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File: 21 KB, 640x628, 640px-CuttingABarMagnet.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10679193 No.10679193 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10679197

Wouldn't know, never done it.

>> No.10679203


>> No.10679233
File: 10 KB, 309x400, magnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's like cutting out the centre of mass and being surprised that the object still has weight

the magnetization is throughout the structure, not at the ends

>> No.10679251

If this didn't happen we'd have amazing technology right now. We'd have conquered the galaxy already by now.

>> No.10679309

I don't understand how this is bullshit.

Its not. Right?

>> No.10679326
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>> No.10679330

No, it isn't. That is indeed what happens when you break a magnet in half.

>> No.10679361

You know things are made up of smaller things right? It is the smaller things that give a magnet its field, not the thing as a whole. When you cut a magnet in half, you then get two things made up of smaller things that still produce the field in the same way they did before

>> No.10679674

That pic isn’t really a fair representation. One would assume if you made the cut slightly higher or lower, you could end up with a monopole magnet.

>> No.10679959

Magnets are atoms, the only unsplittable particle in universe. No one can achieve splitting magnet field.

>> No.10679960

This makesore sense the connected N and S negate each other

>> No.10679967

For the purpose of this thread, it's sufficient to say that magnetic fields come from little spinny balls all spinning in the same direction
So the question now is
Why would breaking the magnet in half make the spiny balls spin a different direction?

>> No.10680051
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Heh, nothin' personnel

>> No.10680290


It's easiest when you think about electricity and magnets in the same way you think about gravity.

Let N be the top of a slope, and S be the bottom. Just like a ball rolls from the top to bottom due to gravity, so will electrons due to magnetic force. If you cut a slope in half, you just have two shorter slopes. Ball will still roll from top to bottom on both. So you cut magnet in half, electrons move from N to S.

Things start to make more sense if you compare PE/KE equations of electromagnetism to gravitational.

>> No.10680332

you just need to read and study more on how the 11th dimension/quantum foam/planck field moves though the molecular structure of the irons atom matrix. you can't see radio waves and they are real too.

>> No.10680555

Why wouldnt sticking the broken magnet pieces together again, also form the original magnet?
But it doesnt.

Why dont two magnets just fuse into one big magnet? The little spinny balls are spinning in same direction right, when I apply muscle force to push SN and NS together and hold them there. Why dont this happen?

If you compress the S side with a hammer, so the spinny little magnets are under pressure, you can even remove a corner of the S pole. Why does the N pole then also weaken, but if it was split in half, the new magnet would not be weakened?

>> No.10680637
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>> No.10680656
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you'd be surprised how often magnetic source charges and currents are used in applied electromagnetics

>> No.10680661

Yes. Claiming there are such things as north and south poles is bullshit.

>> No.10680695
File: 29 KB, 499x500, 1509214763007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever heard the phrase "not to scale"?

>> No.10680754
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Actually it's perfectly logical.


>> No.10680879

thanks for this

>> No.10680931
File: 52 KB, 535x241, 1534157099135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you do this?

>> No.10680957

The South sides will repel so they don't "attach" in the same way a north and south would.

>> No.10680964

But what if you push them hard enough against each other to overpower the repelling force until they stick together?

>> No.10680979

What if you were to weld them together?

>> No.10680988

What we need is a gravitation Les particle in a perpetual motion machine and then we can use particle accelerators to create new matter but it's really expensive to use them right now

>> No.10680991

that could work...

>> No.10681162

OMG is that true?!

>> No.10681204
File: 300 KB, 480x477, 1558700087414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking magnets.

>> No.10681226

I can't believe their are some retarded physics fags with actually think these are even theoretically possible. It's literally infinite energy.

>> No.10681355
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>> No.10681364

That's a legit shitty pic, stfu attacking him for a valid question

>> No.10681371

I too take out my ruler to measure distances on my physics exams

>> No.10681372

no they aren't. fully symmetrized maxwell's equations with magnetic charges and currents are perfectly valid. it's just that physically there doesn't appear to be any, but theoretically they can be a very useful construct

>> No.10681373

you understand that magnetism is caused by the direction of spin of the extra electrons. "North" is the direction of net angular momentum of the spinning electrons, south is the opposite.

The spins want to align, that's why magnets try to flip the same orientation

>> No.10681380

Imagine a bicycle wheel spinning on an axis. Look at it from the top, it looks like it's spinning clockwise. Label that "north"
Look at it from the bottom, it looks like it's spinning counterclockwise, label that "south"

To say you can have a magnetic monopole is the equivalent of saying you can have a clockwise spinning bicycle wheel without simultaneously having a counterclockwise spinning one. It's a logical fallacy, impossible. It's like saying you can have up without down, left without right

>> No.10681410

i think you are confusing monopoles and dipoles. magnetic monopoles and dipoles behave very similar to electric monopoles (ie charges) and electric dipoles, except you swap electric and magnetic variables (and a few signs)

>> No.10681417

but I am explaining to you what magnetism is, it's caused by particle motion. It's the electric force time shifted by relativity for a moving particle. And a particle can't go without leaving, can't move left without moving right.

In particular in a bar magnet all the spins are aligning in the direction of north, which of course means that in the opposite direction there will have to be a south

>> No.10681432

and i'm telling you it is theoretically and practically useful to introduce symmetric maxwell's equations, including magnetic monopoles and magnetic currents, even if they are unphysical

>> No.10681442

How is it practically useful if they can't exist in practice?

>> No.10681447

So if you are calculating the force at a certain distance from a magnet, you can approximate the north pole as a "positive charge" and the south pole as a "negative charge"....I guess in some sense it can be useful


>> No.10681483

there are many classes of equivalence theorems that allow you to transform one problem into a potentially easier problem to model or solve, often at the expense of introducing something unphysical. these kind of theorems are good for both theoretical and practical applications.

for instance, in antenna engineering, one way to experimentally characterize an antenna's radiation pattern and predict it's field somewhere in space is to measure it's electric field on a plane, invoke Love's surface equivalence which introduces magnetic sources, apply image theory to get rid of electric sources because they don't radiate, and then apply green's function propagators to the (equivalent) magnetic sources floating in a homogeneous background, and derive the fields from those.

this idea isn't so weird. you are probably aware of image theory. to solve for the field of a charge over an infinite conducting plane, you can solve an equivalent problem (in the region of interest above the plane that is) by assuming there is a charge of opposite sign an equal distance below the plane.

>> No.10681528

That antenna stuff is pretty crazy

>> No.10681531
File: 929 KB, 680x384, fucking magnets how do they work.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnets are bullshit.

>> No.10681573
File: 2.80 MB, 600x338, prettymuch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10681592

This, the earth is flat.

>> No.10681606


>> No.10681681

Unironically why hasn't this been done and why won't it work?
t. brainlet

>> No.10681745

Any magnetic material is already essentially a huge number of very tiny magnets (magnetic domains, but also arguably individual atoms/electrons) cold welded together. An object made of such a material will have no/low magnetic properties if those domains are not aligned in the same direction as they will cancel each other out. It will have stronger magnetic properties if more of those tiny magnets are better aligned with each other, which can happen under the influence of a strong magnetic field (and tends to get easier with temperature). Magnetic properties decline over time mostly due to random thermal motion misaligning them again.

So you can press, weld or otherwise magnets pointing in any direction and they will hold together so long as the joint is strong enough. Depending on the relative magnetic field intensities the stronger magnet may realign the weaker magnet to its own alignment over time.

>> No.10681747

Think of it as fans that blow air in one direction.

>> No.10681761
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>> No.10682324
File: 291 KB, 700x1245, 1395459879738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really want a WTF, break one magnet horizontally like that and see how the halves easily stick back together. Then break another magnet vertically so that you split each pole in half.

>> No.10682333


[eqn] \nabla \dot \vec{H} = 0 [/eqn]

>> No.10682334
File: 1.57 MB, 400x225, 1528533905416.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The South sides will rebel and the North sides will have to start a civil war to put them back together again.

>> No.10682336

[math] \nabla \cdot \vec{H} [/math]

>> No.10682339

I am the fucking retard, i hate phoneposting.
[math] \nabla \cdot \vec{H} = 0 [/math]

Learn about Maxwell's equations pal

>> No.10682341
File: 535 KB, 1756x1100, 1499806637146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? But you can get monopole magnets on Alibaba!

>> No.10683679

absolutely brainlet question but here goes:
how the hell is a decent magnetic force produced? Wouldnt, say on the “upper end” of that pic, the Ss on the second row deminish the effects of the first row of Ns, and the Ns on the third row deminish the effect of the second row of Ss, and so on throughout the length of the magnet?

>> No.10683739

is that legal?

>> No.10683741


>> No.10683837
File: 1.84 MB, 202x360, 1545676213835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10683877

Physically damaging a magnet can demagnetize them.

>> No.10684304

I wanna see that except with a glass lid on top

>> No.10685339

fuck off with your chaos diagrams
want to make people understand your pseudoscience?
make better figures

>> No.10685577
File: 14 KB, 309x400, magnets-fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10685600

but why do the spins align for only iron and some other elements doesn't all matter contain electrons so why isn't all matter magnetic?

>> No.10686427


>> No.10686509

All matter is magnetic in a sense, if you apply a magnetic field, the charges respond to it, of course. But materials like iron are have microscopic properties that make them easier to align, to the point of a strong magnetic field can turn the a lot of the spins in the same direction.

>> No.10686758

100$ this guy goes full John Nash in 5 years or 1000$ in 10 years. If that is you though I have to applaud you as I have never witnessed some shitpost this hard and so well, over the course of 7 years.

>> No.10687044

this doesn't explain anything