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10710740 No.10710740 [Reply] [Original]


Published in Nature

TLDR: $10 billion can solve and prevent all damage from climate change.

Halving warming with idealized solar geoengineering moderates key climate hazards

olar geoengineering (SG) has the potential to restore average surface temperatures by increasing planetary albedo, but this could reduce precipitation. Thus, although SG might reduce globally aggregated risks, it may increase climate risks for some regions. Here, using the high-resolution forecast-oriented low ocean resolution (HiFLOR) model—which resolves tropical cyclones and has an improved representation of present-day precipitation extremes—alongside 12 models from the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP), we analyse the fraction of locations that see their local climate change exacerbated or moderated by SG. Rather than restoring temperatures, we assume that SG is applied to halve the warming produced by doubling CO2 (half-SG). In HiFLOR, half-SG offsets most of the CO2-induced increase of simulated tropical cyclone intensity. Moreover, none of temperature, water availability, extreme temperature or extreme precipitation are exacerbated under half-SG when averaged over any Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Extremes (SREX) region. Indeed, for both extreme precipitation and water availability, less than 0.4% of the ice-free land surface sees exacerbation. Thus, while concerns about the inequality of solar geoengineering impacts are appropriate, the quantitative extent of inequality may be overstated.

>> No.10710745

Sulphur Geo-engineering allows arbitrary cooling of the earth for minimal price (10 billion for 1.5 degrees cooling at current price)

The effect is well-studied as World Shipping Industry naturally released such chemicals and cooled earth roughly 0.25 degrees as of now.

TLDR: Climate Change is easily fixed.

>> No.10710746

Climate Change is a hoax perpetuated by the elite. They want global warming to scare people and for political purposes, (rich get richer)

>> No.10710752


The knowledge of the cheap and mega-effective effect of sulphur on atmosphere has been known a very long time.

Again, it costs about 10b to cool earth 1.5 degrees.

>> No.10710758


Yeah but that money would be better if it were sent to Israel

>> No.10710761

It's better if we create GLOBAL COMMUNITY and change. Mansion owners with private jets need cleaner air.

>> No.10710762

Imagine being one of the subhuman IQ people scared of climate change when the solution exists for 10 billion dollars LMAO

>> No.10710801

God don’t tell anyone about it or the retards that believe in chemtrails will be jacking off all day

>> No.10710803

Nice conspiracy theory. Citation needed.

>> No.10710813

Global dimming is also a problem. Guess what you "solution" does to crop yields

>> No.10710821

That is just a band-aid, when a faucet is flooding the bathtub,
the solution is not to build it higher walls,
the solution is to turn off the faucet.

>> No.10710849

dumb post

Yes, it is a band-aid but it alleviates short-term problems with climate change. You can safely eliminate any near term catastrophe (not that there would be one).

>> No.10711231

Yes, so Israel can get shit done by fixing global warming and nuking Mecca.

>> No.10711246

Now consider the side effects of sulphur geoengineering, including most prominently a massive increase in acid rain and the environmental and agricultural damage that will cause.
Climate change denial is an ideology of denying facts peddled by fossil fuel shills and their army if morons to squeeze as much profit out of a dying industry as possible before being replaced by less shitty energy sources.

>> No.10711247
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What could possibly go wrong

>> No.10711251
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>thus solving the problem once and for all

Also, don't we need sunlight for agriculture?

>> No.10711259

I do not see how geo-engineering can possibly have unintended consequences. Let's do it!

>> No.10711261

I have always maintained that this is the solution that would be eventually implemented in practice. Dumping fossil fuels in time to prevent significant climate change is simply unrealistic - even if the western world managed to do so, China, India and Africa will burn all fossil fuels they can get their hands on. Dumping fossil fuels requires global cooperation. Geoengineering solutions like this just require a few wealthy countries working together.

>> No.10711282
File: 74 KB, 767x431, screen-shot-2019-06-05-at-10-54-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reduce temperature of planet with aerosols
>do not reduce CO2 emissions
>oceans become colder
>oceans can hold more CO2
>throw big party to pat yourself on the backs
>oceans become highly acidic due to increased C02 absorption
>decide to stop using aerosols now that global warming is solved
>C02 concentrations keep building up in the oceans
>globe warms up a bit
>oceans can no longer hold C02
>oceans dump all that extra C02 it was holding into the atmosphere
>global temperature spikes

This scenario sounds dangerously close to how Chernobyl happened.
First they reduced the reactors temperature, which caused Xenon to build up and accumulate. Then they heated it up, which removed the Xenon and the damn thing spiked in temperature. I for one would not like to see Chernobyl happen to global warming.
>in b4 "he's delusional" or "your confused"

>> No.10711287

RMBK reactors can't explode.

>> No.10711300

jet fuel can't melt steel beams

>> No.10711306

solar geoengineering decreases crop yields: https://cen.acs.org/environment/climate-change/Solar-geoengineering-depress-crop-yields/96/i33
There is no plan B. We have to stop burning fossil fuels.

>> No.10711316
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>There is no plan B.
Carbon sequestration is the safest active measure we can take. Any attempt to reduce burning fossil fuels is just an attempt to give naturally occurring carbon sequestration a chance to do it's work.

The safest place to do it is in a dead zone in the ocean. Where there's no ecosystem present that may suffer a negative side effects. Positive side effects would be decrease in ocean acidity and and give the ocean a chance to hold more atmospheric CO2. We're already approaching c02 saturation. Once saturation happens a run away effect like >>10711282 mentioned could happen even if we do nothing.

>> No.10711324

Do you retards actually think this? The idea of global warming directly hurts the elite and limits their economic access to foreign markets and to a large degree their own. If you actually think a small increase in taxes is going to make the elite richer you're retarded.

>> No.10711328
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>this is how we get the 'always night' cyberpunk aesthetic
About fucking time honestly

>> No.10711331

>Any attempt to reduce burning fossil fuels is just an attempt to give naturally occurring carbon sequestration a chance to do it's work.
And natural carbon sequestration is far more effective than artificial sequestration, and the natural process take decades for trees to grow, millennia for topsoil to form, and millions of years for fossil fuels to form. Ergo, we need to stop burning fossil fuels and sequestration is a denialtard cope to avoid the simple and obvious solution.

>> No.10711354

they unironically think the whole thing is a jewish plot to sell solar panels

>> No.10711358

Yea but we kind of need the faucet on for now.

>> No.10711361

I have yet to see any carbon sequestration plan that could sequester 10 gigatonnes of CO2 annually at a lower cost than not emitting it in the first place.

>> No.10711403

Kinda scary when you think about how the Arctic sea ice, which is basically a 15000 cubic km ice block is on the verge of vanishing.

>> No.10711603

They can do it for under $100 per ton now.

Of course you can’t make it profitable till you have carbon taxes but people insist its a jewish conspiracy. Ironically it’s probably a conspiracy theory invented by big oil who’d have to pay that carbon tax

>> No.10712682
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>massive increase in acid rain
where did you get this idiotic idea?

>> No.10712696

Genetic Engineering carbon sequestration plants. It takes a huge amount of agriculture though, but well within human capabilities. It's fairly plausible tech within 10 years but probably would not go mass scale for 30-40 depending on needs.

Using geo-engineering you'd offset any temp rise at least by 30-50% with sulphur injections in the near term, with long-term solutions being actual carbon sequestration.

>> No.10712701

ofc with the naturally occuring build up in renewables / solar improvements / energy storage blah blah you'll have plenty of energy to sequester at scale.

I think the bigger problem in the future is global consensus on environmental parameters. AKA what temperature should the global mean be? How is it calculated? Ocean chemistry consensus, etc.

I think you'd have more problems agreeing on that fact than dealing with climate change itself.

>> No.10712709

They're finally going public and trying to make the chemtrails they've been spraying us with for the last 20 years legit.

>> No.10712754

We need both

>> No.10712782

1.) there is no climate change
2.) there is climate change but it's not human-made
3.) human-made climate change is real but it only hits the shithole countries anyway, it's actually good for us
4.) it's real but we're fucked anyway with all these assholes around, nothing you can do
5.) geo-engineering will fix it soon, no need to change anything now <--
6.) ok, geo-engineering made it worse but now we learned and can stop it(it's too late)
7.) fucking leftists destroyed the world, as expected

>> No.10712839

>AKA what temperature should the global mean be?
How low can we go anon... just wondering... what would happen if global average temperature dropped -6 or -8 C from the current average

>> No.10712865

From the studies showing a correlation between sulfur emissions and acid rain. You know, that science stuff that denialtards hate.

>> No.10712867 [DELETED] 


>> No.10712870

zoomers don't remember the acid rain issue before pollution regulations were stricter.

>> No.10712877

There are a dozen global scale geo engineering projects that could effectively combat global warming. We can actually reverse it, but alarmists don't want to admit that. Alarmists don't want real solutions, they want gibs via taxes. That's it.

>> No.10712886
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What if it creates an ice age instead?

>> No.10712889

>$10 billion
I have no intention of paying that with my taxes, feel free to pay it yourself if you feel so generous, nigger.

>> No.10712892

10 billion is honestly nothing. Nancy Reagan spent more than that on the D.A.R.E. program.

>> No.10712902

A carbon tax is a more real solution than any proposed geoengineering, which is speculative and unknown in both impact and side effects. Denialtards will repeatedly suggest otherwise, but a tax is a much more practical, quantifiable, effective thing. A carbon tax is not "gibs" either, but it is just as effective as that at provoking /pol/ butthurt.

>> No.10712904

Feel free to pay it with your own personal savings.

>> No.10712905
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They're already geoengineering you fool. They've been doing it for the last 20 years, why do you think bees are being found loaded with aluminum and trees are rotting from the inside? There's a shitload of free aluminum oxide in the soil. They've been spraying it on us for decades.

>> No.10712906

gtfo chemtrail nigger

>> No.10712911
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Fuck you cunt I'm right and you're wrong. You don't know what's what!

>> No.10712920
File: 32 KB, 600x600, Opm_Ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck you cunt I'm right and you're wrong. You don't know what's what!

>> No.10712922

Take your meds or a huge glass of tap water you schizo.

>> No.10712925
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Could we use this on Venus to get her to chill out a bit? Much better than fixing Mars.

>> No.10712930
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Look up.

>> No.10713091
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Yeah fuck that.

>> No.10713107

why don't we just paint all out rooftops white, use cement insted of asphalt and plant more trees with white bark? Tehoretically we could also set up really large tarps in the north during the summer time to reduce temperature.

>> No.10713135

Cite a paper.

>> No.10713140

What do the stains on the ceiling have to do with anything?

>> No.10713150



>> No.10713151

“why do you think bees are being found loaded with aluminum and trees are rotting from the inside? There's a shitload of free aluminum oxide in the soil. They've been spraying it on us for decades.”

>> No.10713159

The bees and insect loss parts are trivially googled. Trees rot from the inside because their root system shuts down nutrient transport in response to aluminum. The aluminum is there because they're spraying aersolized nano and micro aluminum compounds suspended in polymers meant to mimic the floating ability of spider web (keeping them up longer). This quickly rains down and is breathed in, absorbed transdermally, accumulates in soil, etc. Aluminum is naturally bound up with silica in soil. This is done to control the weather and for "solar radiation management".

That's the reason.

>> No.10713161

>The bees and insect loss parts are trivially googled.

Link a research paper on the topic, please.

>Trees rot from the inside because their root system shuts down nutrient transport in response to aluminum.

Link a research paper on the topic, please.

>The aluminum is there because they're spraying aersolized nano and micro aluminum compounds suspended in polymers meant to mimic the floating ability of spider web (keeping them up longer).

Link a research paper on the topic, please.

>> No.10713170



Most interestingly:


>> No.10713174

and we can remove roads fro cites and just take subway/trains like the japs. it discourages car use and solves the obesity epidemic.
we could also make an underwater super train to transport goods across the world reducing boat and airplane use.
we can also all wear tin foil hats to help improve the albedo

>> No.10713296

Get fucked I'm not paying carbon tax, how about they slice the obscenely bloated beauracracy instead and use that money?

>> No.10713311

>Get fucked I'm not paying carbon tax
Well that's the whole point, you dipshit - to incentivize people to NOT having to pay it.

>> No.10713322

improve solar panels, make them much cheaper and efficient, and make the chinese mass produce them (just like they already do).


>> No.10713324


>> No.10713400


>> No.10713404

>I'm not paying carbon tax
Wow, I'm proud of you. Not many people are able to eliminate their emissions like that.

>> No.10713428

I generate and store my own off grid power with solar and wind, collect and store my own water from the rain, grow and hunt my own food and travel on a motorbike for the majority of the time so I am making 99% less emissions than some fag fuck urban parasite yet I guarantee I will be charged the same taxes you piece of shit.

>> No.10713473

aww, it's retarded

>> No.10713494

You are naive as fuck