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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10724151 No.10724151 [Reply] [Original]

Science is nothing without philosophy, which is the basis and origin of all diciplines. Philosophy is a meta-level for science and art, and only those deny this who never studied it.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.10724156

I hate philosophy and philosophers. It's good only for politics.

>> No.10724161

Physics is literally natural philosophy.

>> No.10724162

Okay, no one cares. Philosophy is “useful” because it allows science to work and that’s it.

>> No.10724163

>talks about non-quantitative shit
>proof me wrong


>> No.10724167

Philosophy oversees science and the arts.

>> No.10724173

No it doesn’t, because it’s not a person.

>> No.10724176

Philosophers oversee science and the arts.


>> No.10724185

No they don’t. Science’s axioms are already defined and art is just making shit people like.

>> No.10724192

Science = empirical method
Philosophy is rational and thus it's above science.

>> No.10724196

>Science is only empirical


>Philosophy is only rationalist

Wrong, and rationalism is not “above” empiricism.
Dunno who you’re pretending to be but it’s not convincing.

>> No.10724253
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>>Science is only empirical

The absolute state of /sci/.

>> No.10724552

There is a philosophy of science, you know.

>> No.10724570

>Dur what’s theoretical physics

>> No.10724593
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See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Problem_of_induction

>> No.10724599

Wutlol? Logical certainty and proofs can be found beyond just numbers. Thats the basis of evrything from topology to linguistics to logic to social choice theory. All completely logical and rihorous without any number or even shapes.

>> No.10724605

>Topology doesn’t involve shapes
>Logic doesn’t involve numbers

There’s no hope for your decaying brain.

>> No.10724639

go put on a cookie monster snapback about it idiot. Nobody gives a shit about you "We live in a society" losers. we get it, you were put in a gifted program in elementary school and your parents always told you that you were smart. then you grow up and start failing pre-calculus and you go "oh shit, what if I'm not smart?" and in your panic you decide that the only way to retain your identity of being the smart guy in the room is to put on some fucking tweed and start saying shit like "What IS happiness?" without realizing that you are the biggest fucking idiot the world has ever seen. You read the work of other fucking idiots, and eventually shit out your own half baked "ideas" that any soccer mom already understands, but you just had to put it into overly verbose writing. Fuck you and fuck philosophy. While other people create meaningful things in this world you sit around and jerk each other off.

Philosophy is not a science. You are not smart. Garbagemen are more useful than you.

>> No.10724811

once upon a time Art, Magic, Science and Philosophy were together. We separated them, specialized and lost the holistic insight

now we are insects

>> No.10724850

Sad truth. It's a shame.

>> No.10724863

Theoretical physics is a guessing game. It's half science.
Science has two parts: theory and prove.
If someone make up a theory that's not scince yet. He must prove his theory.

>> No.10724880



>> No.10724890

I can't prove you wrong because you're right.

>> No.10724895

Take a look at the scientific method.
What is a hypothesis if not pure philosophy?

>> No.10725077

>If someone make up a theory that's not scince yet. He must prove his theory.

Theoretical physics shouldn't even be a science.

>> No.10725200

Lads lads lads if you can't study both science and philosophy and be competent in both fields then you are destined to be a fucking brainlet for all your days let it be known.

>> No.10725493
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>> No.10725709
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Anyone who doesn't put value into both science and philosophy is a brainlet.

>> No.10725992

Agreed. Continental philosophy IS philosophy.

>> No.10726296

Yes, you need both.

>> No.10726783

Why would I debate you when you're correct? Anybody with half a brain knows this. It's not controversial unless you're an edgy atheist.

>> No.10726791

You realise Dawkins openly admits philosophy's value? He admits himself that he's actually an agnostic due to Hume's problem of induction, and that he actually only uses the word atheist for rhetoric and the stigma it entails. I really hate him for doing this while telling everyone he's a man of reason, but to paint him as someone who's ignorant of philosophy is a blatant lie. He places statistical power as the highest measure of truth in his world, accepts that there is a problem with it, but that it hasn't actualised itself.

>> No.10727885
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>> No.10728985

>Prove me wrong
Prove yourself right, retard.

>> No.10728990

>He admits himself that he's actually an agnostic due to Hume's problem of induction, and that he actually only uses the word atheist for rhetoric and the stigma it entails.

Literally meaningless. Anyone that lacks belief in God is atheist by definition. Gnosticism and agnosticism are just knowledge claims.

>> No.10728996

>Theoretical physics is a guessing game.


>Science has two parts: theory and prove.


>If someone make up a theory that's not scince yet. He must prove his theory.

Indecipherable trash words.

Hypothesese that make verifiable predictions are formulated to explain phenomena. If these predictions are found to be accurate, and these predictions aren’t made by competing hypothesese, the hypothesis graduates to the rank of theory. If and when this theory is found to fail, it is replaced or modified, as Newtonian gravity was replaced by relativity, and as classical mechanics were replaced by quantum theory. And in the future, we hope to replace both quantum theory and relativity with a theory of quantum gravity that unites these phenomena within one predictive framework. Is English not your first language?

>> No.10729002

Theoretical physics is how we have modern technology, goofy.

>> No.10729746

>>He admits himself that he's actually an agnostic due to Hume's problem of induction, and that he actually only uses the word atheist for rhetoric and the stigma it entails.

>Literally meaningless. Anyone that lacks belief in God is atheist by definition. Gnosticism and agnosticism are just knowledge claims.

It's not at all meaningless in the context of the post I was replying to, this isn't an argument about scientists placing value in theology, but about scientists placing value in philosophy. And it's also not at all meaningless when that reasoning is literally the necessary condition of his conclusion. Seeing Dawkins claim he has "no reason to believe there is a God" is not equal to seeing a redditor who doesn't understand philosophy claiming he is "certain there is no God", which many do claim.

And "atheism by definition", is a completely ambiguous concept. There's no consensus on the definition of atheism.

>> No.10729818


>> No.10729963

>156▶>>10724161 >>10724552
>>>10724151 (OP)
bitch noob

>> No.10729998

lol you are dumb

>> No.10730108

Philosophy is important in the sense that English is important, but anyone who dedicates their education to studying/majoring in either is a retard.

>> No.10730117

>the English literary canon is retarded

I hate the liberal arts as much any anybody here, but to say studying English literature is retarded is bullshit. I love Dickens, Poe, Wolfe, Pynchon, etc... Literature is a beautiful thing.