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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10691790 No.10691790 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I find calculus so fucking difficult? I want to learn so bad. Any advice on how to get into calculus for a retard like me? please help

>> No.10691805

Just keep pushing anon I believe you, read various textbooks and do all the practices

>> No.10691822
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Just calculate the answers, what's so hard about it?

>> No.10691932

Are you actually reading, or do you just go to lecture and then fail at homework?

>> No.10692011

get started with the basics here
go through that series of videos
then do Differential Equations with Michel Van Bizen

best of luck retard

>> No.10692086

professor leonard

>> No.10692090

what are you struggling with?

>> No.10692137

non kidding here but actually look at the formal definitions and rigorous proofs.

modern retards, also known as universities, sin that part of math a lot. It is literally fundamental to understanding exactly what you're doing and what it means.

the reason entry level maths are so brain dead is to make it easy for the engineers/industry cucks.

they pump the faggots up with formulae and they jerk out estimations.

learn the shit on your own. but honestly calculus is trivial, you might just be a retard.

better luck working at starbucks, faggot.

>> No.10692142

Imagine being elitist on an anonymous imageboard where boasting and embellishment is common. Fucking embarrassing.

>> No.10692155

the only elitist are universities and their insatiable lust to stroke the cock of industry, pumping out fag-gineers.
Math is generally intuitive. If you want to learn math I don't recommend even going to uni at all. Uni is for industry jobs or satisfying upper class retards. total meme.

>> No.10692189
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I recommend you to read the book calculus by Thomas.

Once you read the chapters do the exercises, then do the same but with the Stewart book. I'm a chemist (chemists are normally very bad at math) but I learned and comprehend everything.

Sorry for my shitty English

>> No.10692222

you sound like an absolute faggot and have reddit spacing

>> No.10692231
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im that anon and your quads check out, I am definitely the faggot in this scenarios

>tfw am sad faggot
also the reddit format was an accident, I dont even go on reddit except to visit r/paag, I am just this retarded...t. pure maths major.

>> No.10692237

Alright pure maths major, I need advice but adv is full of fags. I am going to Russia for uni in exactly 3 months.

For one year I’ll be learning their language and getting prepped for the actual college course. Need a book to work through that’ll give me an edge in first year Analysis classes. It has to be a self-contained work, any suggestions? Thanks for the help.

>> No.10692240
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>> No.10692778

Do Rudin. Once you no longer feel the urge to pull your hair out because it skips a million steps in each proof, you're ready.

>> No.10692837

There's no secret trick to Calculus, just grind out practice problems.

If you really can't do it then consider going into bussiness or something instead of engineering.

>> No.10693039

You need to perfect your algebra. Most students are "bad" at calculus because they don't know their algebra inside and out. You need to work on that first.

If that's not the case then you need to be more specific. Are you having trouble finding a derivative?

>> No.10693049


if I were to make a brainlet summary of calculus it would be: using limits to do shit

aside from that algebra is your friend.

>> No.10693521

well, I'm the best in algebra, but I do know almost everything. And yes, my issue is primarily with derivatives

I'm ok with limits, jsut need more practice

>> No.10693646

Try learning it from a physics-style approach so the math will be more applied and conceptual to see if that helps for you. Calculus is found throughout physics and is often taught differently by physics teachers vs. math teachers. I'd reccomend starting by looking over graphs of position, velocity, and accelleration as functions of time, as this is the most basic example of conceptualizing basic derivatives and integrals that I can think of.

>> No.10693700

>my issue is with derivatives
>im the best at algebra
>need practice
>t.highschool retard

imagine being this stupid. desu I teach you everything you need to know right here:

lim_h->0[(f(x+h)-f(h))/h] that is the formal definition. elementary functions will basically be trigonometric, power, or exponential functions.
trig: d/dx(sin(x))=cos(x), d/dx(cos(x))=-sin(x). the others are trivial
power: power rule, d/dx(x^n)=nx^(n-1)
exponential+log: d/dx(e^x)=e^x, d/dx(lnx)=1/x

chain rule: d/dx(f(g(x)))=f'(g(x))g(x)
product rule: d/dx(f(x)g(x))=f'(x)g(x)+g'(x)f(x)
quotient rule: d/dx(f(x)/g(x))=[f'(x)g(x)-g'(x)f(x)]/g(x)^2

you can move out coefficients and constants get cucked.

the rest is trivial.

>> No.10693823

You must study hard relentlessly. It gets easier.

I quite liked Khan academy.

>> No.10693857
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this is nearly identical to stewart wtf. I am currently using stewart as almost all undergrads are because its what the profs use- its not the best but it does the trick

>> No.10693866
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>higher-dimensional topology is intuitive

>> No.10693938

/r/paag is pretty based

>> No.10694019
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I didn't say I was the best in algebra, but thanks anyways

>> No.10694029
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Snap out of it Anon. Get a hold of yourself. your just going to have to dedicate more time studying the subject.

>> No.10694043

dumb ass, this explains a lot.

>> No.10694215

fucking lolled

>> No.10694346

yeah, I'm pretty retarded

>> No.10694355

to be honest I only browse reddit for the 18+

cheer up mate, if you weren't born for it you can always develop it, the brain is pretty plastic.
it just depends on how much you really care about it. aside from that I recommend looking at proofs they advance intuition.

>> No.10694395

Keep in mind that in Calculus 1 you are solving for dx/dy . In algebra you solved for x, now you solve for dx/dy. Another helpful hint is to think of the derivative as a velocity and the second derivative as acceleration.

>> No.10695506
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>Have an extremely good tutor that transferred to our uni after teaching nuclear physics in another country (he teached me in first semester)
>Twice I showed him the problems we had on our finals exam and we went over all of them
>Still dont feel like I can pass
Classic mechanic mistakes I do (like last time I accidentaly wrote that 4-0 is 0) aside I just get complete fucking blank when I see the problems in front of me on exam. I know that first problem is going to be partial fractions but when I see the problem I just cant figure how to start, even though I did these kinds of problems at least 100x by now.

I attended every single lecture, every single exercise, I studied home, I have a tutor I understand the basic principle of what Im supposed to do but I just cant do it when it counts. Final attempt in two days and Im a wreck I legit feel sick looking at integrals at this point

>> No.10696516


>> No.10696828

I know ill get shit on for this but read the history of math. It helped me a lot. They don't teach that shit. most of it i found on the internets for free. Getting the story behind it helped me a great deal.

>> No.10696836

Your studying wrong. Do it in 20min segments with 5-10mins down time. Review and do it again. Max 2hrs should be 1hr of actually studying until you build up to 2hrs. PS dont be a burn out fag.

>> No.10696917

This playlist will help you greatly:

>> No.10696974

Check out his calculus playlists.

>> No.10697196

I am learning calculus myself, what don't you understand?

>> No.10697315
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I've spent the last hours studying, now I at least have a basic understanding>>10692090
of calculus, thank Anons.

>> No.10697393
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same boat
>plug+chug most of high school and it set me up for failure
>go into uni and suck dick in calc
In an attempt to scavenge my time I made a mistake of reading 'pre-calc' books , since they already assume knowledge a priori and ARE NOT for teaching fundamentals (more of a refresher) !
READ Pic rel, dw 'basic' isn't implied in a negative sense

>> No.10697406

kek that photo

>> No.10697735

don't read lang
read stewart's precalculus, it's ton of times better

>> No.10697764

Wrong approach. You need to understand what you calculate and why. You will make a ton of mistakes otherwise, and it will be mcuh harder than it should be.

>> No.10699444
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I didn't even know wtf calculus is and this helped explain

>> No.10699448

Go over the simplest ideas over and over until you get them. If you are trying to do fancy integrals before you understand the basics, you've missed the boat.

>> No.10699600

If you've never done calc before it can take time getting used to the notation, but once you understand what it's for then you get the general idea behind the study. You're just calculating things that are changing over time (it t applies).

>> No.10699613

It's just like... change... dude.

>> No.10699635

Came here to say this.

>> No.10699946

Im that anon, i started going further into lang and he is sometimes impossible to understand(also no videos on the book nor a solutions page)
Ill try your book

>> No.10700454

i started watching his calc1 full series, how realistic is it for me to be on the same level of university calc 1 or atleast be comfortable with it when i finish the series ?

>> No.10700456


realistic IF you also do exercises. You won't learn by watching videos alone, you have to also do exercises.

>> No.10700470

I like 3blue1browns series on it, of course he just goes into the basics and you should just use it to compliment your calc book and other learning sources.