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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10702685 No.10702685 [Reply] [Original]

I just got my scores back, and I got 168 verbal, 162 quantitative, and 5.0 analytical writing Will my shitty quantitative score on the GRE seriously affect my chances of getting into a good engineering graduate program? How much do schools actually care about this?

>> No.10702687

Forgot to mention that I'm a senior with a 3.97 GPA at Purdue in an engineering program

>> No.10703842

Most people get perfect score on quant so I'd say yes.

>> No.10703948

Apply and find out. There are programs that have average quant scores lower than yours. I don’t understand what you mean by “good”. Do you want a name brand school?https://magoosh.com/gre/2013/gre-scores-for-engineering-programs/

>> No.10703949

I took it five years ago. Walked cold turkey into the exam and got a 163 on both verbal and quantitative. You should retake it if it matters that much to you. Some of my friends did and did much better. I never bothered with it since I took it at the last possible moment before most applications were due. I was always insecure that some of my friends did much better than me. Oh well, there's no cure for mental retardation.

>> No.10704089

Did you get into a school you wanted?

>> No.10704168

This. I think almost 95% of people get a perfect score on the quant

>> No.10704195

How can we eliminate this other 5%? They're holding us back from perfection.

>> No.10704206
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>> No.10704212

You'll be fine. Your other scores are good and you're still 80%< percentile on the quant. You have a great GPA. Just have very strong recommendation letters and some research and you'll be ok.

>> No.10704418

General GRE is a meme, borderline SAT tier shit. Subject tests, GPA, and past experience are the things that will get you into a grad school. t. Physics Grad

>> No.10704458

Taking the GRE as an engineering major is an indication that you're unemployable.

>> No.10705704

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