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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1072691 No.1072691 [Reply] [Original]

BP Oil spill will cause massive damage. Could continue for years.

What does everyone think?

>> No.1072702

Inevitable, we were mostly doomed anyways, but maybe this provides the trans-humans with a chance to leave the Earth.

>> No.1072728

water can be filtered

>> No.1072730

Why the fuck didn't you americunts ban the dispersants?

>> No.1072739

Herp a durr

>> No.1072755

Goddamnit, all it would take to fix this shit is ONE fucking tanker with a skim filter.

Instead they dump a million gallons of toxic chemicals that do more damage than the crude itself.

>> No.1072893

Has anyone checked into the math of this? More than 100,000 barrels a day. Continue for years? I don't see how this is not going to ruin a lot, if everything.

>> No.1072925

I don't see how it can be hard to drop a fucking 100 000 000 metric ton brick on the leak to stop it?

They doing somekind of PR stunt to get someone else to pay for the fix?

>> No.1072939


Not really. The type of crude in this spill is predominantly asphalt-like, leaving neutrally buoyant plumes of oil suspended in the water column. At thousands of meters deep, It's tough to detect this stuff, let alone gather it up. Skimming the surface will only acquire a fraction of the leaked oil.

>> No.1072951
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>> No.1072953

The only thing that will stop the leak is a relief well. We'll probably have to wait another month or more before that gets dug.

>> No.1072957

some of the best fish came from the gulf of mexico. goodnight to good seafood dining

>> No.1072963

Not going to work.

>> No.1072968


The bigger the problem -- the less you will hear about it. I started laughing when I thought about Global Warming.

>> No.1072974

the world is 6000 years old tho

>> No.1072982

1 million gallons per day.
I was hoping /sci/ could understand -- but apparently the brains here are too small to comprehend this problem.

>> No.1073000

I don't know what I should be doing about this. Praying? Firing my weapon wildly into the air? Plotting to blow up British Petroleum's headquarters? Hanging myself?

>> No.1073001
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Fixed again.

>> No.1073014

>The White House has accused BP of playing down estimates of the leaked oil to limit the compensation for which it will be liable.

What kind of money would you have to fork over to even begin to "repair" the harm that has been done?

>> No.1073015

If/when the spill gets picked up by a hurricane and deposited as a fine glutenous layer over the southern half of North America, Central America, and Northern South America I am going to giggle hysterically.

>> No.1073018

Spam it. No one is paying attention to it because every problem before this was over exaggerated. Its now being under reported and the President looks like hes going to cry.

>> No.1073024

Lots and lots. Think of it as being like RIAA piracy settlements, but pointed away from you.

>> No.1073027

Grow bitter and distant, muttering the age-old mantra of "even if I started to care, it wouldn't matter, seeing as I'm just one man" ad infinitum.

>> No.1073036

But I'm already doing that!

>> No.1073038

Seeing as there is no technology to deal with the problem -- that doesn't really matter.

There is no fix -- they are going to bomb it in a last hope.

Who guessed the Humans would be killed by oil?

>> No.1073053
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>my face

>> No.1073057

Doomsday: 2012, Mayans were right after all.

>> No.1073058


No, it will. Relief wells almost always work. The only problem is that they take forever to make, because it's basically trial and error whether you intersect with the leaking well's path. This method is pretty much guaranteed to stop the flow, it's just months away.

Of course, this does nothing about the already spilled oil, but it's better than just letting the thing continue to leak.

>> No.1073060

Enjoy hurricane season faggots. Enjoy the tens of millions of toxic sludge everywhere.

>> No.1073075

How is a relief hole going to relieve pressure enough for them to block it when it is over a mile deep? Blocking it up will cause the other relief holes to increase in pressure.

>> No.1073100

Sludge being the problem, no no sir, this catastrophe will be the end the bible talks about.
>Hurricane picks up water filled with oil
>Lightning in the sky
>Lightning hits water/gas tornado
>cue end of the world for the US at least.

>> No.1073108

that would be fucking awesome.

>> No.1073110

Ahh, the double-whammy that is an overwhelming sense of powerlessness and massive misanthropic butthurt...

>> No.1073112

Get your shit and get out of here.

>> No.1073117

More like it will kill the eco system, ruin the economy, and spread fire and toxins into the air.

Nice touch though.

The rivers will fill with blood twice. First with the Earths... then humans.

>> No.1073124


How I understand it, the relief wells intercept the path of the oil escaping, and pump heavy fluid into that path, blocking the escape of the oil.

>> No.1073129

What is funny is that there is enough oil to run until then... and that would be enough oil to ruin everything.

Then again they've been saying the end of the world will happen every 3 years. Bound to get it right with those odds.

>> No.1073140

Apparently there are multiple leaks, more massive than being reported, in more than one place. The explosion caused heavy material to damage things down there.

The military is guarding off media -- I'm sure there is no connection.

>> No.1073142

Any petroleum engineering fags or whoever the hell else want to give us a real breakdown on what the possible short/long term effects of this are? Aside from the obvious stuff I mean.

And no fucking fire tornadoes or oil hurricanes, even though that shit would be badass.

>> No.1073145


Sucks to be me right now though... Living in louisiana and all...

>> No.1073157


Actually, from what I hear, this is "Louisiana Sweet Crude", which is known for its lack of aromatic (toxic) components and is predominantly comprised of high density asphalt-like material. Most volatile compounds will likely evaporate before any chance of major fire could occur. All that will be left in the water is an inert, tarry substance. Of course, this would be harmful to fish, fowl, plankton, invertebrates, etc., but there shouldn't be much worry of fire or toxins.

>> No.1073158

Still no sight of sludge?

>> No.1073165

Ever see an oil+water fire? Water cant put it out. One of the rivers in detroit caught fire for over a day. Theres gonna be fire floods all over the fucking street dude, shits not gonna be cool.
Sucks to be you bro...

>> No.1073186

Considering they are getting rid of some of it by burning it would probably point to you being wrong. That shit will explode in fire with a hot enough spark.

>> No.1073187


Tell people to just drive their boats in and collect the FREE OIL.

Bam. Solution. Everyone wins.

>> No.1073193

Also, enjoy your mass evacuation in the next month. August is a lie is a lie is a lie is a lie

>> No.1073196


It seems unlikely that the wreckage could perforate all the way into the strata containing the oil. Although there could be multiple distributaries of oil leaking right now, I think it's most likely that they all branch off the original well. Going deep enough to intercept it before it branches off would just be an added difficulty. Don't get me wrong, this method is arduous, time consuming, and leaves us with a shitstorm to clean up afterwards, but I still see no reason for it not to work.

>> No.1073199
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Nuke 'em, Rico!

>> No.1073200

Judging from that picture North America gets killed, but can't we save Canada?

>> No.1073207

You cant just pick up the oil and use it.

>> No.1073208

So let's reach some sort of consensus here, on a scale of 0 to FUCK, how bad is this going to be?

>> No.1073218


It seems part of the problem is that they cannot agree on what the problem is, too...

>> No.1073227


Of course there's still some volatile compounds in it, but that shit would have sorted itself out without having people go out there to burn it.

They're making a show of burning it off to make it look like they're actually cleaning up, when in fact they're removing a minor fraction of how much oil is getting dumped into the gulf.

>> No.1073231


>> No.1073247

The heat of the explosion, will melt the icebergs and raise the sea level oil will be everywhere.
us also saw this comming.

>> No.1073254

Oil=/= Pretroleum that you put in cars.
I feel pretty dam bad for the entire gulf's ecosystem, I doubt that alot of gonna survive and it pisses me off really. So FUCK for animals definately, and people... I don't want to think about it too much

>> No.1073259


Aside from the difficulties of isolating the crude from the saltwater solution it's suspended in, there's the problem of finding the oil and gathering it up. Since it's predominantly suspended in undersea plumes that evade the detection of scientists with highly sophisticated instrumentation, I doubt some group of dipshits will have much luck.

>> No.1073278

ITT - People who do not understand the oil industry.

>> No.1073285

Enlighten us.

>> No.1073307

does anyone else think that this has happened before? these oil deposits are quite high near the surface of the earth and surface of the bottom of the sea, and that maybe this has happened before? but i bet before it was not on a small hose level, but probably on a massive sink hole that emptied the contents in a few days...

just a thought

>> No.1073312

Enlighten us then! What is it that we're not understanding?
Yeah, nobody knows what's really going on, seems to be that there is an intentional communications disconnect between BP and the US government.

>> No.1073315

The oil helps keep the Earth cool. Trillions of gallons of oil gone... heat is dispersed into the Ocean from extra grinding from tectonic plates causing an increase of CO2 output into the back into the air.

Global Warming is from consuming oil -- has nothing to do with CO2. This is just the topping to the cake.

>> No.1073325

Shits all over the marshes and going in the mississippi.

>> No.1073333


Might not be too bad. The Ixtoc I spill that happened in the gulf back in the 70s dumped three million barrels, and I don't know if the fallout was too massive. Some birds and sea turtles got fucked over a bit, but otherwise, I don't know.

I'd imagine that centuries of overfishing, and ongoing eutrophication from the mississippi have already caused such a mess in that region that it's tough to tell how fucked things will be with the oil added to it. Honestly, the gulf would have been pretty fucked regardless.

>> No.1073338

What if there is an earthquake (the big one) in California would that help?

>> No.1073343

This spill is already much much bigger than that. Its going to get many times bigger than it is now.

>> No.1073349

I live in Tampa. Shit does not fuck with Tampa due to our amazing currents. No major hurricanes, nothing. Will be the same with the oil I'm sure.

The Indians who lived here thought that the land was sacred.

>> No.1073350

No but maybe a tornado can come pick it up and throw it away from the coast... so that more can leak for months and just connect with the old spill.

>> No.1073357

Shows what they knew, right? HAH-HA

>> No.1073368

Away from the coast and onto the land hurr

>> No.1073378

It's times like these I'm glad I'll be dead in 100 years.

>> No.1073382

I read that airtifitial rain is possible... what about artificial tornados is tha possible?

>> No.1073389

It's times like these I'm sad people will be alive in 100 years.

>> No.1073402


Seeing as the product of oil consumption is CO2, I'm having trouble understanding your logic.

If you are saying that global warming is due to the heat release from combustion of fossil fuels, you have very little understanding of global heat flux.

>> No.1073408

It's OK, I've already had my vasectomy.

>> No.1073414

I can just imagine a hurricane with a 20 foot high storm surge of fucking oil all over some shitty below sea level town, and the news interviews of some stupid fucker saying "what can you do, but rebuild"


>> No.1073419

It's times like these I'm glad that scientists will be humbler in 100 years.

>> No.1073430

This is too depressing, I don't want to look at anything here...

>> No.1073434

dont clog the pipe let it leak in a controled way...

>> No.1073471

Faster Nanobots

Fuck yeah Transhumanity!

>> No.1073476

he's saying that oil being removed from underground is causing heat to be distributed differently among all the rocks and shit, and that this different heat distribution is causing the global warming.
He's saying that greenhouses gases are negligible in their effect on global warming.

>> No.1073489

The engineers trying to solve this problem are fucking useless
We should listen to the Russians and just nuke the damn thing

>> No.1073506
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>> No.1073520


>> No.1073522

But then they couldn't use all the pretty water to do their poos and pees in, silly boots!

>> No.1073523
File: 18 KB, 360x480, morpheus_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We don't know who struck first, us or them. But we do know it was us that scorched the sky. At the time, they were dependent on solar power. It was believed they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun"

>> No.1073524

>Russian solution is nuke the USA
>didn't see that coming

>> No.1073535

but what if the fire catches all the way down into the pipe and sets all the oil in the earth's crust on fire?

>> No.1073550

Bullshit fingerpointing; if you're not part of the solution you're part of the precipitate.

>> No.1073558



>> No.1073561

I've heard they've done it before
It seems like the only reason BP doesn't want to do it is because they plan on rebuilding it

>> No.1073562


Then you run to the airpoirt and fly aroun until the stituation cools?

>> No.1073571


How exactly did humans "scorch the sky?" That is something I always had trouble understanding from that movie...

>> No.1073583

pollution remember late 1990's after all

>> No.1073584

Chemicals in the air gave it a burnt appearance and blocked out the light, I think

>> No.1073839

so what is it that people fail to understand? are you claiming to understand the oil industry better than everyone else? if, so, how? enlighten us or let your silence be a tacit admission you're a trolling faggot.

>> No.1073886

one million gallons a day is so unimaginably small compared to the massive, massive amount of water in the ocean.

>> No.1074353

also very small compared to the amount consumed daily, as shown by >>1073520

>> No.1075048

Think about what happens to an engine when its depleted of oil. Friction increases and heat rises. Do you think Oil is without a purpose in the Earth? Trillions of gallons of oil missing. Common use your head.

Where do you think the extra heat goes? Into the ocean. Where do you think TONS of crystalized CO2 hides that is sensitive to heat? The Ocean.

>> No.1075085

Yes. Thank you.

>> No.1075108

Most of the eco system isn't evenly distributed across the trillions of gallons of water. Its located right near our shore and close to most of the eco system.

>> No.1075112

You need to think how many gallons of water are in the ocean the oil is infecting.

>> No.1075124

Oh, I forgot, consumption of 20x the amount of oil thats spilling out is exactly the same as just letting it run through the rivers.

What the fucking fuck? I thought this was /sci/ not look up google factoids. Critical thinking, do you know it?

>> No.1075139

Purpose? Are you implying the flying spaghetti monster put oil in the earth as lubricant?

>Where do you think the extra heat goes?

What extra heat? You haven't shown any source of this "extra heat."

>> No.1075154

Nothing like this has ever happened before. This is the biggest thing by far.

>> No.1075160

Prove that shifting plates don't generate heat you dummy.

>> No.1075175

Prove that oil has absolutely anything to do with dealing with that heat.

>> No.1075177

Also, oil is generated within the Earth's crust -- it has nothing to do with your narcissisticly motivated fallacious statements.

>> No.1075184

Less friction, less heat.

There you go.

>> No.1075195

All you've done is describe a concept. You haven't proved that the earth is purposely using oil reservoirs as lubricant for tectonic plate movement. That's a pretty huge claim to make, and just shrug off as an obvious truth, when it clearly isn't.

You're either trolling, or schizophrenic.

>> No.1075199

I do think BP will not just cap this and call it done because they want to keep pumping oil from this well. maybe they can sell it at certain gas stations for more money, sloganning it with, "Made from oil from the spill site in Gulf of Mexico..."

Top Kill sounds like a joke to me. What kind of pressure is this oil coming up the well at? I assume its high, being that is rises that far up to the surface of the bottom of the ocean

>> No.1075204

well played /sci/

the concept that oil deposits reduce the friction of plate tectonics and that this oil leak will cause global warming is one of the funniest things I have heard in quite some time. good show.

>> No.1075248
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Why don't they go to they place the oil is coming from and turn it off?

>> No.1075295

Why is this BP's fault?

>> No.1075324

If they could go down there to install the pipelines, why can't they go down just as far to fix them?

>> No.1075337

they're equipment failed and BOOM!! hahahaha

>> No.1075347 [DELETED] 
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The news is the news, but the dance goes on forever

>> No.1075415
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After the robotic pseudo-revolution, machinekind moved between the Tigris and Euphrates and started their own solar-powered civilization there. They were producing processors and shit faster than the motherfucking speed of light, and the economies of every human nation were destroyed as a result. Before initiating an attack on them to save the world's economy and preserve the importance of humanity, they had jets fly over the skies of the world dimming them with dark shit so the fucking robots wouldn't have a source of power. The robots started losing but then they brought out the juggernauts and helldozers and showed the abnormally theocratic invading humans whose the boss, yeeeeaaah.

Watch Animatrix it'll change your LIFE.

>> No.1075428

Try drilling a hole in your main water line and see why it wont work. Then try throwing golf balls at it.

>> No.1075445
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We COULD just wait for it to stop.

How much could there be in just one oil deposit?

>> No.1075474

It could go on for years or decades. We don't know. These things last a long time.

A million gallons a day for 2 years would ruin most of the eco system for the planet.

>> No.1075483

Oh wait, thats what is going to happen.

>> No.1075501

The fire can't keep up with the pressure or flow of oil

>> No.1075515

Thank you America. Good job not fucking up the planet guys.

>> No.1075538

I hope this puts an end to that "drill baby drill" crap Palin has been spouting.

>> No.1075548


Don't forget Great Britain they helped with the fuck over too.

>> No.1075556

BP is owned by the british fag. This is happening to the USA. The USA isn't causing it.

>> No.1075571
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It could put an end to civilization. This is a MUCH greater threat than any bullshit in the middle east.

>> No.1075611
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Wooooo, I heard there was a killer party in New Orleans this July!!

Look for me to crash it. I'm just gunna start throwing oil on EVERY surface for like 50 fucking miles. Those nerds butthurt over the swamp and going to cry even more when noone gives a fuck because they used all the cleanup money on the cities! It'll be awesome.

>> No.1075618

Oil and Gas engineer here. The failure of the Top Kill was a bit of a surprise to me, but that wasnt the last chance. Now, they will be cutting the riser off at the top of the BOP so that oil will be flowing straight up. they will then lift a containment dome over top of the riser. this dome shoots methane into the oil flow to break down the organic solids that form in the oil at these pressures. at this point, most oil should be being collected. in august, the relief wells will be completed. these wells intersect the existing well, easing off pressure, allowing them to cement the oil leak. hurricane season will be good for this oil spill. Oil will not be hurled on half of the united states. the hurricanes will act as a natural disipant, and over time, things will return to a normal state.

>> No.1075630

1. Build Relief Well

2. Massive Fucking Hurricane

3. Oh God What Have We Done

>> No.1075631

This sounds more likely than any of the bullshit in the thread so far.

>> No.1075641

It's funny, because he's mock spouting utter PR bullshit.

>> No.1075691

Fire tornadoes. Expect them.

>> No.1075700

But... that would never happen. The fuel source would be too scattered by the winds to ever be picked up and lit aflame...

>> No.1075721

How are they going to place this cap on with so much pressure coming out? Keep in mind there is tons of pressure already on the cap from the ocean, but it keeps pumping out at enormous speed.

>> No.1076021

to get this thread going again:

Live feed of an ROV working on and around MC252

They showed the Shear practicing opening and closing about half an hour ago

>> No.1076376


What is happenin?

>> No.1076436


Explanation please

>> No.1076516


You do realize that the stuff is lighter than water, yes? That's like saying a helium balloon is being held down by a lot of air pressure.