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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10702755 No.10702755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is there anybody here with an IQ under 145 who took a theoretical major like math or physics? why did you do it? how did it go?

>> No.10702757

I have sub 120iq and I’m going for a math degree. Wish me luck anons

>> No.10702768
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10702769

You will objectively not succeed. Don't listen to enabling faggots who want to grandstand by spouting feel good bullshit.

Do you really want to work harder than 95% in your field to just barely survive at the bottom of it and never achieve anything? Better become a plumber or electrician. Maybe something cool like an underwater welder?

>> No.10702771

>discover human worthwhileness score
>expect people not to talk about it

>> No.10702779

Good luck, anon. If you have trouble getting through the first section of the first chapter of Apostol, we're there for you to answer your questions.

>> No.10702784

holy shit what the fuck are you talking about
I've never taken an IQ test, but I'm pretty sure I'm the most stupid asshole in the math honors program. Literally everyone here is more intelligent than I am. I still get A's in the honors proof classes. Don't act like there's some hard IQ barrier. It's literally a function of going to class, paying attention, reading on your own, and then allowing yourself time to struggle until you inevitably pick up the themes of the theory and you can ride your intuition into an A onto your transcript. In the bigger picture, that stuff is important for building intuition across mathematics as a whole.
shut the fuck up my dude. a math degree is not a mystical gatekeeper. it's not nearly as hard as you're giving it credit

>> No.10702785

>I've never taken an IQ test
Take one, see your 140+ score and then talk, grandstanding humblebragging nigger.

>> No.10702798

Being the "stupidest asshole" among those in your honors proof class does not make you a stupid asshole in general terms. But maybe in your case it does, because your reasoning is so deeply flawed. But then again, where do the straight A's come from? Conclusion: your Big Brain.

>> No.10702800

>grandstanding humblebragging nigger
Not exactly, since it sometimes really get to me that I don't think I'm as fast as my peers
>Take one, see your 140+ score and then talk
I want to know where such a number came to be associated with people in math and physics. If it's just by GRE score, it's not really a score I trust. I don't see undergraduate mathematics as something that constantly stresses one's cognitive abilities as much as one's discipline. Yeah, maybe my grad pep analysis course, but the rest of the courses were conquerable to anyone who spent like 2-3 hours a day studying.

>> No.10702804

>. I don't see undergraduate mathematics as something that constantly stresses one's cognitive abilities
Probably because you have no concept of the cognitive limitations others have. Regardless, your true motivation in coming to this thread is just to brag, see others call you smart and get that intense dopamine hit from signalling how virtuous you are.

>> No.10702807

Shut the fuck up with your fucking iq threads you fucking retard.

>> No.10702812

Wish /pol/ would frame their IQ bragging stick and shove it back in their shitbox

>> No.10702814

announcing reports and sage is against the rules

>> No.10702823

not sure what iq i have, definitely under 145 tho. bout to finish my pure math degree. its goin fine, not super fantastic, but not bad either

>> No.10702825

The mods won't ban me the same way they won't delete this thread. Lazy pieces of shit.

>> No.10702832
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>> No.10702838
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>another "another IQ thread" post

>> No.10702842

Why did you pick a field you can never achieve anything in?

>> No.10702850

lol its not going just fine because im retarded, its going just fine because my work ethic is shit. classes are great. implying that a 145 iq is an absolute necessity for success in math and physics is absolutely retarded

>> No.10702854

You will never discover anything. Why go into a theoretical field?

>> No.10702863

> Apostol

I didn't realise how popular that book is.

>> No.10702870

you literally dont even know who i am this is hilarious. my strengths are complex fourier analysis, real analysis, and differential equations. not so great at abstract algebra and topology. but here you are implying that math is a singular subject that someone is either all good at or not good at entirely, like a retard.

>> No.10702883

He’s saying you won’t contribute, distinct from being bad at undergraduate work, brainlet

>> No.10702885

eh whatever, we'll see

>> No.10702900

You won't discover anything unless your IQ is 145+.

>> No.10702905


>> No.10702907

Are you seriously just now becoming aware of this fact?

>> No.10702911

No, I just choose not to believe some of the shit that /sci/ peddles with respect to IQ. Plus Ive never been IQ tested, I could have a 145 IQ, but would never know unless I got tested. It's probably pretty close though.

>> No.10702919

fields medalist richard borcherds has an iq of 137 though

>> No.10702925

>137 < 145

uh oh i smell a contradiction in the 145+ argument

>> No.10702942

>signalling how virtuous
You're making contradictory statements. My statement is that a brainlet can do a math degree. It doesn't take a lot of creativity or originality at this stage. Nobody is differentiated against by some weird hard IQ cutofff at this stage (aside maybe mentally retarded people). 90% of the math major is working hard to understand the motivation and intuition.
The straight A's come from a lot of work. Perhaps I'm not the stupidest in the world, but what I'm getting at is that "feeling" stupid doesn't mean jack shit when it comes to doing mathematics, because everyone feels stupid. You're studying in order to rapidly approach a point where nobody is smart enough to know the answers a priori. Early undergrads have this weird idea that development is linear. but it usually just comes in bursts after you practice / read a lot. Either way, undergrad isn't the cutoff.
Who said you need some "high IQ" to achieve anything in mathematics? Where is this arbitrary cutoff drawn and who drew it? Is it agreed upon by people in the mathematics community?
>you'll never discover anything
Any actual evidence to back this up? Almost every actual active research I've met has told me original research and groundbreaking discovery is the payoff for years of research and following small leads until you're able to synthesize it into a fuller understanding.

All of this "you need 145+" is doomer talk. Life is not so black and white

>> No.10702947

this is the most based post in this thread. thank you

>> No.10702956

>90% of the math major is working hard to understand the motivation and intuition.
If you have to work hard to understand things that others have already figured out and are actively trying to teach you, how can you hope to figure something out on your own?

What was the first thing in math that you couldn't just absorb in real time and had to study?

>> No.10702964

Are you saying that in order to be a successful mathematician you need to be one of those people that never need to study?

>> No.10702966

You've never done math have you lmao. No your high school calculus doesn't count

>> No.10702972

literally this

>>10702956 is a high school student if he/she thinks this way. high school calc was a fucking breeze anon, so being great at it is no metric for an aptitude in pure math

>> No.10702974

No, my IQ is not sufficient to do math. I started having to study and memorize things by the time I hit trig and solving polynomials in middle school. I wish I had 20-30 more IQ to work with.
How can you master the top of the field if you get caught up on trivial shit?

>> No.10702978

I'm not even good at calculus. It was just memorization and graphical intuition, I didn't pay attention to the proofs. In my shithole country we only took calculus in university and never had to do rigorous shit so a braindead loser like me can be an engineer.

>> No.10702983

I dont get caught up in trivial shit. there is no single "top of the field" subject. I'm not good at topology, but way way better at analysis related fields. therefore, one is not simply fucked for having a weakness or two.

>> No.10702986

So you don't have to study analysis related fields?

>> No.10703002

No I do, I just have to study harder for topology related subjects. However, because I am more capable in analysis related fields, I'm driven to study it even harder so that my skills and intuition are sharper. being good at something doesn't imply not needing to study. Also, studying and taking time to understand something does not imply being bad at something, as long as the result is you understanding the topic/problem at hand in the end

>> No.10703039

Not who you are talking to but what the fuck are you talking about? There is nothing that >>10702784 said was wrong. Mathematics is just learning concepts, applying them, and moving on. If you are struggling learning math concepts, ask for help. You will understand it.

>> No.10703106

If your intelligence is not sufficient you will struggle too much in understanding the concepts to ever make worthwhile use of them. Just because your PC might be able to run a game on 2fps doesn't mean you'll be able to compete online.

>> No.10703179

>If you have to work hard to understand things that others have already figured out
The entire math curriculum is working hard to understand things that others already figured out. Joseph Fourier did all of this before any of this. And yes, he had to toil with a lot of easy shit before seeing the motivation
>No, my IQ is not sufficient to do math
...sooooo, you're rationalizing your lack of aptitude as something innate, and then you're trying and over fitting that sort of model over your peers. So this is the power of psuedointellectualism
>How can you master the top of the field if you get caught up on trivial shit?
because getting caught up on trivial shit is the first step to actually understanding why it all works. Triviality shifts as our understanding does. They spend all of middle school teaching you basic forms in polynomials, and that's easy to understand after you've taken the time to understand it, but then you have to go back and study it for diophantine equations, for combinatorics, etc, and you realize that there's a ridiculous amount of clever, deep, etc. mathematical theory from something so "trivial." it's literally because math is the act of synthesizing the old knowledge into new via taking a new perspective on how to examine the old that something like IQ isn't a very good measure for success in mathematics. It comes down to being *sufficiently* intelligent and then carrying yourself through lots of sweat. Genius doesn't really help. Ask Tao: he said that it's neat, but research is about doing what people don't understand, and in that regard, a genius doesn't magically solve it. There is no low hanging fruit out there anymore.

>> No.10703187

>If your intelligence is not sufficient you will struggle too much in understanding
struggling is fucking good for you. It checks your understand and reinforces what you need. This genius bullshit is insecurity from people who don't want to take risks in career and in intellectual growth, so they frame intelligence as the ability to figure something out without having to risk finding out that you don't know how to do it. Genius do not possess the ability to know something a priori, nor do they have some magical processing speed that can be unmatched. Literally every academic on this has said, "prodigies start early, but people catch up in grad school and the everyone's on an even playing field." Those are the words of every adviser I've ever had. Anything else is self defeating bullshit spouted by people who know very little about the nature of academic research and mathematical developments. You're more akin to a book nerd reading a million arguments until you figure out what they all missed than you are some troubled genius scribbling on the board.

Research mathematics and competition/grade based mathematics are two different things. You should dispel this idea of the required genius because it misses the point, it doesn't acknowledge what research is, and it only exists to either stroke the ego of those who consider themselves to be smart and play on the insecurities of people who don't

>> No.10703189

OP read this.

>> No.10703195

Absolute best advice I've read on this whole entire board in a long time.

>> No.10703197

my grammar goes down the shithole when i go into keyboard warrior mode. I'm sorry

>> No.10703203

Nah you were fine. ideas received

>> No.10703238

MY IQ is around 130-140, I majored in physics. The major itself was ok but I struggle in real life due to laziness. Just because your IQ is under 145 doesn't mean you will struggle with physics- in fact, 120-130 is ideal for most academics, and extra IQ points above 150 is actually detrimental to your functioning in society.


>> No.10703428

if I had 150IQ I would have all the same social problems I do now except I'd also be much smarter and generally superior in every way

I don't see your point.

>> No.10703517

You really don't understand what this whole IQ business means, do you? You wouldn't suddenly be a different person with faster processing speeds with the ability to solve more problems. This is peak reddit pseud

>> No.10703629

Even if you're the same person, society doesn't respond to you in the same way. It's hard to get along with people who are more than 20 IQ points away from you in either direction. For someone with 120 IQ, that means they'll get along great with just about any college graduate. For someone with 170 IQ, it means they'll get along with a very small percentage of the population. Even if, at 170 IQ, you managed to overcome this hangup in yourself and could relate to a larger segment of the population, most of the population would still have a very difficult time relating to you.
>More of the high IQ children reported their friends to be older than themselves, that they did not have enough friends, and that being smart made it harder for them to make friends.
>the vocabulary and interest patterns of high-IQ children are so different from those of agemates that mutually rewarding play is seldom a realistic possibility. Older children are not necessarily optimal playmates either, since they differ in coordination and skill, the degree to which they are willing to follow the leadership of younger children, however intelligent, and often in interests and language as well.

>> No.10703637

>a theoretical major like math or physics
physics is theoretical?
you need to be more precise, nigger

>> No.10703644

I got 34% the first time I did a high school exam in mathematics - in my country you only get a grade if you get more than 45%. I basically have a confirmed IQ of 90.

> doing a PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics AMA

>> No.10703654

>PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics
>theoretical condensed matter
lol, wtf does this shit even exist?

>> No.10703661

> the absolute state of /sci/

>> No.10703666

yeah, it exists. pretty much just the quantum many-body problem solved with various boundary conditions for different systems. think quantum theory combined with statistical physics.
look into the BCS theory if you're interested in some of the achievements of the field

>> No.10703676

> recommends BCS theory to a blatant high schooler who isn't aware of one of the biggest fields of theoretical physics
you're either an optimist or an idiot lol

>> No.10703682

>to a blatant high schooler who isn't aware of one of the biggest fields of theoretical physics
I know CM physics you stupid cunt, but I didn't know there's a theorical field of it, I though all those gay fucks do is drawing some crystallography cubes and pour some liquid nitrogen somewhere

>> No.10703698

holy shit, is it even possible for somebody to be this much of a brainlet?

>> No.10703739
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Thanks /sci/ I just spent 15 minutes on an online test and now they $$ to give me the score. FUCK!

though the questions were pretty easy

>> No.10703773

this website looks cool, thanks

>> No.10703799

I bet most people with 145+ IQ these days don't go into math or physics because the prospects of a dead end lowpaying career full of bullshit are less appealing to them than a higher paying version of the same career.

>> No.10703830

I'm a recluse unable to get along with anybody as is. I would unironically sacrifice a limb for 30, 40 IQ points because then at least I would be able to have a crack at the unsolved mysteries of the universe. As is I'm just a loser with no perspective anywhere. I would give up everything I have, I would personally sacrifice my family to satan if that was what it took.

hiQ's whining about muh acceptance is peak 1st world problem. there are plenty of people with stunted personalities but without the gifts to compensate for it.

>> No.10703841

>what this IQ business means
it means you are better at literally every cognitive task, on average

the only thing I've ever been remotely good at has been cognitive tasks. the fact that people who can effortlessly beat me at these due to nothing more than genetics undermines everything I live for.

I would unironically murder every person with an IQ above 145 if I could.

>> No.10703854

I'm not whining, like I said mine is only around 130-140 so I don't face much of that. Just saying that it does seem to present some extra layer of difficulty socially.

>> No.10703856

maybe you have a social life you wouldn't trade for literally infinitely better chances at success, but there are many anons on this board who don't. there is literally nothing I would lose by being more intelligent. there is literally everything to gain.

how can I not hate myself, my lineage for producing me, and my intellectual betters who have done fuck all for it other than be born lucky?

>> No.10703876

you are the best poster on this entire board my dude

>> No.10703911

I have sub 110 iq and I have a degree in mathematics and creative writing. Currently in Graduate School studying literature, its not hard if your determined I had a emphasis on Foundations and Mathematical Logic which was really fun. Don't worry about what they say on here, luckily I found out about this place when I was already well into my degree so all these stigma's never really affected me. Good luck anon.

>> No.10703933


>> No.10703939

did you have to take analysis or topology courses for your bachelors?

>> No.10703942

as long as you go about it the right way, you should be fine, just make sure u fully understand the mechanics of how everything works, dont cut corners. most of math is not magic, try to recognize the patterns of those tricky problems and remember them, thats it basically.
the more u work the better u get at it.

>> No.10703972
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>high iq
>can't figure out how to make friends

>> No.10704013

The problem is you're not really comparing apples to apples. These high IQ children face circumstances their lower IQ counterparts don't. A 170 iq child who grew up in an environment surrounded by 160-180 IQ children would probably be perfectly well-adjusted.

Imagine how a 100 IQ child would feel going to a school for intellectually disabled kids, or alternatively how he would feel going to a school for genius kids. In both cases, he might have a hard time figuring out how to make friends. That's exactly how genius kids feel in the average IQ world they are presented with.

>> No.10704024

>IQ 144
Whew close call

>> No.10704048

i don't know what my IQ is but i'm in the top 10% of my physics class at a science uni with an average mark of 80%. i don't consider myself particularly intelligent and i doubt my IQ is that high, although my memory is good. every single piece of work i have ever been presented with demanded nothing more than committing time and effort to learning it, which is something most students don't bother with or are incapable of sticking to. there's no ridiculous abstract understanding of maths required and the great majority is barely intuitive, being more of a case of learning rather than deducing.

>> No.10704062

i really doubt it takes much intelligence to get through an undergrad maths degree without scoring 70%+ if you bother to put in the effort. "competing online" is a different ball game, and obviously you need a sharp brain to outperform your peers in a research setting or something, but there's nothing wrong with the idea of getting an A in maths then going to work for a financial firm on a some crazy salary.