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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1070146 No.1070146 [Reply] [Original]

/Sci/, this bomb is brought to you by /r9k/, who got it from /g/, who got it from /k/, who got it from /lit/, who got it from /a/, who got it from /v/ who got it from /adv/ It now has multiple fermi cards taped to it, and is liable to explode at any minute. /g/ sends it's regards.

>> No.1070148

>"The bomb has been planted"

>> No.1070153

Good thing I bought a defusal kit.

>> No.1070163

>Using a defusal kit
>knowing how to use it

>> No.1070176

...I don't get it.

>> No.1070179
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>> No.1070183

EMP pulse on that bitch should fry the electronics.

>> No.1070186


>> No.1070188

>EMP pulse
>electromagnetic pule pulse

>> No.1070189

and people thought /sci/ would go up like a meth lab

>> No.1070195
File: 1.58 MB, 249x195, thumbsup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember I'm studying mathematics
> realize solution exists

>> No.1070206

>Rewire and upgrade bomb, mass produce it
>Send them all to >>>/b/

>> No.1070204

Give me the bomb and follow me back to R9k...

>> No.1070209

>/a/: Post reaction pictures while there's a fucking IMAGINARY BOMB IN THE ROOM.
>/k/: Solve the problem quickly, take it out on someone you don't like.
>/g/: Bitch about pointless things while there's a fucking IMAGINARY BOMB IN THE ROOM.
>/mu/: Get back to where it came from. Sort of nostalgia, almost.
>/r9k/ Debate what to do with the bomb next.

>> No.1070211

Some faggot of /r9k/ tried that already, /b/ fucked up.

try another board.

>> No.1070213

what a coincidence

>> No.1070221


Like i said, social experiment.

>> No.1070236


Its like a standard pulse.

But the power is squared!

>> No.1070238

EEfag here

your prototype bomb has been accepted for release to manufacturing and the initial run of 10k units will be mailed to /fa/, disguised as cocaine bricks.

>> No.1070246

I say we send it to the faggots in /lit/

>> No.1070250

>/sci/ - what type of explosive compound does it use, deflagrating or detonating?

>> No.1070257

tick-tock /sci/

Times a wastin'

>> No.1070251

it' already been

>> No.1070261

>/a/: Post reaction pictures while there's a fucking IMAGINARY BOMB IN THE ROOM.
>/lit/: Begins discussing the relevance of time and passes it on to /k/.
>/k/: Solve the problem quickly, take it out on someone you don't like.
>/g/: Bitch about pointless things while there's a fucking IMAGINARY BOMB IN THE ROOM.
>/mu/: Get back to where it came from. Sort of nostalgia, almost.
>/r9k/: Debate what to do with the bomb next.
>/sci/: How can we make more bombs?

>> No.1070263

This is /sci/. We're going to reverse-engineer the bomb, make a copy, and send the original to /k/ and the new one to ./po/

>> No.1070269

Let's experiment which wire makes it detonate or which one shuts it off!

>> No.1070273

/v/'s the better idea, send it there

>> No.1070279


It's already gone to /k/. Send it somewhere else. Like /cgl/ or something.

>> No.1070282
File: 46 KB, 210x210, cleese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose we fill the bomb with bees.

>> No.1070289

Sent them a present

>> No.1070290

This. Steal that guy's wasp nest

>> No.1070291

Send it to /tg/, they'll do something imaginative with it.

>> No.1070301


Idiot. /v/ was the second place the bomb went. Read the fucking OP.

>> No.1070302


>> No.1070318


>> No.1070317

Oh I hope summer ends soon...

>> No.1070312

/v/ here, you guys are dicks.

But /v/ is a better place to bomb, if you blow up /b/ they'll just invade every other board.

>> No.1070311

just pretend this fag never happened and do >>1070291

>> No.1070314
File: 9 KB, 271x239, Chinese man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here from /v/
You are all fucking faggots for playing into this /b/shit

>> No.1070307

Someone photoshop some acid that shit before we send it to them

>> No.1070323

so at 15:13 we'll send it to /tg/
any additions to make before then

>> No.1070328

Thanks for the non-vidya thread ASSHOLE

>> No.1070335

Send to /fit/ they will just start squatting it.

>> No.1070340


>> No.1070342

if someone wants to shop it on, fine otherwise its just going in the description

>> No.1070343

Send it to /tv/ and watch as it fails to detonate and prevent the Oceanic 815 from crashing.

>> No.1070352

wow, /v/ is being a pussy about this.

>> No.1070359

Yeah, and this way they have a limited time until the acid eats thru the controls and shortscircuits it and it goes KKAAAABOOOOMMMMMM

>> No.1070361

ready to go on /tg/ waiting for approval to submit

>> No.1070368

Too late, somebody posted it without the acid or bees.

>> No.1070379

noone posted it on /tg/, whoever brought it to /v/ was an idiot cuz it was already there and didnt count

>> No.1070382


Ah, shit. Sorry. Forgot the acid and bees.

Wow, though. /tg/ pulled off four sages in a row.

>> No.1070390



>> No.1070413

Why don't we just ignore /tg/ who are just saging it and complete the circle by sending it back to /adv/

>> No.1070409


Hehe, that's fairly imaginative.

>> No.1070404


>/tg/, this bomb is brought to you by /sci/, who got it from /g/, who got it from /k/, who got it from /lit, who got it from /a/, who got it from /v/ who got it from /adv/ It now has multiple fermi cards and magnets taped to it, and is liable to explode at any minute. /g/ and /sci/ sends their regards.

>> No.1070417

Cover it with jizz.

No one wants a jizz covered bomb

>> No.1070418


I'm too late.


>> No.1070425

notice how it got posted before that post went up

>> No.1070429


I didn't read the whole thread.

>> No.1070434

it was /v/ that sent it to /tg/

>> No.1070449

they're getting ready to send it to /d/

>> No.1070474

it's on /cm/ now

>> No.1070472

its on /cm/ now

>> No.1070479

>multiple fermis

There is no known power source that can power this.

>> No.1070480

hive mind

>> No.1070490

Wow, its on /cm/

This shall be hilarious.

>> No.1070525

it's off to /fit/

>> No.1070537

So seriously, what's going on with this thing? I hear there's two now, and they're both in /fit/.

>> No.1070682


>> No.1070740

The bombs seem to be breeding at an exponential rate.

>> No.1073225
