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10726763 No.10726763 [Reply] [Original]

When are we going to do this?

>> No.10726786

Can you name a single "non-physical phenomena"?
>inb4 consciousness
Neuroscience and psychology already exist

>> No.10726794

Magnetism? Gravity? Frequency? Energy? Dark Energy? Dark Matter?

>> No.10726797

>Magnetism? Gravity? Frequency? Energy? Dark Energy? Dark Matter?
all physical, though we are still working on an understanding of the last two

>> No.10726805


>> No.10726820

Gender fluidity

>> No.10726831

I'm not sure you can classify any of them as 'physical.' We don't really know why gravity is gravity, we just know the effects of it.

>> No.10726834

>We don't really know why gravity is gravity, we just know the effects of it.
Good thing modeling and not explaining is exactly what the physical sciences set out to do.

>> No.10726845

Right but during Tesla's lifetime, people didn't bother with asking why gravity is gravity. That's the whole point of the thread. And even now, getting a man on Mars is more popular and widespread than theoretical physics, despite the latter being much more useful.

>> No.10726848

>We don't really know why gravity is gravity
what did he mean by this

>> No.10726853

That "Why" is a question for metaphysics, and not science.

>> No.10726854

The accuracy status of our stellar body predictive models is: proved wrong
Since all the predictions were/are wrong and get corrected after the fact with dark matter/energy.

>> No.10726862

that's clearly wrong because science answers many why questions

>> No.10726865

At the time, when Tesla stated this, he was referring to wireless technology and considered forces like it as non-physical. We now however, know they are physical.

>> No.10726897

can you stop posting this faggot?
he was an incel on acid that fucks piegons

>> No.10727063

lul dude

>> No.10727127


>> No.10727136

Asking “why” is retarded and impossible to answer.

>> No.10727140

We already are doing this. The non-physical phenomena he was referring to were gender and sexuality, whose complexities thanks to the efforts of feminist scientists we are finally beginning to fathom.

>> No.10727149

>Brains and cultural norms aren’t physical