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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 121 KB, 1600x1200, syringe-708990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1068932 No.1068932 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/. I joined a vaccine fan group on facebook. We are outnumbered by anti-vaccination tards who spout hurr durrr vaccines causes autism.

Can you guys join the group and counter dumb comments when they show up?

People listen to friends and family more than evidence because they don't know how to analyze the facts and are too lazy to figure it out. If you join it could help.


>> No.1068958

Vaccines also cause dystonia, OP.

>> No.1068956

but autism rate are climbing! just as diagnosis gets better and retardation goes down!

>> No.1068967

Facebook groups don't mean anything.

>> No.1068992



>> No.1068999

Vaccines cause dumb people to live longer than they normally would! Ban vaccines!

>> No.1069016

After exhorting parents to have their children vaccinated on Facebook, we could debate the existence of God.

Both discussions would be equally fruitful.

>> No.1069019


I disagree. Your testimony to friends and family obviously does matter. People do not know how to balance all the information. For example a lot of people think we should teach "both sides" of the evolution debate.

I believe facebook groups do matter. If you were a worried parent that knows nothing about science and you see a sudden raise in the anti-vaccination movement you might take it seriously. The anti-vaccination group does take it seriously.

>> No.1069025

Oh boy a personal army thread!

<-------- /b/ is that way

>> No.1069027

I was joking.

>> No.1069037

OP here. People on this board are probably known as a science wiz by a lot of their friends and family members. If you join it could make a difference.

>> No.1069041

Tell them stories of children dying from measles.
Humans can't really understand anything that's not a story.

>> No.1069045


To be sure. Are you being sarcastic?

>> No.1069074


This is not my agenda. Only in the most abstract way could I benefit from this. Odds are I actually won't. It is not about me. Don't you care about the potential ripple effect you can have?

If one of your family members decides not to vaccinate it would be a lot harder to convince them to take vaccines if they have already endangered their children and others.

>> No.1069087

There was a hoax a while back when everyone was bitching about flu vaccines where a girl developed dystonia shortly after getting the seasonal flu vaccine. Doctors were skeptical and called it extremely unlikely but media still used it against vaccination. The girl was suddenly cured of the ailment when she was unaware she was being watched by one of the media outlets that covered the story. According to her, "it was the weirdest thing."

Go watch some of the videos.

>> No.1069113

Anti-vaccination groups?

HAHAHAHAHA Oh America you so crazy.

>> No.1069118


Ok, I just wanted to be sure. I actually know about the story. I could go into a bunch of reasons why she did not have dystonia.

I didn't want to preemptively make judgments on your views.

>> No.1069122


actually I am known as a burnt out semi-prodigy who drinks too much and doesn't respond to emails, messages or phone calls so people don't really email, message or call me anymore.

>> No.1069128


The anti-vaccination movement is starting to get a foothold in Britain. It possibly can leap elsewhere too. It would be scary if it lands into the developing world.

>> No.1069137

It's good to see claims like "Vaccines also cause dystonia" get called out immediately on /sci/. I was more-or-less hoping that people would realize I was joking, though. Poe's law applies, I suppose.

>> No.1069132

You posted this in /b/.

I had to come over here and see how the /sci/ kids respond.

>> No.1069142


Oh, but a lot of people on /sci/ have friends and are in good terms with their families.

>> No.1069150


OP here, I did not post this on /b/.

>> No.1069166


The same exact post except with a different pic was posted there.

>> No.1069169

Britain's antivax movement is bigger by far.

>> No.1069173


OP here, I already said I did not post this on /b/ so can you post a link to that thread?

>> No.1069188


OP here, well I can't imagine it started with "Hey /sci/."

Anyways, seriously I did not post this somewhere else. I am not trolling. Maybe someone here posted it on /b/.

Can you post a link please?

>> No.1069192



Also, not your personal army.

>> No.1069197
File: 57 KB, 400x300, 20070908-210640_Fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>vaccine fan group

>> No.1069203


OP here, I already addressed this.

This is not my agenda. Only in the most abstract way could I benefit from this. Odds are I actually won't. It is not about me. It could be about your family. Don't you care about the potential ripple effect you can have?

If one of your family members decides not to vaccinate it would be a lot harder to convince them to take vaccines if they have already endangered their children and others.

Your testimony to friends and family obviously does matter. People do not know how to balance all the information. For example a lot of people think we should teach "both sides" of the evolution debate.

I believe facebook groups do matter. If you were a worried parent that knows nothing about science and you see a sudden raise in the anti-vaccination movement you might take it seriously. The anti-vaccination group does take it seriously.

>> No.1069212

Generally, OP is a faggot; but this time OP is right.

>> No.1069218

A worthy cause...


>> No.1069220


Vaccines have demonstrably improved everyone's lives.

How many things are people a fan of that are not nearly important? I am a fan of oreos and a bunch of stupid shit on facebook.

>> No.1069222

Holy shit what.
Why the fuck do these idiots even exist.

>> No.1069237


Fuck yeah. Anti-anti-Vaccination .


>> No.1069324


The movement doesn't have a big foot hold on facebook but the movement is fairly large.

The biggest anti-vaccination group on facebook I know of has 11,631 members but the biggest pro-vaccination has a measly 924 members. This can give a huge impression on someone and obviously already has.

/sci/ for better or worse people in general will listen to people they know over evidence and statistics any-day.

>> No.1069373

Proper sanitation >>> vaccines

>> No.1069396



>> No.1069560
File: 85 KB, 480x600, son_i_am_disappoint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, /sci/ I disappoint.

I guess you guys rather get trolled by region vs science trolls and rate majors threads. There are two of each right now on the front page and to top that there is a thread about Chris Angel.

Good bye /sci/. This board had potential.

>> No.1069571

>implying washing your hands will ever cure AIDS

oh you