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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10698659 No.10698659[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific reason why gamers and anime viewers tend to be athiest?

>> No.10698685

Their greater exposure to tachyon chronons causes their neural hyperdyiaspys mounds to attain geometric aptitude.

>> No.10698720

My theory is that community support and stability breeds comformity (why rebel when everything is handed to you by the authority). People who don’t fit in don’t get this comformity and thus they are more likely to not see any taboo in questioning the nature of society.

>> No.10698728

People like you, who were born and will die in the same small town in the middle of nowhere, will never understand why people who live elsewhere have different ideas from you.

>> No.10698888

Sin (anime) begets sin (denial of God)

>> No.10698899

all 3 correlate with autism

>> No.10698909

>Is there a scientific reason why gamers and anime viewers tend to be athiest?

They aren't. Stop projecting yourself onto others until proven otherwise.

>> No.10698924
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Exposure to the higher art and sciences from a particularly non-abrahamic culture leads them to the realization that God is not necessary to build a society that can flourish. The Japanese success in mathematics and technology has paved the way for some impressive advancements in those fields, up to and including robotics, the average hospital ward, even in first world countries, doesn't have robots that care for their ill. Instead, manpower is there is replaced and the risk of human error, tiredness or evil is eliminated.
"The Flesh Is Corruptible, The Machine Is Eternal."

Praise The Omnissiah.

>> No.10698933
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but what about the bears...robots deserve rights too

>> No.10698990

because they’re on the internet and have access to information, and engage in the internet. same reason why oppressive regimes restrict internet access and force state religions. or why church ladies in free countries are all like “the internet is satan!!! the only approved media is GospelAM!!!”

>> No.10699283

China and North Korea, really into those state religions.

>> No.10699431

>babby’s first post about censorship
and on tienamen day too. Sad!

>> No.10699449

Cute angels, horrendous Mary and Yisus.
A tanned loli would be more accurate.

>> No.10699587

Snobby and urbanpilled

>> No.10699594

Constant access to computers and also (probably) the internet means they have more exposure to information and therefore come to the correct conclusion regarding religion.

>> No.10699639
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>> No.10699660

I can't wait to drink god

>> No.10699671

They only appear to be because of reddit. Which is where you should go back to.

>> No.10699675
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>> No.10699690

If being on the internet gave your more correct information on religion then gamers and anime viewers would all be theistic

>> No.10699709

>gamers and anime viewers tend to be athiest
As sourced from 'shit I pulled out of my ass' by Legitimati Scienza? You can't even SPELL atheist lol

>> No.10699982
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>theism is totally the most rational position guys!

>> No.10700186

You guys are some reddit retards, atheism doesn’t make you smart brainlet cunts, if you wanna be scientific agnosticism is the “correct” religion with our knowledge now we don’t know for certain there is a god, but to rule out the possibility that there is a god because you’re a fucking autistic is brainlet level retarded. If you’d rather be possibly right and condemn others than have a chance at going to heaven you’re a fucking idiot, and yes there is other religions but all of them don’t allow you to condemn them, don’t be a reddit retard and realize you’re not a genius if you don’t believe in god.

>> No.10700218

Because they are poorly educated in the Greeks and science in general

>> No.10700219
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Delete this

>> No.10700221

>Thinking magic is real

>> No.10700229

Brainlet cope. Sure we don't know whether there is a god, but what anyone with an iq > 110 can realize is that all religions/gods are retarded and completely arbitrary man-made bullshit.
>muh occam's razor

>> No.10700265
File: 2.64 MB, 750x1334, B5D5D1A8-9E74-409B-8DCD-90D34F096338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone with an iq>110
Guess Einstein was a retard despite being a master at differential geometry. Use your words carefully and don’t be a retard that doesn’t know what he’s talking about there are a lot of retarded religions that were man made to enact others in power. But don’t get on your soapbox and preach faggotry because your an autistic retard and you want to feel superior to others. And I never said there HAS ago be a god for the universe to exist I said there is a possibility, I’m agnostic, I’m just tired of seeing these reddit fags claiming that religion is retarded, God cannot possibly exist and that it’s “magic”, go back to fucking /pol/ and argue about climate change because that’s probably the only things you understand brainlet fag. There are infinite possibilities for our existence and to rule out any religion is fucking retarded and shows that you are an egotistical idiot because you cannot accept a possibility of a certain god because you want to be right >dunning Kruger

>> No.10700288

Einstein didn't believe in any religion dumbass.
>I’m just tired of seeing these reddit fags
I don't care what you're tired of seeing.
>There are infinite possibilities for our existence and to rule out any religion is fucking retarded
Holy shit this has to be the most retarded thing I've read on 4channel (today). Just because they're possible doesn't mean they're probable. Using basic common sense and critical thinking is sufficient to conclude that the probability of any religion being true is effectively 0.

>> No.10700317

Einstein believed in Spinoza’s God which is technically atheism by Christian standards as it says that God is the universe (instead of beyond the universe) but besides that some people consider it legitimately believing in God while others see it as basically agnosticism.

But yeah, there’s a long list of mathematicians and scientists who were not just religious but deeply religious. Newton, Euler, Pascal, Heisenberg etc..
As well, 8 of the 10 people with the highest iqs in the world are religious. It’s a bit of a misinterpretation to say religious is just for idiots, especially if you haven’t read any important literature on the topic which I’m assuming you haven’t

>> No.10700320
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>being atheist is rebellious
>in 2019

>> No.10700324

He was indeed very religious but I remember hearing that that specific quote itself might be fake.

>> No.10700325
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what kind of God would create a world where I can't cuddle with my 2D waifu? If a 2nd dimensional world was easily accessible and linked to ours, then I'm sure this lack of faith wouldn't exist.

>> No.10700346

Atheists are the only ones allowed to have actual fun.

>> No.10700375

Do they?

>> No.10700387


I was born without the concept of religion, family, even the easter bunny and santa claus. I had to build these beliefs on deliberatly because I felt they were important.

>> No.10700403


>> No.10700413

Young and asian demographics are probably more likely to be athiest. I would be interested to see the statistical results if you control for these factors.

>> No.10700415
File: 3.97 MB, 750x1334, 5621594D-D442-4626-B77F-3F44B779FDD9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duurr I watch a bunch of popsci videos and I have a iq equivalent to the sum of all natural numbers and god is fake and dumb and I’m autstic, I’m 35 and I kiss my Waugh everyday while I play fortnite I have no life and and math is for nerds because I’m too much of a dumbass to even understand what a tensor is.
>otaku faggot

>> No.10700424

Why on earth did you bring math into this. Stupid furfag can't even make coherent posts

>> No.10700656
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>> No.10700662

Society largely rejects them and with society goes religion.

>> No.10700679

If there's religion, being atheist is rebellious, because religion (if any) is enforced by society.

>> No.10700683

Maybe in Saudi Arabia, but I can assure you that very few zoomers are religious and that the ones who are are seen as different. Christcuckery is rebellious for a zoomer

>> No.10700712

They are familiar with high quality fantasies, and anime even has chuunibyou. Traditional religions are subpar compared to that.

>> No.10700729

No, Yahve-tier shit is impossible, retard. The only way it is "possible" is when it's introduced as an axiom, there's no other possibility to it.

>> No.10700732

Because they hate God and God hates them.

>> No.10700738

>church ladies in free countries are all like “the internet is satan!!! the only approved media is GospelAM!!!”
>source: my fat ass

>> No.10700742

>Using basic common sense and critical thinking is sufficient to conclude that the probability of any religion being true is effectively 0.
Mistyped, should be 1.