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10731804 No.10731804 [Reply] [Original]

Opinions on SSRIs?

I feel like they really helped me, then I read a lot of scary shit about them and quit. Currently considering taking them again, but not sure.
Any experiences?

>> No.10731807
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Just get amphetamine, bro

>> No.10731815

i'm on them, they help me.

>> No.10731860

Your brain cells stop releasing serotonin in states of neuroinflammation or nutritional deficiency. A fucked up gut can also alter serotonin levels.

SSRIs are braindead retarded and don't fix the actual problem. Any doctor handing them out is an educated hack.

>> No.10731974

They help me too with anxiety.

I moved and lost them. So I went a week without them and it was pretty horrible. SSRI withdrawal is no joke. I got suicidal and my inner voice was basically a demon.

>> No.10731985

Is this the guy microbiome meme but someone being unironic? I thought that was just for easy grant funding.

>> No.10732048

It just suppresses symptoms and doesn't fix anything about your life, like most other pharmaceuticals. You might as well be taking a selective cocaine uptake agonist.

>> No.10732473

>feeling suicidal?
>lmao just give yourself brain damage, that'll make things better

>> No.10732500

Tale magnesium, 85% likehood it is the actial cause. Reduce calcium intake, take 500mg magnesium daily. That should wake you up in less than a week.

>> No.10732506

My gf takes them when she feels especially suicidal/unstable then stops after subsiding. Perhaps consider a similar pattern

>> No.10732524

>then stops after subsiding
she should not do this.

>> No.10733595

Could be just another variation on the theme. I've already received word from the faithful (or trolls, it hardly matters which since both know next to nothing about autoimmune disorders) that all I need to do is go on a special diet, and I'll then be free of rheumatoid arthritis, and slavery to big pharma, forever. Of course diet does modulate its severity somewhat, and there is much more to it than the usual lifestyle-change shysters assert, but no one should be surprised in the least when magical thinking knows no bounds under the American big-top. As for the separate matter of the relationship between inflammatory processes of any cause, and depression, there probably is something to that, though if so it's likely one of many different causes and contributing factors: My older sister, over the course of decades, was destroyed by major depression, and her state of affect & mind on the day she killed herself is so remote from my experience that I have no doubt whatever that its causes are predominantly congenital, specific to brain-development, and that the mind reels when trying to imagine worse disorders. I have used low-dose SSRIs, but only as a kind of temporary bridge during a life episode of extraordinary stress, and even as a neurotypical found it helpful despite the side-effects, and have since recovered to my old mid-wit comic self who banters with neighbors when our paths cross. As for the overuse of any meds for mild depression where no clear-cut internal or external factors are established, it's only too obvious that's a thing, and certainly not the first in pernicious blanket short-cuts around going to the trouble of investigating and addressing assorted underlying causes.

>> No.10733599

I've taken plenty, they never did anything. Currently on an maoi and guanfacine. Still want to kill myself every day. Occasionally get low blood pressure (tired, want to sleep, spotted hands), coffee makes me real shaky, and if I drink beers or brandy it can be a problem (delerius/tired from beer, unstable blood pressure and rage from brandy)

According to a genetic test I had, I have at least two hyperactive liver enzymes which could explain poor and inconsistent medication response. My family is... a bit unusual, mentally, so there's a possibility some of the medications just won't work for us like they do for normal people. My sister's on straterra after guanfacine tanked her blood pressure to unsafe levels. She feels the guanfacine helped more, but she's been daydreaming far less and doing activities more consistently and has been on it 1-2 years.

>> No.10733648

they can pull you out of a hole if you ever end up in one. problem is, by that stage you're probably not going to have the courage to see a doctor

>> No.10733664

doesn't depression cause brain damage too? If you're going to damage your brain may as well do it in an enjoyable way.

what the fuck are you meant to do? Take them for the rest of your life? You do know they break your dick and kill your libido right?

>> No.10733667

We really need to get out of serotonin theory, but... yeah it is not a distant future

>> No.10733953

SNRIs help me a fuck ton

>> No.10733964

There's only like a 1/3 risk of sexual side effects, which are temporary. His gf's dick is probably fine.

>> No.10733973
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Ever heard of Post SSRI sexual dysfunction?
Turns out in some cases it keeps going long after (if not outright permanently) quitting.

>> No.10733987

Why not get SNRIs instead?

>> No.10733991

>Your brain cells stop releasing serotonin in states of neuroinflammation or nutritional deficiency
no idea if that is true, but serotonin levels can be fucked by other causes

>> No.10733992

yea if you wanna get off them do it slowly and with medical supervision if possible

>> No.10734004

Don't start your depression treatment with SSRIs.
Find a good therapist and use a mild anti-depressant like: https://nccih.nih.gov/health/stjohnswort/sjw-and-depression.htm

Don't expect your depression to go away after the first two sessions with a psychologist, it takes a while.
Hopefully you'll manage to do it.

>> No.10734010

better yet go to a psychiatrist and get yourself evaluated before you take anything. then if you get any medication do as they say and take them regularly... far too many people are retarded with medication

>> No.10734024

Absolutely correct, I should have clarified that therapy comes before medication.
But if medication is necessary (and let's be honest, sometimes that is the case), I'd recommend one of newer and better solutions, like St. john's wort. It really helped me personally and reviewing the literature, it seems like a much safer bet.

>> No.10734040

Did you take it in pill form or did you drink the tea?

>> No.10734100

I've been off my SNRI for about a year and feel like my memory is worse than when I'm on.

I've tried to fix the issue with diet, monitoring everything I eat so I ensure I get every nutrient but still feel less capable of focusing compared to when I was on Pristiq.

I think I just have to accept that I'll be on for the rest of my life.

>> No.10734441

i dont take them for depression i take them for an anxiety disorder

>> No.10735150

CAN SOMEONE JUST TELL ME if an SNRI is better or worse for intelligence?

I can confidently say I'm depressed and I don't think there's any benefit to resist going on Pristiq again UNLESS it will have consequences on my intelligence/ability to focus/memory.

>> No.10735235

this. go outside, work out, go to bed / wake up early, stop porn, eat healthy, don't be on the computer all day, accept jesus into your heart

>> No.10735819

Doesnt depression literally atrophy your brain?

>> No.10735826

If you need them, take them, but work on finding some external source that can provide a positive feedback for serotonin. Most people I know who take them also do nothing to help themselves and turn into apathetic robots. They're not a long-term cure, and any psychological medication has high-potential for dependency.

>> No.10735830

If they were helping you, continue taking them. The side effects are extremely well-understood because it's one of the most widely prescribed drugs.

'Neuroinflammation' is a catch-all term that describes a massive spectrum of glial activation phenotypes. Most people who receive SSRIs are probably not suffering from traumatic brain injuries or neurodegenerative disease.

>> No.10735845

I take them but I'm still stressed af
I'm starting to think I have other problems outside anxiety and depression

>> No.10735873

>stop porn

but then what do i fap to?

>> No.10735887

When I was a teen (13yo) I dropped out of middle school because I was fucking retarded. By the time I was 15 there were days I would feel braindead, like a zombie (brain fog?), but it would go away. Now that I'm 21 I finished HS and started college but I feel braindead every single fucking day and only have a few hours of mental clarity, usually in the morning. By the time it's 12PM I feel drained and want to sleep. Is this depression or just bad sleep?

>> No.10735912

The important thing to note is that there is a cause. Not just an idiopathic excuse, ie "it does it cuz it does".

>> No.10735924

Your imagination.

>> No.10735928

Perhaps depression doesn't cause degenerative changes int he brain, but is simply the smoke of an underlying fire.

>> No.10736641

Could be allergies or berametric pressure changes making you feel this way, I too get this way unless it's the winter then I feel great

>> No.10736693

Nutrient deficiencies B12, magnesium (Mg is nearly impossible to measure, there is no blood test since the levels in blood are kept stable and don't reflect the amounts in tissues, so you can only start taking it and wait if it helps.)

>> No.10737420

Probably allergies then, I'm always sneezing in my room and coughing because of constant phlegm in my lungs that won't go away. I had sinuses and chest x-rays but they were normal so I didn't return to the doc thinking it would go away if it's not that severe, but maybe I do need some allergies treatment now.

Did blood tests and everything was normal. Maybe I will do the magnesium thing.