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File: 137 KB, 800x600, calhounj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10719896 No.10719896 [Reply] [Original]

what are the human implications of the mouse utopia experiment?

>> No.10719918


>> No.10719923

Came here to post this.

>> No.10719926

watching mice is entertaining

>> No.10719928

The only reasonable implication would be that humans require more than just food, water, shelter, and socialization to be happy. But even most retards would know this, it is nearly axiomatic.

>> No.10719930


>> No.10719936

As population skyrockets, and place become scarce, so will odd behaviors.
Or something like that.

>> No.10720000

The thing about mose utopia is that it never got close to maximum population before it crashed.

>> No.10720012

Didn't it? I must have read it wrong.
I thought population was really high at some point.

>> No.10720027
File: 208 KB, 640x453, Young_theodore_kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10720335


>> No.10720342
File: 360 KB, 1280x729, 1280px-The_Garden_of_Earthly_Delights_by_Bosch_High_Resolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10720464


>> No.10720491

Max was 3k but they only reached 2k

>> No.10720813

its real
the beautiful ones and schitzo mothering is all the proof you need.

>> No.10720823

We already know. Look around, we even have beautiful ones.

>> No.10720825

Unlike rats, we have technology. Once we have artificial means of reproduction, this shit won't matter no more.

>> No.10720826

This made me burst out laughing. Just the plainness of it all.

Like the trans-species chimerism reference in the last frame as well.

>> No.10720857
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Artificial wombs do seem to be the goal.

>> No.10720870

Wtf I'm a Luddite now

>> No.10720877

This. I like real wombs.

>> No.10720890

Gross. Real pussy and asshole is cool but fuck wombs. Absolutely disgusting part of the body.

>> No.10720894

Nah, it's okay. I think it's implicit presence is arousing. Like, even if not seen it needs to be there.

>> No.10720900

It’s all nice and stuff until you see a c-section or a baby coming out half covered in the amniotic sac, umbilical pulsing. Apart from sex, the process of reproduction is stressful and just gross. Be glad you’re not the one with the womb.

>> No.10720922

I was a c-section. But indeed, I've not seen this occur, and do not have a womb.

>> No.10721487
File: 138 KB, 533x800, sinop-p02-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That as soon as man has become like the animal, he is susceptible to the woes of one.

>> No.10721500

The result as any politician worth his share holding will tell you.
Is that slow downs in reproduction are symptom of negative market growth and must be corrected with immigration and refugees.

>> No.10721514


>> No.10721516

in nature, conflicts are resolved by some of the members leaving to find another group. In Calhoun's experiments (just like in human schools) this is prevented and the members fight to death, as they are not allowed to leave.

>> No.10722999


>> No.10723006

>Ergotamine is a hell of a drug!

>> No.10724208

>it becomes a boomer dominated society at 2k
>younger individuals don't have access to resources and become asocial, marginalized, don't have sex and basically become angry NEETs
>everything explodes into a spiral of violence that wipes away the entire colony
we are just in the middle phase

>> No.10725359

human =/= mouse

>> No.10725364

You’re delusional. Boomers voted less than millennials in 2020 and their influence will continue to decline until they’re all dead within forty years.

>> No.10725367

2018 I mean

>> No.10725377

Not true.

That some humans have more money than sense and will fund insanely elaborate """experiments""" involving rodents.

>> No.10725382

I’d rather just have a pet mouse metroplex

>> No.10725392

Some parts of humanity? Yes. For sure. Luckily humanity is humanitarianially separated enough for this to never occur in reality.

Remeber those fuckers in that indian island or whatever who had been living separated for thousands of years and killed a christian emissary? Yeah those will survive. If absolutely nothing else. I sure as fuck will anyway

>> No.10725405

The mice did not have to participate to maintain their utopia environment thus suffering from it in the long run! Or should I say shorter run, utopias don't last forever ether, but they sure are good while they do, if achieved!

Humans have the potential to participate in some scale in maintaining their utopia environment if achieved, those that think the future is golden without participation and self control and think to implement absolute non autonomical control and only automated outlined participation will find no utopia and especially not lasting!

>> No.10726218

The boomers will be gone but then we'll be stuck with a whole bunch of old millennial asocial neets.

>> No.10726228
File: 17 KB, 313x339, 1373009551696.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luckily humanity is humanitarianially separated enough for this to never occur in reality.

Not for long with globalisation and open borders. Next collapse may very well be global.

>> No.10726246

This is not how genes work. They are more like colored balls, not paints.

>> No.10726259

paint is just a solution of very small colored balls

>> No.10726380

>women in charge and abuse others
>the youth are self obsessed, always focusing on their appearance and consuming constantly
>fertility drops massively with many showing no interest in normal sexual relations

Its just mice anon, there is totally no paralels to be observed here.

>> No.10726402
File: 39 KB, 245x300, 1560023151435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can publish your work in the non peer reviewed journal but with word "science" in the title and people will eat it as valid research.

>> No.10726407

If you already can observe it in the human population then why do you need such experiment, what predictive power does it give you?

>> No.10726411

we must implement anarchocapitalism

>> No.10726428

Genes are bigger. only some 25000 of them.
"Per review" literally means only that somebody working in the field has read it and agreed it's worth publishing. It only throwns out the worst trash (along perhaps something the reviewers don't like), it is no guarrantee of correctness.

>> No.10726431
File: 398 KB, 2518x1124, blogpost chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10726436
File: 132 KB, 590x612, power process.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Industrial Society And Its Future.

>> No.10726575

>implying voting makes a difference
boomers have real estate that they bought for peanuts and that they sell to zoomers for 20x they paid adjusted for inflation. They had a vastly easier access to jobs and lots of jobs opportunities even without higher education, they could raise a family with 4 children and a wife at home.
Zoomers must get expensive education to even have a shot in a corporate dominated service based job market, and good luck even with that. Dating got harsher, not to mention marriages and supporting even one kid. They have to face a planet on the verge of environmental collapse and the schizophrenic technological intrusion of social medias and other unhealthy applications.
The emerging of the clown world is just the beginning of the mice auto holocaust.

>> No.10726581

its literally repeating right now. Watching this video makes me feel like they took todays society and spun a rat story about it

>> No.10726910

is this a meme to be edgy or worth reading

>> No.10726913

>its literally repeating right now.
No it isn't.

>> No.10727010

Uncle ted warned us.

>> No.10727369

See the decline of the projected population under age 5 after 2050s.

>> No.10727375

So does this proof the fascist idea of constant struggle necessary for a healthy society?

>> No.10727380

>giant sphincter full of rats