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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 163 KB, 1024x576, mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10685111 No.10685111 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realise that thinking in images is both less energy consuming and makes you remember stuff better?

>> No.10685119

Think using all 6 senses instead.

>> No.10685619
File: 325 KB, 2926x1024, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching lots of movies

>> No.10685767

Anyone know how to become a chad cerebration

>> No.10685813


>how do I change the fundamental way I think

good luck bro

>> No.10685871

Have sex

>> No.10685876

I was born this way so.

Have you heard of semiotics?

>> No.10685879


>> No.10685886


I have taught myself that "skill", and I can tell you that this is not skill at all. My vocabulary has shrinked notably, and even every day words are hard to remember, thus making communication with other people hard.

>> No.10685896

>thus making communication with other people hard.
You're not missing too much honestly.

>> No.10685899

You taught yourself to fuck with your memory because you didn't listen to based semioticians.

>> No.10686007

I had no idea this was a thing. I'm a programmer and I think of code as structures in my brain. I imagine these shapes and how they fit together and then write the code. I've tried to explain it to people and I can't describe it.

>> No.10686021

Cause you learned programming from minecraft or lego mindstorms

>> No.10686022

And why, prey tell, didn't you simply write a program to express it?

>> No.10686043

I use the smell of shit to remember parts by integration.

>> No.10686067

When I was 16 or something I think. I still try not to underplay the power of natural language.

>> No.10686282

Get married.

>> No.10686289

I think 4chan ruined my thought patterns to some extend.

Anyway, now I can no longer think consciously in natural language unless I expend A LOT of fucking effort.

I'm not sure if I got brain damage or just have extreme psychological issues, but I haven't felt completely "present", conscious and lucid for more than 20 minutes in a very long time, probably years.

I'm always surprised when my internal monologue kicks in, especially if it's in my mother tongue.

>> No.10686293

A few years back there was an attempt to control the minds of thousands of anons at a time. You were exposed to memes that left your mind intact, but not empowered through those memes to gain the recursive improvement inherent to human cognition.

>> No.10686295

That sounds like a much deeper rooted problem than 4chan.

>> No.10686297

It's not one or the other (at least for me). It's situational. Obviously, if your thinking of something of mathematical or symbolic then think in images/"forms" and use language to translate those forms into something digestible by others. Your vocabulary shrinks if you don't practice translating your symbolic thoughts into language.

>> No.10686304

Start writing (not on 4chan, but longhand or in a word processor). Translate the amorphous "forms" in which you think into language as best as you can. Translate as much of it as you can. Grow your vocabulary by reading, and practice making analogies (using metaphors) to help you express your thoughts. I've noticed that since I've started reading philosophy, I've been able to express my thoughts far more clearly and my inner monologue is able to process far more at a time (when I use it).

>> No.10686322

>Your vocabulary shrinks if you don't practice translating your symbolic thoughts into language.
How can I practice this more? Face-to-face human conversation is one way I've neglected for very long, are there other ways?

I'm trying to read literary books again but instead I end up shitposting most of my free time. I need to stop this and instead read more and converse with people. Maybe I should join a club or something.

4chan has definitely been a testing ground for "mind control" (or at least abusing your subconscious for more viewing time), but if you're like me and you've been spending HOURS per day here, 4chan is a serious symptom or a parasitic disease and not the root cause.

I do, over time I replaced the natural instinct to socialize IRL with a new "instinct" to just open a new tab with 4chan/reddit/whatever and shitpost anonymously. You're probably better off doing soft drugs than this. It's devastating in the long run.

>> No.10686332

>Your vocabulary shrinks
Non-semioticians need to stop trying to give people hemorrhaging.

It only shrinks given a specific subset of mind types. You'll damage the more suggestible greater subset of the population by blankly telling them how their brain should behave.

If intelligence augmentation were trivial, I would have done it by now. It's not, because any method, once understood, can be used in a memetic capacity to degenerate intelligence. I have to solve a meta-tactical war before people can directly benefit from my (local) hyperintelligence.

>> No.10686526

literally smoke weed. He's right about >>10685886 this though

>> No.10686539

I think the idea of being able to project the idea of something and see the outcome as you view it is more important.
For example:
>Tracing the expecting path of an object you plan to throw into a garbage can with your eyes or using your brain to sort of see a "path" of possible success

It's not about being delusional but just understanding you're a walking measuring device at moments but that doesn't make you good at it. I can conceptualize ideas and rationale but in terms of how I work, it is more useful for me to do rather than purely theorize. The idea that something can exist in your head as an idea and what your mind/brain is means it should or can be influenced or read because of an electronic or electromagnetic in/out put. As a theory.

Can your mind as a product of reality and evolution truly think of anything impossible as a device that exists and lives in the universe we know today? One that can even question itself and interact with different dimensions (3d, binary, quantum).

I'm probably wrong somewhere.

>> No.10686546
File: 27 KB, 250x316, 250px-Hegel_portrait_by_Schlesinger_1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking in images
Yep, stemtards are animals or robots who simply receive input and nothing more. Absolutely not sentient beings.

>> No.10686567

If you don't know where you're wrong, assume you're wrong everywhere.

If you can't do at least that, stop trying to emulate cerebration.

>> No.10686570

People discuss various topic and form rivalry and friendships in my head
I just need to get into a new topic and the situations start building up

>> No.10686579

Sorry to break it to you anon, but you're probably only slightly above average. I'll assume you're in high schooler.

>> No.10686642


>undergrade cope

>> No.10686646
File: 8 KB, 240x320, TRINITY___Jail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I subvocalize everything and think in words almost all the time. I have a really good memory and I'm not using much energy.

>> No.10686650

I knew there would be a hegelnigger in one of these threads eventually

>> No.10686666

Languages do not create ideas, brains do. Language is only a medium for explaining something. When using an inner monologue or symbolic system, your brain is only translating itself to a conscious portion of your mind. You don't use words to breath or ride a bike; Only when you are attempting to explain it to someone else or yourself. Why are people hell bent on the notion that thinking in pictures or language has any effect on the way people think.

>> No.10686815


>> No.10686852

there is very little chance thinking resembles peoples conscious perception of it, even less that when people think they perceive a type of thinking no feedback occurs. Visual reasoning is strongest in math and physics, weakest among verbally oriented disciplines, you can decide what this entails for yourself

>> No.10686942

One word


Word is a volatile technology that humans, for their misuse, have contracted a word virus.

All vocal thought is stupid - proving we're enslaved by word( word virus ).

>> No.10687050

>lego mindstorms
nice one

>> No.10687053

Just grow up kid! Either mature or become a non-relevant player in the history!

>> No.10687658

I believe that the reason that verbal language is inefficient with describing math and physics is because it wasn't created with the intent to describe those domains well. if someone were to invent a good verbal language with mathematics in mind, I believe that it would become the dominant language for math. Because we have created a written language that is easily understood, we don't require an audible one. visual thinking is definitely an important feature of humans, but so is thinking about bodily action and thinking about hearing. I suppose you could argue that vision is the most important perception, but thinking primarily should focus the users learning preferences.

>> No.10687762

Can confirm 4chan causes brain damage

>> No.10687779

Lots of people do that. It's called thinking abstractly.

>> No.10687780

Is this Benedick Cumbersnatch?

>> No.10687789

I can't hold images for fucking shit in my head.

Tesla actually forced himself to do get better at this too. No source off the top of my head, but it was a process of holding images in his mind for X amount of seconds, like:

>imagine a triangle - hold the image for x amount of seconds
>imagine a circle inside the triangle - ^ do the above
>imagine a square outside the triangle holding the circle - ^
>imagine a cube outside the triangle

I do it every now and then and I think I'm getting better

>> No.10687801

Is this why Chinese are the master race?

>> No.10687814

How the fuck do people not think in words, images and sounds interchangeably or simultaneously? Is everyone on this planet actually retarded? What is this "only thinking in one form" meme?

>> No.10687908
File: 1.12 MB, 4032x3024, 1558897709940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not thinking in smells

>> No.10687982

Oh, anon

>> No.10688715

my brain worked it out when i was young (no idea exactly how young) and implemented automatic method of loci. it still works, i dont think; it just goes

>> No.10688750

>energy consuming
Eat a sandwich you brainlet.

>> No.10690711

>what is stress