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File: 1.09 MB, 2816x2624, TIMESAND___hawf323yul8l4fcfvrvvrtwfw221e787jjcgb73vbc).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10734140 No.10734140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>say number is cut in line
>be reader
>say number is number field
>don't read paper
>my chungus when

>> No.10734182

>be Tooker
>have the very first definition contradict all of accepted analysis
>"why dont they accept my paper"

>> No.10734252

You know... as much as I wish I could take credit for it, I wasn't the first person to define the extended real numbers. One of those numbers is infinity and it's been part of the analyst's toolbox for a long time. At least 100 years I'd guess.
>be you
>say something stupid
>use sarcastic greentext

>> No.10734300

>I wasn't the first person to define the extended real numbers
Show me a single other paper (not by you) that includes infinity as some kind of number.

But whatever, let's just roll with that. Infinity is an affinely extended real number (whatever the fuck that means). In that case Def.1.7 requires a proof.

>> No.10734303


>> No.10734347

It took me literally 2 seconds to google this. check out eq (2)

>> No.10734351

I was telling you in the other thread but it got deleted when i was about to get to that part. I made a dedicated thread with nice formatting

and also a pastebin if you like illegible text walls

>> No.10734376

Neat. My point stands.

>> No.10734382
File: 92 KB, 750x531, TIMESAND___+fh37gxtr378787ejgt46787jjcgb73vbc).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You invalid point can undertake whatever anthropomorphization you want! It's all yours!

>> No.10734392
File: 25 KB, 300x240, TIMESAND___hbjjjm323qrthyueerbagqrth4r4cfvrvvrtwfw221e787jjcgb73vbc).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point submits a paper to arXiv which gets accepted without being put on hold. Then my point eats lunch. It has two sandwiches.

>> No.10734395
File: 17 KB, 364x344, wruf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, but I'm not being gang stalked and don't have an anal implant. Are you homeless these days, Jon?

>> No.10734408
File: 373 KB, 1144x1548, TIMESAND___hbjjjm323rrbagqrth4r4cfvrvvrtwfw221e787jjcgb73vbc).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm indigent but not homeless, and I would be in a much better spot if I only had one anal implant. I think there's three: the electro-shocker, piezo-wriggler, and the one in my chode. Not to mention the implants in my feet definitely, and in my back maybe.

>> No.10734421

Three? Damn, that's hot. Why are you indigent? Are you still dealing with court dates and shit? Come live with me~

>> No.10734424

Not him but you never heard of the extended real numbers or the riemann sphere? Tooker's paper is still bullshit as the hypothesis clearly states you should consider the riemann zeta function as classically defined in the complex plane.

>> No.10734429

Dude, when are you finally understanding this.

You are trying to use hyperreals (which do contain infinity) for something and then claim it's also true for the reals. They are not the same thing. It doesn't work that way.

>> No.10734432
File: 250 KB, 300x450, TIMESAND___Cover_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm indigent because no one that already has money agrees to give me any and I'm not confiscating cash. I have no income and no assets, and that's the recipe for poverty and indigence.

<------- BUY MY BOOK

>> No.10734452

Sure, I'll pick it up, if only it means I get to be further entertained by you. Were do I sign, Daddy?

>> No.10734453
File: 65 KB, 1605x345, TookerLimit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Tooker
>not knowing how to compute even simple limits
>"why nobody takes me seriously?"

>> No.10734480
File: 1.67 MB, 1712x2784, TIMESAND___762wet2c+sut8df1qqq1qegg6fwe428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I didn't know how to do it then how come the answer came out right and I got an A in like five semesters of calculus?

maybe wait a few days for me to upload this final batch of edits

>> No.10734486

Alright. Make a thread when it's finished so I don't forget. lol the paperback will actually ship, right? I wanna signed copy

>> No.10734491

Can these schizo Tooker threads please be banned by jannies thx.

>> No.10734494

They won't do it cause they hate us.

>> No.10735169
File: 25 KB, 505x522, TIMESAND___762wet2c+sut8wdffqqq1qegg6fwe428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if the paperback will actually ship. Can you actually see an option to buy it on Amazon? If you can see it, and there is an option to give Amazon your money for it, then I expect they will send you a copy.

>> No.10735407
File: 25 KB, 324x271, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shall I but it today or wait?

>> No.10735416

You do whatever you want. I suggest waiting a few days. I redid the margin on this last version and they are ok, but not quite right. They will look better in a few days. Just in case there is an actual happening looming, I will hurry up and finish this draft.

>> No.10735420

Okay, well hurry the fuck up. I need to give you my $10 so you don't resort to burglary again and get arrested and thus limit my access to your insane bullshit.

>> No.10735448

I got charged with burglary but not indicted on that charge. What I did was ~absolutely~ not burglary but the SWAT team can't justify destroying the house if they don't charge me with a felony. The crime I was accused of was actually misdemeanor trespassing but even then, I ~absolutely~ was not trespassing. Even though I had fallen behind on my rent, I had not been served an eviction notice. That was my legal residence that the cops destroyed, dragged me out of in chains, and then threw me into the slave hole as punishment for being where I had every right to be.

Do they write these details on Google next to "Burglary rapist arrested near GT in connection with pedo terrorism conspiracy?" No, obviously not.

>> No.10735459

...what? Can you explain the situation without digressing to schizobabble?

You were arrested near Georgia Tech in January. Whose house were you at? Your parents? Your house? If it was your house, were you evicted prior?

>> No.10735658

It was a house I had signed a lease at in summer of 2018. Although I had fallen behind on my rent, I was never served an eviction notice and it was my legal residence at the time the cops destroyed it and hauled me out in chains to throw me into the slave hole.

>> No.10735674

I don't know whose house it was. The guy who charged me rent before he would let me move in called himself the owner at first but later when he was trying to have me evicted he started calling himself the landlord.