad and easily applicable term to the point that it's almost meaningless. As far as we know it, global warming has not caused a major civilization's collapse, no. But migration and movement of peoples has, and that's not getting a lot of fanfare in establishment media, is it.

>> No.10738768
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Migration and movement of peoples has historically often been caused by climate change.

>> No.10738783

>migration and movement of peoples has caused a major civilization's collapse
Generally the one people are emigrating FROM.

A not-significant proportion of the CURRENT migration of people is likely due to climate change.

>> No.10738784


Need for unskilled workers and workers in general to fill jobs and shore up the pension system. Oldies don’t work and it’s illegal to kill them, nor do they join the military.

> If emissions are an existential risk we ought to value lower emissions above an increase in the population.

We can do both. Developed nations are the most able to switch to renewables and can use their capital and influence to make less developed nations do so as well, but their ability to do so declines if the nation becomes a glorified cemetery/bingo parlor.

>> No.10738789

>b-b-but muh boomers
How many stupid policies have to be enacted because of pensions? Ban these immediately.

>> No.10738790


Oh, you mean 12,000 years ago when there was literally 100,000 human beings tops worldwide. Yeah, great comparison faggot.


>Generally the one people are emigrating FROM.

No, not at all. Source is completely your ass. Within the last 5,000 years (aka recorded human history) it's been due to economic opportunism and/or land seizure, not because of your fantasies about the Earth catching fire.

>> No.10738796

Yeah just work until you’re dead of old age. Great idea my dude.

>> No.10738797

>Within the last 5,000 years (aka recorded human history) it's been due to economic opportunism and/or land seizure
"Land seizure" is pretty obviously not the same thing as "immigration".

>not because of your fantasies about the Earth catching fire.
How is this argument supposed to work - I think you've skipped a few steps?
The human-driven rapid rise of global temperatures is a RECENT thing. Of course there's no direct precedent for it. >>10738741 was clearly drawing an analogy between the impacts of natural, generally local, changes with the current anthropogenic global changes.

>> No.10738802

Just save your money, you ingrate, or have children that don't hate you. Obviously boomers failed to do this. Fortunately they can all collect pensions that we'll have to pay for, like my uncle, who has 3 (three) government pensions.

>> No.10738805


But that would be shifted goalposts. Revisit my initial point.

What's more likely: these worst case scenarios and hypotheticals about doomsday due to global warming are real, or there's yet another group of people preaching the end of the Earth in order to further their political agenda

>> No.10738808
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You're forgetting about rising sea levels you retard

>> No.10738811

the first one because its scientists doing it and there is abundant empirical evidence that ecosystems across the planet are failing and of ice melt and ocean temperature, atmospheric temp increasing dramatically

>> No.10738812

>Floridians invading the rest of the U.S

God no

>> No.10738818

>Just save your money, you ingrate

That’s what a pension is LMAO

>> No.10738821


Evidence isn't proof, and further you can't use past results to accurately extrapolate further events 50 years into the future. I get the argument, I do, but these predictions are largely hysterical nonsense outside of reasonable bets than the world will end up 1-3 degrees warmer.

>> No.10738822
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>But that would be shifted goalposts.
It's the only coherent interpretation of where the goalposts are. If you want to argue "global warming isn't bad because we haven't died from it yet" then I won't stop you, but I wasn't going to assume you were making an argument that dumb.

>What's more likely: these worst case scenarios and hypotheticals about doomsday due to global warming are real, or there's yet another group of people preaching the end of the Earth in order to further their political agenda
Firstly: climatologists AREN'T predicting doomsday. That's entirely coming from deniers, not scientists.
Secondly: even if they were, those two things aren't mutually exclusive. Just because a politician tries to benefit from something doesn't mean that thing isn't real.

Also, as >>10738811 pointed out, we don't need to play "he said she said". There's a actual fucking evidence.

>> No.10738830

Why do we need immigrants to pay for pensions then, if people can just... save their money without some entity to do it for them? If not for the 60s-onward waves of migration Western countries would probably have between 50-75% of their current population, which would objectively mean fewer emissions.

>> No.10738834

>Why do we need immigrants to pay for pensions then, if people can just... save their money without some entity to do it for them?


>> No.10738836

>If not for the 60s-onward waves of migration Western countries would probably have between 50-75% of their current population, which would objectively mean fewer emissions.

Literally and?

>> No.10738842

No, what I'm saying is, all these "retirement systems" should be abolished, and people need to be in charge of their own finances. You're just playing kick-the-can at any rate, who is going to pay for Mehmet's retirement when his descendants reach sub-replacement birth rates?

Trying to increase the population while reducing emissions is borderline self-defeating. It's much easier to stop trying to do the former and just tell boomers to go fuck themselves. Given that this is true, political parties voicing concern about emissions aren't really doing a good job of presenting themselves as serious when they're also vigorously opposed to nuclear power.

>> No.10738853

>No, what I'm saying is, all these "retirement systems" should be abolished, and people need to be in charge of their own finances

They’re unable to do so, so they shouldn’t be.

>You're just playing kick-the-can at any rate, who is going to pay for Mehmet's retirement when his descendants reach sub-replacement birth rates?

New immigrants but probably robots by that time. Then we can replace pensions and employment with UBI and sex droids. Automation can and will kill so many jobs.

>Trying to increase the population while reducing emissions is borderline self-defeating

Many nations have decreased their CO2 emissions while their population increased primarily via immigration like the United States, so that’s just not true.

>It's much easier to stop trying to do the former and just tell boomers to go fuck themselves.

What’s with you and boomers? There’s still millions of members of the war generation and Gen X will be getting pensions very soon if not already, and Gen X outnumbers boomers by far.

>Given that this is true,

It isn’t. It’s a lie.

>> No.10738882

>tfw Michigan GAINS LAND according to this pic

>> No.10738970

Jewish nepotism helps

>> No.10738981

Imagine the gators.

>> No.10738982

the proposition that they are responsible is offensive so it is easier to ignore so long as contrition is avoided at all times. this is a political and a mundane social phenomenon

>> No.10738984

Eating people in Tennessee and Arkansas. Gonna be lovely.

>> No.10738988

but they will still emit whether they migrate or not. It's not encouraging total population growth in fact it regulates it -- citizens of wealthier countries have less children. Also resisting immigration is a populist distraction as delay on the probably inevitable

>> No.10739019

KEK based

>> No.10739074

yeah but 90% of those are Ukrainians, not Africans or Arabs

>> No.10739081

>No, the models are actually fine. You just need to pay attention to the timesca...
Why do I even participate in these threads? They're just excuses for /pol/tards to shout slogans at people.

>> No.10739107

It's good practice to destroy denialist arguments wherever they show up. They are clever with their many different ways of lying and hiding fallacious arguments behind sometimes reasonable-sounding rhetoric.

>> No.10739116

>The solution is to pursue incrementalist policies that don't shoot the entire socio-economic order
That's what every centrist says just before a paradigm change happens.

>> No.10739119

Which is a good thing. And it's closer to 80% rest are Asians like Vietnamese. Some chinks just opened a store right next to my house.

>> No.10739124

>chicken little
sure sign of a denialist pretending to be reasonable before denying basic facts

The rate of modern warming is so rapid relative to natural variations that a strong response and push towards decarbonization is the rational response. A slow transition over more than a couple of decades is just dragging feet and wanting to squeeze as much out of the current status quo as possible before it's done away with, even if that makes the eventual consequences more severe, which it stands to reason that it will.

>> No.10739125

>what are wars
>what is famine
These things never happened ever.
Also this is a totally waterproof argument in the face of a climate change phenomenon that humanity has never faced before.
You're getting emotionally TRIGGERED by the implication of collapse because it goes against your political views.

>> No.10739130

What is the likely state of a high risk state like Florida 30 years from now? All I see is people buying property like the coast will be the same in 50 years and ecology minded people encouraging barely related political action. And even if you come out saying something like, there will be a hurricane Michael every year I don’t think that would change much, just a boom in tree removal services.

>> No.10739138

>muh buying land
What a stupid argument. Short-term profit/value store dickhead. Coastal land prone to natural erosion still has high value. When things happen on decade-century timescales, the economic argument becomes intangible to all but the most prudent.

>> No.10739143

not really why the roman empire fell but okay

>> No.10739218

Russian's are generally unconcerned or expecting a windfall from it. European Russia is easily 10 degrees colder than central Europe in January, and the thawing of the arctic ocean will open up more shipping lanes for them

Develop technology that can either solve it, or profit off of the changes to the climate.

Because Germans are turbospergs

most refugees to Germany weren't from Syria and most of them were semi-literate at best

>They vote against their own interests all the time
>He thinks voting matters
Democracy as a form of government is and has always been a farce, because its just oligarchy with a plebiscite. You will always have influential social/cultural institutions and and a power elite that have more influence in shaping national policy than the proles in the voting booths do.

The GOP is filled with and run by cowardly morons that can even be bothered to stop the mass immigration that will make them nationally irrelevant in a decade or two.
They can't even save themselves or America from becoming Brazil del Norte. What makes you think they'll take the initiative to save the planet?

>> No.10739293

You think Rotterdam will sit and die?

>> No.10739295


>> No.10739299

But I'm Europid, and dislike warm weather.
If I wanted warmth, I would vacation in Italy, or Spain, not Holland, Japan and Switzerland.

>> No.10739316

The proof of climate change is in any European city north of Italy. Summers are have gotten so hot, so fast and the houses are not built for such a climate. They were all built for trapping heat. And almost no houses have an AC installed. Most people don't even own a fan.
What used to be a heat wave in 1995 is now the average temperature from May to September.

>> No.10739320

Am I or my immediate family and friends most humans?

>> No.10739326

Shame, I was going to retire to Southern Switzerland, and commute into North Italy for cheaper prices.

>> No.10739353
File: 166 KB, 640x1136, F6746EA2-05CB-4632-B1A5-C5E4E1668AA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emissions are an existential risk
except they aren’t an existential risk to many countries

>> No.10739359

>419% GDP per capita increase in Russia
I knew Russia could potentially benefit from this, but not by that much.

>> No.10739366

My neighbour started a company that sells snow cannons that work up to +10°C because a lot of ski resorts need them now that it's getting hot. Based af.

>> No.10739368

>economists in charge of shilling for corporations
Wow it's like nothing at all has changed.

>> No.10739545

>inb4 the gulf stream is disrupted and Europe becomes Siberia 2.0

>> No.10739566

Not for long, though

>> No.10739569

Just imagine hundreds of millions of refugees trying to have sex with your wife. It is a dream come true.

>> No.10739570

A billion of the will just move to Europe

>> No.10739600

You're fucking retarded if you believe climate change is going to do something significant in our lifetimes
Seriously, how brainwashed are you people?

>> No.10739686

This has been happening for decades. No one talks about the countries just south of the shara losing thier farmland, because the Saarha is spreading, and that is where most of the migrants are coming from

>> No.10739690

Fuck off

>> No.10739693

Those "barbarians" were Celts, Franks, Germans, etc...

>> No.10739697
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Grab the popcorns sit and enjoy. Im gonna love every second of it. I wont even feel bad. That will be the end of their stupidity.

>> No.10739700

> I live in Poland
Kek Africans aren't even mad with what you said now.

>> No.10739703

By denying it and getting the sweet dirty money of FF to just bullshit live on television to idiots.

>> No.10739705

>Hurr durr the USA can stop climate change
Delusional. Most pollution of all kinds is from Africa and Asia. Send the niggers and gooks back to primordial ooze and save the planet

>> No.10739707


>> No.10739726

>Ecological collapse won't kill us cause economists say some bullshit

>> No.10739843

I 100% guarantee that this is based on bad methodology that ignores a litany of extremely negative consequences and limiting factors (like the fact that much of the soil in northern Canada is terrible for growing crops).

>> No.10739867

I'll just leave this here


>> No.10739942

>They'll all migrate out and destroy modern civilization

They are doing that anyways.

>> No.10740117
File: 79 KB, 1280x950, global warming culprits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people are doing most of it though. America is doing more than a quarter of it. Fuck you and fuck you

>> No.10740126

lol go suck off a nigger brent, you seem cranky

>> No.10740128

it says 2011

>> No.10740151

It is, the same is the case in Siberia and Northern Europe, you literally cannot feed a continental population with soil from boreal forests and tundra

>> No.10740176

this is your brain on climate change propaganda

>> No.10740212

>Mediterranean sea levels will rise
Despite having to plug only a few holes to stop it. Yeah, right.

>> No.10740218


>> No.10740299

>I'm a fucking racist who blanket-blames people on the basis of their skin color
>ignores that China puts out more twice the CO2 now as the US
Fuck off you piece of crap. You actually think "white people" are going to continue giving to shits about other nations if you keep demonizing them endlessly?

>> No.10740304

big mistake, m80

India and China are going to add 500 GW of coal capacity over the next decade, they're going to have similar per capita carbon footprints as the west once they become fully developed economies.

>> No.10740324

When white people say Africans are contributing to climate change even though they can't, I'm gonna respond with a demonizing statement.

>> No.10740336

When the cumulative pollution produced by India and China reaches the levels of white people then you have the right to bitch. Up till now whites have contributed to more than half despite being 18% of the population and Americans are trying to keep increasing it while Indians and Chinese at least say they acknowledge what they're doing and trying to tone it down.

>> No.10740363

>cumulative pollution produced by India and China
going off >>10740117 that won't be too far off given the fact that they were already at 19% in 2011.

>Up till now whites have contributed to more than half despite being 18% of the population
That's only because the industrial revolution started in Europe.

> least say they acknowledge what they're doing and trying to tone it down.
So nothing will come of it, just like the super majority of lip service service regarding climate change.

>> No.10740365

So what will the effects of climate change be? I know that the Earth will lose landmass due to rising sea levels and the global temperature will rise. But what then?

>> No.10740379

my bad, 14%, I'm a bit colorblind

It depends on the timescale that you're talking about. Sealevels will be expected to rise by about 0.8-2.0m by the end of the century, mostly due to thermal expansion. The increase in average temperature of a few degrees will have an effect of altering rainfall patters, with wet places generally becoming wetter and dry places generally becoming dryer.

>> No.10740388

nobody knows, anyone that says they do know is guessing

>> No.10740432

>+100% crop yield

>> No.10740460

Climate refugees are a myth unless those countries manage to get their hands on some nukes and weapons and threaten to nuke unless borders are opened because they'll be fucked either way and they'd risk nuclear war to escape. Like Pakistan and India I guess. Maybe Iran too.

>> No.10740563

>I'm gonna be retarded racist because someone else said something stupid
Yeah okay, nice to see you're gaining ground in the race to the bottom

>> No.10740572

I'm not a racist. I'm an anti racist. You can't reason with a fascist. You just get stabbed and shot.

>> No.10740616

I'm curious.
How do you know his preference for a type of government based on the fact that he was a racist alone?

>> No.10740627

Nobody is going to stab you over the internet.
You don't counter unreasonable, racist opinions by making unreasonable racist statements about another race. That makes the person you're trying to combat look more palatable by by comparison. A normal reaction by a white person to your attempts might be "fuck this racist piece of crap, why should I give a shit about what he cares about?"
If you're really an anti-racist and not just a racist who hates a different race, you'd simply need to draw attention of how asinine the other guy's racist opinions are. Then, a normal white person will be more likely to say "hey, that person's a racist nutter with shit arguments."

Nobody has done more to further the spread of racism in western nations than far left idiots who demonize whites. Their racism is begetting more racism. That's how this works.

>> No.10740639

>but muh crops

if we aren't raising giant 20kg GMO apples in vertical artificial farms by then we DESERVE to die

>> No.10740648

Do we have enough raw materials to move most of our food productions to indoor facilities and build enough solar panels to power them all?

>> No.10740666

But anon, you can't be racist against whites because [rationalizations and copouts]

>food productions to indoor
Probably, but not cheaply

>enough solar panels
it dosen't matter if you can build all the solar panels if the problem of storing energy excess in batteries is prohibitive, as it is with electricity generation where renewables are the plurality.

>> No.10740676
File: 52 KB, 800x600, hydro power plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>solar panels

>> No.10740718

>hydro isn't already near max capacity and doesn't depend on rivers fed by glaciers which are vanishing

I remember reading about how thin-film panels need too many rare resources to ever cover a significant portion of the grid. Dunno about about types though.
guess we'll see if we ever get good/cheap battery tech that doesn't require more rare elements than we have

>> No.10740762

Well the problem with batteries isn't the lack of materials, its the poor energy density.
Batteries have and energy density less than 1MJ/kg, while fossile fuels are around 40-50, fissiles are around 10s of trillions of MJ.

The problem with renewables is that if you try to run your electic grid off them exclusively(or near exclusively) is that the cost starts to balloon due to the price of storing the energy, from peak production.

>> No.10740772

Racists are fascists by default or they'll end up fascists in the end if they are capitalists. There comes a time when a capitalist racist must abandon capitalism because whites can no longer stay on top. That's when they move ahead to fascism.

>> No.10740779

I dunno mate.
Fascists have been recruiting people to their cause just using insults and acting smug on the internet. It worked for them. Why won't it work for me?

>> No.10740785

Density is irrelevant for supplying the grid.

>> No.10740810

>Racists are fascists by default
Wow, I didn't know racism didn't exist prior to 1915.

>capitalist racist must abandon capitalism because whites can no longer stay on top
why are you making that assumption?

>Fascists have been recruiting people to their cause just using insults and acting smug on the internet.
>Why won't it work for me?
Because you're assuming that having an following of internet shitposters translates into actual IRL political support.
Its about is as stupid as /pol/ believing they actually got Trump elected in 2016, when there were probably 100 more impactful factors contributing to his victory.

And even if it did that doesn't address the other part of his argument.

It actually is. https://quillette.com/2019/02/27/why-renewables-cant-save-the-planet/

>> No.10740857

"Fascists" is one of the most overused buzzwords that big media corporations and far left lunatics are using to shut down descent. The VAST majority of these "fascists" are nothing of the sort. Most of them are actually just pro free-speech, making the lunatics and propagandists calling them "fascists" ironically the "real fascists."
Others include edgy teenagers that think it's funny to trigger lefrists by talking about "niggers n' spicks,' people who think that mass illegal immigration isn't a good thing and that borders and nations should continue existing and people who don't want to apologize to said lunatics for being white anymore.

>> No.10740861

>a blog post that's literally just muh birds and muh tortoiles
Land that isn't being used for anything is everywhere in the US. He is right that we need to build more transmission lines for a renewable based grid, but that's about the only thing he's right about. Density doesn't matter when you have hundreds of millions of acres of land doing nothing. Connected with HVDC transmission lines.

>> No.10740893

It's the cost of storage, not the density. If you had a relatively now density, very low cost storage method, you'd be fine.

>> No.10742138

Based. My only reason to live is to see this shit world burn. At least things are about to get interesting for once

>> No.10742174

Edgy! :D

>> No.10742796

>It's gonna be interesting to watch the world burn cause I'm gonna see it through 4chan threads instead of suffering horribly like everyone else

>> No.10742866

>vast majority of comments on /sci/ about AGW is off-topic politically and racially motivated shitflinging.
>meanwhile on /pol/ where (man-made) climate change threads are ignored by, literally, shills. There is genuine discussion about the data available on the internet and how to deal with it or if we (northern/polar countries) even should do anything.
Absolute state of this board.

>> No.10742874

Must be a clownworld if that's what you're saying.

>> No.10742929

>tfw new Australia will never be the place for epic naval sea battles for control of the passes into the two bays

>> No.10742954

>on /pol/ where (man-made) climate change threads are ignored by, literally, shills
Dunno what fantasyworld version of /pol/ you visit. Most of those threads are like 50% shotgun-posting of misleading graphics and nonsense arguments by denier shills

>> No.10743022

blatant manipulation of statistics

>> No.10743109

bros...bros...what if we pour some fuel into the plastic island and cuck everyone

>> No.10743298

Literally has date it’s talking about and source in pic

>> No.10743375
File: 160 KB, 606x504, IMG_2742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to be LEAFED by the new global power

>> No.10743409
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Arctic chads unite!

>> No.10743427

Fucking hell. Russia will inherit the Earth. And people laughed when they took Siberia.

>> No.10743434

Well that isn't what happened, but i guess this is sci not his

>> No.10743454

You don't have to worry about raising temps because it just means water will evaporate faster and we get more rain, which cools.

>> No.10743459
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>> No.10744459

>posting this shit with no source
>posting this shit despite North America and Europe citing their agriculture has been severely compromised for the past decade due to subtle temperature changes and flooding, resulting in continued relocation of farms
Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.10744884

No one will "benefit" from global warming. When nuclear states like India, China or Pakistan collapse they will take down the rest of world with them. Canada is literally the only country in the world that gains more than it loses from climate change. If the USA doesn't invade and take them over for resources.

>> No.10744922

>posting this shit despite North America and Europe citing their agriculture has been severely compromised for the past decade due to subtle temperature changes and flooding, resulting in continued relocation of farms

kek, what doomcult fantasy are you living in?
Nobody is relocating farms, and wheat production increases year by year

>> No.10744925

france: wheat production in 1996 35.9MT, in 2015 42.8MT
germany: 1996 18.9MT, 2016 24.4MT
russia: 1996 34.9MT, 2016 73.3MT
US: 1996 62MT, 2016 62.9MT
italy: 1996 8.3MT, 2016 8.0MT (holy shit drastic decline we bout to starve)
spain: 1996 6.0MT, 2016 6.4MT

WORLDWIDE :1996 578.6MT, 2016 749.5MT A 29% INCREASE. EVEN IF WHEAT PRODUCTION FELL 30% TOMORROW WE WOULD STILL BE AT 1996 LEVELS,i certainly don't remember the late 90s as a time of death if anything we were producing way in excess of what we needed

>> No.10744936

>When nuclear states like India, China or Pakistan collapse they will take down the rest of world with them.
India and Pakistan could vanish tomorrow and nobody would care.
China will use tech and wheat from Russia.

>> No.10745231
File: 750 KB, 1150x1500, 1544874508693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>India and Pakistan could vanish tomorrow and nobody would care.
We don't care about you either

>> No.10745232

You'll have to care when you've got a nuke pointed at you.
They'll have a choice between launching nukes or dying or starvation. They'll pick the first one because the second one is too slow. And since Americans would probably say "no fuck off, we'll nuke you!" The world will be destroyed

>> No.10745234

solar and wind are memes for retards
nuclear and hydro are the true paths

>> No.10745238

What if we harnessed energy from male ejaculations

>> No.10746477

no, you are wrong.
more production but the weather is worse. have you heard of agroechnology?? fucking retard

>> No.10746478

also why are you only counting wheat are you retarded or a city faggot?

>> No.10746479

they will migrate anyways, YOU ABSOLUTE RETARD

>> No.10746490

Wind isn't a meme in flat-ass places, like Kansas. I mean, the living here is cheap, but it's literally flatter than a pancake.

>> No.10746506

Do you know what the word intermittent means?
also, a bird holocaust is just as bad for the ecosystem as pollution is

>> No.10746882

The barrier and pumps are working fine

>> No.10747674

so the green areas get a +100% crop yield?
this sounds fine since I live in the glorious land of green squares

>> No.10747715
File: 277 KB, 1563x1042, mitigation_curves_1.5C_190423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in CO2 mitigation tech

>> No.10747733
File: 314 KB, 2560x1372, Screenshot 2019-06-23 at 12.23.50 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hyped, and I don't see why my country (the UK) should give a fuck about global warming?

IT'S LITERALLY GOING TO BENEFIT US (pic related). Our crop yields are going to INCREASE from global warming - same with most of northern Europe and Canada.


Why should I give a fuck what happens to America or Africa or India? They can go fuck themselves. Why the fuck is it anything to do with me that their crop yields will reduce? If they want to prevent that from happening then maybe THEY need to do something about it?

>> No.10747747

Do you only eat corn, potatoes, rice, and wheat? And I hope you're not a tea drinker.

>> No.10747774



>> No.10747839
File: 632 KB, 2560x1600, Screenshot 2019-06-23 at 13.02.48 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not, I drink coffee. Which more parts of the planet will be able to grow with global warming. Feels good man.

I responded to that PDF in the other global warming thread so I'll just repeat my response if others are interested.

That PDF is very long but it looks like coastlines are mentioned, and yeah okay, that probably is the main thing that would affect Britain.

But even then, according to Wikipedia, we should only see sea level rises of about 30 - 34cm by 2050. That's hardly anything.

Pic related is a 1m rise, so three times the projected 2050 level. The UK is pretty much fine - some very low lying areas will submerge but there's very few of them. The Netherlands is fucked, but not us.

Source for picture: http://flood.firetree.net/?ll=54.7091,-3.0479&zoom=5.750220338448053&m=1
Source for sea levels: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_level_rise

>> No.10747867

>I'm not, I drink coffee. Which more parts of the planet will be able to grow with global warming.
Lol no kid. You can't just start an industry from scratch. I mean you could, but you're going to pay our the ass for it either way.

>> No.10747892

Coffee really isn't essential mate. It's a luxury that it is not necessary in the slightest.

>You can't just start an industry from scratch
Why not? As temperatures rise, new places that could previously never grow coffee will now be able to grow coffee. Why wouldn't they take advantage of that opportunity? It's like new countries discovering oil - why wouldn't they drill it?

>> No.10748198

>sea level rise will be a magical teleportation of the water level
the netherlands has been invading the fucking ocean and taking new land for their entire existence
building dikes are not fucking hard, the sea level could raise ten meters and we'd still be able to block it off with ease with our glorious mechanized industry

>> No.10748210

>Imagine being this retarded
The earth receives millions of times more energy from the sun than humans use in all forms and wind is imported solar. In what sense is utilizing the largest fusion reactor in our star system a meme?

>> No.10748236

that energy is too diffuse and intermittent to be usable to power modern civilization

reminder that for all of the hype, global energy consumption is such that the share of wind and solar is on the order of 3%

solar and wind are 22nd century power system, for 21st century we should have gone the nuclear way, and the fact that we did not is the main reason for climate change being an actual threat, as opposed to mere inconvenience

>> No.10748245

I just said you could, but you're going to pay out the ass for it no matter what. And not just coffee, for just about everything. So the UK will be good for rice, now we just need to get the equipment and the know-how. It will be costly.

>> No.10748246

looking at past events, sadly we will let them in

>> No.10748257

>implying there is anything wrong with immigration

>> No.10748260

Western Europe will let them in, eastern Europe and China will build a wall patrolled by armed drones. US would let them in, as cucked as they are, but luckily there is a natural wall in the form of Atlantic ocean in the way.

>> No.10748261

if you think committing your race, your culture, your traditions suicide by letting niggers in is ok then you are a scum

>> No.10748262

there is very much wrong when you take in the barbarian illiterates, rather than the actual intelligent ones

>> No.10748270

>your race
>your culture
Ah yes those fine people that are so goddamn selfish and stupid that they are currently destroying the planet.
I'd rather those people go extinct, desu. You think I want people like you to exist and reproduce? No, fuck that, and fuck you.

>> No.10748272

>barbarian illiterates
Says the climate change denier currently destroying the planet.

>> No.10748284

I'd rather have a boatload of African refugees than even a single member from your kind of group of people.
I'm not even being hyperbolic. I mean that literally. And they would probably have a lower carbon footprint too, while being more productive.

>> No.10748290

dont deflect, I dont like niggers and non whites but I also dont give a fuck about you until you stay in your countries, now is it the whities fault that you have 10 children each and then those 10 children have 10 children each, is this whitey destroying the planet with their low populations or third and second world expanding at unsustainable rate and destroying everything they encounted.

>> No.10748293

We need a climate change containment thread. Anyone else feel the same?

>> No.10748294
File: 117 KB, 262x336, 1478738478829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone that doesn't follow the cult must be the part of the great enemy
>we would rather commit mass suicide than ever concede to those we don't like
jesus tap dancing christ on roller skates
leftism really is a mental disease

>> No.10748298

Sorry but 1 American whitey destroys more of the planet than 1000 non-white children

>> No.10748299

africans? more productive and lower carbon footprint? you are retarded if you really believe. The boatloads came to germany and france recently, doctors and engineers as reported by msm, I think official statistics show 92% unemployed claiming benefits

>> No.10748301

Kill yourself subhuman

>> No.10748302

I'm not deflecting anything, retard. I would literally rather kick you out of the country and invite 10 of the whatever skin colour is opposite yours.
Literally go fuck yourself.

>> No.10748309

Africans have a lower carbon footprint. And they probably always will. They live at balance with nature

>> No.10748310
File: 155 KB, 771x960, 1509835238632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one american whitey isnt even white (56% chance that its not white)

>> No.10748312

why would you kick me out of my own country? that sounds very intolerant of you

>> No.10748314

Don't care really. As long as they are not climate change deniers, they are better than you.

>> No.10748317

Americans Saudis and Israelis are the worst examples for the world to follow because they destroy the most per capita

>> No.10748318

What if the people you invite in end up having as strong of an in-group preference as the anon you're replying to?
Or do you think everyone in the wold shares your naive leftist values?

>> No.10748319

You think I'm some kind of Liberal? TOP KEK
Go fuck yourself. You antagonize everyone and pretend you have what it takes to fight all of us? And you think we will just take it?

>> No.10748321

biosphere in africa is being destroyed in faster than amazon rainforests, whites have been kicked out for many years now, its africans (and chinese) now who are destroying it

>> No.10748323

are you projecting? when did I say I was a climate change denier?

>> No.10748325

Don't care really. Unlike you I don't really believe in some great race or great culture that needs preserving.
I'm concerned presently with fighting climate change and if you're a denier, you're my worst enemy.
That is the only thing that matters.

>> No.10748327

>you have what it takes to fight all of us
all of you? who exactly are you referring to?

>> No.10748328

Based, I'd eat the one on the right.

>> No.10748329

The people who are not part of your nutjob worldview.

>> No.10748330

no, not absolutely everyone you don't like is a climate change denier
also, you have not done even a second of research into how to actually solve climate change
hint: there's actually a great many possible solutions
one of them being carbon capture, cause trees are slow as dick at the job

>> No.10748334

>great race or great culture
I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about general social cohesion, which can be destroyed by importing large numbers of people with different cultures and strong in-group preferences, like certain types of Muslims who hold together very strongly, form no-go-zones and rape gangs targeting non-Muslims.
Oh and have a preemptive go fuckyourself if you're actually going to defend well documented child-grooming scum by calling the person talking about them a "racist" or anything of the sort.

>> No.10748335

Tastes like shit. The only commercial apple that tastes any good are granny smiths.
Everything else is shit compared to pre-commerial apple breeds.

>> No.10748339


Don't give a single solitary fuck.

>> No.10748347

>one of them being carbon capture, cause trees are slow as dick at the job
thats not a problem, deforestation is the problem

>> No.10748350

>Don't give a single solitary fuck.
do you actually care about anything?

>> No.10748352

climate change is one thing, but we should rather go extinct than "live in balance with nature" (translation: live like primitives with no modern civilization)

solving climate change by regressing into such state is like curing the disease by killing the patient

>> No.10748355

replant trees then
we already do it in the first world because we're aware of the fact that not replacing them will fuck over our own logging industry in the long run

>> No.10748361
File: 27 KB, 191x300, 1548194168208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm too far up my own ass and too emotional (OFFENDED!!!) to even understand what was said
Show me where I mentioned whites. Show me where I even mentioned race, you absolute braindead fuckwitt of an NPC.

>> No.10748362

I thought you said Africans have low IQ and cannot develop

>> No.10748367

you dont need high IQ to cut down a forest

>> No.10748368

no, nobody did at any point in this thread
you're unironically fabricating bullshit to build a fraudulent argument off of

>> No.10748371

>I would literally rather kick you out of the country and invite 10 of the whatever skin colour is opposite yours.

Go on. Such rhetoric is sure to win you support of the moderate masses, and not antagonize them in the slightest.

I swear far leftists are their own worst enemy, lol. They just cannot hide their power level.

>> No.10748372

>pulls out NPC card while following the party line on climate change despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary


>> No.10748373

I agree but its not being done fast enough, also trees in first world arent gonna be enough, they need to stop deforestation in South America asap

they do, you dont need high iq to destroy everything around you

>> No.10748374

Then why do you guys support Brazilian far right president's when they cut down the Amazon? Is it because Bolsonaro is white, based and redpilled and likes guns?
Literally killing the lungs of the earth

>> No.10748379

Carbon neutrality is entirely achievable. It doens't necessitate a primitive lifestyle.
If you are upper middle class, you can already achieve climate neutrality for yourself if you so desire.

>> No.10748384

>right-wing nutjob things he's part of the moderate masses

>> No.10748390

I dont support Bolsonaro. But yes, climate change policies would get a much broader support if they were not often associated with other commie bullshit. Just look at Green New Deal, something that would have a chance to attract broad support if it was strictly limited to generous subsidies for renewables, nuclear and electric cars. But no, lets add in a dozen leftist talking points just to make sure it is dead on arrival...

>> No.10748393

>makes up some bullshit instead of presenting an argument
Guess what retard NPC, I know climate change exists, is caused by warming and is probably going to fuck us.
I'm a real liberal actually, unlike you utter lunatics who worship in the cult of "diversity" without having real thought in your heads.

>> No.10748395
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1550059935793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left-wing nutjob thinks he's part of the moderate masses
I can do personal attacks too, frind

>> No.10748401

I dont support all his policies, deforestation should stop asap, but left liberal candidates arent any better, the so called greens in every country care more about social justice and importing immigrants from africa than actual environmental policies (in fact liberal dont give a single fuck about the environment they just like to virtue signal about climate change)

>> No.10748402

Yikes. Fuck that and fuck you.

>> No.10748405


>> No.10748409

20 years ago there was no immigration, but you were still bringing up excuses to not do what is right.

>> No.10748411

>fuck the bedrock of our civilization
I bet you're one of these pro-censorship, anti freedom of speech retards too.

>> No.10748416
File: 229 KB, 520x519, 1505266259598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only I get to decide what is right, and what is right is what my personal ideology says it is

>> No.10748417

20 years ago renewables were in still infancy, and nuclear was being actively sabotaged by far leftists like you

>> No.10748419

white race is the only race that cares about climate change and the planet, if whites go, the chinese, indians and african will destroy it completely because protecting the planet is a concept that is completely foreign to them

>> No.10748433

Also, we went will very inefficient light-water reactors because we needed the enriched material they provide for nuclear weapons.

>> No.10748434

>our civilization
The same one that is currently ruining the planet?
Yeah, fuck that shit. Do you think I actually want to preserve this heap of shit that results in people like you? No, of course not.

We are enemies through and through. The only confusing part is why you expect me to behave otherwise. Is it because you tend to be dishonest by nature?

>> No.10748436


>> No.10748439

oh yes immigration existed 20 years ago, and in some countries even 40 years ago. 20 years ago I was still underage. I dont support all right wing policies and right wing itself is not some one monolithic international organization with shared values and beliefs. One thing I support is zero immigration, the other is developing nuclear power and relying on fossil fuels as little as possible, and at some point completely stopping using it

>> No.10748443

Exactly. Nobody is denying it, not even you. You are just seething at a fact hoping greentext allcaps makes it go away.

>> No.10748446

good or bad I dont know, but the others simply dont care about the planet, thats a fact.

>> No.10748448

once again, commies are their own worst enemies, seethe more please

>> No.10748451

>The same one that is currently ruining the planet?
Show me another civilization that isn't striving to do the same? Do you have any understanding of what the Chinese have done to their environment in the last few decades? Did we force the Japanese to slaughter dolphins and whales on mass?
Why do you think it's only western people who do this when it's OBVIOUSLY everyone.
You literally know nothing of the world, of history or of societies. You just regugitate the same old self-loathing bullshit that you're had stuffed in your feeble NPC mind.
It's amazing to see how people like you are just as incapable of considering other viewpoints as fundamentalists are capable of entertaining arguments against their religions. You're in a cult.

>> No.10748453

>t. bootlicker who dreams to be dominated by tyrants

>> No.10748458

>20 years ago there was no immigration
1990 is where immigration began to take off in countries like Sweden, 90s leftists were already in full nutjob mode about migration

>> No.10748460


Lots of butthurt against someone simply saying they don't agree with evil.

>> No.10748468

You are the only evil dude. You're racist against whites, you hate the west and scream about "evil racists" just because someone might believe in things like borders or not importing people from incompatible cultures at rates so high that it threatens to destabilize societies.
You're basically just a MASSIVE idiot who's got a ridiculous and incorrect view of reality.

>> No.10748470

If they didnt agree with evil, they would not support liberals, social justice and want more immigration

>> No.10748472

>muh whites
>muh west
>muh borders
>muh culture

Don't care. Simple as. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.10748474

what do you care about then?

>> No.10748486
File: 14 KB, 1600x1600, 1547409570346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose this shows quite clearly that peace is unironically no longer an option
this lunatic embodies the modern left
they do not care for the ideals of the nations they grew up in, they only care for their own power and subjugating all who dare oppose them
they unironically believe that they are pure good and can do no wrong, and that any trampling of rights and freedom is justifiable so long as it is against those they don't like
I don't understand how it all crumbled this far, how genuine monsters like him could have become so numerous

>> No.10748487

3 degrees warmer.
And they desperately want to keep us under 1.5.
At 2 I'm sure France, Italy, Ukraine, South Africa, Argentina, Japan and much of the US turns green as well.

>> No.10748489

Right-wingers are funny. They beg on their knees with the left on immigration.
But when the left tries to pass some policy that tries to help the country (not immigration related) like health care and education and climate change, right wingers raise the middle finger and tell them off. These are the same right wingers that claim to care about "white people" and "muh culture".
Why would the left grant you anything when you never compromise? You're a bunch of selfish assholes and you deserve to go extinct.

>> No.10748495

Lots of things but probably nothing that you care about.

>> No.10748500

>i don't care
Why are you even responding then? You have no arguments at all. You're just a racist piece of shit who embodies everything he thinks he stands against.
The thought that caring about your own countries and people makes you some kind of racist is the most laughable thing of all time. Guess what retard, there are people of all races in my country and I don't hate any of them, unlike you. Fuck yourself and your toxic, rate filled cult ideology.

>> No.10748504

*hate filled

>> No.10748506

>Just look at Green New Deal, something that would have a chance to attract broad support if it was strictly limited to generous subsidies for renewables, nuclear and electric cars.
But what proposals have been put forth by Republicans? They could introduce legislation exactly as you described if they wanted to, but don't.

>> No.10748512

one thing I find notable is the fact that he steadfastly and rabidly refuses to even consider the idea that his great enemy isn't a hivemind
he firmly believes that everyone further right than him is as far right as one can go
apparently, ALL right wingers everywhere want to gas babies and shoot those sad eyed africans

>> No.10748518

You are the one without an argument. Climate change is the topic of this thread.
You start going on about irrelevant crap that has no bearing on climate.
Just shut the fuck up and stop polluting this thread.

>> No.10748524

are you saying the left ever compromises?

can you give some examples?

because on the government level Republicans are just as corrupt and Democrats, its all part of the establishment of the ruling class.

>> No.10748525

The problem is that mainstream Democrats and Republicans have been completely captured by corporate money. Only a radical like Crazy-Eyes Cortez has the balls and the the principle to put forth the idea of real change.
Too bad she's a total nutter who's part of the progressive cult.
That's a huge problem actually. Progressives are insane and will never get anything real done because they're likely to attach ridiculous crap to their ideas instead of just sensibly focusing on reducing greenhouse gases.

>> No.10748527

That's exactly what you do with the left.

>> No.10748529

>I'm a butthurt moron who can't stop responding because my fragile ego will be shattered if I don't have the last word
keep em coming cultist

>> No.10748535

>are you saying the left ever compromises?
Yes actually. That's literally the history of the movement. Because the right naturally holds the power and the left is trying to redistribute it little by little so the left compromising is just tautological.

>can you give some examples?
No point. Every word I type will immediate trigger you.

>> No.10748540

It's cute when you pretend you have the intellectual high ground while simultaneously denying one of the most rigorously tested theory in the history of science.
It's like you think you can just lie and pretend that reality is something else and that I'm somehow not going to call you out on your blatant lies.

>> No.10748550

I don't deny climate change you ridiculous retard. Try again. I know the current warming is mostly cause by humans.
> your blatant lies
You left your projector running

>> No.10748554

You actually do

>> No.10748558

Nice deflection from the topic of climate change. You guys will do anything to destroy the planet

>> No.10748561

Point out where I lied about anything. I challenge you.

>> No.10748577

we are not importing millions of africans who dont care about climate change or sustainability. World population is close to 8 billion now (mostly non whites), and in 2050 it will be 10 billion (predicted), those 2 additional billions together with existing 7 billion will have and are already having massive impact on the planet, but its all whiteys fault, when whites go extinct and non whites destroy the planet it still somehow going to be whiteys fault

>> No.10748578

Not really. I've been to east Europe it's filled with paki and pajeet students.

>> No.10748579

Multiculturalism is a perfectly valid world view.
Multiculturalism does not mean that all culture are equal.
But just because some cultures are superior to others, it does not mean that the superior cultures are perfect.
Multiculturalism would result in an even superior culture.
We have gone through this whole process multiple times throughout history already and every single time it worked out in the in the end.
There would be no Sweden without multiculturalism, in the first place. There would just be a bunch of tiny hostile villages who war against each other over the loss of one sheep.

>> No.10748583

America is run by whiteys and it's refusing to do anything. And whites will be alive till 2500 or beyond so basically. We are fucked and it's whiteys fault desu

>> No.10748592
File: 68 KB, 1280x950, historicalemissions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but its all whiteys fault
Europe and America alone are responsible for more than half of the damage despite being less than 1 billion people in total.
And then consider that we control most of the emissions either directly or indirectly and we control the world at present, so we are definitely the ones at fault. We could dictate that emissions cease and they will. We could if we only wanted to.

>> No.10748594

there are active liberal movements in almost every eastern European country, they push degeneracy on daily basis

it works only by having different cultures confided to their own countries.

>> No.10748597

>it works only by having different cultures confided to their own countries.
It works in a lot of places. Have you ever been to a university?

>> No.10748609

>it works only by having different cultures confided to their own countries.
No. Just about every country to ever exist has multiple cultures co-existing.

>> No.10748610

yes, best time of my life, in my course there were no non white students

a few ruling class elite doesnt qualify as the survival of a race, most people will have either been replaced or turned into non white mongrels, even today the percentage of americans of european orgin WITHOUT non white admixture is steeply declining

>> No.10748614

related or similar cultures. Generally whites can coexist with other whites, asians with asians, blacks with blacks

>> No.10748621

>Generally whites can coexist with other whites, asians with asians, blacks with blacks
Holy hell. Go read a history book.

>> No.10748626

Right here:
> your blatant lies
Point out where I lied about anything. I challenge you.

>> No.10748633

Well if that's possible then Britain surely has even less to worry about.

>> No.10748634

I know, africans possibly killed more africans in africa than all whites in european wars combined in history. But I hope they have evolved little.

>> No.10748636

I like rice. I can eat a lot of rice.

Also how did this thread get derailed into /pol/-tier shit.

>> No.10748638

>Generally whites can coexist with other whites, asians with asians, blacks with blacks
This is completely false. All the biggest wars involving a European country has another European country as the enemy. I was going to say the same it true for Africans and Asians but actually Europeans people probably caused them more harm than they did to themselves.

>> No.10748643

> Europeans people probably caused them more harm than they did to themselves
So.. you're just assuming it without knowing shit about history because it fits your "fuck whites, they're evil" ideology?

>> No.10748644

Dare I say it?
Are Europeans the niggers of the world?

>> No.10748647

I know it's true of Africa and Latin America. Asia I'm not sure.

>> No.10748653

right.. clearly people like Genghis Khan who probably 50 million which was like 10% of world population at the time dont exist in your world view. And africans have been killing africans since the beginning of time.

>> No.10748658

Really? What do you know about the history of African tribal warfare and conquest for instance? Surely you know that it was Africans who actually enslaved other tribes to be sold to the Europeans?
What do you of the warfare between Native American tribes? Do you know the brutality of Aztec history? I mean maybe you've got a point here, since Europeans clearly wiped out a LOT of Natives (largely with diseases), but that doesn't exactly mean they weren't all slaughtering each-other throughout history, just like humans everywhere else.
Oh boy.. don't go reading up on their history if you want to persist in the delusion of "only white man bad!"

>> No.10748664

>right.. clearly people like Genghis Khan who probably 50 million which was like 10% of world population at the time dont exist in your world view.
Genghis mostly killed other Asians and some Levant people. Europeans are definitely the ones with the high score when it comes to killing Europeans.

>And africans have been killing africans since the beginning of time.
But those are your forefathers too.

The problem is that your theory is entirely stupid. There is no reason at all to believe that culture is a big factor in determining how easily different people are able to live together.

>> No.10748675

Genghis made it all the way to poland, you twat

>> No.10748676

>There is no reason at all to believe that culture is a big factor in determining how easily different people are able to live together.
This statement is such nonsense that it actually causes physical pain to read.
Do you SERIOUSLY think that different cultural values can't be in opposition to eachother? Do you SERIOUSLY believe that people don't regularly have in-group preferences based on things like culture?

>> No.10748681

>rightwingers on racism and immigration: we are on the same team, we should stick together
>rightwingers on education, health care, climate change, economic justice, social justice, electoral reform, <anything at all beneficial to the country>: nah fuck that shit, and fuck you, you commie fuck

>> No.10748687

who cares, not even white people

>> No.10748700

>Do you SERIOUSLY think that different cultural values can't be in opposition to eachother? Do you SERIOUSLY believe that people don't regularly have in-group preferences based on things like culture?
What cultural value at stake do you think would cause immigrants and locals to actually fight each other?

>> No.10748718

There can be any number of them. Probably the most obvious example is the value of free speech vs the vales that Muslims hold against blaspheming their prophet or god. Muslims demand that we curtail our values in deference to theirs, which causes conflict.
Another, even darker example is that of Deobandi Muslims having values that say that women who don't cover up are trash and whores and can be treated as such. This is directly responsible for the rape-gang epidemic in places like Rotterdam.

Intersestingly, the Deobandi branch of Islam is openly anti-British and anti-western.

>> No.10748721

how about being lazy, causing crime (drug dealing theft, even terrorism and murder), living on benefits, and then raping a thousand women on New Years Eve? (welcome to Cologne)

>> No.10748731

Oh and another great example is the current schism within the west between the left and the right. We're seeing increasing levels of polarization, which can be described as a cultural divergence. These people HATE eachother because they have incompatible value systems that sea the other as "evil."

>> No.10748741

>taunting others causes conflict
This has nothing at all to do with values or free speech. If you taunt others you get backlash.

>Another, even darker example is that of Deobandi Muslims having values that say that women who don't cover up are trash and whores and can be treated as such.
This is a valid point and such people have to be thrown out, obviously. But let's not pretend that 100% of immigrants are of this kind. These kind of extreme views are in the minority. For example all the recent immigrants near me are Christian. And I have worked with various Muslims and most of them have been entirely well behaved.

>> No.10748745

>how about being lazy,
false racist stereotype
>causing crime (drug dealing theft, even terrorism and murder)
organized crime families of immigrant origin are easily to differentiate from the typical immigrant; it's not like they are one and the same
>living on benefits
false racist stereotype
>and then raping a thousand women on New Years Eve? (welcome to Cologne)
false racist stereotype

>> No.10748778

Have you noticed the rise of hate-speech laws in response to Muslim demands? That's literally giving up our principles in order to protect their feelings. Or do you seriously believe that free speech is just "speech everyone's happy to hear?"
Muslims should be able to get angry and speak back. They should not be able to use the government to imprison you for insulting their prophet. Just imagine if Christians passed blasphemy laws.

> But let's not pretend that 100% of immigrants are of this kind
I'm not. But you can't deny that this kind of thing happens. And you can't deny that large immigrant populations form insular communities in the larger culture into which they immigrate. If immigration is slow enough, this kind of thing tends to get diluted.
The problem is when you have an ideology in charge that demands you eliminate all judgement (discrimination) when making immigration decisions and demonizes you as a "racist" if you dare to make distinctions between groups or to suggest that there should be a limit on the numbers coming in.

>> No.10748791

>so immersed in his cult that he straight up denies events ever happened despite them being a google search away
big oof

>> No.10748825

Are you American? We probably don't agree on free speech. I know you guys feels strongly about it, but don't presume all of Europe is the same. For example, I'm not against hate speech law in general.
>Just imagine if Christians passed blasphemy laws.
Already have those in my country. Technically, could be imprisoned for swearing.

>I'm not. But you can't deny that this kind of thing happens. And you can't deny that large immigrant populations form insular communities in the larger culture into which they immigrate. If immigration is slow enough, this kind of thing tends to get diluted.
The problem is when you have an ideology in charge that demands you eliminate all judgement (discrimination) when making immigration decisions and demonizes you as a "racist" if you dare to make distinctions between groups or to suggest that there should be a limit on the numbers coming in.

When you are talking to me (the opposition that you want to convince) you speak one way. They you go on /pol/ and you start speaking a completely different tone. Suddenly it's all about "shitskins" and "niggers" and "sandniggers".
It's not my fault that the anti-immigration side is riddled with racism.

>> No.10748872

>Are you American?
North of there.
The thing about hate-speech laws is that there's no logical end once a government starts actively implementing them, ESPECIALLY when those actions are tired to ideology, and especially when done to appease other ideologies. It's a very slippery slope to tyranny that's hard to stop once embarked on.

>They you go on /pol/ and you start speaking a completely different tone.
I don't share the general views of /pol/. Most people I know who think like me don't either. You can be against what I'm against without embracing what /pol/ believes. /Pol/ have some good points, and they have a lot of toxic garbage.
You should really try to refrain form instantly creating strawmen in your head to attack with the usual buzzwords (racist, sexist, misogynist etc..) instead of actually addressing the arguments at hand.

>the anti-immigration side is riddled with racism.
So is the pro immigration side. For every "shitskin" comment, I see an equally toxic one about how evil whites are. Both sides are ridiculous extremists.

>> No.10748878

*both sides have their fair share of ridiculous extremists

>> No.10748893

>evil whites
A true non-racist would not say that because he would not differentiate between whites and non-whites in the first place.
There are some racist liberal subs and I think I know what you are referring to, but I'm not that kind of person. Obviously I don't think race determines morality, culture and attitude so why would I blame evil on race?

>> No.10748901

I'm telling you what other people are saying. How does that reflect on how 'racist" or not I am?

>There are some racist liberal
There are A LOT more than you think.
> why would I blame evil on race?
Well, I'm talking about incompatible cultural groups here, not race.

>> No.10749006

>combine three estimates pulled out of your ass