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10697813 No.10697813 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't humanity focusing all resources to figure out existencial questions? Why do we exist? Why do we know we exist? Why have not society created support groups for those who suffer from existencial dread? Mainly why do most people ignore those questions and dont they feel desperate terrible fear and terror every single day?

>> No.10698068

Why does it matter? Each of us will be dead soon anyways (less than a century). Our resources are better put to use extending human life and improving health so that we can actually be around to ponder these stupid philosophy questions.

The problem is most people would rather watch TV/YouTube and play Overwatch than study science to save their own pitiful asses. That’s why everyone has “““dread”””. They know they are 100% going to die, and they are too ducking dumb to save themselves. So they sit around watching TV waiting for .001% if the population (scientists) to save them. Too bad that’s far too little resources to give any of us alive today a chance

>> No.10698070

>Each of us will be dead soon anyways (less than a century). Our resources are better put to use extending human life and improving health so that we can actually be around to ponder these stupid philosophy questions.


>> No.10698074

>why do most people ignore those questions and dont they feel desperate terrible fear and terror every single day?
Because adults have real problems.

>> No.10698075

Go ahead and figure out the meaning of life. Spend the next 50 years pondering it. You probably won’t do it, and if you do you’ll be 75 years old and die the day after. Congrats


Spend the next 50 years researching mortality treatments. Potentially succeed and have eternity to ponder the meaning of life.

Well anyways, you can choose

>> No.10698078

>Spend the next 50 years researching mortality treatments. Potentially succeed and have eternity to ponder the meaning of life.

Yeah? Why should I?

>> No.10698082

You shouldn’t. You should spend the short years of your life playing overwatch and snacking on chips before becoming a decrepit old Man in constant pain who prays every day to a God you hope is listening that you will soon die a quick death

>> No.10698083

Humanity was obssessed with this question until the 18th century. Only now have we stopped fixating one why we exist because the enlightenment. Now that god is no longer reasonable, we will continue to be more suicidal, mentally ill etc. expect there to be more hugely philosophical nihilistic wars in the next millennium

>> No.10698086

No idea man good thread

>> No.10698089

You do realize by saying "Why does philosophy matter when our resources are better put to use extending human life and improving health so that we can actually be around to ponder these stupid philosophy questions." you are practicing philosophy right?

>> No.10698093

who gives a shit the ai monarch will fix all of it

>> No.10698097

I do. It’s jsut an extremely practical philosophy that makes more sense now than it does to ponder “what directions should humans be headed in over the next millenium?”
Because I don’t frankly care, it literally doesn’t matter to me. If I am alive for the next milllenium, then suddenly I do care and it does matter to me

>> No.10698103

Death is a fail safe op
Living forever is a curse

>> No.10698117

Then you shouldn't be trash-talking philosophy.

>> No.10698123

Are you just a butt mad philosophy major?

Unless you actually do something practical and modern-based with your philosophy, you might as well be playing Overwatch and eating chips, because that’s how useful you philosophy is

>> No.10698133

>Unless you actually do something practical and modern-based with your philosophy, you might as well be playing Overwatch and eating chips, because that’s how useful you philosophy is

Okay? Then why are you still posting? Stop posting.

No one cares about your personal philosophy. It's worthless.

>> No.10698138

I was right about the butthurt philosophy major part, huh

>> No.10698145

No you're just dumb and fail to see the self-refuting nature of "we shouldn't practice philosophy". Like if we shouldn't practice philosophy then why are you still blabbering on about it? Unless you can scientifically prove "we shouldn't practice philosophy" you ought to keep your mouth shut.

>> No.10698164

Well, I hope your philosophy saves you as the cancer eats what remains of your organs in your final days. I truly, unironically do. But hope is all I can provide in that regard

>> No.10698343
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>> No.10698442
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OP, I ask the same question to myself again. Why does the world don't want to know about itself? Why don't people aim to be an intellectual? Nihilism is one of the worst trait a human can have. There should be a meaning to this world and even if there isn't we are gonna find a lot of beautiful things during the path. People think being a nihilist is somewhat cool. People have stopped working hard for their goals. Why don't people work hard? How can people not work hard? Why do people get tired of working hard? The only advice I have for this world is just that their is no nobility in not working hard.

>> No.10699485
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>Why isn't humanity focusing all resources to figure out existencial questions?

Because society is anything but rational, and only a small percent of the population are anything close to rational thinkers who value the pursuit of actual truth over customs, tradition, the status quo, the current paradigms of thinking, and conformity. This applies just as much to academia and academics, no matter how much people want to pretend otherwise. Academia is not a hyper-rational enterprise, it just likes to think of itself as such.

>Why do we exist?

There is a lot of scientific data in survival research that hints to the existence of an afterlife. And taking NDErs at face value, we are here to (1) have fun, (2) do whatever we want with this simulated world, and (3) grow in our ability to feel unconditional love, acceptance, and compassion for all other beings, even though it is much easier said than done.

Further reading by an actual PhD in the philosophy and history of science who was disillusioned by academia: https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc799144/m2/1/high_res_d/vol21-no1-5.pdf

>Mainly why do most people ignore those questions

They arguably do not, but they are busy (work, family, relationships, hobbies, etc.), and they do not really have the time to think about it. Also, everyone is not here to be ground-breaking existential philosophers. Some just want to live and have fun and leave the thinking to others.

>> No.10699488

Because people need to eat and drink too, you fucking tard.

>> No.10699510

One we are!
Two that explains why colectivly humanity can be defined as mad! lol

>> No.10699520

>Why do we exist?
Why wouldn't we exist? What do you care? Probably most of us exist because our normie parents choose to have kids to salvage their marriage rather than get a divorce.

>> No.10699522

you're gay, dude

>> No.10699550

>Why don't people aim to be an intellectual? Nihilism
A humanities "intellectual" is little different than a con artist multilevel marketing faggot. Humanity used to fall for their tricks, just like it used to fall for sorcerers and shit. You're complaining that snake oil salesmen jobs are in short supply today. Yes and that's how it should be.

>> No.10700258

>A humanities "intellectual" is little different than a con artist multilevel marketing faggot.
Kind of agree. The worst of them are the authors of fiction literature. They tell people what they want to hear to get their foot in the door, then they dump all kinds of shit that occupies peoples minds like parasites (memes). They yield the power of creating frameworks of thought for the common man. Compare this to the honesty and usefulness of mathematics. Unpenetrable to the common man, thus unable to infiltrate him. Doesn't deal with "oughts". Still powers everything around him and is vital to his survival in the modern world.

>> No.10700281

The human mind reflects onto existence OK so like what's closest, what is most shallow manifests first. We must first conceptualize what it means to be human. Before Freud most people didn't even realize they had a subconscious. They might as well have not had them in a way. Even with a presumed internal monologue and imagination, people are hardly dualistic. The most intrinsic people are the 'live laugh love's shitters. Don't let the autists persuade you, you are surrounded by human rocks

>> No.10700289

Kierkegaard sorted out my existential angst, best of luck to you friend.

>> No.10700305

>Why do we exist? Why do we know we exist?
Those are the questions cosmologists are trying to answer. We might know once we discover the origin of the universe

>> No.10700318

We have created support systems for those who suffer from existential dread. It's called religion.

I don't feel dread and terror every day because I'm to busy marveling at the incomprehensible complexity and wonder of our universe. I don't worry about death because the worst case senario is that I will cease to exist and therefore not be able to experience nothingness.

>> No.10700344

It is largely accepted that the question of why there is existence instead of nothing will never be answered. From there, we exist because it is possible within the parametres set that we do. You just have to accept there is an unanswerable brute fact

>> No.10700353

It doesn't matter, we all die at some point.
My grandma died yesterday, life doesn't care.
I miss her, I miss her pancakes. I miss her laugh.

>> No.10700363

But that's what most theoretical scientists (physicists, biologists, chemists, neuroscientists etc etc) care about. All of the researches in CERN are partially built so we would finally be able to get evidence about particles and possibly construct theory of everything. But most of the people care about practical things they could use and not about fundamental ones. They constantly complain about how we have no use of scientific theories but we need to make practical use out of it (ie. things governments can make money of off).

>> No.10701879

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10701901
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>Why isn't humanity focusing all resources to figure out existencial questions?
If you don't invest in figuring out existential questions but do make sure people have a reasonable path to taking care of themselves, eating, drinking, sleeping, owning or renting shelter, etc. then these people will have the opportunity to explore existential questions personally at some point in the future.
If you don't make sure people have a reasonable path to those basic survival needs and instead invest everything into figuring out existential questions, then people will be dead or otherwise too incapacitated to do anything with the answers you find (assuming you even can find answers worth sharing).
Can't have a capstone without a foundation.

>> No.10701917
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Because our world has become with sick a desire for the material and not the spiritual. They care only for themselevs; a race of self-seekers.

>> No.10701942

Because there are no existential problems if you made the right choice to major in STEM.

But I guess you didn't, ya humanities faggot, did ya?

>> No.10702524

because that isnt fun idiot

>> No.10702595
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>Why isn't humanity focusing all resources to figure out existencial questions?
Those are pointless. Just accept that you exist and do what you want.
>Why do we exist?
Why not?
>Why do we know we exist?
We don't. It doesn't matter though because perception and experience define everything we care about in life
>Why have not society created support groups for those who suffer from existencial dread?
They do, they're philosophy circles or depression groups
>Mainly why do most people ignore those questions and dont they feel desperate terrible fear and terror every single day?
I ignore them and don't care because I follow a simple nihilistic philosophy of "nothing matters so do what you want and live without regrets. Choose an arbitrary lifegoal if you wish." I choose altruism as my lifegoal and I study medical research in order to do so. Volunteering and working towards helping people makes me happy.
You're welcome.

>> No.10702601

It's called religion dimwit