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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10696798 No.10696798[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the science behind mystical/spiritual experiences? Are they just the brain spazzing out or is there some purpose to them?

>> No.10696818


i'm curious too

>> No.10696821

Not so thinly veiled schizo thread

>> No.10696829

why is this board a schizophrenics magnet

>> No.10696837

It's an honest question. Society has historically been based around religion which is based on strange subjective experiences people have. Obviously, those experiences aren't actually communicating with some divinity so they must have some neurological/psychological basis that can be studied empirically.

>> No.10696847

>Society has historically been based around religion which is based on strange subjective experiences people have. Obviously, those experiences aren't actually communicating with some divinity

Prove it

>> No.10696851

Idk man what's makes religious schizos so different from usual schizos

>> No.10696855

I mean, I don't know for certain that there's no such thing as a divinity. I just haven't seen any solid evidence for one.

>> No.10696859

Define evidence. What kind of evidence would be sufficient for you?

>> No.10696870

Various states of Jhanas (buddhist meditation attainment levels) have been observed/studied in fMRI. There are various papers out there on the net.


>> No.10697051

Thanks. That's the sort of stuff I'm looking for.

Some significant empirical evidence pointing to a particular deity would be nice. I find that when I read religious works I am willing to suspend disbelief and entertain the idea of a God while I am reading the work, but then when I read a different religious work from a different tradition I am able to entertain the idea of their God in a similar way despite theological differences. I suppose what I'm saying is that even if we accept the presence of a divinity as a given (which I don't) I see so no reason to prefer one tradition's divinity over another tradition's except for the fact that one is familiar to you culturally and the other is not.

>> No.10697071

I prefer schizo threads to normie pop sci threads by a large margin.

>> No.10697100

because the line between whats "real" and whats not is getting more and more blurred as we study reality

>> No.10697103

Interdimensional spookies are all over the place mane

>> No.10697133

Define "brain" anon.
Then define "matter".

Who fucking knows.

>> No.10697146
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I prefer when /sci/ is focused on the details and not the macro unless we are talking about macro scientific concepts (that is, macro concepts limited in scope).

>> No.10697182
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Hey OP. I got something for you. Because I were always a barkakinned atheist. But now I'm more agnostic in a way. I will say I'm an atheist as far as it goes but there are mysteries we have not yet understood or penetrated as I've experienced so much supernatural the past 5 years now. You see. I one day realized that this is a good time to take the spritual path to new lenghts. So I figure that it is mushroom season. So I go in mushroom hunt to find some red cap, or aka amenita muscaria. I had it in my backyard sort of. I found 2 big and healthy and potent specimens. I dry them and eat them and drink my urine after. So a big heavy dosage which were gonna make me trip for at least 2 years. And I came weak and unprepared. Still I was standing out all the way through. I get messed up dreams with different meaning and strenght. I get voices of all kind of people. Included god and some other evil spirits. I see ragnarokk. I get demons. I get possessed and I got exorcisted and haunted. This last for a long time until I see fenrir wolf. He liberated me and the trip was over. I cannot get more into details because the lenght of my post is to damn long now. But it opened a spiritial path for me. My goal was to attain nirvana or see if it existed. Somehow it did. Nirvana is attainable and true. A real state. Or in other words tou will see the light path and the dark path. And it's kinda easy to do if you want to be good. And theres a short way but I kinda failed the trip to. Not that badly but I failed some. I were not careful so I got caught and said yo be psychotic. And forced to take meds which made me sick and ruined the trip. But I were actually on a philosophical, spiritual, scientific journey to widen my whole case and become godly and noble and find the path and walk the path of righteousness. To all glory and sunshine. I did it. I became awakened and awake. And I will never regret doing it. But it was hard. Very hard. I saw some super strong shit and experienced.

>> No.10697186

Guess you guys weren't kidding about the schizoposting

>> No.10697240
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So yeah I have seen it now. I've heard and seen God now. I saw ragnarokk happen after waking up after a dream I had which was about a Santa Claus disguised as Santa. He had a gold belly with inscriptions of some kind of rune symbolics or Norse. Which I have learned how to read back in the days. But it was hieroglyphic and strange. I wake up and damn that was Santa. And santa i old pagan was Odin in disguise. And he started a process or a reaction in me that led to see a huge explotion where everything blew up. It was so real I could not breath properly or walk properly for 6 months after. And I had also a heavy emotional reaction so I almost cried all the time. But I saw everyone I love and everything I love perish. And it was hard. I also have lively dreams that were so horrific and bsd that I cannot say it out loud so you can just guess how tgat was. And that was bad very veryy bad indeed. Time moves on. And I get voices. First is Obama and so is Bronson and so on with alot of celebs and known people. The someone say that they are FSK and I have an decice i me which makes them avle to see what I think hear what I hear and see what I see. And they called it yarwiz. And they say I am FSK mascit and the best we have and that I am Doomsquad. So it begins. 2 years with voices. It's both good and bad. But they are my friends. But how come I don't know. I think it was the shroom that triggered it so yeh. After around 1 year I start to see demons. And the voices goes on. Their still FSK and Im haunted and possessed and eventually exorcisted and it's now that I hear god saying you call on me. Very majestic like ut was god. My voices also say it was God so what can I say. That's also the inky thing I hear from him. Not a clue or a hint just here I am and Im fucking watching you. The demons last for awhile. Like 6 months. Then fenrir wolf appear and all of a sudden everything stops. The voices are gone. The demons fading and are gone. And I am free.

>> No.10697275
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Like what I said. I took this shroom for insight and spiritual, philosophical snd scientifical purposes which ibcluded hearing voices and seeing all kinds of strange beings. Like a half year after Fenrir wolf the things looks like it's back to normal again. But wait. One night I see a male demon. He had beautiful eyes but also something dark with them and no mouth and definitely a demon. I think it was Loki Fenrirs father and a jotun and an asgaard. Few days later I see the devil himself appearing i ny room. Staring at me and is in my presence. I didn't say a word. But FSK talk to me again for the last time actually. And they say that I need to have limits and not being insane after I said I shoukd just go out and fuck a dead sheep. For fun. But they said. That's insane. You se the devil and you say that. That's crazy. We don't want that. After that I haven't heard a word of anyòne or seen anything strange. The nirvana state only lasted for like a month to. And I was ok with that. Nithing I really want to deal with anymore anyway. It's enough fir me that everything makes sense now. And I have meaning to everything and pupose in life. But did it change my atheism. I dunno. I see with the eyes of science but I feel different. I feel godly now. I see my own power and purpose. Everything gives and has a meaning. I am connected to the earth and the stars and the universe now. My vitality is back to normal. I was kinda sick all the time. Let's say around 3 years of tripping. But it was the strangest trip and the most amazing. All I do now continuously is to improve and improve and improve and become better and better. I really want to live this life to it's fullest and whole. And have my youth with me and the childish child in me to see this place as it was always such an amazing place when I were young. I wnat to achieve some sort of nirvana again. So I found the way to do it. I know the path now.