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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 109 KB, 1125x898, maths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10709244 No.10709244 [Reply] [Original]

I bet he majored in set theory.

>> No.10709247



>> No.10709248

>the city of math majors

>> No.10709257

>has masters degree
>teaches in some random school

im guessing the degree were in gender studies or philosophy

>> No.10709258

Did you just assumed it's gender?

>> No.10709270

50% of the women in america want to become teachers. the market is saturated with them. you do not earn what you think you deserve. you earn what the market will bear. if you want to make money, do not be a teacher. you have no one to blame but yourself.

>> No.10709303

Did you just assume it is gender?

>> No.10709334

Why does /sci/ hate set theory and first order logic? Do you guys also hate existential quantifiers?

>> No.10709335


Into the trash.

>> No.10709872

>Master's degree in set theory
That's not a thing

>> No.10709931

The problem that women had is that she went and got a string of degrees but probably never stopped to think what her plan was to turn those pieces of paper into green pieces of paper. It's funny because I could have ended up like that but then suddenly I woke up and immediately started making my plan. By that time I was 3 years deep into a pure math degree so if you are reading this, know you have time. JUST WAKE UP!

>> No.10709975


>> No.10710005

So instead of delivering pizzas you became the pizza manager?
That's great to hear bro, you really put that pure math degree to good use.

>> No.10710008

Women shouldn't be making any money. The whole idea of doubling the workforce by having both men and women compete for jobs is retarded and lowered earning power and job security for everyone.

>> No.10710011

if women stopped working and stayed at home society would be better and the unemployment rate would go down.

>> No.10710027

unfortunately this isn't true. it was true when housework was a full-time job. women were busy AND at the home all day and that worked well. now housework is a matter of a trip to the supermarket (45 minutes if we're being generous) cooking one or two meals (1-2 hours, again, generous estimate) a day and loading various machines with things to clean (10 minutes to an hour of real work). the rest of the time there's nothing to do at home. then there's the kids. kids used to be raised at home until they went to school. now it's expected that they go to kindergarten from age 3 so what's a woman left with at home all day? her fucking phone, the last thing you want her spending time on if you want the relationship to last. at this point women need jobs just to not go insane from boredom.

>> No.10710029

>50% of the women in america want to become teachers.


>> No.10710031

That's the point, that a dumbass makes more money than a teacher

>> No.10710032

My 9th grade english teacher had a phd in God knows what and everybody thought that was the coolest shit. I remember some basketball american student was talking to some teacher and he said "You only have your masters degree? Mr. Whogivesafuck has his phd." Like nigga who cares you're still teaching english to fucking 9th graders.

>> No.10710035

Women staying at home was a 50s meme. Vast majority of women worked.

>> No.10710036

>masters degree
Masters in childhood education probably lmao. Why the fuck do people think that teachers highschool and below deserve good wages?

>> No.10710037
File: 322 KB, 700x961, butisol-1969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at this point women need jobs just to not go insane from boredom
No, science already came up with a solution for that problem a long time ago.

>> No.10710042

In the US, it's pretty common for teachers who teach specific subjects like math or specialize in certain types of students to have masters degrees.

>> No.10710044

>Why the fuck do people think that teachers highschool and below deserve good wages?

Have fun with the declining quality of education.

>> No.10710047

Revisionist bullshit. Maybe you're too young to have seen it but believe it or not it used to be noteworthy when some kid had two working parents. You'd go over to a kid's house in the neighborhood for the day and the mom would always be there making food and cleaning. It's not a fictional thing. It's really sad people today actually believe it is.

>> No.10710049

I'm interested in a list of people you think "deserve good wages."

>> No.10710050

yeah it is called raising the kids. there is more to raising children than providing for them. they do home stuff while the retards are at school and engage with them when they come home and on the weekends.
also are women such degenerate they would rather sacrifice the health and development of their children because they are bored? it is called a fucking hobby. If she studied pure maths she could home school the kids in maths and while they are out she can study and do research or some shit.

>implying public education is good enough to pay teacher more.
good joke retard. it's called private school.

>> No.10710052
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1553282172960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck do people think that teachers highschool and below deserve good wages?
It's a retarded emotional appeal thing where you're supposed to imagine teachers are doing this great service and are being abused by mean old school administrators. I feel WAY more compassion for a random fast food wagie than I ever would for a teacher.

>> No.10710053
File: 71 KB, 1024x957, 9fa4266187c87d51a28c7ebbe9ee3982d28557c8_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure mathematicians

>> No.10710060

yeah true cause that nigga provides me with something I like, good foods.
I go to KFC and the fat mexican lady there is so sweet and kind because that is called good service. I wish she got paid more than my retard HS teachers that basically ruined my brain by teaching me how to be a retard. luckily I studied in my own time.

>> No.10710062

there isn't enough "home stuff" to do for half a fucking day. the current model of working in the morning and being home around the same time as the kids is a pretty good solution. the cancer is that employers are doing everything in their power to trick women into the career meme where you can't go home at noon. women are wasting their fertile years competing with men to pay for shekelstein's second yacht. that's the problem. there shouldn't even be a discussion (among women or in a woman's head) about whether kids or the job come first. that's what's wrong. it should be universally understood and affirmed that a woman's purpose between age 20 and 40 is having kids and a job is an afterthought.

>> No.10710067

>nigger stealing welfare money gets more money than hard-working white person interested in a very difficult topic
this is trump's america

>> No.10710077

I agree. but what can we do to make those damn whores stop being bored of their existence?

>> No.10710099

>kids used to be raised at home until they went to school. now it's expected that they go to kindergarten from age 3 so what's a woman left with at home all day?
You think women spent all day raising kids back in the 60s? Fuck that. Starting around 4 or 5 they'd tell you to fuck off and not come back until dinner. Having adults around you all day to tell you exactly what to do and how to do it is exactly how you get the kind of kids these days that need their mothers to write their admissions essays for them.

>> No.10710126

Don't kid yourself. Most people on sci have no idea what you're talking about. Have never heard the world knowledge base in their lives

>> No.10710155

>Have fun with the declining quality of education.
Teacher pay and graduation rates seem pretty un-correlated.


In the article, 13/25 of the top 25 teacher salary states are in the bottom 25 graduation rates.

Don't let the whining adolescent daycare personnel fool you by not quantifying their benefits or mentioning the 3 months they don't work.

>> No.10710235

stop the career meme and get them to have babies somehow. for most women there is no proportionality between how much they want babies (not that much) and how much they love babies once they have them. it is this way because women never had to want to have children before the 20th century. they were always going to have them unless they or their partner were infertile. men got all the sex drive to make it happen so there was zero selection pressure on women to consciously work towards it. women only have a drive to make sex happen in contexts where it's unlikely (for example due to class difference or because the man is taken) but that's not going to lead to babies, nor is men pursuing them and doing all the work for them. sex no longer leads to babies and that's a problem because it did for all of our existence until a hundred years ago.

>> No.10710376

>the state of math fags
and here we see the underlying reason for all the hate on CS. Envy.
While a CS major makes all the big bucks the loser math fags will be forced to take two jobs just to make ends meet.

Enjoy your teaching jobs as well as your part time pizza delivery jobs.
I'll enjoy my 100k starting salary :^)

>> No.10710594
File: 213 KB, 485x662, O RLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the market is saturated with them. you do not earn what you think you deserve. you earn what the market will bear.

Is that the reason nurses and people who care for the elderly are making bank? Because nobody wants to do that job and people are highly needed.

So where are the crazy high salaries for these jobs?

>muh market will take care of everything
Yeah, it will take care of your useless ass as soon as you aren't able to work for it. To old to work, well fuck off and die.

>> No.10710604

I feel like birth control has fucked up society and made lesbians.
but it is used for al kinds of shit.
commodity medicine has kind of fucked us over.

>> No.10710606

>sex no longer leads to babies and that's a problem


>> No.10710607
File: 205 KB, 2752x1714, Annual-World-Population-since-10-thousand-BCE-for-OWID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, lesbians are a huge problem.

>> No.10710614

I was talking about society, not population.
spics, negros, asians, and the rural honkey all supplement for population around the world, but with the exception of most asians, these are degenerate retards that add to the damage of society.
third worlders are also fucking us up.
when did population have anything to do with this, this is about how the working women damages society and how women need to a) stop working b) stop being whores c} stop using birth control d} raise their kids.
and men need to stop encouraging this bullshit.

>> No.10710652


ah, so it's basically a "the white race is dying" argument, gotcha

good luck on your basement crusade

>> No.10710682

oh I see, you prioritize third world subhumans nice.
I'm not white pal, I just respect the first world and don't want to send it into the shit age.
there are smart and meaningful people in africa, asia, europe and the americas. but there are also a lot of fucking denigrate smooth brains that need to be banished to the jungle were they belong.
and being a faggot, tranny, or mental retard is a white issue. I am pretty indiscriminate to race, unlike those /pol/tards. smooth brain whites probably cause the most damage and the biggest issues,
allowing women rights was a retard meme and now we are fucked.
there are zero repercussions to getting rid of the disabled tards like faggots and trannies, and putting women to their place. There will always be men who can do it and better.
The white race has nothing to do with this. Good luck having no balls maricon.
removing elements of issue like the bums, the fags, the smooth brains wont effect first world society poorly.
and we don't have to kill them, we can leave them in large menagerie to be surveyed and protected as interesting specimens. we can keep them with the negros in places like chicago. The black famouosly have the fag and might kill them all, but it is not really a big deal what smooth brains do to each other.
this way we can worry about real issues by destroying all our pseudo and contrived issues invented by the issues themselves. It would be a halcyon.

>> No.10710700


as I said, good luck with your crusade

>> No.10710766

The fucker literally says "This lady has a masters degree, makes less money than my dumb ass and has to deliver pizza to make ends meet."
Re-read the second word

>> No.10710787

did you just assume xis syntax?

>> No.10710805

My old highschool chemistry teacher had five masters degrees last I spoke to her.

>> No.10710812

Did I just assume you read the pic?

>> No.10710847

>My old highschool chemistry teacher had five masters degrees last I spoke to her.
Literally why
And at that point why not just go after a masters degree?