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10701880 No.10701880[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are the health concerns over 5G justified?

>> No.10701885

There have been no longterm studies ( +6 months) by any independent( and thus not paid to be bias) researchers. ZERO. No one knows. Expect to learn within the next few years though as atest subject.


>> No.10701887
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>> No.10701898

Just some ((((researchers)))) trying to wet their beak on industry dollars by insisting on more studies. Blumenthal is lobbied by Universities -- who would be the beneficiary of any obligation to fund studies.

>> No.10701899
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>amerifats can't compete with china on 5g
>starts shilling propaganda about muh health concerns so they can catch up

your time is up fatty.

>> No.10701904

Is he actually? Even so I am nervous pushing out new technology with no testing. Better safe than sorry.

>> No.10701905

Quit spamming this thread you tucking retard

>> No.10701908

stfu schizo - unless Jews are wearing Faraday cage kippahs, the dangers of 5G would apply equally to them

>> No.10701914

Have there been long term studies done on whether dropping ping pong balls on someone's hands has any negative effects?

For concerns to be justified, we need to first from a physics perspective establish that radiation in the levels of 5G could even in principle interact with our bodies in a way that's more significant than being exposed to the light from your computer screen.

>> No.10701918

>Thirsty appliances. “The BLOND dataset was collected at a typical office building in Germany, with the main occupants being academic institutes and their researchers.” BLOND’s several dozen terabytes of data provide “long-term continuous measurements of voltage and current waveforms” for 74 appliances in office over several months, including a bunch of computers, a printer, paper shredder, space heater, and an electric toothbrush.

>> No.10701925

>For concerns to be justified, we need to first from a physics perspective establish that radiation in the levels of 5G could even in principle interact with our bodies in a way that's more significant than being exposed to the light from your computer screen.

b-b-b-but precepts such as physics and reality interfere with my ability to feel smarter than everyone else!

>> No.10701930

Yes he is. He's on all the science and tech committees and military research committees. Schools like Yale, MIT, Berkeley makes hundreds of millions from mandatory Congressionally required "studies" -- so they lobby him hard. The tech is not fundamentally new or different, we know what it is, stop listening to Alex Jonestein. >>10701908
kys normie fuck. 5g is opposed by legacy industries (and the hedge funds who invested in them) who can't compete in a world where any dipshit startup could instantly match their connection-speeds, IoT capability.

>> No.10701932

>kys normie fuck.
I hope 5g is cancerous just so you will die along with everyone you love. I'd die too but that would be okay.

>> No.10701938

>I hope 5g is cancerous just so you will die along with everyone you love. I'd die too but that would be okay.
you Boomer-tier cringe fucks are everything wrong with this country, every other faggot thinks the government is trying to make him tranny or "zap his dmt pineal gland" with fluoridation. Wtf is it with this shithole country and the conspiritards? 5g will improve health, quality of life, business, and reduce the competitive edge held by established companies and water fluoridation prevents cavities. Move the fuck out to Somalia where you can suck gay aids nigger cock in a "free and uncontaminated" libertarian paradise.

>> No.10701941

How about I lobby your ass with my foot?

>> No.10701944

>How about I lobby your ass with my foot?
Take it easy gramps. Your boomer mentality is stinking the board.

>> No.10701947

the current GOP isn't compatible with reality, it shouldn't surprise you their voters will believe anything to avoid the truth.

>> No.10701949

>the current GOP isn't compatible with reality, it shouldn't surprise you their voters will believe anything to avoid the truth.
It honestly doesn't surprise me but it's getting to critical levels of idiocy.

>> No.10701951

How about you refine your bullshit conspiracy theories to something a little more nuanced than "hurr da jewwzzz"?

>> No.10701956

>How about you refine your bullshit conspiracy theories to something a little more nuanced than "hurr da jewwzzz"?
Its not the jews. Its the republicans who need an idiotic conspiritard electorate to win elections.

>> No.10701959

I honestly have more respect for the actual white nationalists than the average GOP voting retard who actually thinks their policies are somehow helping anything.

>> No.10701960

Are you so smooth-brained that you think the triple parentheses and Stein surnames correspond to being a Republican?

>> No.10701968

The jews and evangelicals are along for the ride because they bribed the republicans to adopt their agenda, and in order to succeed in accomplishing this agenda the republicans promote idiocy among the electorate.

>> No.10701971

I'm a Jew, and you know basically nothing about the political landscape. Jews have a majority lean towards the left in the US, although there are some recent signs of a rightward change.

>> No.10701974

>I'm a Jew, and you know basically nothing about the political landscape. Jews have a majority lean towards the left in the US, although there are some recent signs of a rightward change.
"israel lobby" including sheldon adelstein and all the mega donor jews.

>> No.10701980

this. based.

>> No.10701981

Yeah, so the Israeli government, headed by a corrupt conservative, happens to be buddy-buddy with another corrupt conservative's administration. Color me surprised. Slander your own people for allowing money to corrupt your politics.

>> No.10701989

>Yeah, so the Israeli government, headed by a corrupt conservative, happens to be buddy-buddy with another corrupt conservative's administration. Color me surprised. Slander your own people for allowing money to corrupt your politics.
No. American Jews lobby American politicians to buddy up with Israel and do things that are good for Israel... and if this also happens to involve a conspiritard (OBAMA IS KENYAN MUSLIM) and evangelical anti science media frenzy... that's fine (and great) for them, because that's what it takes to get americans to vote for stupid things (like for instance, getting involved in expensive foreign wars for the sake of Israel's security and funding Israel's military).

>> No.10701994

You don't realize it but your brain works basically the same way as every tinfoil wearing, fluoride-truther moron. Not all Jews are zionists and the vast, vast majority of them are not lobbyists. There are so many cultural groups that have a larger sway on the course of American politics, but you fixate on Jews because you're an antisemite.

>> No.10702001

>You don't realize it but your brain works basically the same way as every tinfoil wearing, fluoride-truther moron. Not all Jews are zionists and the vast, vast majority of them are not lobbyists. There are so many cultural groups that have a larger sway on the course of American politics, but you fixate on Jews because you're an antisemite.
Ok, but the jewish lobby is real and all jews pretty much turn a blind eye and even if they're "progressives" they don't ever really go up against the israel lobby -- which gets a pass, despite being the number one supporter of white nationalist and anti science hysteria in the last ten years.
im honestly not an anti semite, i wouldn't lie if i was -- but i think liberal jews are ok, i find religious jews annoying. most of all, i don't like foreign governments getting to divert american resources for their benefit just by bribing some of our elite politicians. if that makes me anti semitic so be it. but if they didn't do that, i wouldnt give a fuck.

>> No.10702006

>There are so many cultural groups that have a larger sway on the course of American politics
yeah fuck conspiritards, conservatives who promote it, evangelicals, um, did i leave anyone out?

>> No.10702007

>all jews pretty much turn a blind eye and even if they're "progressives" they don't ever really go up against the israel lobby

You know nothing about Jews. There is ideological diversity on the subject of Israel. Vast majority of Jews support the idea that Israel should exist, but that doesn't extend to being full-on Zionists. I know Jews who would willingly cede over the entire West Bank to Palestine tomorrow if they could.

>the israel lobby -- which gets a pass, despite being the number one supporter of white nationalist and anti science hysteria in the last ten years.

This makes zero sense on any level. White nationalists and Jews historically do not mix well.

>> No.10702010

>This makes zero sense on any level. White nationalists and Jews historically do not mix well.

kill yourself you liar retard jew fuck.

>> No.10702011

Netanyahu is not the emperor of all Jews you fucking moron

>> No.10702012

>You know nothing about Jews. There is ideological diversity on the subject of Israel. Vast majority of Jews support the idea that Israel should exist, but that doesn't extend to being full-on Zionists. I know Jews who would willingly cede over the entire West Bank to Palestine tomorrow if they could.
vast majority of jews stfu and let the israel lobby reign unchallenged in the usa,




>> No.10702014

>Netanyahu is not the emperor of all Jews you fucking moron
Well its too late. There are organizations like AIPAC, World Jewish Congress, and others filled with ultra rich jews and they are american citizens who do whatever Netanyahu tells them to do while their hipster left wing champagne socialist grandkids larp as "muh liberal progressive" on 4channel.

>> No.10702015

>vast majority of jews stfu and let the israel lobby reign unchallenged in the usa,

Vast majority of everyone lets every lobby in the US go unchallenged. Both political parties have traded dominance in Congress since the ruling of Citizens United, yet there's no constitutional amendment making it illegal.

You should actually read the Foreign Policy article because that's a fantastic website and I bet they have a much more nuanced and realistic perspective on the issue than the black-and-white bullshit you're spewing on here.

>> No.10702018

>dude but the [[[universities]]] are conspiring to get grants to conduct more research
fucking kek

>> No.10702022

I have known exactly one Jew in my life with any affiliation to AIPAC. There is no Jewish conspiracy to follow all of Netanyahu's orders, and you would know this if you've actually met any Jews.

>> No.10702023

>Vast majority of everyone lets every lobby in the US go unchallenged. Both political parties have traded dominance in Congress since the ruling of Citizens United, yet there's no constitutional amendment making it illegal.
>You should actually read the Foreign Policy article because that's a fantastic website and I bet they have a much more nuanced and realistic perspective on the issue than the black-and-white bullshit you're spewing on here.
The Jewish lobby is not criticized by anyone, unlike the pharma lobby, the gun lobby, or the fucking japanese lobby.

One time that Omar lady tried to say something, she got shut the fuck down.


>> No.10702025

>vast majority of jews stfu and let the israel lobby reign unchallenged in the usa,
This is the dumbest fucking argument I've ever heard.

>> No.10702029

I know you're playing coy because you know this is true, but I've read all those articles and more. You should read them, on the off chance you actually believe the bullshit you're spewing.
In most US states, local jews have made it ILLEGAL to criticize or boycott Israel.


>> No.10702035




>> No.10702038

>The Jewish lobby is not criticized by anyone
Your article says differently.

>> No.10702042

Omar got shut down for vaguely blaming '$$$' for American FP towards Israel, instead of making balanced comments about the poisonous influence of all lobbying on American politics.

My take is that it came off mildly antisemitic but not worse than most things I've heard from GOP congressmen in the past two years. Worthy of an apology and revision but not a resignation. I also don't think Omar is an antisemite.

>> No.10702045

Most US states have laws criminalizing marijuana.
What's your point?

>> No.10702046

My article says that one Congresswoman tried, and her own party and the republicans shut her down for being "anti semitic" and she later backtracked entirely -- and this was because Jews lobby both parties hard to make any discussion of Israel policy impossible.

>> No.10702048

>My article says that one Congresswoman tried, and her own party and the republicans shut her down for being "anti semitic" and she later backtracked entirely -- and this was because Jews lobby both parties hard to make any discussion of Israel policy impossible.

Obama made several hugely controversial FP decisions towards Israel and there were no widespread accusations of antisemitism. Your theory that 'anything unfavorable to Israel == antisemitism' is demonstrably false.

>> No.10702051

AIPAC is a privileged lobby, no other lobby has power that comes close to AIPAC. Sorry to break it to you.



You will find people in congress complain about gun lobby, pharma lobby, oil lobby, whatever.. never the israel lobby.





>> No.10702056

Dumb fucking thread about 5G quickly becomes dumb fucking thread about the Juice.

>> No.10702057

Israel is a foreign country, why shouldn't Americans be allowed to criticize it? How can you agree that free speech regarding Israel should be banned by law and still tell me "not all jews support this hardline israel right wing corruption anon"? The fact is, vast majority of US jews lobbied at the grassroots and federal level to break the US constitution in order to ban any discussion of a small state in the middle east.

I don't see the pharma lobby banning discussions of pfizer.

>> No.10702058

>Your theory that 'anything unfavorable to Israel == antisemitism' is demonstrably false.
That's not my theory. That's your theory and how U.S. jews and their lobbyists see things.


>> No.10702062

>AIPAC is a privileged lobby, no other lobby has power that comes close to AIPAC

Their annual spending doesn't even rank top 50 in lobbying spending. Coca Cola exceeds their figures every year.

>> No.10702063

Its connected. The retarded conspiracies are promoted by the same demagogues who the israelis/jews buy to manipulate our electorate. faggots like alex jones.

>> No.10702065

Its because the actual AIPAC spending isn't really the meat and potatoes. They organize fundraisers where they invite hundreds of rich jews and instruct them to coordinate funding a candidate... and this doesn't' count as "aipac spending".

>> No.10702068

>They organize fundraisers where they invite hundreds of rich jews and instruct them to coordinate funding a candidate... and this doesn't' count as "aipac spending".

Even spending under AIPAC-affiliated groups is far from #1 on the list of top lobbying spenders. You live in a oligarchic state where oil executives decide which countries to invade next, and you blame all your problems on an extremely small minority group with a nation the size of New Hampshire.

Everyone blames the Jews for their own set of highly-complicated, mostly-self-inflicted problems. You can kill us but it won't fix the shit you've done to yourselves.

>> No.10702069

how aipac works

they have a loyal and dedicated list of mega donors (ultra rich people with botomless checkbooks and deep connections to media, hollywood, academia, foreign policy, etc.).

>The power of AIPAC over members of Congress is literally awesome, although not in a good way. Has anyone ever seen so many members of Congress, of both parties, running to the microphones and sending out press releases to denounce one first-termer for criticizing the power of… a lobby? Somehow, I don’t think the reaction would have been the same if she had tweeted that Congress still supports the ethanol subsidy because the American Farm Bureau and other components of the corn/ethanol lobby spend millions to keep this agribusiness bonanza going (which they do). Or that if she had opposed the ethanol subsidy, she would have been accused of hating farmers. That’s American politics; the only difference between all the domestic lobbies that essentially buy support for their agenda is that AIPAC is working for a foreign government, a distinction but not much of a difference when the goal is to maintain a status quo that is not necessarily in the national interest.


>AIPAC is not a political action committee and does not donate directly to political candidates, but it requires its members to donate to the campaigns of certain members of Congress in order to receive exclusive membership benefits. Doug Rossinow, an academic and author of a forthcoming book on American Zionism, wrote in the Washington Post that since the late 1970s, AIPAC “has informally directed substantial campaign contributions toward chosen candidates for Congress.”

>> No.10702074

>Even spending under AIPAC-affiliated groups is far from #1 on the list of top lobbying spenders. You live in a oligarchic state where oil executives decide which countries to invade next, and you blame all your problems on an extremely small minority group with a nation the size of New Hampshire.
No, not all our problems. Like I said, it's a right wing alliance of jewish donors, evangelicals, and republicans. They bankroll all these conservative new media stars on youtube, twitter, etc.

And Adelstein alone contributed close to 1 billion USD towards conservative campaigns since 2016, as instructed by AIPAC.


Robert Mercer and Rebekkah Mercer also gave something like 300 million USD, and setup the Cambridge Analytica relationship with the GOP. They are one issue donors, and that issue is Israel.

>Everyone blames the Jews for their own set of highly-complicated, mostly-self-inflicted problems. You can kill us but it won't fix the shit you've done to yourselves.
Why this irrational obsession with a bronze age desert cult? Get over it. You're not special and your "religion" is idiotic.

>> No.10702075

>Like I said, it's a right wing alliance of jewish donors, evangelicals, and republicans.

Sounds like your list of scapegoats could be much better described as just all billionaires.

>> No.10702078

>Why this irrational obsession with a bronze age desert cult? Get over it. You're not special and your "religion" is idiotic.

For someone seemingly obsessed with Jews, you should probably be aware that there are non-religious Jews. There are straight-up rabbis who don't believe in the afterlife.

>> No.10702079

>Robert Mercer and Rebekkah Mercer also gave something like 300 million USD, and setup the Cambridge Analytica relationship with the GOP. They are one issue donors, and that issue is Israel.
It is Jewish. They're not oil barons who happen to be Jewish. They are in this coalition not because they want deregulation but because they want US funding and military support for Israel -- the "jewish state". It's a ultra nationalism thing, but they are diverting US taxpayer paid resources (buying it cheap actually) for the benefit of some people who share the same religion and cultural identity as them.

>> No.10702080

That wasn't really a reply to my comment - you're just talking to yourself at this point.

>> No.10702081

>For someone seemingly obsessed with Jews, you should probably be aware that there are non-religious Jews. There are straight-up rabbis who don't believe in the afterlife.
So they are non religious but petty chauvinistic nationalists? Dare I say it -- fascists? Why else keep any part of the culture, traditions, etc?

>> No.10702085

>Sounds like your list of scapegoats could be much better described as just all billionaires.
It is Jewish. They're not oil barons who happen to be Jewish. They are in this coalition not because they want deregulation but because they want US funding and military support for Israel -- the "jewish state". It's a ultra nationalism thing, but they are diverting US taxpayer paid resources (buying it cheap actually) for the benefit of some people who share the same religion and cultural identity as them.


>> No.10702088

>So they are non religious but petty chauvinistic nationalists? Dare I say it -- fascists? Why else keep any part of the culture, traditions, etc?

Oh there are fascist Jews absolutely, but my problem is that you're choosing to treat us a monolith rather than accept the fact that ideological diversity exists and all of your problems can't be distilled down into a single ethnoreligious identity.

Sure, that's hard because it means the problems in the world are more complicated to solve, but you're a big boy aren't you?

>> No.10702092

>Oh there are fascist Jews absolutely, but my problem is that you're choosing to treat us a monolith rather than accept the fact that ideological diversity exists and all of your problems can't be distilled down into a single ethnoreligious identity.
They are Jews and they are doing it for "Jewish interests". If anything you should be on my side if you really don't agree with the majority of US Jews (who do support AIPAC). In which case, welcome aboard. But no, you're more interested in playing coy with the notion of anti semitism to literally render any discussion of the topic (US Israel lobby) moot.

>> No.10702097

So why are you even Jewish? Are you religious? No? If not you keep the traditions? Why? Because you're a fascist?

>> No.10702104

>Sure, that's hard because it means the problems in the world are more complicated to solve, but you're a big boy aren't you?
Things are not complicated. Your side is interested in driving us into "messy, complicated" conceptualizations of this issue in order to put the obvious and rational solution out of reach.

The simply solution is this. US should cut 100% of any aid to Israel and withdraw from Syria, Iraq. Israel has full free healthcare and generous pensions, so maybe it can makeup for the shortfall of 30 billion USD it will miss out by defunding such luxuries.

>> No.10702106

I really doubt that there are statistics on what percentage of American Jews approve of AIPAC. Anecdotally I can say that I know lots of Jews who aren't fans of lobbying, pro-Israel or otherwise.

>> No.10702109

>ok, so Jews did it
>but you’re still to blame for allowing it
Well, we could always not allow it.

>> No.10702110

I'm sure there are, but their mom or grandparents still support AIPAC or ADA or any one of the various organizations that makeup the "Jewish Lobby".

>> No.10702114

>So why are you even Jewish? Are you religious? No? If not you keep the traditions? Why? Because you're a fascist?

Unbroken maternal ancestry to the original tribes of Israel. I've gotten more into the religious fold in the past few years but would still probably self-identify as strongly secular.

I don't think following religious traditions constitutes fascism - that wouldn't really make any sense. Fascism is more like forcing everyone to follow your tradition and deporting/executing people who don't. Jews don't do that because our rules explicitly do not even apply to non-Jews.

>> No.10702116

>they support Zionism but that doesn’t make them Zionists

>> No.10702118

>Fascism is more like forcing everyone to follow your tradition and deporting/executing people who don't.
It literally isn't. It's a secular ultra nationalist conservative movement with revolutionary zeal.

>Unbroken maternal ancestry to the original tribes of Israel.

>> No.10702119

Bannon is not a white nationalist. Spencer has made some remarks in favour of normalising relations with Israel without being beholden to them.

>> No.10702120

Cool so old people are generally rich and conservative, and they ruin everything for the young. No complaints here. Why focus on only the old-rich Jews?

>> No.10702126

All the white nationalists LOVE Israel.

It makes sense because the Jewish lobby and their allies are the ones funding them.

>> No.10702128

>It literally isn't. It's a secular ultra nationalist conservative movement with revolutionary zeal.

Yeah that's an encyclopedic way to describe it, but what I wrote is pretty much how it manifests in actual fascist societies. Word salad is less useful than a faithful description of what things are like.


Don't ask questions whose answer you don't actually care about.

>> No.10702130

Yeah you’re right we need a woker slower ethnic cleanse or at least to talk loudly about moderation while continuing to vote for nationalist parties so that the goyim think there’s any serious resistance to going full Greater Israel.
Fuck kikes, fuck rich people, fuck powerful people, fuck censorship, fuck Silicon Valley, and fuck you in your kike face.

>> No.10702133


>> No.10702134

Its actually the vast majority of Jews, including all Jewish organizations of any repute (not just AIPAC) who participate in this lobbying.

>Yeah that's an encyclopedic way to describe it, but what I wrote is pretty much how it manifests in actual fascist societies. Word salad is less useful than a faithful description of what things are like.

It's not a faithful description, it your random feeling about it. Which is ironic because, as a fascist state, Israel is murdering palestinians. In any case, genocide (like, say, of palestinians) is not a necessary fact of fascist states.

Most fascist states did not care about "forcing everyone to follow their tradition and deporting/executing people who don't". in fact, european jews and german jews in particular were enthusiastically assimilated into german culture -- so how do you explain that?

>> No.10702139

Unironically powerful point.

A similar thought that I’ve read: Alex Jones is what someone looks like if they try to explain the world /without/ mentioning Jews.

>> No.10702140
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Feel free to vent your concerns in real life or in public. You won't because you're a pussy. Foam more.

>> No.10702146

>Its actually the vast majority of Jews, including all Jewish organizations of any repute (not just AIPAC) who participate in this lobbying.

Again, I know extremely few Jews with any affiliation to AIPAC. Not zero, but very few. This is almost assuredly false, although I doubt there are statistics on it.

>Which is ironic because, as a fascist state, Israel is murdering palestinians

Not sure if I'd characterize it as fascist, but they are indeed murdering Palestinians.

> in fact, european jews and german jews in particular were enthusiastically assimilated into german culture

are you even real bro

>> No.10702149

>Don't ask questions whose answer you don't actually care about.
This is not a scientifically sound belief. You are not descended from ancient bronze age Israelites. This can be tested. Go ahead and test it you faggot.

>> No.10702154

>Again, I know extremely few Jews with any affiliation to AIPAC. Not zero, but very few. This is almost assuredly false, although I doubt there are statistics on it.
AIPAC is not the primary constituent of the Jewish Lobby. It is merely a leading organization.

>are you even real bro
The Nazi contention with Jews wasn't that they weren't assimilated.

>> No.10702155

>This is not a scientifically sound belief. You are not descended from ancient bronze age Israelites. This can be tested. Go ahead and test it you faggot.

It can't really be tested one way or the other since there's no 'Jewish gene' that shows up. You can distinguish whether someone is Ashkenazi/Sephardic/Mizrahi though. Whether that means you descended from one of the tribes is anyone's guess. Race is kind of an ambiguous thing anyway.

>> No.10702157

>AIPAC is not the primary constituent of the Jewish Lobby. It is merely a leading organization.

So where are you getting your data that the majority of Jews are actively participating in pro-Israel lobbying? Do you have any statistics supporting your completely-testable hypothesis here?

>> No.10702158

>It can't really be tested one way or the other since there's no 'Jewish gene' that shows up. You can distinguish whether someone is Ashkenazi/Sephardic/Mizrahi though. Whether that means you descended from one of the tribes is anyone's guess. Race is kind of an ambiguous thing anyway.
There are ancient israelite samples, none of the modern jews have close affinity with them. Ironically, it's the palestinians who are closely related to them.

>> No.10702162

>So where are you getting your data that the majority of Jews are actively participating in pro-Israel lobbying? Do you have any statistics supporting your completely-testable hypothesis here?


you can start by reading any of the various links here, all of which are serious publications -- including at least one book link to Prof Mearsheimer's (UCHICAGO) book "Israel lobby".

>> No.10702164

>There are ancient israelite samples, none of the modern jews have close affinity with them

There's really no way that I'm gonna read an entire paper this late at night, but if you cite your sources here I'll actually get around to looking at it eventually.

>> No.10702166

The operative term here is majority. I get that there is an informal lobby and that there are Jews who do participate in pro-Israel lobbying. I want to see the proof that the majority are involved, since I personally have not seen that in my own experiences.

>> No.10702167
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>Unknown unkowns don't exist

>> No.10702173

Most Jews are a member of one of these organizations and contribute to them. It's not a secret that these organizations support pro israel lobbying.

>> No.10702177

>Most Jews are a member of one of these organizations and contribute to them

As evidenced by what? Show me the figure that reports >50%

>> No.10702179 [DELETED] 

Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi)[9]
American Friends of Likud [10]
American Gathering/Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors
America-Israel Friendship League
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Congress
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
American Sephardi Federation
American Zionist Movement, a coalition of Zionist groups and individuals, and the American affiliate of the World Zionist Organization.[10]
Americans for Peace Now
Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
Association of Reform Zionists of America/World Union North America, the Zionist arm of the Reform movement and an affiliate of the Union for Reform Judaism.[10]
B'nai B'rith International
Bnai Zion
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
Development Corporation for Israel/State of Israel Bonds: Since 1951, Israel Bonds sales have helped Israel’s Finance Ministry support projects in key sectors. Bond sales have exceeded $25 billion.[10]
Emunah of America: Chapters and divisions around the United States support Israel’s largest Religious Zionist educational and social welfare organizations.[10]
Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF): Supports social, educational, and recreational programs and facilities for Israeli soldiers and supports bereaved relatives of fallen soldiers.[10]
Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
Jewish Community Centers Association
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
Jewish Labor Committee
Jewish National Fund
Jewish Reconstructionist Federation
Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America (JWV)
Jewish Women International
MERCAZ USA, Zionist Organization of the Conservative Movement
NA'AMAT USA: This group has pursued its goal of supporting the women and children of Israel for the past 80 years.[10]

>> No.10702180

NCSJ Advocates on behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States & Eurasia
National Council of Jewish Women
National Council of Young Israel
World ORT - ORT America branch
Rabbinical Assembly (RA)
Rabbinical Council of America (RCA)
Religious Zionists of America (RZA or Mizrahi)
Union for Reform Judaism (URJ)
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (Orthodox Union or OU)
United Jewish Communities (UJC)
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ)
Women's International Zionist Organization (WIZO)
Women's League for Conservative Judaism (WLCJ)
Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ)
Workmen's Circle (Arbeter Ring)
World Zionist Executive, US
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)


>> No.10702181


Direct link between Jewish NGOs and Israel, for the purpose of coordinating pro Israel activities. WJC's president is a former israeli cabinet official and they are staffed by israelis. Their membership consists of the leading members of jewish american organizations.

>> No.10702184

Still not seeing my >50%.

>> No.10702187

If you notice, this list includes Reform Judaism, Conservative Judaism, and Orthodox Judaism rabbinical/youth/synagogue organizations (the Parent organizations that your synagogue, if you go to one, belongs to). That covers more than 50% of American Jews alone.

>> No.10702188

Reform/Conservative/Orthodox Judaism are not organizations with memberships, they're denominations of the faith. Note that there are many Jews that fall into none of those three categories.

Also think it's questionable that all of those organizations are secretly lobbying groups, but I think we can sidestep that since those groups do not total to >50% of US Jews

>> No.10702190
File: 105 KB, 829x890, 1556487397915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f3 "jew"
>126 results
lmao i wonder who could be behind this thread

>> No.10702194

/pol/ knows if they make enough shitty 5G threads eventually the mods will stop checking them. They apparently are correct.

>> No.10702202

>The Presidents' Conference and AIPAC work together, with all members of the conference sitting on AIPAC's executive committee, which is distinct from its board of directors. The two organizations follow a clear division of labor. The conference focuses on the executive branch of the U.S. government, while AIPAC lobbies in Congress.[1]The chairperson is Richard Stone.[2]

>Union for Reform Judaism
>members: ~880,000 affiliates, 600,000–1,150,000 identifying

>The Rabbinical Council of America (RCA)
>is one of the world's largest organizations of Orthodox rabbis; it is affiliated with The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, more commonly known as the Orthodox Union (OU). It is the main professional rabbinical association within Modern Orthodox in the United States, directly representing the majority of Orthodox Jewish households.

>Rabbinical Assembly (RA), conservative judaism
>represent close to 1.1 million people, both over 600,000 registered adult congregants and many non-member identifiers.

This is just 3 orgs, there are like 50 in that list.

>> No.10702203


simple. if they dont use 5g in israel then you know its bad for you.


>> No.10702213

You wanna know how I know this thread is >>>/pol/? Because one of you dumb motherfuckers started a new thread forgetting what board you were in.

>> No.10702222

They do use 5G in Israel

>> No.10702226

>it’s oil brah

>> No.10702228

>Unbroken maternal ancestry
Ah big guy, have you checked the female DNA of European Jews? You didn’t get it from your mamma.

>> No.10702230

You’re point at civic nationalists with a racial vibe, not white nationalists. White nationalists like Mike Enoch and Eric Striker hate Jews and hate Israel because Israel drags white people into wars to die and provides a power base for global Jewry.

>> No.10702232

You’re *pointing

>> No.10702234

You’d be surprised how many have agreed with me in private conversations in real life. Jews are in the process of being #cancelled and they’re allowing the mask to slip with their censoriousness and turn toward totalitarian, overt control instead of their preferred crypsis oriented methods.

>> No.10702237

Also everyone should notice that the Jew doesn’t even try to refute this now that he senses I won’t back down, but instead switches to an attempt at demoralisation, which also won’t work. I have Apollo with me and the goyim are waking.

>> No.10702238

Yes, 5G is harmful. Put simply 5G is just another implementation of an already proven damaging technology, though with some unique characteristics.

With 5G expect:
-Unknown (ie unable to be predicted without hard specs and testing) effects on biological systems.
-Greater incidence of health problems, too many to list. Changes in blood, bone marrow, broad degenerative changes in organs, disruption of various enzyme systems, demyelination of peripheral nerves and fragmentation of their axons, neurodegeneration (fine structures, dendrities, etc). There are also effects on the cell membrane which persist long after irradiation ahs ceased, and which alter their behavior. Groups of cells are very similar to coupled oscillators.
-Millimeter waves have been studied since they could be easily generated. Very early on with 60GHz spark gap oscillators. While 5G has no publicly available testing and is therefore "untested", it's not as though we don't know some of the generalities of their effects already. Study of the effects of electricity and magnetism on biological systems goes all the way back to 1893, with d'Arsonval and a few others.
-5G entails expansion of the automated surveillance apparatus. Sci-fi has become reality, as many knew it would. Now it is time for man to choose.

More information here. I've uploaded a number of documents and references. Not really a work in progress, but there are probably some future additions. It pretty much lays out how it works, what is known, who knew what and when, and how we got here.

>> No.10702242

Oh, I forgot. Accelerated ecological collapse. Insect populations have already plummeted. And sped up population level irreversible infertility.

>> No.10702245

Blumenthal doesn't really have anything to do with it. Maybe he's in on getting them to funnel money into an already controlled research apparatus, maybe not.

Example. Everyone goes on about the NTP study, which showed cancers. NTP was designed to fail. It was a reverberation chamber with multiple antennas, which increases the probability of destructive interference and depolarizes the field. It's designed to mask effects. The fact that it still showed them is just further damning. The results were understated.

>> No.10702286
File: 108 KB, 849x1200, 1553349230246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is the winning argument. The other side will never recover from such a master stroke.

>> No.10702356

there have been thousands of studies showing negative health effects from electromagnetic radiation.