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File: 143 KB, 829x608, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10706174 No.10706174[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We're whalers on the Moon, we carry a harpoon. But there ain't no whales CAUSE WE ARE ON FUCKING MARS, ACTUALLY.

>> No.10706192
File: 68 KB, 770x388, 8402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he knows his shit about aerospace engineering

>> No.10706196

Did the president of the United states just tweet that the Moon is a part of Mars? Or is my reading comprehension just bad.

>> No.10706200

He's such a fucking moron

>> No.10706203

He's such a fucking moron

>> No.10706207

imagine a nice speech about nuclear powered flying ships and them eating it up and voting in to make them and not even realizing they already have them. -43 trillion in debt added to the -23 trillion. america's back speech. lol.

>> No.10706213

it is your reading comprehension, he means any plan to Mars will include missions to the Moon, learn to walk before you run etc.

>> No.10706227

No, no, you can't blame it on reading comprehenssion. At best Trump is at fault for not being able to write what he actually mean. Further more, this simply give this post an other degree of stupid because he is complaining about Nasa focusing about going to the moon instead of Mars yet at the same time acknowledging we need to go to the moon to go to Mars. With all due respect, this is a schizophrenic level of stupidity.

Lastly, he is the one who signed to make Nasa going back to the moon.

Even if your forgiving level of interpretation (which might be correct, mind you, I am giving you that) it only further exposes how much of a buffoon he is.

>> No.10706236
File: 326 KB, 498x330, tenor (45).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we gotta do space stuff or people won't thinks we's important! lol.

>> No.10706239

I don't think your comment really relate to anything that was said in the post you quoted, there.

>> No.10706259


>> No.10706284

Not really. That makes sense.

>> No.10706287

The plans to go to the moon again were literally the instructions of his own fucking administration.


"NASA PROVIDES COVERAGE of the SPACE POLICY DIRECTIVE SIGNING – On December 11, 2017, President Donald Trump signs the Space Policy Directive-1 at the White House, directing NASA to work with international and commercial partners tp return humans to the Moon."

I don't care about what /pol/ has to say about 4D chess - Donald Trump legitimately has dementia and there is nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.

>> No.10706290


>> No.10706291

Err nope, his meaning is obvious

>> No.10706294

It really isn't.

Especially as, as explained, the supposedly right meaning still contradict itself anyway.

>> No.10706295

we are still going to the Moon per Trump tweet, learn to read with comprehension

it is just supposed to be part of an overall Mars plan

>> No.10706298

not him but if you cannot see his meaning then you are the retard, it is awkwardly worded bu the meaning is clear anyway, unless you have turbo autism

>> No.10706301

for a white racist asshole president he is one of many but in those that were still brilliant Trump is far from.

Trump ∉ great white men

>> No.10706302

The Boeing designed was in fact highly complex and made use of new superfluous software. It's complexity indeed did lead to the disproportionately large number of failures in such a short period of time without resolute diagnosis. The old design was fine. The new one mostly was for brainlets and to save a few gallons of fuel. Only a cut throat profits only sort of person would view that as a good thing.

>> No.10706308

>it is awkwardly worded bu the meaning is clear anyway
It isn't and that's the issue. especially as the right meaning still contradict itself. You can't blame anyone who don't get what he means.

>> No.10706312

>we are still going to the Moon per Trump tweet, learn to read with comprehension

This is Olympics-tier mental gymnastics. The tweet is obviously deriding NASA for wanting to go back to the moon, basically implying that it's a waste of money. The fact you're interpreting it any other way is just a desperate attempt to defend a man who probably wakes up everyday not knowing where he lives.

>> No.10706313
File: 275 KB, 800x532, 1445369227117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An average joe can be president by beating out life-hating, self-deprecating socialist snakes who only care about getting revenge on people that love existing and having pride in their work
goddamn i love america

>> No.10706316

>The Boeing designed was in fact highly complex and made use of new superfluous software.
No, the issue was that it was a patchy job done badly, not that it was too complex.

>> No.10706321

>The new one mostly was for brainlets and to save a few gallons of fuel. Only a cut throat profits only sort of person would view that as a good thing.
There you haven it, the issue was not that it was too complex, the issue is that they cut corners to upgrade the jets.

>> No.10706329
File: 8 KB, 453x231, TRINITY___IsThisTheMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like me where apparently the only way, seemingly, that I could demonstrate that I am a good scientist is to solve the absolute single hardest problem in the world.. and then that it is not enough, apparently. For 99% of scientists who never discover anything or solve any famous problems, they make whole careers and gain wide respect for simply trying to do what I have done easily, over and over. For some reason, my work is worthy of nothing but ridicule, poverty, and indigence... ~AND~ a salary for the people who want to bug and distract me while I solve all the problems that remain unsolved under the efforts of the people they ~DO~ pay to solve them.

It some sick irony that:
(1) they pay people to work on scientific problems even when those people never solve them
(2) they don't pay me to work on them when I have solved every problem I ever touched, pretty much
(3) they do pay people to fuck with me and stress me to such an extend that my ability to think is degraded

What is their thinking where the people who don't solve problems, and the pieces of shit who bother me when I am solving them, somehow all have "respectable careers" while I, on the other hand, am worthy of nothing but derision, and not even a low-paying scientific role? Literally if a worker at McDonald's rings up one Happy Meal on their cash register, then the capitalist USA system deems that they have earned by their work an infinitely greater amount of money than the $0 that I have received solving no less than five Nobel prize-worthy physics results and no less that two Fields medal-worthy math results during my career as an independent researcher since 2012.

Then, here is the rub, as I mentioned: Not only do they ~NOT~ pay me to work on this stuff, they ~DO~ affirmatively pay other people to fuck with me while I'm trying to work, and TO INSERT TYPOS INTO MY PAPERS.

>Who edited the talking points? (Benghazi?)

>> No.10706331

well if we ever get another great white men it certaintly wont be a leftist

>> No.10706332

>The tweet is obviously deriding NASA for wanting to go back to the moon

No, it is deriding NASA for TALKING about going back to the Moon, you autismo. Meaning they should go back to the Moon but do it as part of an overall Mars plan, and talk about that.

>> No.10706333

I THINK he meant that going to the Moon, defense and science are a part of "the bigger things we're doing." As in, going to Mars doesn't invalidate going to the Moon, as reaching the Moon is part of the project of getting to mars.

>> No.10706335

It is hilarious to see people flaunt how badly TDS has compromised their reading comprehension.

>> No.10706339

The contradiction is pretty clear unless you have a very generous interpretation of his initial idea. The phrasing of the parenthetical is awkward but obvious in meaning

>> No.10706341

I don't see why not.

>> No.10706344

Yes, these were ~THREE~ parts of one irony, not three distinct ironies.

>> No.10706345

>but obvious in meaning
No, it's not. I won't blam anyone to not get the assumed interpretation. An interpretation that still result in an idiotic statement.

>The contradiction is pretty clear
Whut ?

>> No.10706346

irony is that this plan of using a lunar base as stepping stone / test flights to Mars campaign is what Musk wants to do, and all the libs love him (as they should, Musk gets shit done)

But now that Trump says the same thing, Trump derangement syndrome kicks in, and suddenly it is a bad thing..

>> No.10706348

leftism could change in the future, but currently all of the thirty something people running are mostly neurotics

>> No.10706353

Is this one of those fabled garden path sentences?

>> No.10706367

certainly. but it probably wont be a righty either. Hegelian division is retarded and soon to be antiquated.
it is clear though based on obvious social factor (sorry im not delusional like the left) that there may never exist a great colored leader of america, even though Obama wins by default as the only ever colored leader (only because he was raised white) who passed an era of triviality. How ever from bush it could only get better, however Trump is just a retard bush clone who was a retard clinton clone.
It is simply true that west are superior, and that is western philosophy and ideology.
Hopefully the next great white man will be an intellectual again.

>> No.10706369
File: 68 KB, 483x575, eda4e92c0e91de9b79df169e2d6d589b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>focused on...Mars (of which the Moon is a part)
What the actual fuck did Howard Stern's rich real-estate friend mean by this

>> No.10706372

No, not really.

>> No.10706373

What Trump wrote is easy to understand, perhaps it is you who isn't as smart as you think.

>> No.10706375

You clearly have difficulty with comprehension. The contradiction of him saying not to go to the moon

>> No.10706377

The Moon is part of the planned Mars missions sweetums.

>> No.10706378

>(only because he was raised white)
Not true. Spend quite a good time with his Kenya side of his family and studied abroad in pan-European countries.

>> No.10706381

>No, it is deriding NASA for TALKING about going back to the Moon, you autismo.

There is not a wojak brainlet image suitable for this level of dipshittery. A massive operation to create a permanent settlement on the moon does not happen without people 'talking' about it. You don't even need to be an aerospace professional to realize this - just think about it for more than three seconds.

>> No.10706384

Again, no it isn't, as even the right meaning self-cotnradict.I won't blame anyone who don't get it.

>The contradiction of him saying not to go to the moon
No, I am asking what do you mean by "the contradiction is pretty clear" what are you even trying to justify by saying that?

>> No.10706389

It"s not easy to comprehend someone committing this level of lexical mistake, no.

>> No.10706390
File: 109 KB, 800x800, 14564524b16909461ade5d9786666e8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So then why should NASA not be talking about going to the Moon, if indeed it is a part of the Mars program?

>> No.10706394

Exactly. This is moronic. Yet, there are people in this thread trying to pretend it should be easy to understand what he means.

>> No.10706403

but the issue is that they will stay generally that way so soon the 40 year old will be the neurotics and the 50s the 60s. Zoomers are not much better they are angst and retardation in pure form.
We'll be fucked if we don't start raising children right.

dumb ass
Also imagine where he probably went in kenya, in the elite areas.
he wasn't raise by american blacks, the boys from Chicago type shit. He went the harvard law.

>> No.10706405

There is no reason why a rational person would be shitting on NASA for doing something that's a completely logical step towards humans on Mars. The only reason Trump sent that tweet is because he has dementia and forgot that NASA's current course is completely in line with the directions he gave almost two years ago.

>> No.10706408

>don't lose track of the goal (Mars)

doesn't take a big brain moment to understand

>> No.10706416

>dumb ass
Auto-correct meesd up I meant to write non-European countries.
>where he probably went in kenya, in the elite areas.
Actually no, he spent time with his father side ofthe familly which weren't elite. stop making thing up to justofy your views.
>He went the harvard law.
There are balck coming from black families who goes to Harvard too, this isn't a justification.

saying he was raised white is such a simplification it's almost a lie.

>> No.10706420

NASA going to the moon isnt evidence of them losing the goal

>> No.10706423

It does when not only it take a lot of interpretation to get what he means AND what he means is still stupid and self-contradicting. stop trying defending his shit, what he typed was incomprehensible and no on should be blamed for not getting it.

>> No.10706424

he's saying that space travel (which should focus on Mars rather than the Moon since we're already done that) should be only one of the missions of NASA, along with defense and science. Spending all that budget on space travel alone is not satisfying to him

>> No.10706426

Which isn't what Trump said.

>> No.10706428

>Don't lose track of the goal*
>*That goal being a Mars mission, which basically requires a moonbase** to be feasible and long-term
>**Stop talking about the moon libtards!

>> No.10706432

It take an huge forgiving interpretation that also require to ignore all the stupid shit he tends to tweet. so someone not getting what he say is easily understandable.

>> No.10706433

So what did he mean?

>> No.10706440

The irony is 'shitting on NASA Moon missions' is something you get from a lot of interpreting. Maybe that is why you feel it is confusing?

>> No.10706441

Nto the anon you quoted, but what he means is
stop talking about going to the moon, talk about going to Mars, which going to the mon is an important part of.

which of course is stupid, as this anon point out. >>10706381

>> No.10706449

All it takes is not suffering from TDS.

>> No.10706450

>The irony is 'shitting on NASA Moon missions' is something you get from a lot of interpreting.
Except I never said he shitted on NAsa's moon mission. Now you are the one making wild interpretation.

>> No.10706454

>geriatric dementia patient makes incomprehensible, confusing tweet deriding his space agency for following his own instructions
>"hurr, it makes perfect sense if you don't have TDS"

>> No.10706455

Not really. seeing the contradictory aspect of the intend, plus the stupid shit he use to say, its understandable for anyone not getting it.

>> No.10706457

>talk about going to Mars
Cool, they already do this. What's the next step?

>> No.10706465

It isn't an interpretation when anons in this thread have said as much, all you had to do was say you were not one of them.

>> No.10706471

>Am I out of touch?
>No! It is Trump who was wrong.

Cognitive dissonence is not a good thing.

>> No.10706478

>It isn't an interpretation when anons in this thread have said as much
No one has.

>> No.10706482

That's not what cognitive dissonance is. especially as in this case, Trump is wrong. And it isn't about being out of touch either. What the fuck was that post ?

>> No.10706483

You're right, it's reading comprehension and Trump Derangement Syndrome. Immediately wanting to reeee at the first thing you read simply because Trump said it instead of processing it in any intellectual capacity. You'll deny this publicly, of course-- but inside you know I'm right.

>> No.10706486

There is no way to comprehend this tweet that doesn't completely contradict Trump's own instructions to NASA.

For the record, the plan of going from Moonbase -> Mars comes from NASA, not Trump. Trump's directive from Dec 2017 strictly instructed NASA to return to the moon, with no mention of a further Mars mission. He is literally shitting on his own space agency for faithfully following his administration's own instructions.

I wish lefties were clever enough to come up with a term for when Trump supporters insist that the demented ramblings of the old fat man are always code for something really clear-headed and smart.

>> No.10706493 [DELETED] 

Obviously trump is playing is playing d chess and is saying dumb stuff to stay relevant.

>> No.10706500

>Immediately wanting to reeee at the first thing you read simply because Trump said it instead of processing it in any intellectual capacity.
1. There was no reeering at first, simply making fun of something stupid/badly written Trump did
2. The reee only came when what he meant was actually understood, justifiably so, as he is blamming Nasa for talking about the moon mission when even he acknowledge it iw an important part of the mission to mars and is the one who ordered the return to the moon in the first place.

>> No.10706505

>Immediately wanting to reeee at the first thing you read simply because Trump said it instead of processing it in any intellectual capacity
Its processing it in an intellectual way that make it frustrating, taking it as it is simply make it an other funny tweet.

>> No.10706508

>I wish lefties were clever enough to come up with a term for when Trump supporters insist that the demented ramblings of the old fat man are always code for something really clear-headed and smart.
Sunken cost fallacy

>> No.10706510

maybe he should stop playing chess and start doing his god damn job
(just felt like posting that btw)

>> No.10706525

There is no 'sunken cost fallacy' for political leaders. If you instruct your government agencies to do something that's bad, it's your own fucking fault. You do not get to change your point of view retrospectively and then blame your employees and constituents for faithfully following your orders.

If Trump honestly believes that going to the moon is a waste of time, that is a reflection on his own incompetency as a leader. Because, like a dozen people have already mentioned in this thread, HE WAS THE ONE WHO DIRECTLY ORDERED NASA TO REFOCUS THEIR EFFORTS ON A MANNED MOON MISSION

>> No.10706540

>There is no 'sunken cost fallacy' for political leaders.
Read again, it's to qualify the supporters, not the leader.

>I wish lefties were clever enough to come up with a term for when Trump supporters

>> No.10706558

>Read again, it's to qualify the supporters, not the leader.

That's my bad - I misinterpreted your post. The last guy in the chain gave a shitty, terse response so I think I assumed he was just giving me a two-word reply.

>> No.10706565

he was raised in hawaii to a white mother and a black father. he studied at american schools. After his parents divorced his father visited him once and was already remarried in Kenya.
he spent most of his life growing up in Honolulu, where he developed a close relationship with his white maternal grand parents.
his father left him as a child.
he spent time living in Indonesia with his mother to go live with his Indonesian stepfather.
he only visited his father once for only a month in Kenya which was the last time he visited him.
he then remained in Hawaii until he went to college in LA.
in his adult years he went to Europe for some time then to Kenya where he met man of his paternal relatives for the FIRST time.
try being less retarded next time.

>> No.10706569

>he spent time living in Indonesia with his mother to go live with his Indonesian stepfather.
That was my point.
>he only visited his father once for only a month in Kenya which was the last time he visited him.
But he kept going back in Kenya to spent time with the rest of his Kenyan family.

>> No.10706580
File: 2.54 MB, 450x253, TIMESAND___WHY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but when they put typos into the opening paragraph which I have meticulously edited 10+ times and read aloud over, and over, and over to confirm that it is free from typos, then that will give the reader the impression that the document was not produced meticulously. I know when I read something, if it has a typo right at the biginning then that will bias me against the competence of the writer. Everyone makes typos, but when they are in the very first sentence, that is pretty bad. Whoever is inserting these typos into my documents should be tortured to death. The entire of family of anyone providing the tools used by my enemies to insert these typos should likewise be put to death.

It doesn't matter if a competent person should be able understand it even with the typos, it matters that I spend hours, and hours, and hours reading and rereading my papers to make them look like I care about the quality of my papers, and then the USA agents of the Great Satan insert typos to basically shit into my mouth and bias every one who reads my paper against me by thinking I didn't even try to write a paper with proper grammar.

>severe typo in first sentence
>into the trash

>> No.10706599
File: 1.54 MB, 4776x3296, TIMESAND___Rfi+Koutyw81341423jg5buyg4ib7tnx7herovxhauoeyh8g7nhween7killtv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related final draft

>> No.10706609

>uncovered real numbers
What the actual fuck ?

>> No.10706610

I'm worried what your bullshit will do to the credibility of my alma mater. Also stop spraypainting the walls.

>> No.10706613

Based schizo

>> No.10706619
File: 24 KB, 226x279, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some real numbers are greater than any natural numbers

>> No.10706621

Trump is in the top 10 all time best presidents. He's put America back to WORK. We are going to Mars baby.

>> No.10706628

The plans he has signed are only about getting back to the moon.

>> No.10706699
File: 492 KB, 2089x737, TIMESAND___7859t66543343rjetyjdytkldzqbhi75r##229796758gfej7IJGH+)(jauzizzH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I'm talking about

>> No.10706875

after he met them for the first time in his adulthood.

he spent the majority of his time in hawaii being raised by his mom or grandparents who were white.

quit your feeble attempts it's just sad. Obama was as privileged as the common white man, that is it.

I got to mexico every so often to visit distance family, but I am not a filthy beaner. I was raised as an american.

>> No.10707000 [DELETED] 

>Mars, of which the Moon (sic) is a part

Teh fuck is he trying to say here?

>> No.10707006

We should go to the moon quietly without telling anybody, then when we go to Mars we'll promote the shit out of that.

Got it.

>> No.10707009

I don't think that's what the tweet stated though... He said NASA should do bigger things like go to Mars, of which the moon is a part.

>> No.10707022

This can't possibly be real, mental illness or not.

>> No.10707081

wtf is this shit about cuts? the reals are dense, and I think you are too.

>> No.10707085

wait I just read your post.

based schizo

>> No.10707228

The first woman they send to the moon better be named Alice.

>> No.10707271

>But Trump was likely referring to NASA’s plan to build up resources on and around the moon in a sustainable way. In other words, the idea that whatever we build for a moon mission should also serve future missions to Mars, or beyond in our solar system. This has been the plan all along: establish a more permanent human outpost around the moon so we can better prepare for a much longer and harder journey to Mars or beyond.

>> No.10707275

Trump is a moron and the business cycle put people back to work, just like it does every 10 or so years.

>> No.10707277

>some real numbers are greater than any natural number
Wrong. If x is a real number, then ceiling(x)+1 > x, but it's also a natural number.

>> No.10707297

no, he checked his paper for typos

>> No.10707340

POTUS is upset NASA has a moon plan with the moon as the end goal. Meaning funds into this mission would not directly go towards putting humans on Mars. It could later be used as support for future Mars missions.

What POTUS wants is for anything we do on the moon be necessary and only as a necessity for a Mars end goal of the mission. Which would mean any funding for the plan would be directly put in putting people on Mars.

Instead, Mars will be a separate later mission and he won't be POTUS that put people on Mars

>> No.10707411
File: 83 KB, 960x952, 1546692305667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I now know that a good percentage of /sci/ posters are certifiably retarded.

>> No.10707612

Theoria Apohosis?
Less cameras and more rants on the academic shadow forces! Also more magnetism please

>> No.10707670

Like I said, sayong he was raised by white is too much of a simplification for someone who has always been exploring his root. You are simply considering anything that wasn't his white influence as inexistent. It's simply dishonest.

>> No.10707677

see >>10706287

>> No.10707686 [DELETED] 

>POTUS is upset NASA has a moon plan with the moon as the end goal.
Except he is the one who ordered for that plan.
<Meaning funds into this mission would not directly go towards putting humans on Mars.
While at the same time he acknowledge the need of going to the moon to go to Mars

this is fucking inexcusable, no matter what.

>> No.10707697

>POTUS is upset NASA has a moon plan with the moon as the end goal.
Except he is the one who ordered for that plan.
>Meaning funds into this mission would not directly go towards putting humans on Mars.
While at the same time he acknowledge the need of going to the moon to go to Mars

This is fucking inexcusable, no matter what.

>> No.10707708
File: 55 KB, 590x420, cheekymonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he means to establish a colony or even stage a trip to mars, we need to establish a space station or ground station on the moon.

the president shouldn't have to put up with people deliberately misinterpreting what he is saying like this.

>> No.10707710

or he could just mean slingshotting around the moons gravity well.

nobody is willing to give this guy the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.10707717
File: 627 KB, 1000x1000, bane-for-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That makes sense.

>> No.10707719

>we define real numbers as cuts in the real number line
>no circular reasoning at any step
Are you just trolling at this point?

>> No.10707724

>it is awkwardly worded
...to the point of being retarded, and beyond.

>> No.10707725

>99% of scientists who never discover anything
...oh do contrive more fabricated statistics, please.

>> No.10707747

Read the thread. Understanding what he means only make it worst as he is literally complaining about Nasa talking about going to the moon while at the same time acknowledging it is an important step to Mars. It's further stupid as explained here >>10706287

>with people deliberately misinterpreting what he is saying
No, when you say things like this, you can't blame people for missing his interpretation, especially as the right interpretation contradict itself.

>> No.10707764

He just has a really obnoxious nonlinear speaking style.

>> No.10707773

no, hes complaining about the recent "send a woman to the moon" meme. Hes right, we shouldn't just send somebody to the moon, we should establish some sort of camp or base.

>> No.10707780
File: 36 KB, 376x405, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hes right, we shouldn't just send somebody to the moon, we should establish some sort of camp or base.
>we shouldn't just send somebody to the moon
>we should establish some sort of camp or base.
Are people supposed to play the "The floor is lava" while establishing that base or something ?

>> No.10707784

>no, hes complaining about the recent "send a woman to the moon" meme.
>Blaming NASA for internet meme
That only add a new layer of stupid to his tweet.

>> No.10707786

The moon is apart of mars (the mission).

>> No.10707791

yes, thank you. you should be a journalist

>> No.10707792

where the popsci mad magazine equivalent? I mean, other than Assimov's

>> No.10707795

I don't fuckin' know. Can't you pull some meta material out of the vault? Its been 60 years, are you really telling me we haven't learned anything since then?

>> No.10707797

you had those domes made of buckminstier fullerines, didn't you? why can't you use those?

>> No.10707799

can't you just lower a giant dinner plate over the hab or something?

>> No.10707815

no it's discountable, because he was RAISED being the key operator white. stop your retardation, Obama is not a real black person, he is a colorful white guy.

>> No.10707818

>Obama is not a real black person
And then you had to say something retarded like that.
Yes he is black. How he was raised doesn't change that.

Nor does it affect how other tend to treat blacks.

>> No.10707826

it does alter his experience and his privilege.
fact: he was raised white

ok so he wanted to explore his african roots in his adult hood, which are separate from american blacks, cool but he still cannot be considered to understand what a real black american feels or experienced. he is a man of great privilege.

>> No.10707841

>it does alter his experience and his privilege.
>he is a man of great privilege.
He doens't come from a rich hoiusehold, so no.

>he still cannot be considered to understand what a real black american feels
You simply need to be black in America to experience that.

>> No.10707932

I think he means that on a trip to Mars the astronauts should have a stopover on the moon, grab a burger and some fresh air etc. It’s a long trip after all.

>> No.10707944

Stop insulting President Trump. His genes are special.

>> No.10707945

nice copypasta, saved

>> No.10707950

>he is complaining about Nasa focusing about going to the moon instead of Mars yet at the same time acknowledging we need to go to the moon to go to Mars
That's exactly what he said, yes.
>don't focus on X so much because it is only part of our agenda

>> No.10707952

Doesn't the trip from Earth to the moon take a couple of days while the Moon to Mars is around a couple of years? It isn't much of a pitstop really. Why not just go directly from Earth to Mars and work you're way around that? They're gonna have to anyway.

>> No.10707955

the point is that any system capable of going to Mars should be thoroughly tested on the Moon first, as it is only a couple days away

see SpaceX plans for a moonbase and then Mars flights

>> No.10707980
File: 79 KB, 601x321, D8fisRVWsAMWb3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much sums up his whole presidency.

>> No.10708002

>That's exactly what he said, yes.
You need to learn the meaning of words
>>don't focus on X so much because it is only part of our agenda
Focussing on the current first step THAT HE HIMSELF ORDERED is the right way to go and should not be criticised

>> No.10708004

and he ain't wrong.

choose to ignore his nuances, go ahead.

>> No.10708006

t. wants to prove a point, cares not about trump's intended meaning.

>> No.10708007

>Focussing on the current first step THAT HE HIMSELF ORDERED is the right way to go

But it should not be all NASA is doing, as is the case currently. Where are their Mars plans? Trump is right, for 20 billion per year, we ought to expect more of them.

>> No.10708026

>cares not about trump's intended meaning.
Oh, I do care, as I have said, even the intended meaning is contradicted in what he said and what he does. It's not that I don't care, it's that you an't blame people who were unable to get what he said, has he butchered so much what he expressed.
>But it should not be all NASA is doing,

>> No.10708037

He's obviously referring to the solar system in a fucked up, twitterized way.

>> No.10708039
File: 112 KB, 950x1200, D8ehdaQXkAA5WQq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the only reason he was tweeting about was because fox did a segment on it. What an absolute joke of an administration.

>> No.10708047

The Boeing crashes were caused by an automated nosedive the pilots were unable to turn off. Whenever they puilled the nose up, Clippy decided it should go down. I'm not saying flight automation should be scrapped, but pilots being "allowed to easily and quickly take control of a plane" sound fucking good to me.

>> No.10708053

>but pilots being "allowed to easily and quickly take control of a plane"
You are aware that it's exactly that philosophy that is at the source of the problem, right? Boing was afraid to develop a new less efficient plane because that would mean their pilot would need to be formed to pilot the new model, which cost money. So instead, they proposed upgrades of the engines of an already existing model so Pilots wouldn't need to learn to pilot a new plane, with a program auto-correcting the change of weight of the plane so the pilot can keep the same habits.

Then it went bonkers. Easy and quickly taking control of a plane is exactly what lead to this.

>> No.10708096

What part of a pilot's decisions being automatically overturned sounds like "control" to you?

>> No.10708101

The part where they can get to pilot a plane without needing anew formation.

also, the thing is, engineers don't make plane needlessly complicated. and the reason the pilots couldn't turn out the automatic pilot was precisely to make things simpler for the pilot.

>> No.10708110

you are making zero sense

>> No.10708117

Just read better. Making things simpler is what lead to the accidents.

>> No.10708124

removing control from the pilots is what led to accidents

>> No.10708135

The implementation of the auto-pilot was precisely made to make things simpler. My point is, "making thing simpler" actually remove control. That's why what Trump said was idiotic.

>> No.10708140

maybe he is saying going to the moon will help us get to mars. (Maybe build a refueling station there or something.

>> No.10708150

>My point is, "making thing simpler" actually remove control

No, ability to easily turn off autopilot is simpler than an autopilot that interferes with piloting.

>> No.10708159

>You simply need to be black in America to experience that.

>> No.10708168

Actually, not being able to do anything about the autopilot is simpler than being able to switch it off.

>> No.10708171

adding a switch defacto means that it is less simple.

aLso, you are missing the point, the autopilot was added precisely to make things simpler and not provide a new formation to the pilots. It's like you are purposely ignoring that.

>> No.10708172

Not really. I's straight forward.

>> No.10708258


Not him but what is with this super autistic retardation over Obama you brainlets have? First he isn't "American" now he isn't "Black". Did him really getting elected, staying in for 8 years and actually finding some level of success in and out of office make you that anal devastated?

>b..but he's mixed and was raised by whites

And a number of black Americans are descended from mixed babies who were products of raped black slave women and white slave masters (remember the 20% European average). Yet those descendents are considered black despite being admixed, raised in a majority white country and having multiple generations learning a native tongue that is ancestrally not of African origin.


>no true scottsman

By your logic successful African blacks immigrants are not considered "black" then unless they experience some bullshit trial by fire racism. e.g. Dr. Omalu having to fight against the NFL to prove chronic traumatic encephalopathy occurs in football players while in the meantime being called a Voodoo doctor in media.

>> No.10708271

Trump has one of the highest iqs in the world. Everyone that disagrees with him is bound to be a brainlet, they just can't decipher the genius behind his statements. It's like asking a baby to read a book , they have no concept of written words so they will complain by crying that a book is useless and stupid.

>> No.10708387

Imagine letting your TDS get so bad that you actually think he believes that the moon is some place on Mars. I can't wait for snopes and CNN to "fact check" this.

>> No.10708631

wow haha another trump thread that's so cool, i can't wait to see what sci will be like next year!

>> No.10709197

No one is going to invest head on a completely automated flights because its hard enough to convince us apes that this massive mass of metal is able to fly

its obviously going to be incremental