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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10730917 No.10730917 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please assist this thread. More faggots that don't believe in climate change. >>>/pol/216543416

>> No.10730947

Based and infraredpilled.

>> No.10730956

>DMT elves

>> No.10730984

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10731003

science denialists are hard to deal with, they'll call anything a conspiracy and distrust anyone who knows what they're talking about

>> No.10731086

I honestly don't even try anymore. It's just not worth the time and effort. Years ago I would actively reply to climate change threads, would spend hours debunking images posted in the threads with actual scientific sources / evidence, spend hours dealing with the bad arguments made until the retards stopped replying, but I don't bother anymore.

Every single time it's the exact same series of arguments, responding to the exact same debunked anti-climate science arguments and images, and it's so tiring to see how effective the disinformation has been in clouding people's minds. You literally cannot get through to them because they live in another dimension, and adding to that the conspiracy mindset makes it a pointless endeavor because they won't ever trust any scientific sources you present no matter what they say.

>> No.10731105

>Can someone please assist this thread. More faggots that don't believe in climate change.
Heck yeah. le reddit army is here!

>> No.10731135

It's useless. What good is convincing a few neckbeards who live in their mother's basements and believe in magic frogs that climate change is real?
most of us would go back to rebb it if we could. You know what they say don't forget... you're here forever.

>> No.10731145

>openly admitting you come from /pol/

>> No.10731146
File: 89 KB, 500x375, climate models suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bad news: anthropogenic CO2 affects climate.

Good news: observation indicates that every GCM overstates the effect. At this rate we're looking at +1 to +1.5C of forcing by 2100 which is literally nothing to worry about.

>inb4 muh consensus
>inb4 but muh models can't be wrong
>inb4 muh dire consequences
>inb4 we only have 12 years to DO SOMETHING
Observation trumps theory. Observation ALWAYS trumps theory. If you believe anything else you do not belong on /sci/ you belong on a religion board.

>> No.10731149

>At this rate

>> No.10731150

> it's so tiring to see how effective the disinformation has been in clouding people's minds
t. the guy who actually believes whatever the IPCC tells him

>> No.10731152

>secondary effect that is ASS-U-MED to be driven entirely by global temperature trumps direct temperature observations
GTFO off /sci/ and go find a religion board.

>> No.10731166

It's not about being able to say nigger. It's knowing you can without any consequences.

>> No.10731168

>most of us would go back to rebb
>Using reddit even once
double nigger