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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10728181 No.10728181 [Reply] [Original]

Where is the universe located?

>> No.10728183

Right here.

>> No.10728271

It’s not located somewhere since it’s everywhere

>> No.10728289

What's north of northpole?

>> No.10728294

around (0,0,0,0)

>> No.10728315

Our observable universe is located within a scale of measurement just smaller than the smallest detectable scale in a universe just like ours but different. We are most likely residing in some irrelevant matter within that universe.

>> No.10728318

i'm scared man... Can you give me some good news?

>> No.10728336

I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geco.

>> No.10728352

Is there a valid frame of reference outside the universe?

>> No.10728354

Earth is in one of the safer systems in the galaxy, the solar system is abnormal in multiple ways, one being that the gas giants are further out instead of being some of the closest to the star and the solar system(I really wish it was given a better name desu) is at the edge of one of the milky way's arms instead of being in the far more active and dense regions

>> No.10728359

There is a weird orb or rock floating just over our heads and people call it "the moon"? Is no one else weirded out by this? It's fucking weird, dude.

>> No.10728445

the hypernorth pole

>> No.10728448


>> No.10728455



>> No.10728515
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certain region that stopped inflating, there are other such bubbles separated by inflating regions

>> No.10728688

The megaverse is not aware of its location, that is why it has deployed itself to explore what it can, internaly to solve 5he question it has, it's the same question we it asks!

I'll find out though,eventually! Just as soon as I master it!

>> No.10728703


>> No.10728717

This, but also the universe is just one cell in a multiversal Ultraorganism, which is in turn just basically the 3D field of view of a 4D creature, essentially we are in the illusory mind's eye of a higher dimensional godlike being.

>> No.10728721 [DELETED] 

there is going to be another copernican revolution as regards this question
and then everyone say "durrr it's like asking what's north of the north pole" will be forced to eat their lunch

>> No.10728725

there is going to be another copernican revolution as regards this question
and then everyone saying "durrr it's like asking what's north of the north pole" will be forced to eat their lunch

>> No.10728730

you laugh but it's turtles all the way down, mate

>> No.10728734

In fact, everyone should read this article. The jury is out, even among cosmologists, who are split pretty evenly down the middle. Hawking's famous quote may be famous, but it doesn't mean it's right.

>> No.10729287

fascinating website.

>> No.10729505
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>> No.10729515

maybe thats why its special enough to be allowed to develop life

>> No.10729683

Inside a Hyper universe or something maybe as others have mentioned, or some weird thing like within its past/present self. I would be surprised if the answer didn’t lead to another Copernican paradigm shift.
IMO a hyper-universe that is actually basically a metaphysical realm/ heaven is feasible. It’s outside the physical universe so I don’t see why a non physical system would be so unrealistic compared to simply another physical system.

>> No.10729688

Based &AND& Redpilled

>> No.10729697

Ah yes the daily thinly veiled schizo thread

>> No.10729701

Hawkings was working on tying general relativity to quantum mechanics to string theory with the AdS/CFT work. AdS/CFT correspondence is widely accepted in physics already since that connects string theory to quantum mechanics, and its work in gravity ties the relativity perfectly.

>> No.10729714

Plus we’re in the biggest void in the universe by far. And it’s like 4 billion years until our sun dies and Andromeda crashes into the Milky Way.

>> No.10729767
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Why would space be any less complicated than the things it contains? Electric charges are more than just amounts, their positive/negative part is locationless.

>> No.10729770

No where close to the biggest, we do live in a void but that's because voids don't have a proper definition yet. Our region of the universe is like 1.5x sparser than average, nothing like the noteworthy voids like Bootes

>> No.10730298

tfw we're everywhere but nowhere

>> No.10731189

In the only thing big enough to contain it: your mom.

>> No.10731526

Possibly in Hell.

>> No.10731533

I was being serious actually, despite what you may think there some people on /sci/ who have delved deeper than what their public school physics book tells them about the universe.

>> No.10731540

It's lower dimensional spaces nested inside higher ones, and the higher ones would basically be heavenly or godlike realms due to how they would mechanically operate.

>> No.10731885

under some extradimensional neets computer desk

>> No.10731889

Over yonder. Take a left at the barn at the end of the road and keep going. You can't miss it.

>> No.10733068
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In "God"

>> No.10733084
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>cubic universe model
>from an expanding explosion

>> No.10733089
File: 644 KB, 900x800, tenten_akatsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they say that the ocean responds to it's will

>> No.10733189

series of tubes

>> No.10733218

Ill show you later

>> No.10733247

In your head.

>> No.10733365
File: 148 KB, 1539x669, E37C5BBC-86F6-4D63-B551-4E2439A895EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a basic level any far away cube would look like a mere hexagon.

>> No.10733897


>> No.10733904

what is the fourth dimension?

>> No.10733963

in your mothers ass hole

>> No.10733997

w coordinate

>> No.10734342

If you go into the nether and dig into the absolute top, with the completely flat bedrock layer, and throw a few ender pearls to clip through and get up ontop of the bedrock layer, you will arrive precisely where the universe is located.

>> No.10734362

Under there

>> No.10734411

The directions ana and kata.

>> No.10735304


>> No.10735316

Over there.

>> No.10736003

That's like asking when did time begin

>> No.10736058


>> No.10736128

in the minds of its inhabitants

>> No.10736542

In a quantum-thingy. It's multiverse-stuff, you know.