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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1070869 No.1070869 [Reply] [Original]

Ever have one of those classes that just made you say 'What in the fuck have I gotten myself into?

For me it's Biochem.

This is literally my face for the entire time I've been taking this class. What have I done.

Your turn.

>> No.1070925

Electricity and Magnetism

The whole thing can be summed up in one green text

>black magic

>> No.1070938

same as you op
also molecular structure
herpa derp moving helixes and sheets

>> No.1070953

the world ocean

its not hard at all, but ive never had so much trouble reading something so fucking boring

>> No.1070982

btw I am not kidding. There is literally shit that even my own professor would look like an idiot trying to explain.

>> No.1070998
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>> No.1070987

I had a class in Logic. Normally this would not have been a problem but the teacher was batshit crazy. He was 90 years old, senile as hell and probably a paranoid schizophrenic. He would stop his lectures to ramble about how he used to work at Princeton with Einstein and how they played practical jokes on people. Then he would put a black magic curse on the class before tests and claim that you would go bald if you cheated. He would also talk to people who weren't there, and couldn't answer any questions because he was stone deaf.

>> No.1070991

I haven't had a class like that, but after briefly looking through the statics book I have to use for next semester I would say my time is coming.

>> No.1071003
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Lambda calculus.

Oh wait, that was easy.

Bask in my genius you peasants.

>> No.1071015
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try advanced electronics bro
it's not that hard but jesus fucking christ you need to take hundreds of variables into consideration while creating a circuit

pic related
this took me a whole fucking day

>> No.1071030
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> Professor can't explain concepts from first year physics

>> No.1071049


>> No.1071063


>> No.1071089


All Computer Science classes -> TO FUCKING EASY + NOOB LECTURER = TOTAL BOREDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Almost all Pure Mathematics classes -> TO SLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1071108

in case you didnt notice op never said anything about the subject being difficult therefore
you are a fag

>> No.1071124
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Uni 1st year chemistry.

>everything is in equilibrium with everything and we're all interlinked shitting dicks man this shit is so not cool.

Pic related was my face all the way through this year.

>> No.1071145
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> Confused about first year chemistry

>> No.1071248
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>> No.1071250

Not trying to hide the fact I suck at high level chemistry, and frankly If I could I'd do physics but my maths sucks as well and I hate electricity.

>> No.1071272

Any philosophy course.

>> No.1071278

I wanted to cry when I took my first statistics course. I actually did cry. Several times. In my apartment, at night.

>> No.1071291

noise* sorry

>> No.1071286
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>implying philosophy isn't child's play

>> No.1071284

oh also forgot to mention what it does
it takes the electromagnetic noice from air, power supplies etc and turns it into first square waves (the two op amps), then triangular waves (right part with the diodes) and finally a sinusoidal wave

>> No.1071307

Holy shit.

Did you make the circuit for a therimin?

>> No.1071314


>All Computer Science classes -> TO FUCKING EASY + NOOB LECTURER = TOTAL BOREDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh?! Same exact thing here.

>> No.1071317
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>> No.1071318
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I've seen several people (2 girls, 1 guy) have mental breakdowns during the MCAT as they realized they just completely flunked it and their little dreams of playing doctor have been shattered.

>> No.1071330


uhh.. I believe he said Statics, not Statistics...

Statics is a branch of physics concerned with stuff like torque and equlibirum (I think... I'm a Physics major, we don't take it, its for engineers)

>> No.1071340

nope, simply a lab assignment

thinking of making my own synthesizer this summer

>> No.1071361

We had a class called (translated from another language) Nature Science. We were using teaching-books made by jews and they blamed EVERY GOD DAMN PROBLEM ON THE FUCKING GLOBAL WARMING.


>> No.1071367

this became a fucking fad over the past couple of years and as a skeptic im starting to become frustrated

>> No.1071378


I'd die to see that.

>> No.1071384

Better than that, hook up with some photonics students if there are any, make a light based guitar pick up.

Send me it.

I'm willing to pay for it with questionable sexual favours.

>> No.1071406

This be magic

>> No.1071416
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Quantum Mechanics. Nobody knows shit.

>> No.1071443

im not that pro bro
some day though
some day

>> No.1071470




>> No.1071473


Time dependent perturbation theory.


>> No.1071490

But now it is quite fun and very interesting

>> No.1071576


But I have loose morals!!! and a tight ass!!!

>> No.1071604

My first civil engineering class did it for me

It seemed like you needed to know the answer before starting to have a shot at any of the questions. That was 3 years ago, and looking back on it, it was just that the textbook was ultimately shitty (8 billion questions with no solutions manual) and the examples in class kind of sucked. At least the class average was like 35% so I passed.

>> No.1071621

AIDS and Society.

I thought it would be an easy A. Fuck was I wrong...

>> No.1071627

Electricity and Magnetism.

That class had me in tears -- Literally. I cried almost every other weekend. The tests were hard as fuck, calculators weren't allowed and we essentially had to use concepts/physical principles to solve the problems. The problems on the test were barely familiar to the homework and he would introduce geometric figures that the class just didn't have experience with. I remember on the final he wanted us to find the current and resistance on a tetrahedron. Those were particularly difficult because we had to deal with 3-Dimensional structures. Well, think about it that way at least.

Tests were worth between 150 and 250; he also didn't believe in partial credit or curving the grade. I remember for one test I received a 80 out of a possible 250. Another classmate of mine received a 5 out of 250. Two others received 25 out of 250. That class was so difficult. I barely passed with a C and was happy I received A's and B+'s in my other classes to balance out that class(4 credits).

Just thinking about it gives me the shivers.

>> No.1071668
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reading writing and arithmetic

>> No.1071720

Jesus christ. I think I would have snapped and gone off the deep end if I had a class like that. What major was this for?

>> No.1071730

Fuckin algebra. I mean it's like what is fuckin x even supposed to be and then they put in a y and I'm just like man.. bullshit.

>> No.1071751

mind elaborating on this? i'm taking it next semester with p-chem.

>> No.1071759

Wow, I didn't know that /sci/ was a bunch of whiny humanists.

>> No.1071766


That is probably just intro to physics part 2. Engineers and Physicists have to take that course.

>> No.1071769

CS major spotted

>> No.1071802


I'm a Mathematics major, but check this out:

I learned later on, after I took the class, I could've taken Algebraic-based Physics because the Physics I took was specifically for Engineers/Computer Scientists. It was a prerequisite for them; it wasn't a pre-req for me. The credits were still applicable to my major, but everyone I know looks at me with this, "ROFL FUCKING DUMB" look. Remember, kids; always get advised by a knowledgeable professor. If you advise yourself, like I did, you run the risk of making horrific mistakes like that.

To be honest, that Physics and the previous one(Classical Mechanics) dropped my GPA down dramatically. In the first class, Phys 1, I scored a B. In this one, I scored a C. I could've easily scored two A's in the algebraic-based Physics courses. What stung even more is that my professor for E&M looked at me inquisitively as to why the fuck I took the course if I had no reason to be an engineer/physicist/computer scientist.

Pretty much one of the most depressing aspects of my entire College career. I plan to take algebraic physics 1 and 2 just for the fuck of it so I can get the extra A's on my record.

>> No.1071805

second year organic chemistry. I dont fucking kid myself. I kind of like science but I fucking blow huge cocks when it comes to memorizing this stuff or sitting down to study. Mother fucking shapes and electrons being transferred EVERYWHERE. How the fuck can people memorize so many reactions and the precise place where electrons go and how an atom flips the boat chair faggotness. Forget it. I give up. I will NEVER contribute ANYTHING to science. I am a fucking waste in this world.

>> No.1071841
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>Engineers and Physicists have to take that course.


>my face when I realized this after the semester.

>> No.1071920


lulz I did EE and took physics for engineering/cs majors my freshman year of college. weeder course with 300 people in it etc, holy fuck. me and a couple friends would later refer to it as FUCK YOUR SHIT I, II, and III, and wrote short stories comparing it to the die hard trilogy etc.

>> No.1071952

Made the same mistake. Was mad.

>> No.1071956

Calculus II

Quantitative Analytical Chemistry

Molecular Genetics

at the same time

>> No.1071968

guarantee you got Cs in any give class at the most. I took calc 2 TWICE.

>> No.1071973

F in cal 2
dropped quan anal
C in mole gene

I did some serious thinkin' after that semester. But it all turned out well in the end

>> No.1071993

I'm a physics major and last semester I took a semiconductors class from the EE department. The first third of the class was just semiconductor physics/solid-state type stuff, which was easy and I enjoyed it.

But the last two thirds were dick-shittingly confusing for me. PN junctions were a good time, but BJTs and MOSFETs were pretty much derp for everyone. The homework problems were hard as fuck, and the professor decided to use different notation from the book. The tests weren't too bad, since they were fifty-fifty split between homework type problems and the challenging, I've never seen this shit before problems so you could almost always scrape out a few points. But goddamn, some of those problems I still wouldn't even know where to start if I saw them again. Each lecture, he would post the slides online and leave parts of it blank. Then you were supposed to print them off, come in to class, and fill them in. Well fuck my ass, I'm not doing that. Most of the lectures were practically empty.

>> No.1072017

Physical Chemistry

>> No.1072030


Quantitative Analysis sucked. I got an A because the average on every exam was in the low 40's.

>> No.1072026

soil chemistry. At first it might not sound very daunting, but sweet fucking shit balls jesus was it the most convoluted thing ever. The professor thought he would be helpful by handing out printed notes, but they were cursory and terse, hardly elaborating on any points.

The worst is when you are reading an upper division text and the author introduces a term and even bolds it, but doesn't bother fucking explaining what it is, as if you are meant to decypher what it is from the way it is used in the sentence. Fucking rage.

>> No.1072035


the concepts of calc II aren't that difficult, but many schools make it a weeder course so casualfags find out in freshman year that they are in the wrong place instead of junior year after they have all the prerequisites done and then realize they can't science.

>> No.1072054

Senior Level Physic: "Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics." Holy Fuck! I don't know why the hell I took it, and walk out of ever lecture not know what the fuck was going on.

A close second would be "Honors Organic Chemistry I", which, up to the last week, was laughable easy (eat it stupid premeds.) The last week was a complete holy shit moment though, I needed to memorize 100's of different reactions, SO1, SO2, E1, E2, proper solvent to use for each reaction, and which is the best when making what. Organic Chemistry is not a science, it's a damn fucking humanity course in disguise. Every time I asked a question the answer was always: "I don't know why, just memorize it!"

I need to learn not to try to show up others when they say their major is harder and focus on mine own.

>> No.1072065

Calc III

Everything up until it made sense. I did okay in the class (B I think) but at least in Calc II I kind of understood the basis of what we were learning, but Calc III I couldn't visualize anything so I ended up passing by just memorizing the shit out of it.

>> No.1072075

>>he would post the slides online and leave parts of it blank

fuck it, one of my profs does that as well. drives me nuts.

for me discrete mathematics notes <- whatthefuckamireading.jpg

but i am quite optimistic i am going to make it next sem

>> No.1072087


Like what? AC equivalent networks, biasing, applications?

>> No.1072088

>>Organic Chemistry is not a science, it's a damn fucking humanity course in disguise.

THIS. The rote memorization was ludicrous. It isn't like physics or math where you can remember a few formulas and work any problem from there; there wasnt any kind of toolkit or method to the madness. It was nothing but memorizing hundreds of disparate things.

>> No.1072168
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Ethics and the environment.
Fucking bullshit class. the prof apparently went to Harvard, derp.
My face.

>> No.1072192

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.1072195
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>take calc for bio majors = C- (need a C)
>take again = D+ !?!?
> switch to engineers calc.... A+

My face after the first test in engineers. Fucking weeding classes.

>> No.1072208

Neuroscience major / cell & molecular biology minor

Hardest class I ever took was probably general chem II because I took it without knowing algebra (we had piss poor advisors, but it can't be said I don't have al some of the blame too for being so ignorant). It's kind of hilarious now because I have a 4.0 in math up to multivariable calculus and all my o-chem and biochem classes were A's. But oh well.

>> No.1072232

Philosophy class. What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.1072250

I'm waiting for that class that'll kick my ass. I hope physics is that class, but I have a talent and interest in physics so: FUUUUUUUU-

>> No.1072282

Nothing hurts more than being super enthused about a subject and a class and then realizing you are no fucking good at it. Feels bad, man.

>> No.1072299



>> No.1072303

agreed. I'm a wildlife bio major, took ecology/evolution class and was bored to tears. felt sleepy man.

>> No.1072386

I am great at electronics, but my real love is chemistry.

I love materials, how things come together. but I'm just no good at it.

the pain D:

>> No.1072419


I felt like that with Physics. I learned that I enjoyed the idea and mysticism of Physics(i.e., Fenyman, Einstein, etc), but not the particular rigor behind it. With Mathematics, I enjoy both the rigor and mysticism. I've always loved Mathematics and I chose that as my primary goal, so it's win-win for me.

For me, Chemistry wasn't so bad. I just disliked the laboratory assignments; otherwise, I consistently scored into the top 80s / 90s on tests. Then again, my Mathematics background helped me out a lot. The concepts weren't too difficult to comprehend because I understood the mathematical laws associated with them, so even if I was confused with one aspect of the concept, I could always 'read' the mathematical equation and find it there.