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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10718361 No.10718361 [Reply] [Original]

What is the biggest limitation on scientific progress and technological development? Is it insufficient government funding? A lack of qualified scientists and engineers? Not enough cooperation between nation-states for science? Bureaucratic gridlock getting in the way?

>> No.10718363

Reality. I.E. physical limitations.

>> No.10718365
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For me, the biggest limitation is that I have been segregated from the other educated people and thrown, for some reason, into the group filled with gay retarded Satanists.

Nothing is so productive as collaboration, but the people around me only seem interested in sucking dick and being evil.

>> No.10718417

Capitalism and markets are not particularly interested in scientific innovation, especially not in the last few decades. With the wealth we have, we could do way more if we truly wanted to.

>> No.10718419

Lack of imagination.

That's why all this AI meming is actually setting us back just as much as the dark ages ever did.

>> No.10718548


>> No.10718564

Collaboration requires revision and modifications of work. If it takes 3 years of showing a simple concept and you still cannot revise accordingly, that is not collaboration, that is wasting everyone else's time and hindering science, not trying to advance it.

>> No.10719014

This. To get much farther in testing physical theories you're dealing with some rediculous power levels and no real guarantee that its going to validate your thories and not send you back to scratch.

>> No.10719024

most research funding is private

>> No.10719027
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>> No.10719039

Just funding.
fixed with more funding.

>> No.10719045

A soft barrier of physical limitations leading to a medium barrier of economic limitations, leading to a hard barrier of political and public opinion limitations.

>> No.10719048

Culture. People shouldn't grow up thinking it is okay to watch TV every day. Imagine if the media propaganda system could make people as impassioned about an academic pursuit as they are about ending racism or consuming the latest trendy product.

I think social cohesion is so important to promote efficiency and motivate the population instead of everyone just being living a life in pursuit of a little cash to spend on temporary luxuries until they die. Like, Why the fuck would I waste my life pursuing academic goals when I don't trust the academic institutions and I have no desire to help people around me? I won't. I have absolutely no interest in promoting the existence of a group that doed not offer any guaranter that my genetic lineage or values will be upheld.

Remove this.

>> No.10719053

Most private research funding is fairly useless, focused more on commodities that are quick to make and easy to sell rather than things that improve quality of life and increase scientific knowledge. You'll never see a private company research the cure for cancer, or build a space telescope, or send submarines to discover new life in the ocean.

>> No.10719161

Maybe that's what collaboration means if you're gay. I just meant being in an environment where you can discuss things with non-ignoranuses and there are colloquia and stuff.

>> No.10719291

>it's another retarded commie exposes themselves to be an ignorant retard with absolutely no knowledge of what he's whining about episode
Good ole reruns

>> No.10720009
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I don't give a damn about worker ownership of the means of production or any of the other meme bullshit that communists like to spout, but centralized planning and government control took a backwards agricultural civilization that still had serfdom into a space-faring civilization that beat the wealthiest nation in the world to space. With today's technology, a centrally planned economy would absolutely be possible, and without wasting so many resources on stupid commodities like iPhones and fidget spinners we could be colonizing Mars by now.

>> No.10720014

mostly the fact that i have to sit in an office for 8 hours a day programming buttons on a phone app so i can make money to survive instead of pursuing my passion of advancing science.

Little details like that.

>> No.10720267

Instead of what? Having 60% of your country not work and pursue art and their rap career because a tiny slither of people who can't succeed under the current system are suddenly going to succeed in another?

>> No.10720289

>I just meant being in an environment where you can discuss things with non-ignoranuses and there are colloquia and stuff.
Maybe you should kill yourself and save science the trouble of exterminating you.

>> No.10720324

>suddenly going to succeed in another
What the fuck is your argument here? That a small fraction of a massive number like 7 BILLION or 300 million doesn't have a .01% of 30-700K people, and an efficient organization to make use of their talents can't, or shouldn't, be created?

Exactly how much math did you do before shouting off your anti-progressive opinion here?

>> No.10720336
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If science had someone that was above me in the grand scheme of things (ME: 47 degree Scottish mason & 100 degree Egyptian mason) then I'm sure they would have long ago. As it is, no one like that exists. That eye at the top of the pyramid is my eye. There is no one like me.

>> No.10720338

no im saying I would rather be running experiments in the lab saving your dumb ass from cancer than programming apps to make a living

>> No.10720345 [DELETED] 
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Global IQ decline.

>> No.10720347

Schitzoposter get out.

>> No.10720350

Newsflash poor impoverished Africans weren't ever doing groundbreaking science. You need a new boogeyman.

>> No.10720361
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He's right though.
Competition in an economic system doesnt fuel innovation. History and the largest innovations humanity has had since capitalism all prove this. Collaboration is infinitely more effective, especially when it is directed beyond designing a cooler looking car with more appealing features to a consumer who doesn't actually care about an improvement in technology.

>> No.10720374
File: 284 KB, 1545x1010, collosal failure of unrestricted free market capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? At least a system in which 60% of people are pursuing arts doesn't waste people's intrinsic abilities and motivation on shitty consumerism which provably hurts both innovation and productivity, not to mention human happiness. If 40% of the population are actually doing something useful opposed to the majority of the population being stuck in actually useless corporate jobs anyone who cares about scientific progress would be happy.
>cant succeed
Anyone who cares about science, regardless of political affiliation, would agree that success has nothing to do with wealth but rather contribution. Aside from that capitalism is setup so the majority of people can't succeed anyway -- that's basic economics. Most workers are succeeding in contribution, however, capitalism directly impedes people's abilities to be rewarded for it in the same way it impedes innovation and progress. Pic related. Go back to /pol/, retard.

>> No.10720390 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10720482

People being more productive doesn't necessitate higher wages if there's no market for what they're selling. These guys could be doing finger paintings twice as fast as before but nobody wants to buy them so they don't get compensated. And if your nation's production is increasing but at a slower rate compared to other trading nations them guess what? That productivity meams shit. Everything is a competition, you commie faggot retard.

You retarded monkey nigger. People who are intelligent have knowledge and important skills tend to be valued highly. Consumerism is terrible but it has to be challenged through a revision of existing propaganda systems so people are reading reports instead of watching niggers rap and shill clothing.

The technology that has had the most impact on literally everything is computers and they're an industry overwhelmingly driven by capitalism.

You're never going to succeed because you're worthless.

>> No.10720484

How low IQ Are you?

>> No.10720485

>These guys could be doing finger paintings twice as fast as before but nobody wants to buy them so they don't get compensated.
Weird that CEOs are getting paid handsomely for all those worthless finger paintings.

>> No.10720494

>How low IQ Are you?
How do you justify blaming someone half way across the world for your problems?

>> No.10720648
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>People being more productive doesn't necessitate higher wages if there's no market for what they're selling.
The graph takes a massive number of wages into account, all of which belong to individuals employed by companies which are alive because they provide a service/product the market wants. Inherently the wages shown in the graph correlate with useful labour. The people wouldn't be working if their higher levels of productivity were useless.
>you commie faggot retard
Considering how much you like having your money stolen from you by porky, more of which when you work harder, you seem to be the faggot and a cuck at that. Does porky's greasy cock feel that good? Does being emasculated and taken advantage of really bring you that much pleasure?
>You retarded monkey nigger. People who are intelligent have knowledge and important skills tend to be valued highly.
We have tons of threads refuting this right now you dumb fuck. Many of the most intelligent, educated, and useful people in our society aren't employed or are in shakey situations because it's difficult to profit off their work. All the unemployed physicists and engineers could be working on furthering space travel and other vital solutions to the crises we're facing but aren't because it isnt profitable enough under a market.
>Consumerism is terrible but it has to be challenged through a revision of existing propaganda systems so people are reading reports instead of watching niggers rap and shill clothing.
I would agree, except what you're talking about is completely moving away from the core of consumerism. It's only profitable because it has no useful depth.
>The technology that has had the most impact on literally everything is computers and they're an industry overwhelmingly driven by capitalism.
The most fundamental developments have, with incredibly few exceptions, resulted from public funding in collaborative efforts.

>> No.10720696

>Many of the most intelligent, educated, and useful people in our society aren't employed or are in shakey situations because it's difficult to profit off their work
Absolutely deranged.

>> No.10720702


>> No.10720708

Are you guys hiring?

>> No.10720712

When youre looking at utterly stupid amounts of power needed that funding becomes a waste of money

>> No.10720778

>I don't even know shit about neither history nor economics, pure Krugger-Dunning.
>b..-but muh ideology

>> No.10720868
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based and crimsonpilled, even if you're not a socialist. this is what unironically made me one.
>tfw I'm a /pol/ user who can't defend the ideology i support out of angst and rage so all i can do is throw funny insults online
Everything he said was objectively true. Refute it if you think otherwise. Read Cockshott.

>> No.10720872


>> No.10720956

What hinders society most is as stated above capitalism. Why would any tech driven corporation allow scientific improvements, which probably would drastically reduce the sales? Even politics would change in time with a scientific progress so basically everyone is against scientific innovations. I doubt after Einstein that no one could surpass his theory, after all this time in this day and age with access to all of the information you want. Well god bless dem jews.