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10722665 No.10722665 [Reply] [Original]

>increased neuron density
>able to see more colors than humans including ultraviolet
>advanced more efficient respiratory system
>able to fly

In every way except for 1 (opposable thumbs) birds are more advanced than us.
Are birds more evolved than humans?

>> No.10722679

>In every way except for 1 (opposable thumbs) birds are more advanced than us.
I've never seen ducks go people hunting.

>> No.10722683
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>> No.10722692

you flaunt with facts about superior birbs eye sight,
however both pictures are the same.
you're full of shit OP

>> No.10722714

Define "more evolved". The point of evolution isn't to create more and better complicated biomachines. It's to create things that are better at surviving in their environment. If you can show that birds are better suited for surving in their environment than humans, I'd be willing to agree with you. Also, the word "birds" refers to thousands of species while "humans" refers to one, so I think a fair comparison would scale back the scope.

>> No.10722736

Not really true, there is just one extra color channel, that won't make a black bird look rainbow colored. (and the colors may seem somewhat different, as the channels are actually something like UV, indigo, torquoise, yellow-green, rather than RGB.

>> No.10722738

Birds survived the last major extinction event on the planet. Humans probably won't survive this next one we amde ourselves, but biurds probably will.

Birds: 2

Humans:-1 for jumping off the map

Also, birds have fractal skin appendages, mammals don't. That's one more level of complexity up from us. Complexity, not complicatedness, is what leads to better adaptability. Complexity has to do with synergy of forms and functions. Complexity is efficiency and sustainability.

>> No.10722766

Kind of false, organisms with more simplistic reproductive and survival strategies are selected against. There's a reason why vascular, specifically eudicot plants are so prolific as opposed to ferns and non-vascular plants, they have more coping strategies for drought and loss of parts of the plant. Similar ideas are found in the extinction of every marsupial outside of Australia, they were outcompeted and their reproduction strategy is simply not in the same league as placental mammals. The only exception I see really is insects.

>> No.10722942
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>fractal skin appendage


>> No.10723081

Humans are shit and gay.

>> No.10723093

anaerobes are still the gods of this earth

>> No.10723120

They even have the ability to appreciate art and aesthetics

>> No.10723123

??? both pictures look the same

>> No.10723874

i have

>> No.10723938

Creatures we should clearly hybridize ourselves with

Also the only reason mammals can't see UV is because we were nocturnal for a while and lost that ability. Even the ability to see red, as it doesn't show well in the dark. The only reason apes can see it is because we started eating fruit and seeing red was helpful. But birds were never forced to be nocturnal.

>> No.10723973
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They evolved more compact brains to reduce weight for flight.

Respiratory system also for flight because flying is cardio intensive work. Though I haven't heard they have that trait before it makes obvious sense why they would have it.

>> No.10725413
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>> No.10726293

>Respiratory system also for flight because flying is cardio intensive work. Though I haven't heard they have that trait before it makes obvious sense why they would have it.
it's likely older than that. crocodiles have a respiratory system resembling birds' more than those of lizards. the economic hypothesis is that all archosaurids had this arrangement, all dinosaurs, pterosaurs etc., and that it originated with the temporary drop of atmospheric oxygen percentage during the permian.

>> No.10727111
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Owls have excellent vision and hearing, both of which help them excel at nighttime hunting. In addition, the cover of darkness helps nocturnal owls avoid predators, as well as to attack prey, principally because their feathers hardly make any noise when they fly, Devokaitis said.Sep 19, 2016

Does anyone know sth about owls vision by night?

>> No.10727150
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>archosaurids had this arrangement, all dinosaurs, pterosaurs etc.

So the debate on how large dinosaurs could oxygenate their brains is solved by them having blood that's supersaturated with oxygen due to extremely efficient respiratory systems?
Would they require better blood for this to work? Does that mean dinosaurs had a different type of blood capable of containing this super high oxygen content?

>> No.10727273

nah they probably just had more red blood cells. oxygen concentration was higher at the time too

>> No.10727284
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>> No.10727366

absolutely based

>> No.10727384

This is important, humans evolving to dislike art and aesthetics is causing current decadence, those humans without taste will be the first to disappear

>> No.10729636
File: 59 KB, 638x359, ChineseAvianBioweapon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love birbs, I happen to own many birbs myself- but in terms of biology humans are far superior.

>> No.10729653

As someone who had an interest in methods like ant colony optimization, I hate this shit. There's a bunch of (supposedly legitimate) places that you can publish in pretty easily if you take some existing optimization algorithm, tweak it slightly, and then say it's based on a thing in nature.

>> No.10729654

>blackbirds living in green areas around home
>they go full car alarm if they spot a cat
>one fucker went on for 10 minutes at 4 in the morning
Makes you wish for a softgun or something.